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Virtual Cantina 2020 Recap


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Hello everyone!


Earlier today we hosted a digital cantina event. In it we talked about the year so far and our upcoming game update - 'Echoes of Vengeance'. We also unveiled three recorded interviews that we had with a few of our voice actors. Below I have listed the highlevel bullet points from the livestream. The recording is available to watch now on Twitch and I included timestamps for each segment. If you prefer YouTube, I will include the publishing schedule at the bottom of my post as well.


  • General introduction by Musco, Keith, and Charles. (00:05:12)
  • Prerecorded interview with the Female Jedi Knight voice actress, Kari Wahlgren. (00:09:07)
  • The year so far. (00:28:31)
    • Alderaan Stronghold
    • Afetrmath of the Meridian Complex Story
    • Conquest Revamp
    • Swoop Rally Event
    • Master Mode Nature of Progress Operation
    • Galactic Guide
    • New Class Sets
    • Steam Launch
      • Steam Achievements
      • Cross-save and Cross-play
      • Trading Cards
      • Emotes/Backgrounds/Badges
      • Touched on direct patching functionality for Steam in the future

      [*]Feast of Prosperity Event

      [*]Mandalorian Inspired Items

      [*]Legacy Ignore

      [*]Conquest Improvements

      [*]New Augments

  • Game Update 6.2 ‘Echoes of Vengeance’ (00:39:50)
    • The culmination of the Emperor storyline and the beginning of something new…
    • New Flashpoint: Spirit of Vengeance
    • New Story Mission: Echoes of Oblivion
    • Login Reward System
    • Emote Window
    • The Return of Lifeday
    • 9-year Anniversary


  • New Flashpoint: The Spirit of Vengeance (00:42:05)
    • The forces of Mandalore the Avenger are under assault! Join the infamous
    • Shae Vizla in defending her loyal followers from a ruthless new adversary.
    • Available in the following difficulties:
      • Solo Story
      • Story
      • Veteran
      • Master Mode
      • Will come with new achievements and new rewards!

    [*]Special Guest Interview with Noshir Dalal, the voice actor of the new Mandalorian ally Rass Ordo. (00:46:07)

  • Echoes of Oblivion Story Mission (01:04:10)
    • A missing ship carrying an unknown menace. A former Jedi grand master in mortal danger. And the potential return of the galaxy’s greatest evil. Join Jedi Kira Carsen, Sith Lord Scourge, and many other allies in facing this mysterious threat before time runs out.

    [*]Special Guest Interview with Darin De Paul, the voice actor of Valkorian.(01:09:40)

  • Login Rewards (01:44:50)
    • Earn bonus rewards just for logging in!
    • Once per day, but everything is Legacy
    • Examples:
      • Crafting materials
      • Companion Gifts
      • Credits
      • Boosts
      • ...and maybe a surprise?

      [*]Bonus rewards for Subscribers

      [*]Meant to serve as time savers

  • Emote Window (01:49:15)
    • New and improved look and feel!
    • Unlocked grouped to top of the list
    • Looping indicator

  • Game Update 6.2 'Echoes of Vengeance' will be coming this December
  • Be sure to redeem code LivestreamCantina2020 to receive 4 classic Korrealis Cantina Mounts​. This code will expire next week.
  • Ended the livestream with a teaser trailer for the Echoes of Oblivion Story Mission!


That sums up the livestream, now onto the YouTube schedule! There are English, German, and French versions of the teaser trailer mentioned above that have already been uploaded to YouTube. Here is our entire YouTube publishing schedule involving the virtual cantina event:


  • Friday: Echoes of Oblivion Story Teaser

    [*]Saturday: Cantina Recording on YouTube

    [*]Sunday: Kari Wahlgren Interview

    [*]Monday: Noshir Dalal Interview

    [*]Tuesday: Darin De Paul Interview

Once each video is uploaded, I'll be sure to edit in a link to this forum post. Each video is scheduled to be public by 12:00pm CST (6:00pm UTC). This is purely on the YouTube end of things, if you'd rather watch everything now, the respective timestamps are above.


Edited by DanielSteed
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Thank you for the summary!


The code doesn't work for me. Anyone else have this problem?


you need to check and see if you have the four mounts already. Personally I would have preferred the [Prinawe Aggregate][Prinawe Union] , still didn't get them, even though I was a sub at the time, and on the forums, They were never released here like the others. Very annoying.

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you need to check and see if you have the four mounts already. Personally I would have preferred the [Prinawe Aggregate][Prinawe Union] , still didn't get them, even though I was a sub at the time, and on the forums, They were never released here like the others. Very annoying.


It's the mounts again? I already have them. But what I meant is that the code isn't accepted on the website. The code gets neither accepted nor denied. When I click the "submit code" button, the page jumps back to the "enter code" page, and doesn't proceed to step 2.

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It's the mounts again? I already have them. But what I meant is that the code isn't accepted on the website. The code gets neither accepted nor denied. When I click the "submit code" button, the page jumps back to the "enter code" page, and doesn't proceed to step 2.


yup, same here, but it only seems to do that if you have the mounts already.

