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Spirit of vengeance solo mode


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I finally went ahead and did it on my first character. I enjoyed the story, the rest was a slog. Since I was in good gear the difficulty was fine and I didn't run into any bugs, but man the rewards suck for the amount of time involved! This is definitely one flashpoint I'll only do when I have to.
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I did it only once, on my IR 306 Vengeance Jugg. I liked the story bits very much, but the FP in itself is just a slog. Lots of Silver mobs, lots of healer mobs, mobs everywhere.


Thankfully, I didn't run into any of the bugs people are reporting, but overall it's just... annoying.

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It amazes me how the Dev's think that making the Solo Story Mode hard. Is a good idea.


You know, the ONLY MODE where YOU CAN"T TAKE ANYBODY WITH TO HELP, into the Flashpoint.

So If you can't do it Solo then,


Oh Well ..... TFB

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Okay, i did the FP for a second time on the same toon as before (deception sin - veeroa denz as healer) and again no issues completing this content. It was no surprisingly easier the second time around sense i had already visited it through the activity finder.


The story is awesome. I see more great story in the future coming our way and diving deeper into the whole mandalorian history. Im stoked.


In my opinion, the fp is tuned correctly and shouldnt be toned down. Maybe some tweaks...but overall its fine like it is. However, i do have some concerns about some of my alts getting through this. Just let me go ahead and say that im no elitist player. Im a carebear casual player that back at launch ( i was sitting at my rig on early release day) i got to level 50 quickly, did all the flashpoints, did what raids we had...and then moved through all the expansions over the years. It was fun times but im not playing the game like that any longer. My sanity is too valuable to me now.


The alts im concerned with:

My Arsenal Mercenary Bounty Hunter (Mako as healer) - So, even after she sat idle for many years, i was able to get her irating up to 288 quite easily. Shes still a hodge podge of gear thrown on to get the highest rating possible, but with the stats closely to where they need to be...mainly accuracy at 110%. She just has a few aug slots left with 208 crit augs installed...so its far from the ideal placement....but works well enough in common situations. Im not very worried about this toon per say as ive seen her rail shot hit for 30k and heatseekers hit for 40k. Any arsenal mercs out there that have any tricks up their sleeves for this fp would be appreciated though. :)


My Medicine Operative (Kaliyo as tank) - This is the toon i feel that i will fail on. Even though i really enjoy this class and all its utilities....there are situations that i cant deal with or perhaps dont have the knowledge yet. Large groups of mobs seem to be the biggest issue here. They either shoot straight to my comp or straight to me....both resulting in bad things. As of now, Mek Sha heroics are out of the question here....i tried...i failed. The SoV fp is challenging on a melee dps...i cant imagine how this will go on a healing op with a companion tank. So if any of the better healing operatives in the community can give some advice here...or the ones that have finished this fp with a healing op, please share your knowledge. :) Btw, irating and aug situation pretty much the same as the bh. Irating is 289.


Again, i think the fp is fine as it is. Im doing just fine on a melee dps...i feel the merc will do fine as well. I am reaching out for help on the operative. Any and all advice is very welcomed. :)

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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Okay, i did the FP for a second time on the same toon as before (deception sin - veeroa denz as healer) and again no issues completing this content. It was no surprisingly easier the second time around sense i had already visited it through the activity finder.


The story is awesome. I see more great story in the future coming our way and diving deeper into the whole mandalorian history. Im stoked.


In my opinion, the fp is tuned correctly and shouldnt be toned down. Maybe some tweaks...but overall its fine like it is. However, i do have some concerns about some of my alts getting through this. Just let me go ahead and say that im no elitist player. Im a carebear casual player that back at launch ( i was sitting at my rig on early release day) i got to level 50 quickly, did all the flashpoints, did what raids we had...and then moved through all the expansions over the years. It was fun times but im not playing the game like that any longer. My sanity is too valuable to me now.


