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Sniper needs to be toned down a bit. Diversion and Supress Fire needs a small nerf.


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Supressive Fire - Reduce the damage by 50% or reduce the amount of hits by half to be equal to Sorcs and Mercs AoE's.

Diversion - Increase the cooldown to 1:30 minutes. Make it affect tech and force only and reduce the accuracy debuff to 20 or 25%. The way it is it's just too much, it's unbalanced.

Force Bound already got changed to affect only force and tech, Diversion needs to be changed too.


"BuT iN RaNkEd 4x4 DPS Snipers DiE FasT". You simply can't balance the game based on ranked all dps. Anyone should die fast if 4 good dps are focusing a target.

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"BuT iN RaNkEd 4x4 DPS Snipers DiE FasT". You simply can't balance the game based on ranked all dps. Anyone should die fast if 4 good dps are focusing a target.


So in which content do you think snipers are unbalanced? Regs? And you think regs balance should take precedence over ranked? Obviously that makes no sense. Not only that, I don't think snipers are unbalanced in regs either.

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Supressive Fire - Reduce the damage by 50% or reduce the amount of hits by half to be equal to Sorcs and Mercs AoE's.

Diversion - Increase the cooldown to 1:30 minutes. Make it affect tech and force only and reduce the accuracy debuff to 20 or 25%. The way it is it's just too much, it's unbalanced.

Force Bound already got changed to affect only force and tech, Diversion needs to be changed too.


"BuT iN RaNkEd 4x4 DPS Snipers DiE FasT". You simply can't balance the game based on ranked all dps. Anyone should die fast if 4 good dps are focusing a target.


Ranked - end game content. Regs - no. Ranked has rating to lose. Regs - no. Regs has no class balance issues since it is 8 vs 8 and everyone can be viable there

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I really like this idea! I often find in solo ranked I just have too many defensive options at my disposal as a sniper. It's just not fair to the ops, maras, and sins who collectively stealth out and regen 1000 times, or the Ling sorcs and AP PTs that hit through my dcds as if I was naked.


Maybe to balance the higher CD on diversion with some more damage, snipers can get a new ability called "360 No Scope". This new ability will only activate on the temporary quickbar when one of the many clueless pvp forum posters is present in the arena. It allows the sniper to perform a 120 Meter, omnidirectional, through-any wall MLG headshot that takes the target down to 1 hp and permanently immobilizes them.


If by some miracle the sniper can stay alive while kiting 3 opponents, he can make his way over to his victim, stare through their eyes into the empty void where their brain should be, and deal the final deadly blow.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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If anything, the role of white damage in pvp should be addressed.


White damage is the most easily mitigated type of damage in the game. It's one reason why certain specs, like carnage maras or MM snipers can have a tough time pvp wise. I think there should be certain inherent characteristics to it game wide, and if anything of value could be salvaged from the OP's rant, it's that white damage should get some sort of advantage over yellow. It should, repeat SHOULD be effected by accuracy debuffs.


Personally, I think white damage from players should bypass absorb effects from players. Not tank shields, but instead sorc bubbles and operative shield probes, and abilities like that. Or maybe just a "double damage against absorbs" kinda thing. It would give some reasons to use some of the lesser played classes/specs in pvp.

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Supressive Fire - Reduce the damage by 50% or reduce the amount of hits by half to be equal to Sorcs and Mercs AoE's.

Diversion - Increase the cooldown to 1:30 minutes. Make it affect tech and force only and reduce the accuracy debuff to 20 or 25%. The way it is it's just too much, it's unbalanced.

Force Bound already got changed to affect only force and tech, Diversion needs to be changed too.


"BuT iN RaNkEd 4x4 DPS Snipers DiE FasT". You simply can't balance the game based on ranked all dps. Anyone should die fast if 4 good dps are focusing a target.


Class balancing is based on PvE. Get over it.

Ranked is too irrelevant as a game mode. Literally the same 50 regulars playing it. Hate to say it, but Bioware will never balance their game around the demands of 50 paying customers.

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If diversion is to be reworked then i would much prefer if they gave snipers stun immunity and flat 45% reduced damage dealt by enemies who are standing inside it. I have no input on the cooldown length.


I don't think anybody likes RNG dcds like diversion - it's annoying when you take damage through it, but equally annoying to miss important hits when standing inside it. No matter the outcome, someone is gonna get annoyed and that's not good design imo.


Suppressive fire is definitely overtuned in Marksman and has been for a long time - in fact i think MM has better cleave potential with suppressive fire alone than its 2 other specs which can spread dots or have AoE tied to a handful of its abilities.

Edited by Sharkii_boy
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-If you look at MM very close in its current state (I say this having played the spec since launch), the supposed to be burst is awful when comparted to other classes.


-Ambush on a normal crit without the I forget 30% increase instacast (since I don't play it anymore) which you're lucky to even hit someone with due to circumstance LOS etc is about 50-60k.