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Waited for it 14 months. Finally after 5.0 (more than 3 YEARS) you going give us GOOD, EPIC story. Pragmatic set, Je'daii set, Ancient Force vibrosword, Festival tuning, and Wastelander flair waiting for this story on my inventory already. Everything will be on my channel around 19 december. HYPE!


~ Tsukito, Alliance Commander

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I reviewed / watched the entire recap. It was after 12:30AM our time ... soooo I just wet to bed afterwards.


A LOT of good information. A tip of the hat to the team for putting this together and to those VA's who were a part as well.


Well done !!



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Thank you for the virtual cantina! The format worked really well for you guys!


I've taken a good long break from the game due to lack of new story content, so I re-upped with the news about 6.2. Every time I peeked at the forums I only saw gear and conquest tweaks. The new events didn't inspire me to log in, perhaps because they have all become so grindy to get any rewards. (Sadly, the story teaser featured everything I hated about FE/ET, but I have hopes there will be more than stale, re-animated Valkorian family drama.)


I really loved the voice actor interviews! All three were adorable and I'm even more attached to the voice acting in this game because of them. Please to have more in the future! I need to run off and do a photoshoot of one of my lady knights for Kari...


I like the sound of the log in rewards. It has been frustrating as a long term subscriber having so many rewards be re-releases of things I already have. I felt left out, which did not sit well, though I understand you much be running on a shoe string budget. I can't wait to try out the new emote interface! The old one was clunky enough that I rarely used emotes, even though I collected them all.


I missed the first 50% off sale by half an hour. :( I would have really liked the mudhorn, but most of the new armor really doesn't inspire me. They all have bits and pieces I like, but the chests all have something off-putting about them. Speaking of the GM, I think the Ultimate Packs need an overhaul. They don't drop enough decorations compared to other items. The GTN is seriously lacking in CM decorations. I used to be a very regular buyer of hypercrates, but the Ultimates aren't worth the money. (The direct purchase prices are over-priced, so Bioware isn't making up the difference in my spending there.)

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The GTN is seriously lacking in CM decorations. I used to be a very regular buyer of hypercrates, but the Ultimates aren't worth the money. (The direct purchase prices are over-priced, so Bioware isn't making up the difference in my spending there.)


Which server are you on? I find on Starforge we've quite a lot, although, inflation seems to be hitting them recently, and even the cheapest seem to be going for high prices. As for the Hypercrates, I no longer buy them either, as inflation on them has run amok. It's not a complaint, as a seller, I try to get the highest price I can for stuff. It's just I know the value of them, and know when they've reached the max I'd pay...lol

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Which server are you on? I find on Starforge we've quite a lot, although, inflation seems to be hitting them recently, and even the cheapest seem to be going for high prices. As for the Hypercrates, I no longer buy them either, as inflation on them has run amok. It's not a complaint, as a seller, I try to get the highest price I can for stuff. It's just I know the value of them, and know when they've reached the max I'd pay...lol


I'm on Starforge too. The problem, as I see it, is that when a category has 80 pages of decos listed the first 50 pages are nothing but decos from in game vendors or crafting. There just aren't enough CM decos available, even if I had unlimited funds, which I don't. A lot of decorations, to be utilized well, need to be used in quantities. If there are enough for sale, which is hit or miss, the prices tend to be through the roof because there is no competition.

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The cantina event was really fun! I hope you guys keep up virtual cantinas on a somewhat regular basis even once COVID has lifted. I'm sure the in-person cantinas are quite a lot of fun, too, but it's nice for people who may not be in circumstances to travel to New York or Chicago or wherever to be able to experience the community experience too.


Also, this may be a dumb question, but why are the VOs for the German and French versions of the trailer also in English?


What's a bet the new content drop clashes with Cyberpunk's release? Was totally hoping to play through at least once first :|


All I've seen is "december" but not when in December.


Most likely the second week of December, since Musco said he doesn't want SWTOR to conflict with the holidays.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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Hello everyone!


[*]Be sure to redeem code LivestreamCantina2020 to receive 4 classic Korrealis Cantina Mounts​. This code will expire next week.


till this hour the page is reload only without accepting the code. Yes I mark the square.

PLUS maybe the problem is that i got the 2 of the 4 speeders? just a thought.

Edited by Kissakias
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THEORY: Since the cantina was supposed to be a week ago, and the code is only good for a week according to Mr. Steed, I'm guessing they forgot to change when the code expired on the website since the cantina got delayed...




This is perhaps the most logical post I've ever read here on the forums! The code is not working for either of my accounts.

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THEORY: Since the cantina was supposed to be a week ago, and the code is only good for a week according to Mr. Steed, I'm guessing they forgot to change when the code expired on the website since the cantina got delayed...





technically she said it would expire next week, so we've no idea how long it was originally coded for ;) Whatever it is, they'll probably have to re do it as people are having difficulty..lol

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