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I would like to do the Light v Dark event they did - is it ever coming back?


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Well unfortunately that's how the Rakghoul and Gree events work already.

IMO every single event should have an option to get the items by grouping, soloing, or pvping, so that people can do whatever they want to earn them.


No, there are no rewards stuck behind pvp( in the gree or rak) , there are extra missions (Gree) , but nothing (rewards) you can't get from PvE. There are however PvP achievements, not sure if you are getting the two mixed up. The other person was talking about rewards, as in you had to do pvp to move up the reward chain. To get the max reward, you had to do everything

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to avoid the same SNAFUBAR they created last time, this is exactly what they would have to do.

Somehow I managed to complete everything. A lot of people I played with quit because they didn't want to repeat the same content and there was nothing new. Then, they took away the achievements. They gave them back, only to have them disappear again.


No, please don't bring back this slog.

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Yeah, I'm one of those who want to get stuff from DvL because I didn't even played in that time.

As people said bringing back just DvL is pointless etc.


So new version of DvL or maybe new kind of Reputation faction, that you have to to very specific tasks repetabale or maybe even specific taska for each rep level (Outsider, Newcomer...) that would be not easy or something.


There were few community ideas how to do DvL again or how to return DvL rewards now, I hope BW will listen one way or another.

BW said they will truly think about it after 10th anniversary/in next year. So we have to wait.

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Please no DvL event (a glorified 'go replay the whole game because we don't have anything new for you' event) - just bring back ways to obtain the items through game-play and add them to collections. Edited by DawnAskham
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Player TLDR: if you do not like the idea of a DvL revival - ok, your opinion. You don't have to participate in it either.

Dev TLDR: Don't frell it up like you did the last one



common thread that some people here keep missing: MMO's are not 'one and done' enterprises, else there would be no need for a subscription, just pay for expansions packs or DLC's and "that's all folks!". MMO's are repetitive, especially with a game that was as alt friendly as SWTOR. Meanwhile, the other side of the equation seems to be forgetting that the sole premise of their corporate existence is to entertain us, not the other way around, and annoying us with more SNAFUBAR's is just asking for trouble.


With 6.2.1's assassination of CQ for craters and harvesters, a DvL revival is one aspect of the game i might enjoy for its own merits, so long as they:

  1. made allowances for the issues they created from merges without requiring the deletion of any existing characters
  2. made all new achievements instead of frelling up the existing ones (again)


Additionally, what I would like to see is the tier rewards like the Pioneer's XP set (esp since they frelled it up with moving set bonuses back to the shell instead of leaving it on the armoring), unlockable in collections - BUT, instead of making it CC's to unlock, make it the next tier reward after getting the full set.

Maybe also add tier rewards to unlock obtained rare drops in collections for that legacy

(ie: HM/NiM ops mounts, WB pets, crystals, etc)



Though, tbph, I'm not holding my breath for another DvL, let alone any accommodations for... well, anything.


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Good lord i hope not..... the rewards were not worth the work


it was devestating when they cleared the hard earned achievements.


I refuse to participate if they bring this back.




it's not for everyone, but, maybe a modified streamlined version or a complete rethink of the event.. but definitely bring back the rewards in some form


example, work up 100 dark side tokens on 8 character, and 100 light on 8

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I would suspect something along the line of DvL that happened the summer of 2016 which fell on the 5 year anniversary. Chance of them doing it again for the 10 year and adding to it. Chances I would say are 50/50. Them coming up with something completely new I would say 0 to 5% chance of happening. They are more famous for having us rehash old content with "New" features vs something completely 100% new.
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DVL was a painful, forced pvp, forced grouping nightmare. On top of that the event was unimaginative given it was just doing old content over again.


The only reason to do it was the rewards.


Never want to see this event again. Find a better way to put the rewards in.

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Additionally, what I would like to see is the tier rewards like the Pioneer's XP set (esp since they frelled it up with moving set bonuses back to the shell instead of leaving it on the armoring)

Um. The Pioneer's XP set, as it was awarded during the event, had the set bonus *on*the*shell* because it didn't have a separate armoring that you could take out (just mod and enhancement, or mod only for belt and wrist). When 5.0 actually dropped, they changed it to a higher rating and changed the armoring to be removable.

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When it comes to stuff like DvsL objectives, I think the divide causing the biggest D: -emoticons has to do with dififculty, not multiplayer vs singleplayer. I just carefully measured this stuff and according to my very precise scientific method, "Finish any story mode Operation together with 7 other people" would amount to QQQQQ's worth of internet forum tears. Meanwhile, " complete KOTET chapter 2 on Master mode without anyone there to help you" would amount to QQQQQQQQQQQQQQs worth of internet forum tears.