The alts im concerned with:

My Arsenal Mercenary Bounty Hunter (Mako as healer) - So, even after she sat idle for many years, i was able to get her irating up to 288 quite easily. Shes still a hodge podge of gear thrown on to get the highest rating possible, but with the stats closely to where they need to be...mainly accuracy at 110%. She just has a few aug slots left with 208 crit augs installed...so its far from the ideal placement....but works well enough in common situations. Im not very worried about this toon per say as ive seen her rail shot hit for 30k and heatseekers hit for 40k. Any arsenal mercs out there that have any tricks up their sleeves for this fp would be appreciated though. :)


My Medicine Operative (Kaliyo as tank) - This is the toon i feel that i will fail on. Even though i really enjoy this class and all its utilities....there are situations that i cant deal with or perhaps dont have the knowledge yet. Large groups of mobs seem to be the biggest issue here. They either shoot straight to my comp or straight to me....both resulting in bad things. As of now, Mek Sha heroics are out of the question here....i tried...i failed. The SoV fp is challenging on a melee dps...i cant imagine how this will go on a healing op with a companion tank. So if any of the better healing operatives in the community can give some advice here...or the ones that have finished this fp with a healing op, please share your knowledge. :) Btw, irating and aug situation pretty much the same as the bh. Irating is 289.


Again, i think the fp is fine as it is. Im doing just fine on a melee dps...i feel the merc will do fine as well. I am reaching out for help on the operative. Any and all advice is very welcomed. :)


You DO realize that in Solo-Story mode (the topic of the thread), you don’t get a choice of companion, right?

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You DO realize that in Solo-Story mode (the topic of the thread), you don’t get a choice of companion, right?


Yes, i do. :)

I asked in the manner i did (their current companions) as i feel like it would be a better experience...or, a better baseline for just getting through the fp in general. As i mentioned before, i played this fp for the first time from the solo activity finder...a mode that you can choose any companion you like.


Either with or without the comp they default you with....im seeking the same advice. :)

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Yes, i do. :)

I asked in the manner i did (their current companions) as i feel like it would be a better experience...or, a better baseline for just getting through the fp in general. As i mentioned before, i played this fp for the first time from the solo activity finder...a mode that you can choose any companion you like.


Either with or without the comp they default you with....im seeking the same advice. :)


My bad, sorry.

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I completed this solo 3 times before the changes and 3 times recently without dying once on any of them or being able to select my own comp. SoV is easy now, not sure what the gripe is still?


As i mentioned above....again....you can pick any comp you want if you do SoV through the activity finder only. If you follow the story, then enter the fp, you only have Ras Ordo.


To add here...i saw no difference in companion efficiency between my two runs ive made through it so far. My mains comp is level 50 and still seemed to struggle a bit...but running around and gaining a bit of agro on about a third of the mobs helped that issue. Ras seemed to do just fine at level 25 surprisingly.


I didnt play the fp when it first released and experience all the problems some folks were or are still having. I consider myself lucky on that.

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As i mentioned above....again....you can pick any comp you want if you do SoV through the activity finder only. If you follow the story, then enter the fp, you only have Ras Ordo.


To add here...i saw no difference in companion efficiency between my two runs ive made through it so far. My mains comp is level 50 and still seemed to struggle a bit...but running around and gaining a bit of agro on about a third of the mobs helped that issue. Ras seemed to do just fine at level 25 surprisingly.


I didnt play the fp when it first released and experience all the problems some folks were or are still having. I consider myself lucky on that.


Just a point of clarification for "both sides" of this.


There are two ways to play this FP:

** The initial entrance into SoV as outlined in the story. This is a requirement in order to complete and be ready for the "next phase" of the game story.


In this "mode" aka story mode there is no choice given for the companion. You are given Rass Ordo. When SoV was first released there were several BUGS: one of which was the companion Ordo being at level 1 and proved to make the initial running of this FP more difficult than normal.


I've ran this FP (in this stage of the game) several times. There remains a couple of BUGS lurking in the game and still need to be fixed. As a result all of my main characters (one in each class category) have not completed this FP (or part of the story).


IMO if I'm going to finish this I might as well just go ahead and use the "work arounds" and finish this part as it now stands. I don't see this getting fixed. I wish I was wrong on this matter.


As for difficulty I still maintain that if Rass Ordo was really rid of the BUGS that plague this instance it would be much better. It's not that bad to begin with IF (and only if) a player is properly geared. I define that as at 300 or better. It can still be finished but it is slower working through the instance without proper gear.