-So you have a normal crit -30% that hits for 50-60k THAT HAS TO BE CAST. A crit ambush is or is supposed be the hardest hit in the game hence "sniper" aka one shot one very hard hit effect as it has been for years.


-You can go on most other classes and crit for 50-60 k without even a cast. Why even play a MM sniper? I have to cast to get a 50-60k crit that's supposed to be the hardest hit in the game LOL


-Like I said in 1 wz match you're lucky to get off a few 80-90k hits if you're lucky. That's not what the class is supposed to be.


-I can go on most other classes and hit for 50-60k without a cast and do it consecutively


-I used to be able to solo q and not die on a sniper with sheet heals or no heals. Now that's impossible without the double roll. I simply can't get far enough away and the phase walk sorc re-skinned derp ability is garbage as we all know


-They did a great job post this update fixing MM over the years but rn it's subpar for burst; compared to other classes.


-Diversion is fine; most good players just run away from you which serves a better purpose of getting them out of melee range or moving away from you (ranged opponents)


-Outside melee range/moving away from you/switching targets (ranged) = no dps for them; a 45% decrease in dps, defense ability as proposed here in the thread keeps them in range of hitting you/not switching targets, not good


- To the OP are you playing the same game ? LMAO

Edited by AocaVII
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Oh here's a free bump up for you on the forums LMAO if you believe that than I don't know what to tell you, more like me forgetting to address something, seeeing the the thread dropping.


Suppressive Fire is strong but I don't see mm snipers leading in DPS. I would first have a look at sorc aoes which are far more powerful even though it's fluff and can be healed.


Also keep in mind that since snipers, only one tier above the lowest armor rating, are non mobile turrets for the most part so they need a lot of defenses, and very good kiting abilities.


If you don't like suppressive fire, don't stand in it if possible 👍


Remember snipers, well most of them don't move so you can move out of their aoes where as sorcs can, and you won't be able to avoid their aoes.


Also chain lightning doesn't need to be cast; it can just be proc'ed easily, with impunity and in succession lol

Edited by AocaVII
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I play a Sniper in Eng and was my main a year or so ago, but I think the class is hard to play.

So its true they can really put damage easy, I have not played the class in like two months and if I do couple WZs I would be doing 7-9k dps easy. But the class is very skill based, especially on the defence side of things. If you mistake a DCD you will pay a heavy price for that mistake. In ranked this means you lost the game.

Sniper are the only real turret class left, the game had three turret classes in the past, Snipers, Sorcs and Mercs. Sorcs and Mercs have so much mobility nowadays can we still call them a Turret class, definitely not. Mobility is always a winner in PvP IMO. Holo-Locate is okay but I think it does not feel right as with other classes, as unlike Sorcs you cannot heal yourself to full. My 2 cents is that really it is a class that needs nothing done to it. I would probably trade Holo-Locate with some Def utility but that is my opinion.

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I play a Sniper in Eng and was my main a year or so ago, but I think the class is hard to play.

So its true they can really put damage easy, I have not played the class in like two months and if I do couple WZs I would be doing 7-9k dps easy. But the class is very skill based, especially on the defence side of things. If you mistake a DCD you will pay a heavy price for that mistake. In ranked this means you lost the game.

Sniper are the only real turret class left, the game had three turret classes in the past, Snipers, Sorcs and Mercs. Sorcs and Mercs have so much mobility nowadays can we still call them a Turret class, definitely not. Mobility is always a winner in PvP IMO. Holo-Locate is okay but I think it does not feel right as with other classes, as unlike Sorcs you cannot heal yourself to full. My 2 cents is that really it is a class that needs nothing done to it. I would probably trade Holo-Locate with some Def utility but that is my opinion.


if ur telling me sniper isn't mobile with all speed buffs etc , u must be out of ur mind. I'll tell u right now merc/mando is still the lowest mobility class in game. There isn't a single class with as much speedbuffs and mobility as sniper atm.

Also sniper is in a good spot atm , except that evasion doesn't work on broken pt damage but thats another story.

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if ur telling me sniper isn't mobile with all speed buffs etc , u must be out of ur mind. I'll tell u right now merc/mando is still the lowest mobility class in game. There isn't a single class with as much speedbuffs and mobility as sniper atm.

Also sniper is in a good spot atm , except that evasion doesn't work on broken pt damage but thats another story.


Sniper can do very little damage when moving and here is the big difference between it and the other two (ranged DD) classes. Now I never really tried the other specs for the exception of an hour so, but I think beside Virulence you can do little when running with MM. So more expert of the class especially in MM and Viru can jump in and give there comments about this.

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Sniper can do very little damage when moving and here is the big difference between it and the other two (ranged DD) classes. Now I never really tried the other specs for the exception of an hour so, but I think beside Virulence you can do little when running with MM. So more expert of the class especially in MM and Viru can jump in and give there comments about this.



