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Happy 9th anniversary to SWTOR!


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Congratulations to the team for keeping the story alive for so long ! This year has especially been challenging for the entertainment industry with all of the restrictions in place. I personally appreciate the extra efforts!


Be safe during the holiday season!


I'm looking forward to coming months and wish everyone who is working to make this a continued success all the best !


Thanks again to all of you !

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Nine years is an incredible run for any game, but to see SWTOR still delivering original Star Wars stories set in the Old Republic era the entire time is truly something special. It takes a passionate team, incredible players and fans, and support from too many people to name to accomplish such a feat.


I’ve enjoyed so many lasting memories through the years as both a player and a developer: The Orange Pixel (RIP), double Kephess, light sword in box, dance parties on the fleet, walker parades...the list goes on and on. Some say there’s even an NPC golfing somewhere on every planet. Who can say?


And yet, after all of these years, we find ourselves looking forward still. There are so many more stories to tell...so many more experiences we want to deliver and share with the community. What could be next? We dream big in Texas, so buckle up y’all!


*** We appreciate the team and your part of the group !!


*** Golfing ?? HA !!! I wondered who was doing that !! (Especially on the Gravestone) !! Nice touch !


*** Dreaming big:

1. Space station SH

2. New class ...Special Ops (SIS and Empire counter part)

3. Bass boat !!

(Yeah .... I know ... Yet another shameless plug)



In short: GO FOR IT !!!

Edited by OlBuzzard
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Happy anniversary and Merry Christmas as well.


I started before launch. I got involved in some forum roleplay with some people that actually winded up creating our guild with. It's been an interesting 9 years. Most of the time it was good but not always. We lost one of our guild members a few years back and that wasn't good. There been some good things with the game and some not so good.


This year been interesting to say the least.



Have a good day and again Merry Christmas.

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SWTOR has always held a special place in my heart. My career in games began as a contract cinematic designer in the final year before launch, and I was sad that I had to continue my dev journey elsewhere. But finally this year, returning to SWTOR - to this team, these characters, and this universe - feels like coming home.


I love seeing so much camaraderie and positivity in the SWTOR community, especially after nine years! There is so much incredible art, writing, personal stories, and self discovery that have come from this community. I'm humbled that we can inspire players to create their own Star Wars sagas.


As tumultuous as 2020 has been, I'm so thrilled to be back making cinematics in SWTOR again! I was especially excited to create more bombastic Emperor scenes. I love watching streamers gasp, laugh, and cry as they experience our stories. If we touched your hearts, if we made you feel like heroes, then we're doing it right.

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Holy cow it's been 9 nine years??!! Well fine...here's my love letter / trip down memory lane...


9 Years ago (ish) I was still in the air force and standing in the BX (base exchange) with my wingman and good friend grinning like an idiot with the giant collectors edition box of SWTOR. I had tried Star Wars galaxies years ago and didn't like it one bit. (Though, to be fair to galaxies I never got a chance to try it before the "new game experience" came along and killed the game). But this game looked significantly better and offered lots of different storyline arcs across different classes. After being introduced to and playing world of Warcraft for some time by that same friend, we were both looking for something that would come along and kill WoW. While the game held our attention and subscriptions for several months, the bugs and numerous issues that went unfixed and unpatched that made our experience less than pleasant caused him to cancel his subscription after a few months and me a couple months later. The main reason it held my attention for the extra bit of time was because I was significantly more vested into the Star Wars universe at that point. Having watched the original trilogy growing up as a kid and reading countless books, comics, and listening to audio dramas that were the expanded universe at the time before Disney came along, I was vested. But none the less, let down.


I came back 6 months to a year later after the free-to-play system had launched as a subscriber and enjoyed the experience for a bit more, then cancelled again after a couple of months. I would then proceed to come back at each major expansion or storyline content drop for one to four months and then cancel again. For the most part during my tenure in the game I was part of the guild known as Second Mass. A fun group of folks to hang with in voice chat. Even better when your guild leader pranks the entire guild by renaming it the lollipop guild for April fools. Then attempts to rename it back and then is promptly horrified at the fact that he can't undo his mistake due to guild renaming time limit rules coded into the game. I wish I could have been there to see the customer support correspondence with that one. Now in my travels I fly under the Blue Moon banner. A very kind and entertaining group of folks as well. Thanks to these folks anytime I've been on I've been able to do operations and always felt welcome.