** Playing the FP after the story as a matter of choice. This can still be done "solo / story mode". BUT in this mode (after doing the actual story) a player can choose their own companion. That companion does seem to work better than the "default Rass Ordo" .


My own perspective:


What I wish we COULD see is a difference between " story mode" if and when the actual STORY REQUIRES everyone to do the instance / AND the "SOLO" mode. Meaning... that when we are executing a Flash Point ... we can expect something that is more like this FP. Some do not like this. I understand that !! But I'm not talking about the story ... I AM talking about the FP itself. Flash points are meant to last longer and to be more than just the "story" that is being told.


In any case ... this is just my own point of view. I'm not going thermal on anyone who disagrees !!

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Are the bugs still in the flash point still preventing story mode from being finished or are they just annoying bugs now?


Depends ... for the most part I'd say annoying. But the one that Dasty reported ?? Unknown! I have not experienced that particular BUG.


I still say there is something really squirrely going on !! It just does not make sense for many players to consistently find these issues ... some none at all .. and others different BUGS (?) that crop up.


IMO this is the strangest FP issue that I've ever seen !!


I'm not on the teams case so much as I am just flatly puzzled !! I'm guessing that they are too !!


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** Playing the FP after the story as a matter of choice. This can still be done "solo / story mode". BUT in this mode (after doing the actual story) a player can choose their own companion. That companion does seem to work better than the "default Rass Ordo" .


So i didnt pay attention when the fp actually hit the activity finder list, also not sure if irating in this game controls when a given fp pops up in the activity finder...i assume it doesnt....but i chose SoV solo mode before starting the story. I was able to choose a companion. Also, from my experience....i saw no noticeable difference between a level 50 comp, and a level 25 one. Ras never bugged on me that i ever noticed....if he did, it wasnt an issue big enough to halt me in the fp.


I want to run the fp on at least two more alts i regularly play on (my advice seeking post above) and i know for sure if a highly geared melee dps has to be on point every second on every pull....or imminent death will result....then its pretty obvious other classes are going to struggle even more. Im pretty certain my operative doesnt have a snowballs chance in helz to finnish this....with either Ras or any comp in that matter.

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Are the bugs still in the flash point still preventing story mode from being finished or are they just annoying bugs now?


Im guessing that somewhere in this or another thread are the bugs everyone is speaking about. As i said...i didnt encounter anything stupidly obvious in front of me in two runs. I did solo mode first because i wanted to see for myself what the big fuss was....and then i ran the story one with Ras...again nothing obvious happened.


So my question that im too lazy to find what may be listed somewhere else on this board......what are the specific bugs that people are experiencing...mainly the ones that keep you from finishing it. Whats the problem with Ras.

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Answer the question yes there is still at least one game breaking bug. Multiple people have reported it in the appropriate channel of these forums. It involved being forced to respawn all the way at the beginning and then running/rocket boosting to the point you switch ships. However the link is dead and you can't go forward leaving you trapped on the first ship.
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He's a crap companion, in each stance he performs way below par. He also bugs out, in that he'll just stop fighting for no reason. Also at times he won't enter a room,

I've only done the story, so I've been stuck with him, have no real interest in doing it on other modes, as it's way too long, and there's way too many mobs.


There are many "crap" companions. That doesnt mean theyre bugged. He played a healer stance on my story run, and did just fine...as long as i grabbed agro from about a third or half of the mobs in the room. Allowing him to tank and heal everything clearly is a bad choice....no matter the companion. Im not stating that Ras may not have a problem....all im saying is that the problem didnt effect me.


I have numerous companions that wont follow me into rooms or elevators...the such. That bug has been around for a really long time. They seem to catch up eventually or just insta appear when the combat starts. Ras was with me every step of the way. I never noticed him stopping his routines though. I couldnt stop to watch him either as i had my hands full...but overall he did his part. My first run was solo mode and i did it in about 30 minutes. My story run took a bit less time as i was familiar with the layout and knew what to expect. (deception sin / comp in healer stance)


Again, the only problem room i had was the fountain room. I can see other classes having huge issues here...and no matter the comp being used, your chances of survivability are slim. Respects to the folks that can fight and clear that room. I have to stealth/rocket boot across it before i get detected....or make sure my force cloak is ready on the other side.


