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(UPDATED) Game Update 6.2.1 - Known Issues


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Thank you for putting this up as quickly as you did; I'm sure this entire thing has been rough on you all as well.


Here's a list of some of the more serious and spec/class/game breaking issues that have either already been reported or I'm just reiterating for visibility's sake. (Some Republic names may be incorrect)


1. Kolto Shells grant 6 charges instead of 7; this is compensated with by double applications but it messes up heat management.

2. Ward of the Continuum tactical doesn't grant additional Dark Ward/Kinetic Ward charges.

3. Audacity utility doesn't grant an additional Recklessness/Force Potency charge in all three assassin and shadow specs.

4. Berserk/Zen doesn't grant an additional Ferocity charge in the Carnage/Combat spec.

5. Carnage Marauders/Combat Sentinels are allegedly losing Hyper stacks when taking damage.

6. AP Powertechs/Tactics Vanguards still suffer from the Phantom Energy Lode bug.

7. Engineering Snipers/Sabo Gunslingers are not having their additional explosive charges applied to their targets.

8. The sorcerer/sage healer tactical One For All does not bounce Roaming/Wandering Mend to its 5th target as intended.

9. In Nightmare/MM Dxun, on Apex Vanguard, in the case you stay at a distance of below 30 meters from the droid adds that spawn, they do not appear to pull in the case that the Stim Serum is active. However, if you increase your distance to more than 30 meters, the target is instantly pulled, even with active Stim Serum.

10. Reports of launcher issues as well, though to what detail, I don't know.

11. The Phase menu when right-clicking on yourself is very messy and unintuitive, leading to a lot more confusion than prior patches. Would recommend perhaps moving the Phase options back to its own dropdown menu rather than leaving it in the Additional Commands dropdown.

12. As everyone has stated, the amplifiers menu not being closeable is very distracting and messy.


I'll continue to update this post the more I see and hear. Thank you once again for being on top of this and I'm pretty sure everyone is looking forward to the fixes.


EDIT: Added One For All known issue.

Edited by rayneneverwind
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In addition to the spec breaking issues that have already been discussed, the Furious Mainhand Blaster has been added to the S5 Gladiatorial Weapon Box. Everything else in there is Gladiatorial weapons though. Is it possible for you folks to deploy a hotfix for these issues soon? It seems like more things broke in this patch than were fixed.
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[*]Known issues from 6.2:

  • The tracker for some equipment sets of the Spoils of War Achievement is not correctly working. It may show a random number like: 47/1.
    • Workaround: If you have the set, mail it to another character. It will fill the setlist and unlock the Achievement.


Can you please correct that to:

  • Workaround: If you have the set, mail it to an imperial character level 75, listed in the tooltipp. It will fill the setlist and unlock the Achievement.


to clarify it:

i used to have the sets i play with, in my legency storage. all the other sets were sent to a different toon, to have them all on one character, if there is a major change. so i sent them to this character and it didn't worked.

because this is just a storage character, it is just a level 4 character. so i sent the set i wanted to complete, to another character, with level 75 with a bit free space. it didn't worked, again.

then i go on and sent it to the class mentioned in the tooltip: marauder/sentinel. once got them on my sentinel, it didn't worked again. so a bit frustrated, i sent it to my marauder and hey... it worked.

tried out it with more classes. some sets worked on both fractions, but some just on imperial characters. tested it with marauder, assassin, jugg, operative sets.

Edited by fabsus
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From the notes: Rakghoul Vendor Jeelvic will now correctly trade for Rakghoul DNA Canisters.


While the above was fixed, they did not implement a way to correct the previously broken system involving the DNA Token. There remains no way to barter the DNA Token (which was previously the barter item corrected in the above fix) leaving that item hanging out in banks.


They need to implement a way to convert the DNA Token into a DNA Canister as stated on the DNA Token... "Can be moved across your legacy and traded for a Rakghoul DNA Canister at the THORN Reputation Vendor."

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Inferno Uprising Excavator droid boss is now impossible to beat on Master difficulty. Ranged DPS are immediately targeted by red circle missiles that relentlessly spawn on them. On my sage I could not out run these circles even using force speed. They spawned faster than I could move out of them and I died within the first 30 seconds of the fight every pull. I didn't even have time to try and kill the boss.
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There are more pressing matters than this cosmetic bug that exists since the release of the weapon.:p


But yeah, it is an annoying bug :D

True, but this is a CM item that we paid for, so it should get a higher priority to get fixed, but for some reason the devs seems to disagree.

Edited by Otowi
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I just wanted to note that since game update 6.0 the tooltip countdown, say for Heroic Moment, does not actively count down when hovering over the icon, it would say something like "Cooldown - 27s and stick there while hovered instead of how it used to actively show a countdown in progress of "27, 26, 25, " while hovering over the icon


This happens on all tooltips

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Belts/Waists texture issues: Players who play via Steam and encounter texture issues with belts and waist need to check their file integrity (repair).


Seems that this issue also affects the texture of helmets:




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Spirit of Vengeance MM, Troya Ajak appears to be broken. I'm pretty sure her Songbird Salvo is not supposed to be doing 219k - 250k damage to each person in under 2 seconds, regardless of line of sight. And no, that's ONE person's effect, not any overlapping circles.
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Any eta on when we are going to get a fix for the broken utilities and problems with stacks? As a main Infil shadow dps this has a direct impact on the viability of the class in some of the end game content, with 10% decrease in output in the burst window for a full minute. And I’m sure it’s just as painful for all the other specs that have been affected in similar ways with their classes. Hopefully fixing this is a big priority right now, be good to know we are going to have something on this sooner rather than later.
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Any eta on when we are going to get a fix for the broken utilities and problems with stacks? As a main Infil shadow dps this has a direct impact on the viability of the class in some of the end game content, with 10% decrease in output in the burst window for a full minute. And I’m sure it’s just as painful for all the other specs that have been affected in similar ways with their classes. Hopefully fixing this is a big priority right now, be good to know we are going to have something on this sooner rather than later.


This. I LOVE Infiltration/Deception specs, and it depends heavily on this extra stack for our dps. I'd prefer not to get kicked from higher-end content because I can no longer generate the needed dps to complete it successfully. The kolto shell bug is driving my healer guildies nuts, and our Shadow/Sin tanks are having a harder time just staying alive. All in all, it made trying to do vet mode Ops this past week very painful rather than fun.

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In Spirit of Vengeance: Solo story mode. Dying in the sharpshooter room (that has the traps) sends you back to the first ship with no way of getting back to the correct ship you died on. Edited by OdanBaruq
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