The things have changed since the beginning of SWTOR for me are in more ways than one, and none in some ways I have left the Air Force after 7 years and some change of service, I own a house with my wife 13 years. I no longer fly a desk answering phone calls regarding logistics matters. I now work at a library doing my best to make sure that people seeking entertainment and knowledge are able to get it. However I do still play SWTOR two or three times a year for a couple of months. My favorite class by this point is still the trooper.


You see, I had created a female mirialan trooper when the game had launched. I was also very much a Mass Effect fanboy at the time. So you can imagine my excitement when I see my trooper's mouth open and hear Commander Shepard/Jennifer Hale's voice coming out. I played a trooper exclusively to level 50. Once I finished the trooper story arc I figured I would try the Jedi Knight. You can imagine my confusion and disappointment upon finding out that not only that my first companion was a droid and required special armor, but also that nearly all of my companions also had different primary stat line attributes to worry about as well as different gear tiers. After finding out that the trooper was apparently the only unique class in this regard. Every single trooper companion could wear heavy armor AND used aim as their primary attribute. So my companions were able to benefit from hand me down gear and stay relevant in combat for the most part all I leveled up as well. I was definitely happy when the update came along that made companion gear stats meaningless and went with influence instead. This made playing other classes significantly more affordable and enjoyable.


Well I haven't enjoyed every single story expansion, or the creative choices and liberties taken with the Star Wars universe that the level designers and writers on this team have taken, I feel that this game has done overall good justice to the Star Wars universe and lore. And for that I thank you all who have worked on the old republic. Just please for the love of God let the emperor be dead and start writing a new interesting arc for our characters. 9 years is enough to be fighting the same guy.

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I’ll add my Happy Holidays to everyone, too. I’m humbled by all the great comments here, on Steam, in our recent Cantina Livestream, and truly by all the amazing folks who both play and develop our game. It’s hard to believe so much time has passed, but I watch in awe as my grandkids play this game now, too. It’s so fun!


I have a ton of memories and this year is no different. Almost a full decade and so much has changed, but a lot hasn’t (no, I’m not talking about the bug you reported 5 years ago). We have some major plans for our 10th year. I almost can’t wait to start telling you what’s up, when you’ll get involved, along with some really cool underlying changes I think y’all will appreciate.


Stay healthy. Be Safe. Enjoy the 2020 Holiday Season and we’ll see you throughout 2021.



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I’ll add my Happy Holidays to everyone, too. I’m humbled by all the great comments here, on Steam, in our recent Cantina Livestream, and truly by all the amazing folks who both play and develop our game. It’s hard to believe so much time has passed, but I watch in awe as my grandkids play this game now, too. It’s so fun!


I have a ton of memories and this year is no different. Almost a full decade and so much has changed, but a lot hasn’t (no, I’m not talking about the bug you reported 5 years ago). We have some major plans for our 10th year. I almost can’t wait to start telling you what’s up, when you’ll get involved, along with some really cool underlying changes I think y’all will appreciate.


Stay healthy. Be Safe. Enjoy the 2020 Holiday Season and we’ll see you throughout 2021.




Jeez! stop teasing us and give us some 10th anniversiry news already! Im excited!

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I'll pop in my 2 credits worth as well.


Been playing off and on since beta, loved every minute of it. Yes, I still wish the space game was more akin to Jump To Lightspeed (ok, just like it - not just akin) but no one tops BioWare's storytelling.


