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Who loves the repetitive side quests?


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Dont you just love how almost every side quest is the same? Kill x amount of these, bonus kill y amount of these, or go to Q and activate the P whilst having to kill enemies in order to get to the actual place as the guys are standing right in front of your objective.


I never listen to side quest dialogue, it has no impact on my character whatsoever apart from xp.


In order to progress in my class quest, I need to level up, and that means grinding side quests or doing warzone which is pretty unbalanced.


Flamesuit is on

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I don't mind them. I don't really feel obliged to do them, unlike WoW where for some weird reason I felt I had to do them... But in this game, maybe because of the way I'm playing, I'm just taking things in my stride without caring about optimizing my experience... It's much, much better this way :D
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Dont you just love how almost every side quest is the same? Kill x amount of these, bonus kill y amount of these, or go to Q and activate the P whilst having to kill enemies in order to get to the actual place as the guys are standing right in front of your objective.


I never listen to side quest dialogue, it has no impact on my character whatsoever apart from xp.


In order to progress in my class quest, I need to level up, and that means grinding side quests or doing warzone which is pretty unbalanced.


Flamesuit is on


It's a bit hard to customize hundreds of side quests while also making a good story quest.

But like someone said, how would you change them?

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Dont you just love how almost every side quest is the same? Kill x amount of these, bonus kill y amount of these, or go to Q and activate the P whilst having to kill enemies in order to get to the actual place as the guys are standing right in front of your objective.


I never listen to side quest dialogue, it has no impact on my character whatsoever apart from xp.


In order to progress in my class quest, I need to level up, and that means grinding side quests or doing warzone which is pretty unbalanced.


Flamesuit is on



Yes, I think WOW needs to offer more variety then killing x amount of boars, then I graduate to bears..


Oh wait, you were talking about SWTOR.


It's what all MMOs are like. It's like saying I hate killing opponents in First Person Shooters. It becomes repetitive and stale. They need to offer something else.


I play MMOs knowing fully well what they all have to offer. For the same reason I play FPS.

Edited by Fraxture
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Totally agree, Class quest I always listen to, story is epic and I love them quests.



The side quests however are poor imo, nothing you do in them changes or effects your class quest, and every class on a faction has to do all the same side quests, now I will never space bar the class quest voice overs, but upon levelling my alts which I am currently doing, I am space barring like crazy on all the side quests, who wants to listen to the same thing over again? I can remember it all pretty much in my head.



What they should have done was have way way more choices for levelling, there should be at least 2 planets for each level band IMO, and even then their should be more side quests so you don't have to do them all to level up.



So to all the people who say if you skip all the cut scenes you missing the point, I'm afraid your missing the point as side quest cut scenes are all the same for ever class of a faction, and most people will just skip them after they have listened to them once, same as any other mmo's text quests, once you know what to do you don't' need to read/listen to it all again.



I'm loving the game, but I think this is something the kind of need to address going forward.




Edit in response to people asking how they should be changed,



I think they need to do more to affect your own personal class quests, and possibly be inter planet connected, i.e. you get given a quest on planet x and have to do something on planet y & z before you can complete the quest on planet x.


Also they need more side quests so with each alt you don't have to level using the same side quests which gets old fast, and as I mentioned above, we need more planets for each level band so you don't need to keep going to the same places. like in another large mmo where you can go to 3/4 zones for each level bracket.


And depending on which planet you go to to level your class quest should have changed/adjusted accordingly.


All my opinion.

Edited by Vingy
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I'm sure the OP is so talented he has already emailed Bioware 10-20 scripts for original side quests ... you know .. since he knows so much.



I dont understand the people who say the skip the story in all the side quests. i am lvl 21, there was a mission about an imperial officers cheating wife who stole military documents... how is that not interesting? I think what people need to do is go check out real life, plently of interesting side quests there, with literally TONS of options, all changing the way the story plays out.

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I happen to like them. It is all part of my story. Sure, it's an MMO and some people feel the need to zoooooom to 50. I however, feel that the game is more RPG thus far than MMO. It is all my story. It feels like Mass effect, but with lightsabers. I love all of the quests.


If they got rid of them, there would just be a ton of empty space.

If they changed them to what you wouldn't hate on...what would you have them do?

