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Conquest Crafting Changes


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Hi all,


I wanted to discuss some changes we’re bringing to some crafting objectives in Conquests. The full list is below, but I wanted to share some thoughts as to why, and our goals here.


We aim to create engaging, healthy competition and play. One of our goals for how crafting interfaced with Conquests was to allow crafters to contribute in a meaningful way. We took the approach of allowing many of these objectives to be open-ended (aka infinitely repeatable) since they would still be constrained by the resources necessary to craft.


However, we have seen this in practice turn into unhealthy, and often times problematic, play. Many activities around crafting (gathering, missions, the actual crafts) are very repetitive, and could be automated in ways that violate our Terms of Service.


While we think about how crafting and the crafting economy can fit into the greater game in more meaningful ways in the long term, we are making the following changes to promote a more healthy playing environment:


  • New Objective called ‘Crafting: Inventor’ will be added
    • This will be a Weekly and require twice the number of crafts (100)
    • Base Points = 6,400
    • Upon completion opens up to ‘Crafting: Inventor 2’ Daily Objective

    [*]The former ‘Crafting: Inventor’ Objective will change from an Infinite Repeat to a Daily Repeat

    • Will change names to ‘Crafting: Inventor 2’
    • Base Points = 1,100 (up from 750)

    [*]‘Crew Skills: Harvesting’ will change from an Infinite Repeat to a Daily Repeat

    • Base points = 1,100 (up from 750)

    [*]‘Crafting: War Supplies’ will change from an Infinite Repeat to a Daily Repeat

    • Base Points = 2,000 (up from 1,100)

    [*]‘Crafting: Dark Project Eternal’ will be removed from Conquest as there is already a Daily version

    [*]‘Crafting: Aid the War Effort’ will change from an Infinite Repeat to a Daily Repeat

    • Base Points = 3,350 (up from 750)


In addition, we want a bit more equity between professions. Going forward, a ‘craft’ for the purposes of conquest objectives will equal one ‘craft’. Previously a ‘craft’ would count each item in a stack of items crafted, shortcutting our intent for the system.


For example - if a Biochem crafter produces a single craft that consists of a stack of 3 stims:

  • Previous: Conquest objective credits that as 3 crafts
  • New: Conquest objective credits that as 1 craft


All of these updates will arrive in Game Update 6.2.1, currently targeting February. I also wanted to share that we are mindful of making large Conquest changes, after doing so a couple of times last year. We are happy in general with where Conquests stand at the moment, but as a live service will continue to make tweaks as needed (such as these) to promote our goals of engaging, healthy competition and play.


If you would like to read updates on general Guild Conquest changes, please see David’s post here.




Edited by JackieKo
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Very disappointed with this.


While I am sure this will address the botting that a minority of guilds apparently use, it also just killed crafting conquest for all of the legitimate players.


There were much better ways that this could have been handled.

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so, more conquest breaking to appease the lazy whinging masses, what a load of poodoo


Just another example of extreme reactions due to a lack of sound short or long term strategies


Yep , same as before.

My sub runs out in a couple of days, and I wont sub again for sure.

Actually, no crafter need to sub anymore since you needed to be a sub to use all 8 companions. Now we can use our money for other games where we can still craft and enjoy that part of the game.


One good thing perhaps is we MIGHT be rid of these whiners for a short while at least. I doubt they will be satisfied for long if they can still not beat the #1 guild. Soon they will shout about something else.

No thanks.

Enjoy the game with the kiddies in the mudpool.

Edited by Tionese
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I strongly disagree with this change. Such a small, daily repeatable makes crafting almost completely pointless for conquest. It takes countless hours of gathering mats and a huge investment of credits to level up companions and crew skills. This makes all of that time and effort a complete waste. This completely ruins crafting as a viable means of fair, competitive gameplay in terms of conquest. Very disappointed with this.


I don't think invalidating a crafter's hard work by completely stripping them of their power to contribute is the way to go. Very upset with this.