I feel bad for the folks that are stuck on this. Its a great storyline and BW needs to make sure that everyone can get through it to continue it.

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So i didnt pay attention when the fp actually hit the activity finder list, also not sure if irating in this game controls when a given fp pops up in the activity finder...i assume it doesnt....but i chose SoV solo mode before starting the story. I was able to choose a companion. Also, from my experience....i saw no noticeable difference between a level 50 comp, and a level 25 one. Ras never bugged on me that i ever noticed....if he did, it wasnt an issue big enough to halt me in the fp.


I want to run the fp on at least two more alts i regularly play on (my advice seeking post above) and i know for sure if a highly geared melee dps has to be on point every second on every pull....or imminent death will result....then its pretty obvious other classes are going to struggle even more. Im pretty certain my operative doesnt have a snowballs chance in helz to finnish this....with either Ras or any comp in that matter.


The activity list is the FP ... but not as a part of the story! This is one of the few times that a FP was also utilized as an actual part of the story.


That's (IMO) is why there is a little confusion. The story arc actually goes through this FP !!


Rass was bugged. He showed up as a level 1 for several weeks (there are numerous posts regarding this particular issue). Heck ... some of us have even seen Rass run off into the wild blue or just seemingly ignore where you're at !!:eek: (works wonders for a player who is using him as a healer).


Running this FP does take a little more caution / thought on how to "pull" the mobs. Also: You WILL need to use the healing stations that are scattered about in the instance !!


At any rate ... I'm starting to ramble a bit.


I do hope this makes better sense !!

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The activity list is the FP ... but not as a part of the story! This is one of the few times that a FP was also utilized as an actual part of the story.


That's (IMO) is why there is a little confusion. The story arc actually goes through this FP !!


Rass was bugged. He showed up as a level 1 for several weeks (there are numerous posts regarding this particular issue). Heck ... some of us have even seen Rass run off into the wild blue or just seemingly ignore where you're at !!:eek: (works wonders for a player who is using him as a healer).


Running this FP does take a little more caution / thought on how to "pull" the mobs. Also: You WILL need to use the healing stations that are scattered about in the instance !!


At any rate ... I'm starting to ramble a bit.


I do hope this makes better sense !!


Well, confusion wasnt it......it was just pure surprise that the fp popped up when i hit the launch button. The first thing i thought was...."hmm okay we are starting this story WITH the fp?" :)


Okay, im good with that. At least the good thing with this is you dont have to slog through 5000 skytroopers first. :p

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Name one other example of completing Story Mode / Main Quest that required grinding gear or tricks.


I'm in BiS so I can complete it. I just find it boring and tedious with the unfixed version. It's also not just Rass influence Level either, but the mobs, boss HP, etc.


For a new player who just completed Onderon, Mek-Sha, and Objective Meridian, they will only be around Item Level 270 gear. To ask them to spam Hammer Station (or similar activity) and perform tricks to complete the Main Story Questline is a bit galling IMHO.


What is more galling: Bioware has acknowledged there are problems with the Flashpoint and is dorkin' around on a bunch of extraneous material. I have been playing MMORPGs since 2004. I am not (typically) prone to hyperbole but...


I have never played a game where the company acknowledges issues with the Main Quest / Storyline and then completely ignores it for what is now going on two months. When Traitor Among the Chiss had similar issues of tedium, BW fixed it within a week.


What accounts for that variation? I'll let forum-goers reach their own conclusions.






Above post is from February 1, 2021. Fast forward another two months and it is equally applicable.


As for bugs, they absolutely do still exist (as BW acknowledges). To be fair, though, I've found workarounds; i.e., I could just die and respawn at / rocket boost back to the proper point. But this isn't a GoFundMe project, this is a AAA MMORPG. I shouldn't have to die or reset FP (with cut-scene bugs) to progress.


More importantly, across a wide variety of social media platforms, the words I consistently read / hear to describe SoV are: tedious, slog, laborious, and annoying. It is highly disappointing BW has not addressed this issue at all, even just to say -- "We're fine with mob strength and density." At least then we would have a definitive position about BW adopting a fundamental paradigm shift with respect to its handling of Story Mode.


But as it stands now, as one of my friends put it, rewatching Game of Thrones S/8 is more enjoyable. /shade





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