Every class story is unique and fun and entertaining, and although I do wish there were more expansions dedicated to the non-force users, I'm sure they're still on the way! Right? :p

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9+ Years...the plus comes from participating since a very early beta phase, the game still had the old old UI you can see in very old preview videos during development...I actually miss that UI concept...too much of that holo-blue color now (WTB at least color customization for the UI!). ;) I was here for the Orange Pixel...and will never forget (immortalized in forum sig)...I miss that little guy. RIP


I wish I still had my original forum account, it was made ASAP on the first day we could make accounts on this site and I know I had a 3 digit member number...like 546 or something. Then, a few months later I decided to make a new account with a planned character name since we can't change our username. :( Bye bye 3 digit member number, hello 7 digit member number (just a little over 1 million though hehe). For those that don't know what I mean, you can hover over your avatar or username and see your member number. Pretty sure these are sequentially assigned numbers every time a new account is made. I have fun checking these when I'm looking at forum threads to get an idea of maybe how long someone has been around. :)


Pre-ordered the first day possible, was able to start in first wave of early access, non-stop subbed since day one for 7 years. Sadly, yes, just 7. I ONLY played this game, almost every day, for all those years. Many people I knew had come and gone, and I was just sadly a little burned out with 30some max level characters. So, I went away for mostly the last couple years, checking in periodically, and resubbing recently due to a renewed love of Star Wars (thanks Mandalorian for helping me forget about the sequel trilogy).


The stories, the voice acting, the game play...it was all just great from my point of view. Upon my return, I've actually made new characters again, to play through the stories once again...30some times wasn't enough I guess. LOL


Greatly enjoying my time here again, and plan on sticking around for awhile again.


Here's to 9+ MORE YEARS, and thank you to the SWTOR Bioware Team!

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I've been playing since early 2013. (Would have been 2012, but I didn't have a computer that could handle the game at the time and had to save up for one.) I have always been mainly a story player. My first character was an Imperial Agent and from the moment he opened his mouth I was hooked - Bertie Carvel's voice was perfect for how I imagined my agent, and having full voice acting, which I had never experienced in a game before, enabled me to fully immerse myself in my chosen fantasy world. The game has its flaws, but I've never found another one with the depth of storytelling and characterisation possibilities that SWTOR offers.


My first few toons were attempts at creating plausible in-world characters. But then I made one who was nothing but an exercise in self-indulgence. I had been wanting to create a gay character to romance Cytherat, I had found I really liked lightning sorc as a class, I enjoyed playing lightside imperials and had heard there was some amusing dialogue if you played as a lightside inquisitor. So that's what I made - a gay, very lightside, lightning sorcerer. And guess what? The inquisitor class story supported him perfectly, and so did every expansion. That character went on to become my imperial main, and having the game enable me to play a non-standard character as I imagined him has given me years of pleasure.


On top of the fun I've had playing through the game's storylines, finding a friendly, supportive guild has allowed me to experience group content that I'd probably never have tried otherwise, and has given me a lot of new friends. There are some wonderful people in this game.

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Happy 9th anniversary SWTOR! I hope there will be more to come! ^^


I remember the time when I started to play SWTOR. In 2016, when I told my boyfriend I love Star Wars, he told me there is an MMORPG in the world of SW. It was like 10 minutes to download it, because I couldn't wait to start playing. My first character was a Jedi Knight, I remember the nostalgic moments when I did all the missions on Tython, and I still feel like I have to start over and over again.... because when I finish the story with one of my toons, I have the urge to do it again. And still after many times, I enjoy it! :D

I made many friends I'm still in contact with even when we don't play, just talk.


SWTOR helped me in a lot of ways: with my personal life, my depression, brought out so many emotions; also it helped with writing! I'm writing novels IRL, and I just realized it's easier when the SWTOR character selection page is up (I know it's silly :"D ), and of course the game itself is giving me ideas to continue my work!


So thank you for that, and thank you for creating such a beautiful and unique game! ^^

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Ahh man, 9 years!


There are very few games out there, especially MMO's, that still trigger that special feeling in my bones when I think about them and play them (again). to this date, only 2 games still spark that in me. LotRO, and SWtOR.


I was invested in the game prior to it's release, and was so looking forward to the concept that I purposefully skipped beta. I wanted to be able to just hop in and enjoy! I still get feeling of awe every time one of my new toons steps onto Coruscant or Dromund Kaas! That initial part of DK questing, just getting from the spaceport to the city, really enveloped you in the dark danger of the world that the sith chose to commit themselves too! the ancient feel of the temple, perfect level of spookiness.


And Coruscant really felt like the heart of the Republic. I loved all those early game planets so much, it tore my heart when the leveling process was accelerated and changed. I understand the necessity of it, but those early days it felt like such an accomplishment to master those places and move on...you really felt like you had proved yourself to the world as a viable sith or jedi. each and every world had such a unique feel that I always looked forward to getting to the next planet.