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No problem here. I just think of it as bonus XP for getting my quest done. Oh, and yea, I track down and kill every sucker. If I had one suggestion to make, on those side quests where you need to kill the 'Boss' or 'Leader', they should re-spawn slightly quicker.
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Dont you just love how almost every side quest is the same? Kill x amount of these, bonus kill y amount of these, or go to Q and activate the P whilst having to kill enemies in order to get to the actual place as the guys are standing right in front of your objective.


I never listen to side quest dialogue, it has no impact on my character whatsoever apart from xp.


In order to progress in my class quest, I need to level up, and that means grinding side quests or doing warzone which is pretty unbalanced.


Flamesuit is on


Don't you love the repetitive PvP of every game where you keep killing other players in the same scenarios? Or the repetitive Raids/Operations were you keep beating the same mobs over and over?


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Don't you love the repetitive PvP of every game where you keep killing other players in the same scenarios? Or the repetitive Raids/Operations were you keep beating the same mobs over and over?



Oh, GOD yes! And then, when you get done PvP'ing... All you do is push buttons and watch a cartoon do things over and over again. What a draaaaaaaaaag!

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These quests are the same as in any game, MMORPG or not.


The difference? Singleplayer games often present them better, and Bioware has with SWTOR taken steps to try and reach that level of presentation. There is very little difference between questing in SWTOR and Dragon Age: Origins, you still kill your way through a cave to get to X.

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Yes, I think WOW needs to offer more variety then killing x amount of boars, then I graduate to bears..


You got it all wrong. In WoW you start off killing boars and then 80 levels later you are still killing boars, they are just bigger and angrier :D

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Dont you just love how almost every side quest is the same? Kill x amount of these, bonus kill y amount of these, or go to Q and activate the P whilst having to kill enemies in order to get to the actual place as the guys are standing right in front of your objective.


I never listen to side quest dialogue, it has no impact on my character whatsoever apart from xp.


In order to progress in my class quest, I need to level up, and that means grinding side quests or doing warzone which is pretty unbalanced.


Flamesuit is on


*shrug* your loss i guess, i've found that the sidequests have interesting stories and conversations to them. I might be doing the same things but it doesn't seem to get repetetive because i find that i want to do them just to be rewarded with the conclusion of the story.

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In the history of gaming, actually, in the history of the world, there are 5 types of quests:

  1. Kill quests
  2. Delivery quests
  3. Gather quests
  4. Escort quests
  5. Syntax quests

And then you have combinations of them.


That's it. It's not up for debate.


If you are that individual in all of the history of the world to find a different type that doesn't fall in those categories, I'd recommend you find investors and make your own game because you'll be rich beyond belief.

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One thing that has always bugged me about those complaining about how the quests/missions in MMOs are all the same "Kill 30 cuddlebunnies" or "find 15 Goat spleens" is that you never see any real suggestions on how to improve them.


Its a game based around combat. You will be fighting things. Most of your abilities are meant to help you or your party kill the other bugger before you die. Is it so strange then that most quests involve killing a certain number of enemies?


So far in SWTOR i've had a better and more enjoyable experience in killing random enemies than in other MMOs. The voice acting seems to give the side quests a bit more urgency/importance than standard quests in other games. While in the end they devolve into "Go kill X of Y and touch object Z," they are presented well enough that you actually notice why you are doing it.


I do wish some of your decisions made more of an impact on later quests though, aside from the random mail/crappy gifts you recieve later.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm finding myself agreeing with the OP. Especially as I found my Republic Smuggler today doing side quests on Corusant that I have already done with my Jedi Consular!


Why not have different quests for different classes, other than the main quest?


I feel a little out of my depth complaining as this is my only experience of an MMO and I don't know if this game is indicitive of the genre or not. I just get so bored of killing the same npcs over and over and over... Generally when I kill something in a game, I don't expect it to respawn a few minutes later!


I'd like to stick with it long enough to finish the Class Quests, but it's rather grinding at the moment.

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I never listen to side quest dialogue, it has no impact on my character whatsoever apart from xp.


In order to progress in my class quest, I need to level up, and that means grinding side quests or doing warzone which is pretty unbalanced.


You could extend this criticism to practially any RPG. Practicall all RPG quests can be deconstructed in this manner (kill stuff, fetch stuff, solve puzzle). If this is not what you enjoy and you also choose to skip the story, it is no wonder you are bored.


How about going out to restaurants, do you enjoy that? It's always the same: Find a table, order food, wait for food, eat food, wait to get the check, pay, leave. Rather repetitive no?

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