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Scoundrels/Operatives ridculously OP.


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ou clearly have read nothing posted to date. you're an idiot.


stealth is the closer to get to any target you want. after that you need no closer.. because they die in 3seconds.


as for your dot.. ram it somewhere.. as said before.. avoidance training plus vanish makes your dots inconsequential. you are the regular fodder i roll over.. and care little about. it is the good players.. playing the op class that causes the issue.

You're bad. All this time crusading on the forums could be spent getting better, at which point you wouldn't be such a baddie. ;)

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Okay... but how do you knock back someone you can't see?


And how much AOE is there that doesn't need either build up or a target?


Instinct... and a little luck...


For me, as a BH, I am thinking maybe pop a Probe when they inevitably stealth for their opener, then wait for it to wear off (since the stealther obviously won't approach while it's up).. then wait 2-3 seconds after it goes away and then pop a Jet Boost AOE, hoping they're close enough.


I don't think nerfing is the answer... I think developing and sharing anti-stealth tactics with each other and also increasing the effectiveness of Probe is the answer.


Also, the BH has several AOE's that don't require a locked on target, but I am not sure about other classes.

Edited by -Kraxis-
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What about the ones crying about getting wrecked by a 50 in full PvP gear before they are 50 or have gear themselves? Are those the good players?


No i agree with you bigtime.

Just talking about those who only play these classes to have an edge.

If they played the other classes they would just be average in damage etc

like the rest of them.


If a MMO like TOR actually had balance you would not have these issues.

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No offense, but i just looked at the pvp threads to see which nerf was being called for next. As someone who doesnt regularly pvp and am part of the silent masses i would like to ask people not to be so ragingly visciouse, as long as the charecters is nicely balanced for the actual game who cares??? I dont buy a game just for pvp but to enjoy the whole thing. So please less of the nerf calls


im goin to get my but chewed for this i know lol :rolleyes:


I will not chew into you. My issue is just that Scoundrel is my class. It is my only class and I will fight against any nonsense BS person who wants my class nerfed into the ground. Simple as that.

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yeah.. after that 8k dmg... they serverly drop off to 2-4k dmg per attack. about what i do on average from the start. I feel bad for them.. and that huge drop off.. why can't they just do 8k hits on ALL attacks.. it needs to be BURST the entire way yes? idiot


Your defo not english...


Firstly, ive got no problem with opratives, im a healer BH so i am tanking there damage while i heal, there is never anything more than 2k...

Secondly, Opratives drop like a sack of *****...

Thirdly, Sustainable heavy damage vs Burst = Loss to the burst player. Its always been that way, when playing against people on an even playing feild.


Its funny to think that something so small as a little bit of burst can create so much fuss... dont get me wrong. 8k crits, thats large... but when your going to be having gear that outs you in the 19k - 20k HP zones.. it wont seem nearly as much and will even out.


Making posts about the situation isnt going to help..

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Your defo not english...


Firstly, ive got no problem with opratives, im a healer BH so i am tanking there damage while i heal, there is never anything more than 2k...

Secondly, Opratives drop like a sack of *****...

Thirdly, Sustainable heavy damage vs Burst = Loss to the burst player. Its always been that way, when playing against people on an even playing feild.


Its funny to think that something so small as a little bit of burst can create so much fuss... dont get me wrong. 8k crits, thats large... but when your going to be having gear that outs you in the 19k - 20k HP zones.. it wont seem nearly as much and will even out.


Making posts about the situation isnt going to help..



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So tell us about you.


Class, level, spec, gear? Fill us in. Help us understand.


I'm guessing Jedi Defender; hybrid spec with talent points in areas that don't effect health or abilities, and randomly thrown about.

Edited by RangKer
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can't wait to join you!



assassin. level 50. valor 45


upheavel spec. can get near 3k on an upheavel.. after it travels for four seconds to reach target. I can burst with project and force breach if i fight for 20 seconds to build up a decent exit strategy... and then pray for a 45% double project rock with crit and then breach...


i have a spinning kick opener.. last 2 seconds.. does 500 dmg. I never use it.. because it is garbage.


i have a back stab shadow strike.. does 2-3k with a proc up (find weakness) and I can throw 3 in a row with blackout up or out of stealth... and with an opponent not rubber banded... and a complete moron with no situational awareness.


i wear light armor.. much more sturdy than the poor medium armor scoundrels/ops get.


I have the joy of breaking off from a fight when low health... vanishing to a corner... waiting 20 seconds to drop combat.. and then meditating for 15 more to heal up.


I am biochem for the top health / stim/ and adrenal pots.


I have no problems with the vast majority of players... killing just about all classes...and I cry not for any nerfs to any class.


I die in the opening 3 second knockdown of great ops/scoundrels on my server after taking them to 50% health when i opened on them... (vanish, circle around, 6.3k opener..3k stab...3kstab... dead).


i look forward to re-rolling soon!

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assassin. level 50. valor 45


upheavel spec. can get near 3k on an upheavel.. after it travels for four seconds to reach target. I can burst with project and force breach if i fight for 20 seconds to build up a decent exit strategy... and then pray for a 45% double project rock with crit and then breach...


i have a spinning kick opener.. last 2 seconds.. does 500 dmg. I never use it.. because it is garbage.


i have a back stab shadow strike.. does 2-3k with a proc up (find weakness) and I can throw 3 in a row with blackout up or out of stealth... and with an opponent not rubber banded... and a complete moron with no situational awareness.


i wear light armor.. much more sturdy than the poor medium armor scoundrels/ops get.