And the class stories! wow! I have never had the shock, tear jerking moments and times of joy in those stories in any other game. I played each and every one through and experienced them like I would my favorite movies, time and time again torn with making decisions and sometimes even having to take a break for a bit to figure out which direction to go! Although I always ended up being the "good" guy. I loved playing a sith that was there because of fate, but realized that they could use that fate to change the world for the better. And my jedi were always teetering at the edge of grey, not completely happy with the direction of the Republic but believing in the need for jedi across the galaxy. This was my opportunity to BE a jedi or sith, and no other game could give it to me in the way that SWtOR did.


I played it from day one, and loved it. even with all the negative response it got prior to patch 1.2, it was still my first love in the gaming world. it propelled my enjoyment of the SW universe hugely, and in many ways actually defined the SW universe for me. This is the only game I've ever kept my sub running, even during breaks, due to how much I loved and supported the work the dev's put into it.


These days it falls into a round of games that I cycle through, but it will always be, along with LotRO, the MMO that I feel cemented the genre for me as my favorite style of gameplay. though I would love to see a return to the early days of the game (classic server cryout here, no shame I'd love it), I still love what the game has and will continue to invest in it as long as it's out there. I thank every single one of the dev's that invest time in this gem, and I wish you all a wonderful holiday! your all in my prayers, best of luck.

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Ha! Sorry to double post, but I just read my account Quote and realized that it was from a post over 8.5 years old! brings back so many precious memories. There was a time in this game that the classes were so flexible that you didn't even have to choose an Advanced class. you could play through the entire game as a Sith warrior and never pick an AC! many people even liked to do that as a challenge (I was one of them).


The games streamline these days, as many games are, but it was a time when this game in particular, did things that were eccentric and innovative in the genre as it was back then. It was part of what made this game mystical for me in many ways. hat's off to you guys for making something similar but new in a time when every MMO out there was just trying to be a wow clone.

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I've played since pre-release. I had an infant daughter before and another right after. I love that the real new SW lore, the Mini Series on D+ are telling the STORIES that new movies can't. Led by a story teller, and not a woke agonist. Having two daughters, I want them to see that it's the story, not the RL addenda that maters.

I saw R2D2 as a 4 year old child and was hooked. I saw Luke at the in of season 2 of Mando and teared up.

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From the last beta until now... Swtor... My very first MMO. I never thought I'd have so much fun playing a MMO. From coming in as a complete noob, to being a vet player who can hold my own in everything except MM OP's :D


On a personal note, even with all the drama of 2020 I've managed to not only maintain... But advance. My wife had to stop working because the kids are doing virtual schooling. But in the process she's managed to take our small custom printing business and make even more this year than she would have made at her job. My kids are all straight "A" students, and (knock on wood) even tho I'm an essential worker I've not gotten sick 😷. Hoping everyone has a happy holiday?

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Happy 9th Anniversary to SWTOR! I still can't believe where all that time has gone. I remember the day SWTOR was sending out beta invite and receive a chance to played the beta. Then receiving my Collector Edition in mail :) and then big day launch :)! Then all the new expansion that came and one Shadow of Revan had that bitraider problem where I couldn't get in for almost a month and lost my pre order because I couldn't play (Only problem I remember tho but still enjoy the game).


I hope for future that devs will add all those special email we missed or Rogue One special armor will be added in new tab or Collector Vendor. Avatar logo for our companion and a combat and off duty outfit for our companions. Adding new stories, new races and classes to the game. I also see new improvement ingame when starting a new character story.


But I still enjoying the game and Thank You for this awesome game



SWTOR :)!!

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Hello everyone!


Today marks SWTOR’s 9th anniversary! Since SWTOR launched on December 20th, 2011, each year has brought new memories and accomplishments to players and devs alike. And this year will certainly be one that stands out for everyone. As we continue through our 9th year, we would love to hear from you, our community, on what you are most proud of and/or grateful for whether that be in-game or IRL.