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I'm not a crafter but it's disappointing to see a reaction. Even if there is evidence of botting in the game this still seems like pandering to the spam whining threads, which is ironic as they were posted by members of some of the guilds that are among the worst influence on the game. Edited by Fluffometer
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i am saddened that you, the Devs have given ground - no, conceeded! to those loud ninja ginvite abusers shouting in their anger after the grace period was announced. grace period changes were deserved and needed, this however isnt. I dont get why is the Crew Skills: Harvesting nerfed though? thats something that works in totally different way to actual Crafting: Inventor which the ninja ginviters complained about the most. And cannot be automated due to the very nature of the Crew Skills: Harvesting objective to gather 10 resource nodes - which have long respawn and cannot be done just by standing on a planet in single spot. Edited by Darittha
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I will be interested to see how this affects things.


I craft and enjoy it - sure the fact I can hit my conquest objective doing it is nice but not if "everyone" else is milking the hell out of it, maybe while not even putting time in on it (botting).


Its easy to hit personal conquest objectives by other means and surely we need to balance one means of get points against others. If crafting is a top heavy means of getting points for super guilds maybe things need to change. Lets see what happens.


I should add however that big guilds are in a very dominant position when it comes to other objectives such as around operations that are not open to small guilds - we still need to see guilds compete within bands of player numbers - no sign of this happening?? - The leaderboards are a mess at the moment with super guilds making a farce of the whole system.

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I'm not a crafter but it's disappointing to see a reaction. Even if there is evidence of botting in the game this still seems like pandering to the spam whining threads, which is ironic as they were posted by members of some of the guilds that are among the worst influence on the game.


There was no evidence, just some whiny guild leaders who got caught doing unethical things and wanted to retaliate. What will happen when they are still losing after the change? Maybe they will actually reflect on why they cannot win with similar numbers and try to run their guild better? ....just kidding, they will come up with some more "evidence" and accusations, because they are incapable of self-reflection.

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I’m appalled by these changes. You didn’t just nerf the crafting objectives, you’ve made them completely irrelevant. Small guilds rely on these objectives to hit their target yields.


Startup guilds will now have absolutely no appeal. In addition to the new grace period, there will be no reasonable way for them to offer their players conquest rewards compared to the established guilds.


The only thing you’re doing with these changes is destroying the small communities who will now struggle, or just be unable, to perform in conquest. If that is your goal, to wipe out the small, tight-knit groups who enjoy building their guilds and to consolidate the remaining players into mega guilds, then congratulations. That’s exactly what you’ll be doing.


All to appease a vocal minority who were unable to win in the current conquest framework and repeatedly asked to change things to favor them. Players who automate, as you say, are probably very few, if they do exist. Perhaps target those accounts who violate your ToS, instead of ruining a major aspect of the game for a large number of players.

Edited by Miniearth
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These changes are unfortunate, reactionary, and do not address the actual problem. As you yourself said in the Theorycrafters Discord:

Unfortunately - the better the rewards and incentive at the top, the more wintrading and cheating we typically see



The problems are two fold. First the cheaters. BW has certainly shown that they are more than willing to make changes that affect everyone due to a few cheaters, but you should go after the cheaters and not those that are playing legitimately. Second are the rewards that are at the top. Those being the Conquest achievements and the orbital strike to remove a Conquest Commander's shield. These changes to the crafting objectives will not address those issues in any way.


As I suggested in my post in the Suggestion Box, open up the achievements to all guilds, grant the orbital strike ability to all guilds that complete their invasion target, and make the leader boards purely about vanity. BW started the process by granting the weekly rewards to all guilds that complete their invasion target, but now you need to go the next step. By keeping those rewards at the top you are incentivizing guilds to be at the top, and you have already outlined what happens when there is a prized reward at the top.


Make the leader boards about vanity and it does not matter if a guild hits 500k CP for the small yield, or 5 million CP for the large, or 500 million in any yield because they will get nothing more than any other guild that meets their invasion target.


Nerfing objectives is not the answer because it will not address the actual problem, which is that there is a reason to be at the top. Even after these changes, and the changes David outlined in their post, guilds will still have a reason to be at the top and will thus find whatever way they can to be at the top. The only answer is to make being at the top grant no in-game benefit.

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That's uhm, wow. A very volatile change that alienates any use beyond crafting grenades for my Cybertech.

Just when I thought crafting couldn't get any more useless for some professions, you folks proved me wrong.


If you're wanting to address concerns of macro use, how about address them, and investigate, rather than remove more and more objectives? Was it not bad enough that Swoop and Pirates was already nerfed to heck?