^^^ Exactly this. This precise math is very compelling. :D


I don't usually get worked up about the "bring all rewards back always and forever!" petitions because, man, these rewards are just pixels, dude, it's all chill. I don't even get worked up about bringing back "subscriber rewards" that required you to be subbed on X-date; I get the "it's breaking promises" argument, I do, but ultimately my feeling is: if it cost money before, let it cost the same amount of money now, and then I don't care if they bring it back. But the CE and the DvL event are my two exceptions.


If it cost effort before, it should also cost the same amount of effort if they bring it back. The original DvL event was an incredible amount of effort to reach the top tier. As someone who actually organized their guild through all of those activities, I remember vividly firsthand how much work it was.


I am completely in support of them bringing all the DvL rewards back - as long as it requires meeting the same effort threshold as the first time.


Those DvL rewards were explicitly designed to require you to meet and clear difficult gameplay benchmarks. They were not rewards for $$, they were rewards for your achievement. Arguing that the same rewards should be given out without having to meet those benchmarks is like saying that we should be entitled to have any in-game achievement pop even if we didn't meet the achievement requirements just because we want them. No, you don't get the achievements for completing the Dread Fortress operation on Master mode or the Wings of the Architect mount just because you want it, you actually have to complete Dread Fortress (or pay someone to carry you, I know) and win the mount drop.


And as the quote from the other poster indicated, the impression I often get from many requests to make rewards achievable "totally soloable" is that it's a difficulty barrier as much as (or entirely) it is a multiplayer one. I actually completely understand wanting to play only solo; I am at the point in my own gameplay where solo play is the only kind of play I'm usually interested in. But would people who are asking for the DvL rewards to be made earnable through purely solo play be all right with it if that solo play requirement was "Complete every KOTFE and KOTET chapter on Master playing solo" and "Get all the solo Eternal Championship achievements" and "Get all the Star Fortress solo Heroic achievements"? If they can honestly say yes, that they'd be okay with those requirements, then you know what, I'm all for it. But if the response is "No, I want solo requirements that can be achieved by only casual play" then my feeling is that it's definitely a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too.


The original DvL was explicitly designed to be difficult to achieve at the highest reward levels. The highest tiers were explicitly not rewards for "casual play" (just look down at what Legendary Tier required on this old Dulfy checklist, that included meeting all the tiers before it: http://dulfy.net/2016/06/28/swtor-dark-vs-light-event-checklist/ I mean good grief looking back at this now I can't believe I actually slogged through every single one of these requirements, but I did). At the time, that meant difficult group content too. And let's remember, the point was to push people into playing parts of he game they'd never usually see so that the existing assets could provide "new" material to players during a content drought.


If a new DvL offers the same rewards but with a soloable option, then there should be a comparable difficulty threshold to clear. Add a bunch of Master-difficulty solo achievements as requirements for rewards (KOTFE chapters, Eternal Championship, Star Fortress, etc.), and a bunch of Master-difficulty group and PVP achievements, and let people choose which path they want, by all means. But effort and the required benchmarks to achieve should be commensurate.


For pity's sake we had to complete Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi on Master mode back then, how many people quit a group finder queue even now when Blood Hunt comes up? I don't know, honestly, but I imagine it's still a lot.


Just please... also add NEW rewards if you bring it back. Those of us who went through the whole slog to get the top tier during the first DvL need a reason to give a **** about the next DvL. New shinies too, please!

Edited by JediBoadicea
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Even for those nowhere near the 100 character server limit, asking people to spend money to get CC's to get 8 more server character slots, in this economy, that would just be rude. Step one would be to have a special DvL 8-pack of server character slots that was limited to one per account, same cost (600 CC's) as the normal one, and had the ability to add the slots in addition to whatever the excess that account may already be in for active characters on that server.


For people like me that are 38 or so over the limit from the server merge, I would need to purchase 39 slots JUST to get me back up to the limit where I could make ONE character.

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For people like me that are 38 or so over the limit from the server merge, I would need to purchase 39 slots JUST to get me back up to the limit where I could make ONE character.

nope. this conceptual DvL token would just add +8 immediately usable character slots.


eg: existing characters/character slots + token = x/x

36/40 + token = 36/48

100/100 + token = 100/108

136/100 + token = 136/144


Restriction: One time use per account/server combination

(so you could use 1 token on each server if that was your desire)


Point being that any such event or system that requires you to delete characters to participate (esp with a game that is this far along and has been merged so many times) just to satisfy some arbitrary 5 year old number that no longer has any current relevant value, and runs contrary to the spirit of the event, would just be poor planning and management.


note: The fact that they still have not properly accounted for all paid server character slots unlocks post merge(s) is just plain laziness on their parts.




