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Can we get an ETA on a Fix for the Social Bar?


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What is wrong with it? Yes, I have to close it every time I log in but that's not really "broken".


Setting aside for a moment that I disagree that that doesn't qualify as "broken", there's also a semi-rare thing where it will suddenly reset its location after every load screen. I can play for weeks without having the issue (only having to close the thing about a hundred times a week...) and then suddenly after every load screen I have to drag it back into place for an entire day, then for no apparent reason it continues to work normally again after.

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Mine is also working correctly apart from sitting underneath the chat window when you first log into your character, but some players still experience constant resets to its original position when they change instances and characters. I am glad I don't have that problem, but I totally get that it is very annoying if you have that bug.
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Well, for me, the Social Bar stays where I put it. It only starts up 'open' the first time I log into a different character, and that only takes a single click to close. I don't think that is a bug.


No, that is working as intended. it's there to shove cartel stuff in your face ;)


The actual bug is when you move it, but it doesn't stay. ie move it to the corner, but when you move planets, instances, etc, it pops back to the original place. Been there since the PTS, although I don't think it's as prevalent now, but it still does happen.

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Hopefully It will get fixed at the same time the crafting bug that reset a ton of player back to 600 from 700 does.


Ive given up on that crafting bug being fixed. I just went and spent “another” 100 mil to open all my crafters back up, I’m now taking screen shots before each patch and if they F it up, I’m going to call CS and get them to reimburse the 100mil.


It such an shame you have to provide your own proof because you can’t trust them to do the right thing without some leverage.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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No, that is working as intended. it's there to shove cartel stuff in your face ;)


The actual bug is when you move it, but it doesn't stay. ie move it to the corner, but when you move planets, instances, etc, it pops back to the original place. Been there since the PTS, although I don't think it's as prevalent now, but it still does happen.


Depends on the character. Some of mine it moves each time and others it stays.

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It was never fixed properly for me. In actual fact by the time they did the last fix on it, I was worse off then before they tried to fix it,


same here, some of them were but not all, unfortunately I don't remember which were maxed already, so I just gave up, and left them as they are. I don't do much crafting these days, except for the odd CQ, which I'm not doing as often either, so they'll stay as they are till it's definitely fixed, and if they are restored, all is good, if not, it depends on what the next level of crafting is...lol

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The actual bug is when you move it, but it doesn't stay. ie move it to the corner, but when you move planets, instances, etc, it pops back to the original place. Been there since the PTS, although I don't think it's as prevalent now, but it still does happen.

Do you have movable Windows enabled in Preferences?

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I do, but it stays stuck in place for some Alts and not others. It’s so wired.


And now that I think about it, I’m sure it only stays in place for my Sorcs/sages.


Nope, I play all classes and it never moves on me.



Yes, but I think it effects people who use custom UI's more than the standard, default, etc. ones


I use a custom UI and it never moves. It has never moved since I put it in the upper left corner of my screen. Whatever the factor is it does not appear to be something simple like the UI XML file.

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I think the moving has a specific trigger, but I can't so far tell what. I'll usually be playing a lot of flashpoints throughout the day with occasionally some operations, heroics or daily areas in there, and maybe three or four times a month I will spend a day playing class stories, and whenever I'm doing those, I keep running into this issue. It might not be the class missions themselves, perhaps something I do when I'm doing those and not when I'm on my regular routine, I can't see a more specific pattern yet.


edit: I'd also like to point out that while it used to reset to the middle of the screen, it now keeps popping back to the top every time, which might be where most people keep it. I have it lower-left, where I had the old social element too.

Edited by cyrusramsey
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26 Characters...


Every Tuesday I have to CLOSE the "New Player Info", 26 times.....


Even if I needed this info, I really only need to see it ONCE. Not every time I log on to a character, EVERY WEEK

(OBTW, I am NOT a new Player, I really don't need this info why can't I disable it.)


Every Tuesday I have to MOVE it 19 times.... Why only 19 I have no idea but some will keep the saved location. But the ONE character that I SAVED the location with, and 6 Others, WILL NOT stay where I want it.


Please Fix....

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26 Characters...


Every Tuesday I have to CLOSE the "New Player Info", 26 times.....


Even if I needed this info, I really only need to see it ONCE. Not every time I log on to a character, EVERY WEEK

(OBTW, I am NOT a new Player, I really don't need this info why can't I disable it.)


Every Tuesday I have to MOVE it 19 times.... Why only 19 I have no idea but some will keep the saved location. But the ONE character that I SAVED the location with, and 6 Others, WILL NOT stay where I want it.


Please Fix....


Lol - I beat you to it: Last week I closed it 60 times, for 60 characters I did conquest with. And I had to move it back to my choice of position 20 times while I was claiming conquest rewards, and 15-20 times during the week when I've changed planet/instance with a character. I didn't count those, as I'm usually busy doing something when I swap instances, but I'd say that's a pretty close an average.


So yes, would be nice to know when it will be fixed. :(

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I do, but it stays stuck in place for some Alts and not others. It’s so wired.


And now that I think about it, I’m sure it only stays in place for my Sorcs/sages.

That is weird, as well as wired. 😂


The code for SWTOR must literally be a bag of snakes. It's just amazing the way that things will be bugged for some classes and not others, and how bringing out a new expansion will break purely random things like some mounts not showing up as decorations, gun holsters disappearing, etc, etc, ad infinitum. 🤬


About the only way they can really fix it would be to migrate to a new 'engine'. 🤞

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Nope, I play all classes and it never moves on me.


I use a custom UI and it never moves. It has never moved since I put it in the upper left corner of my screen. Whatever the factor is it does not appear to be something simple like the UI XML file.


I worked out it doesn’t move for my sages/Sorcs or my gunslingers/snipers. But does for everyone other class. They all use the same custom UI file, so I don’t think it’s that,

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That is weird, as well as wired. 😂


The code for SWTOR must literally be a bag of snakes. It's just amazing the way that things will be bugged for some classes and not others, and how bringing out a new expansion will break purely random things like some mounts not showing up as decorations, gun holsters disappearing, etc, etc, ad infinitum. 🤬


About the only way they can really fix it would be to migrate to a new 'engine'. 🤞


Oodles of noodle of code from 4 generations of Devs. Be like getting takeaway from 4 restaurants of different cuisine over four years, freezing some of it then and trying to put it together to get the same taste, but every mouthful is a mystery flavour. Some disgusting and others amazing. But if you asked them how they made it they’d all have blank looks on their faces and say, “how was that mouthful”


Imagine retrofitting a war ship. You decide to swap the propeller then the coffee machine doesn’t work or you swap out a chair and the anchor stops working or the guns stop if you flush the toilet. Honestly, that’s how insane it feels sometimes when they add new content or make changes to totally unrelated stuff,


How much you wanna bet we get a whole slew of new bugs with this patch that have nothing to do with any changes they make to other things.

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