I’m happy to start this train! I feel very fortunate for having the opportunity to join this wonderful team! I had no idea how this year would turn out, but I made it here and I am going to make the absolute best of it. I am over the moon, and very much looking forward to what all of us can create together in the coming year. On a more personal note, I managed to cook my very first turkey this past holiday on my own without burning down my kitchen, so I have that going for me as well.


So any roadmap for 2021 ?

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I’ll add my Happy Holidays to everyone, too. I’m humbled by all the great comments here, on Steam, in our recent Cantina Livestream, and truly by all the amazing folks who both play and develop our game. It’s hard to believe so much time has passed, but I watch in awe as my grandkids play this game now, too. It’s so fun!


I have a ton of memories and this year is no different. Almost a full decade and so much has changed, but a lot hasn’t (no, I’m not talking about the bug you reported 5 years ago). We have some major plans for our 10th year. I almost can’t wait to start telling you what’s up, when you’ll get involved, along with some really cool underlying changes I think y’all will appreciate.


Stay healthy. Be Safe. Enjoy the 2020 Holiday Season and we’ll see you throughout 2021.



Plzzzzz Spoil and tell us your bringing back old school stat allocation. :p

Edited by jimimasterjedi
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Hi everyone! I'm Phred and I hope the new year is already treating you great! Nine years--what a ride! In nine years, never have I felt more like Luke than I did these last 11 months—perpetually stuck on the farm cleaning up new droids while ALL I wanted to do was go to Tosche Station. That’s pretty much all of us right now, amirite??!!


In all seriousness, despite how surreal our situation has been over the last few months, I’ve watched our team meet unexpected challenges, excitement undiminished, and fly at them full Steam ahead (see what I did there? Do we still say ‘see what I did there?’)


Navigating working from home has been a whole new bowl of paddy frogs for our team, especially when we’re such a close-knit family that thrives on social creativity, but our love of the game, the drive to create, and our excitement for what lies ahead has fueled us.


I’ve worn a lot of hats at BioWare Austin since 2011. I started in QA, moved into Tools QA soon after, and eventually had an opportunity to become a dedicated part of the Cartel Market team. In March of last year, I was excited to make another move, this time into the art department. Changing work roles on SWTOR was a dream come true. One thing that never changed in all my different roles though was seeing each team brimming with passion to deliver the next, exciting thing for the players.


Perhaps my favorite aspect of working on this project is seeing the community grow and evolve, yet remain a powerful support base for this far away galaxy. Simply put, the SWTOR player fam is the cream of the crop and I couldn’t be more proud of being a part of it. Keep on, keepin’ on everyone. I cannot wait for the time we can all raise a glass at a Cantina again and celebrate our love for all things Star Wars! Happy anniversary, everyone!



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Hi everyone! I'm Phred and I hope the new year is already treating you great! Nine years--what a ride! In nine years, never have I felt more like Luke than I did these last 11 months—perpetually stuck on the farm cleaning up new droids while ALL I wanted to do was go to Tosche Station. That’s pretty much all of us right now, amirite??!!


In all seriousness, despite how surreal our situation has been over the last few months, I’ve watched our team meet unexpected challenges, excitement undiminished, and fly at them full Steam ahead (see what I did there? Do we still say ‘see what I did there?’)


Navigating working from home has been a whole new bowl of paddy frogs for our team, especially when we’re such a close-knit family that thrives on social creativity, but our love of the game, the drive to create, and our excitement for what lies ahead has fueled us.


I’ve worn a lot of hats at BioWare Austin since 2011. I started in QA, moved into Tools QA soon after, and eventually had an opportunity to become a dedicated part of the Cartel Market team. In March of last year, I was excited to make another move, this time into the art department. Changing work roles on SWTOR was a dream come true. One thing that never changed in all my different roles though was seeing each team brimming with passion to deliver the next, exciting thing for the players.


Perhaps my favorite aspect of working on this project is seeing the community grow and evolve, yet remain a powerful support base for this far away galaxy. Simply put, the SWTOR player fam is the cream of the crop and I couldn’t be more proud of being a part of it. Keep on, keepin’ on everyone. I cannot wait for the time we can all raise a glass at a Cantina again and celebrate our love for all things Star Wars! Happy anniversary, everyone!




great... but now, what next ? when the roadmap will be available ?

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