OK, and? Try quoting the whole line so it keeps its context, namely "make Pioneer's unlockable in collections". I know how it was released, I was there. I used to still have the t-shirt for it too, but the ewoks cut it up to make covid masks. I also know that the change to give it an actual armoring was long requested and much loved once it happened.

Some people, myself included, had (have) entire legacy sets just for leveling where all we had to do was shift the armoring w/xp set bonus and we were gtg for another ~10 levels. Then amps happened, and they frelled it up all over again, making all those loverly alliance sets completely and utterly useless for anything but Space Barbie.


Oh, and now, we don't even have the scaling armorings any more. Mine magically disappeared one day, and when I put in a ticket to find them, they just gave me another Pioneer's set, sans armorings, but at least it had amp slots! #smh


When I tried to put in another ticket just to ask why the scaling armorings were removed, they just gave me yet another Pioneer's set (also sans armorings). I mean, I could have kept going... but the hope of receiving an actual response in words of natural and flowing non-canned goods section english was very low.


A simple "i have no freling clue why this is this way, and neither does anyone else here" would have sufficed.


Once again missing the community Q&A's with actual answers... that made sense.


So, again, making this set be in collections so I could pull out say 5 more, tweak them to my desired insert /amp levels, we'd be as comparable to where were used to be at with minimal fuss. It would also remove any reason to contact CS when you loose a piece - just grab another copy from collections and be on your merry.

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the free cartel stuff was bind to char, plus you couldn't use it to unlock anything in collections, or at least the armour bits you couldn't. So I doubt it'll affect their CM sales.



I could add all the CM armor sets to my collections btw. For the sets that I got completely from the reward boxes they unlocked for me just fine in collections. There was some issues where I got some pieces of the set from the reward boxes and where I bought the missing pieces from gtn, but I contacted CS and they fixed it for me.


Generally there seems to be a lot of complaining that ppl only wanna do the content they prefer to play and just wanna get the rewards without putting out any extra effort. Think the idea back then was to of corse get ppl to play more or get some ppl to return to the game, but also get ppl to try out content they wouldn't usually play like mm fp or gsf.


The way the event was set up it was really easy to get first couple of tiers of rewards but for the higher tiers you had to do more stuff and content that was a little more difficult. If they ever bring it back they should keep it like that in my opinion. They probably have to change the requirements for the individual tiers though.


For those solo players out there, I know ppl who just play swtor for gsf or for progression raiding or who are mostly just interested in pvp. Some of them have very little interest in playing through all the class stories. So if they wanted to get all of the rewards they would have to force themself to actually play through that content.


Can't say I personally get ppl who don't wanna group up at all. You can always make group of like minded players who wanna work through stuff together.

Even in most random pug groups I mostly have neutral or positive experiences. Guess I'm really lucky so I don't really meet those super toxic ppl.

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but I contacted CS and they fixed it for me.




Really? Darn.... wish I'd have known that before...lol




Can't say I personally get ppl who don't wanna group up at all. You can always make group of like minded players who wanna work through stuff together.

Even in most random pug groups I mostly have neutral or positive experiences. Guess I'm really lucky so I don't really meet those super toxic ppl.



There are several reason why people just don't group, toxicity is just one. By making an event where you have to group in order to get a certain reward, you are basically forcing them to doing content they don't or can't do. You are basically ostracizing them from part of the rewards.

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There are several reason why people just don't group, toxicity is just one. By making an event where you have to group in order to get a certain reward, you are basically forcing them to doing content they don't or can't do. You are basically ostracizing them from part of the rewards.

That's just silly. Let's rephrase that:

"By making an event that requires Swoop Racing, you are basically forcing people into doing content they don't or can't do."

Or substitute "Swoop Racing" with any event you don't want to participate in.


I don't like the Swoop Racing event and I don't participate in it, but I don't think I'm being "ostracized". 🙂



Personally, I'd love to see a return of the Dark vs Light event. They could satisfy the altoholics who are over their character limit, by offering 2 'event only' character slots.

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That's just silly. Let's rephrase that:

"By making an event that requires Swoop Racing, you are basically forcing people into doing content they don't or can't do."

Or substitute "Swoop Racing" with any event you don't want to participate in.


I don't like the Swoop Racing event and I don't participate in it, but I don't think I'm being "ostracized". 🙂





Except you don't HAVE to group to do it. To get the final reward tier of DvL you HAVE to group to do it. Which was my point, if you don't or can't group, you are being denied that reward.

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Except you don't HAVE to group to do it. To get the final reward tier of DvL you HAVE to group to do it. Which was my point, if you don't or can't group, you are being denied that reward.

Yeah, and there's several mounts I'm being denied by not doing the Swoop Rally.

There's also many rewards you are being "denied" by not grouping for OPs.


P.S. In the first DvL event there were several rewards I didn't get because I didn't want to bother to do the final tier. 😥

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