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To make this perfectly clear, I absolutely despise crafting in swtor. Its mindless, expensive, tedious, time consuming, and frankly, just boring. That said, there are weirdos that enjoy it, and others that use it to cap a toon or three.


I find this nerf yet another hit to the average player under the premise of trying to bring the large guilds in line. Or was this another recommendation from the unoffical discord cabal?


Either way, not helping keep my sub there BW, and I've been subbed since year 1 (not day 1, but still).


Too bad macros and bots aren't already against the TOS and couldn't be dealt with as such a violation. Oh, wait...

Edited by KendraP
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At last. Victory. Thats what shock troops like us are for. We hit the barbed wire first. We get lied about and accused of false accusations, but thats ok, in the end, truth will always triumph over lies. Bioware you have my respect once more. Edited by Voriik
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So, you dedicated a bunch of PTS time awhile back and asked players for their feedback on what we like seen as conquest objectives.

The players spoke out how we wanted more crafting objectives included and you gave it to us.

Now you want to implement watered down objectives to appease the 99% player population who can't tell their backside from a hole in the ground because they are TOO LAZY to learn to craft endgame items,

IF you water down crafting, then you better make it fair and KILL that toxic rank team/solo pvp objective because this game has a bunch of elitists wannabes who WINTRADE matches and talk toxic garbage because they stink. Remember UNICORN STAMPEDE?

And while you're at, ELIMINATE the INFINITELY REPEATABLE WB Eternal Objective. you all need to quit listening to the lazy whiners who complain about every thing they don't even try to do because it's so hard. . I'll be like a lot of friends and other players waiting to see if the next expansion that comes is worth resubbing for. After this bunk goes into effect.. RIP

Edited by IslanderRebel
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This is a great change, it helps to stop any unhealthy practices with conquest points from crafting, but still allows crafters to be rewarded with the weeklies and the dailies, which will take away the monotony of grinding out repeatables.
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I noticed that some players make more conquest points than I do. Is there a way to ban them or nerf their ability to make conquest please? It's very annoying to play against other people who are better than me
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At last. Victory. Thats what shock troops like us are for. We hit the barbed wire first. We get lied about and accused of false accusations, but thats ok, in the end, truth will always triumph over lies. Bioware you have my respect once more.


LOL, you are trolling this thread, right? The truth will come out when the same guild continues to win because it is a well run guild with very active players who enjoy playing there. The bogus accusations were not "the truth", and anyone who even took a moment to ponder what kind of resources would be required to do that much crafting EVERY week would realize it isn't even possible.

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So, you dedicated a bunch of PTS time awhile back and asked players for their feedback on what we like seen as conquest objectives.

The players spoke out how we wanted more crafting objectives included and you gave it to us.

Now you want to implement watered down objectives to appease the 99% player population who can't tell their backside from a hole in the ground because they are TOO LAZY to learn to craft endgame items,

IF you water down crafting, then you better make it fair and KILL that toxic rank team/solo pvp objective because this game has a bunch of elitists wannabes who WINTRADE matches and talk toxic garbage because they stink. Remember UNICORN STAMPEDE?

And while you're at, ELIMINATE the INFINITELY REPEATABLE WB Eternal Objective. you all need to quit listening to the lazy whiners who complain about every thing they don't even try to do because it's so hard. . I'll be like a lot of friends and other players waiting to see if the next expansion that comes is worth resubbing for. After this bunk goes into effect.. RIP


Crafting inventor is no longer exploited with macro. For me sounds excelent,

A big BRAVO to the Developers Team.

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LOL, you are trolling this thread, right? The truth will come out when the same guild continues to win because it is a well run guild with very active players who enjoy playing there. The bogus accusations were not "the truth", and anyone who even took a moment to ponder what kind of resources would be required to do that much crafting EVERY week would realize it isn't even possible.


Ah, I'm pretty sure I know what guild you're from. I won't say it, but suffice to say, one of your former officers originally brought this exploit into the limelight. Where it not for this turncoat, I would've remained clueless like so many others had been for the past couple years. All it takes is one spark of Hope to ignite the flames of rebellion, as one famous rebel once said. By all means, if you indeed were not relying on this clear cut abuse of the system then you'll truly remain the top guild and have nothing to be scared about.

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