I have the joy of breaking off from a fight when low health... vanishing to a corner... waiting 20 seconds to drop combat.. and then meditating for 15 more to heal up.


I am biochem for the top health / stim/ and adrenal pots.


I have no problems with the vast majority of players... killing just about all classes...and I cry not for any nerfs to any class.


I die in the opening 3 second knockdown of great ops/scoundrels on my server after taking them to 50% health when i opened on them... (vanish, circle around, Max crit 2.5k opener..Max crit 2.5k stab...max crit 2.5kstab... stand around like a deer in headlights until dead).


i look forward to re-rolling soon!


Fixed it for you. Still not watched the video? Spewing false statements is not a good way to win friends.

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If you dont dot or hit him, OF COURSE he will go back into stealth.



Avoidance Training


Evasion also removes all hostile removable effects when used.


Cloaking Screen




Overloads your stealth generator, immediately exiting combat and entering stealth mode. For 10 seconds, you become virtually undetectable, but all healing done and received is decreased by 100%.

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Nerf Operatives so I can backpedal to victory!


Best post in this thread. If you and your buddy are getting CC'd together by 1 scoundrel youre just bad. Any good sc/op will just run thru you 1 at a time so try spreading out a bit, k?


From what I've seen, sc/op's are the quickest to level be it for whatever reason, and those huge crits are normally on undergeared/leveled players.


Ill trade a weak opener for Cheap Shot and Headshot being usable in PvP.

Edited by Alwaysthirsty
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So much babble in this thread, i don't know what people expect ops to do if they didn't have this kind of burst. They need to excel at something, and even now they are faaaaar from unbeatable in 1v1 situations.


Imagaine they done less damage, what would be the point in picking them really, please explain.

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you clearly are not reading the thread... amored hard hitting BH's and tanks have responded.. they still die or are almost dead after initial burst. what good does armor do if you can pre-load while in stealth 50% armor pen?


Missile seekers should go uncontested and lightning storm teams should just walk all over everyone. No, the scoundrel puts a stop to this one bad Inquisitor at a time.

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assassin. level 50. valor 45


Sigh. Assassins are awesome. Yet here you are on a crusade to spread the word about how completely OP Operatives are. Spend less time on this forum, and more time on the Assassin /Shadow forums learning from the good Assassin/Shadows imo. Seriously. There are those out there that can beat Operatives.


And I've fought a few Shadows that made me want to look at my non-existent combat log. Big red numbers flashing up in my face really fast... ZOMG OP!

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Learning how Ops work makes them easy to counter. Hidden Strike knockdown gives a full resolve bar - ie it's the only thing you should be trinketing...then use the plethora of cc abilities that BW gives each class to shut them down and break up their burst.


Part of the reason they're so bursty too is because acid blade gives them 50% armor ignore for 6 seconds off a backstab or hidden strike....soooo...trinket the hidden strike and cc/circle strafe/kite them to avoid/delay the backstab so their other abilities don't hit as hard, use a dot on them to prevent a vanish, etc.


And if you don't have your trinket or cc up, just remember that if a burst/assassin class catches you without your cooldowns, and they use their cooldowns - they should be winning the fight (assuming else equal). If not, what else are they good for?


So many of the "this is OP threads" would be avoided by a little bit of research.


My only gripe with the game is that I don't think sprint or leap/charge should work while carrying the huttball, especially when it's possible to pass the ball - but c'est la vie.

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Learning how Ops work makes them easy to counter. Hidden Strike knockdown gives a full resolve bar - ie it's the only thing you should be trinketing...then use the plethora of cc abilities that BW gives each class to shut them down and break up their burst.


Part of the reason they're so bursty too is because acid blade gives them 50% armor ignore for 6 seconds off a backstab or hidden strike....soooo...trinket the hidden strike and cc/circle strafe/kite them to avoid/delay the backstab so their other abilities don't hit as hard, use a dot on them to prevent a vanish, etc.


And if you don't have your trinket or cc up, just remember that if a burst/assassin class catches you without your cooldowns, and they use their cooldowns - they should be winning the fight (assuming else equal). If not, what else are they good for?


So many of the "this is OP threads" would be avoided by a little bit of research.


My only gripe with the game is that I don't think sprint or leap/charge should work while carrying the huttball, especially when it's possible to pass the ball - but c'est la vie.



Can you tell us how to circle strafe after they snare you when the KD is up? You know, the snare that has a 2 second root on top of and keeps you in place..

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Can you tell us how to circle strafe after they snare you when the KD is up? You know, the snare that has a 2 second root on top of and keeps you in place..


First of all Hidden Strike KD gives a full resolve bar. I said that in my previous post too.


Second, even if you're snared there are ways to keep from showing your back to an OP.


Third, if you can get out of the KD, and can't manage to land some of your own cc on them to break up their burst, then it either means that your CDs weren't up, or you need to practice more. Even single archtype gets a wide variety of cc effects, most of which are instant cast.


For example, if they pop on my sniper - I trinket KD, flash bang the op and dart him (they love to break flash bang with their trinket, so I kite until they reach me, then debilitate, keep kiting (stopping only to Cull), if they reach me again, cover+cover pulse.


I mean we can theorycraft scenarios all day on paper - but all I'm saying is that everyone has tools to deal with everyone else. Granted some of the fights may be uphill, but others are the reverse. Instead of complaining about it, which might in some way pay off down the road via a nerf (don't hold your breath that your forum post will trigger a nerf from the devs) you could instead try to brainstorm ways to deal with what's giving you trouble (this also has the benefit of paying off immediately).

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