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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Oh by all means, discuss the issue. What im saying is that "I'm goona unsub and this game is gonna die in flames if this doesnt get fixed NOW!" "this game is completely broken and unplayable" are the gross exagerations that really arent helping anyone.


To the other guy, i got asked a question and i answered. It was that simple. You dont want to believe... i dont really care. Thats about it.

Edited by Nemmar
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Oh by all means, discuss the issue. What im saying is that "I'm goona unsub and this game is gonna die in flames if this doesnt get fixed NOW!" "this game is completely broken and unplayable" are the gross exagerations that really arent helping anyone.


to the other guy, i got asked a question and i answered. It was that simple. You dont want to believe... i dont really care. Thats about it.


I want a fun game to play where my skill and reaction time will set me apart from other people who play it.


Companies that make and design video games want my money.


If I didn't have any money, they wouldn't let me play. If the game isn't fun for me, I'm not going to give them any money. It's as simple as that.

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Oh by all means, discuss the issue. What im saying is that "I'm goona unsub and this game is gonna die in flames if this doesnt get fixed NOW!" "this game is completely broken and unplayable" are the gross exagerations that really arent helping anyone.


to the other guy, i got asked a question and i answered. It was that simple. You dont want to believe... i dont really care. Thats about it.


Thats what I was saying a few pages earlier. People seem to think that just because you don't lavish one side with unwavering agreement that you're somehow not on side or being a nit picker.


Yea... its an internet forum discussing an issue. You can't just post up some thread and declare it a fait-accomplis and just shrug off any and all criticism because 'you don't know what you're talking about' or 'why wouldn't you agree with my point?'. The major problem I have is not that this is a thread about concern, that the tone is generally one of entitlement and arrogance. Passion is one thing, but being a twit about something that you may in fact be right about is just obnoxious and wins nobody to your side.


To all the ones who are arguing on side with the OP: don't think that just cause we call BS on something you post doesn't mean we're invalidating your entire point.


Is delay an issue? Probably, I can't say cause it hasn't bothered me but it seems to be for a lot of people. Is it gonna send this game down in flames? That cannot be determined at this time and stating that it will because you believe your view is correct is not logical, its just obnoxious and facile.


Argue about your fears and concerns, don't be belligerent because you "know" you're right.

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I have posted before that I've experienced the delays, I've played wow, warhammer, rift, aion, among others and I would really like this issue to be fixed. I love the game, and while there are some bugs and issues like this one, I'm not a raging moron, and realize bioware is going to get the bugs worked out in due time, but I feel its still good to stay on top of the devs on these types of things.


Hey, someone has to keep the devs on their toes!

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Also adding my support for this thread. I think this can be BW's first true post-launch test. If they can respond to the community in a timely and meaningful manner it will bode well for the future success of this MMO. Even if we get a response that this fix will take 1-3 months it would be better than "we are working on it". Like many of you, I really want to see this MMO succeed, and part of that success will come from improving responsiveness.
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I want a fun game to play where my skill and reaction time will set me apart from other people who play it.


Companies that make and design video games want my money.


If I didn't have any money, they wouldn't let me play. If the game isn't fun for me, I'm not going to give them any money. It's as simple as that.


It sounds like you made your decision. See you on the other side.


Just... dont assume everyone else has the same opinions and goals as you.

Edited by Nemmar
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It sounds like you made your decision. See you on the other side.


Just... dont assume everyone else has the same opinions and goals as you.


Yeah i agree there are a lot of SM people that like to torture themsleves, that like to play broken game for the story, myself included, but there is only that much pain that u can stand, and after that u have to stop.

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Is delay an issue? Probably, I can't say cause it hasn't bothered me but it seems to be for a lot of people.


There are videos in the OP where skills are not firing because of this problem. Abilities not working is a serious problem, at least for a lot of MMO gamers. Ability lag is also a major problem for serious PvPers (and PvEers). As an analogy, imagine if you put a 0.5s delay on your car's brake pedal. I don't think it would be long before you hit a pedestrian or another car. Gamers need that same type of responsiveness to be competitive in hardcore raiding and PvP.

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I don't mind if the delay is "coded" into the game as various "animations" etc. That would be just a part of the game, like throwing a grenade and it takes time for it reach the target, nobody is complaining at that. That is how it should be.


Agree wholeheartedly. I kind of like that aspect of the combat. For example, the Sage ability Project registers damage when the object actually hits the opponent. It makes it more realistic, IMHO. They shouldn't change that aspect of the mechanics.

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Ability Delay became an issue for me, as a tank, the moment I had to interrupt a boss in order to beat the encounter. If I don't manage to interrupt the boss in time, the entire group might suffer for it. It concerns everyone, even if some people don't mind it.
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There are videos in the OP where skills are not firing because of this problem. Abilities not working is a serious problem, at least for a lot of MMO gamers. Ability lag is also a major problem for serious PvPers (and PvEers). As an analogy, imagine if you put a 0.5s delay on your car's brake pedal. I don't think it would be long before you hit a pedestrian or another car. Gamers need that same type of responsiveness to be competitive in hardcore raiding and PvP.


I understand the arguments, I've been reading, my point is that it doesn't affect me. I have no stake in this but I'm paying attention to see whats up.


Believe it or not, some people have read things and still find a reason to disagree with your side, now and then. Its mostly when they say things that aren't true but think its okay cause at heart they know their cause is right.

Edited by P-Funk
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I hope BioWare realizes the grandeur of this game flaw. I would love to play this game until GW2 comes out, and even past then, but with the combat the way it is I can't imagine grinding warzones and trying to be competitive in PvP in this game. Hope they fix it soon.
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I understand the arguments, I've been reading, my point is that it doesn't affect me. I have no stake in this but I'm paying attention to see whats up.


Believe it or not, some people have read things and still find a reason to disagree with your side, now and then. Its mostly when they say things that aren't true but think its okay cause at heart they know their cause is right.


Feel free to keep us honest. Nothing wrong with that. I disagree with some of the points made by people on "my side" as well. However, we all seem to agree on one thing, and that the ability lag is not good, and nearly gamebreaking in competitive settings. Hopefully BW can sift through the other stuff and work on what many of us see as a central problem in gameplay mechanics.

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I'd just like to point out that WoW played the same way it does today 8 years ago. Just look at PvP videos of that time period. Smooth, seamless gameplay. Maybe there were balance issues, but those are always present. At least the game was fun and not laggy. This is a single-player game.


Also, I don't know how anyone expects to be taken seriously when they pretend like they don't see the delay. I especially don't know how anyone can take you seriously if you actually don't see it.

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You are wrong. The entire guild I am in has mmo gamers of 5+ years. Most were top ranked in arenas, and they all have this problem. Most seriously are thinking of quitting. I can honestly say, most of you nay say bunch... well you are slow, and have terrible reaction times.
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Definitely not easy to fix. However, definitely the reason for WoW's success and failure of every other MMO with the exception of EvE Online as that is a whole different story.


Agreed not easy to fix, but I remember before RIft was released it too had the same problems with response time in casting. They were able to fix it. It still isn't as smooth as WOW's but it is light years ahead of SWTOR.


I too cringe playing my two casters, and about pull my hair out trying to heal other players, it makes it feel like its my fault they died because I couldn't get a cast off fast enough. They either need to fix this or give healers the ability to not be interrupted when healing...bad enough you get interrupted constantly and then on top of it waiting out your animations! They need to make this a priority or they will find people bailing on the game.

Edited by Seattlesciren
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You are wrong. The entire guild I am in has mmo gamers of 5+ years. Most were top ranked in arenas, and they all have this problem. Most seriously are thinking of quitting. I can honestly say, most of you nay say bunch... well you are slow, and have terrible reaction times.


That's not very nice :(

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This issue is gamebreaking for me. I love the concept of this game and I've been waiting for something to drag me away from WoW for years. However, I spend more time on the forums reading about this issue than I spend in game. I can play for about two hours before I get so flustered by the "disconnect" I feel regarding responsiveness before I log in dissapointment.


I appreciate the the OP and the efforts he/she has made trying to clarify this issue. I'll link it in the PvP forums where it is still being debated - where many simply deny its existance. It's pretty infuriating and is a bone of contention between "hardcare" pvp'rs and the "casuals"... although it shouldn't be.

Edited by Rasstavad
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I hope BioWare realizes the grandeur of this game flaw. I would love to play this game until GW2 comes out, and even past then, but with the combat the way it is I can't imagine grinding warzones and trying to be competitive in PvP in this game. Hope they fix it soon.


I don't believe some people really realize the grandeur, this is sad but understandable. If people would just really wrap their minds around "how" big this is. I'm not sure it can be spelled out to really drive home that effect.


1) This single topic is the #1 reason WoW has endured for this long as well as steadily grown until recently, even in the face of stiff market competition.


2) This single topic is the #1 reason people quit new MMOs and go back to WoW.



Perhaps a purist will say thats just an opinion, thats fine... I don't really care about that. I just wish one would realize the gravity of the two points above. Does any freaking developer not realize this? I mean if you can get your development in order to smooth this one thing out, you are sitting on the biggest cash cow since WoW basically.


Once again, purist and contrarian's will generally just say something along the lines of this not being a fact and merely opinion and such. Doesn't really matter... history does have its way of repeating, I just hope it doesn't in this case.



The best thing we can do with this thread is drive home just "how" important this issue really is to SW:TOR, WoW, MMO Development as a whole. The best accomplishment possible is the break in the chain of sub-par MMO Development and this generation of mediocre MMOs.


In the end though, no matter what any of us do... we'll all be playing Titan because Blizzard "is" that good. <-- FACT... (just to annoy)

Edited by Xcore
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I'd just like to point out that WoW played the same way it does today 8 years ago. Just look at PvP videos of that time period. Smooth, seamless gameplay. Maybe there were balance issues, but those are always present. At least the game was fun and not laggy. This is a single-player game.


Also, I don't know how anyone expects to be taken seriously when they pretend like they don't see the delay. I especially don't know how anyone can take you seriously if you actually don't see it.


Everything said in this above quote is basically true... low APM players really need to re-evaluate their positions. Even if you don't "notice" an issue, the resolution of this issue will increase your enjoyment (at the very least keep it the same).

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This issue is gamebreaking for me. I love the concept of this game and I've been waiting for something to drag me away from WoW for years. However, I spend more time on the forums reading about this issue than I spend in game. I can play for about two hours before I get so flustered by the "disconnect" I feel regarding responsiveness before I log in dissapointment.


I appreciate the the OP and the efforts he/she has made trying to clarify this issue. I'll link it in the PvP forums where it is still being debated - where many simply deny its existance. It's pretty infuriating and is a bone of contention between "hardcare" pvp'rs and the "casuals"... although it shouldn't be.


Most definitely "he"... thank you :)

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