I think people are afraid of classes that can move and do damage at the same time, in general. They just want people to stand there and eat their melee dps. That's not how it works lol


Ranged classes are meant to kite not stand their and eat your dps. Where did the word kite come from in MMOs. Someone flying a kite IRL. You don't kite. You die.


Snipers can not move and dps, maybe 0.5 k dps...O unless you mean the secret "AOE/Dot class specialist class".


Other than MM the other two specs are fluff; they created them to be viable in pvp and look legit dps wise.


A sniper implies burst not dots and aoes. Make a new class "aoe/dot specialist" can't call a sniper a sniper if he's spreading dots and aoes srsly lol


IDK I never saw a sniper labeled class in another game that don't burst LMAO


Bordering calling a sorc an expert in missiles and grenades.

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if ur telling me sniper isn't mobile with all speed buffs etc , u must be out of ur mind. I'll tell u right now merc/mando is still the lowest mobility class in game. There isn't a single class with as much speedbuffs and mobility as sniper atm.

Also sniper is in a good spot atm , except that evasion doesn't work on broken pt damage but thats another story.


I'm telling you sniper is not in a good place LOL


I used to be able to solo q with mine for years. Can't do that anymore w/o the double roll, and viable casted Ambush crit. I probably did 4000 wzs on my sniper/slinger over years of play. You want to think they are in a good place go ahead LOL


On the other hand if I go on a SOLO QD dps merc, I feel pretty dam mobile. I won't die, get top deeps, and not need a healer. I can't play my sniper anymore after 4000 matches of being able to. I used to main it, can't now LMAO


Sniper since launch please don't tell me they're in a good place lol


They don't need much of a fix:


Remove phase walk garbage reskin; replace w double roll, make a normal crit ambush the hardest hit in the game as it should be and always was, get rid of the insta 30% increase Ambush that you can barely hit anyone with more than 1-3 times a match so you don't get 50k casted crit ambushes nerfed to accommodate for this ability.


That's why the normal crit on ambush is a cloaked nerf that no one realizes.

Edited by AocaVII
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I'm telling you sniper is not in a good place LOL


I used to be able to solo q with mine for years. Can't do that anymore w/o the double roll, and viable casted Ambush crit. I probably did 4000 wzs on my sniper/slinger over years of play. You want to think they are in a good place go ahead LOL


On the other hand if I go on a SOLO QD dps merc, I feel pretty dam mobile. I won't die, get top deeps, and not need a healer. I can't play my sniper anymore after 4000 matches of being able to. I used to main it, can't now LMAO


Sniper since launch please don't tell me they're in a good place lol


They don't need much of a fix:


Remove phase walk garbage reskin; replace w double roll, make a normal crit ambush the hardest hit in the game as it should be and always was, get rid of the insta 30% increase Ambush that you can barely hit anyone with more than 1-3 times a match so you don't get 50k casted crit ambushes nerfed to accommodate for this ability.


That's why the normal crit on ambush is a cloaked nerf that no one realizes.


I guess u only play regs , If u tell sniper ain't good in games ur totally wrong , they have great team abilities and mobility especially as MM and if u tell me a merc is mobile as the lowest moblity class in game i lmao tbh . People always whining about merc and dcds till they play it and find out it really isn't as great as u think xD. Snipers are honestly fine atm most off all with phasewalk now , only thing they need is evasion getting fixed.

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I guess u only play regs , If u tell sniper ain't good in games ur totally wrong , they have great team abilities and mobility especially as MM and if u tell me a merc is mobile as the lowest moblity class in game i lmao tbh . People always whining about merc and dcds till they play it and find out it really isn't as great as u think xD. Snipers are honestly fine atm most off all with phasewalk now , only thing they need is evasion getting fixed.


Most people in the game rn do not know how to kite on a Merc. Maybe that's why people think it's not mobile. I'm basically just an old school kiting dps sorc disguised as a Merc so for me personally, it feels very mobile.


I mean I'm nothing special. I'm just used to playing a squishy ranged class so possibly I'm just experiencing it differently than others.


I don't think you should base/buff/nerf a class on solo ranked play because the majority of players don't do ranked. Also, the metrics are scewed because of the win trading/botting and everything else that goes on in ranked.

Edited by AocaVII
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Honestly, i don't agree.


Snipers can only heal with roll (20 sec CD) and if you catch them outside hunker, they will melt. They have a lot of defensive's cause they need them. If there is no healer there, so they can dps, they are not that strong.

Edited by Nemmar
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Engineer is the most versatile for solo arena and pugging regs. It’s doesn’t have to same amount of dps as MM, but it makes up for it in usefulness as a utility class. You can still do some good damage and the crocodile tears from melee in Hutt Ball are priceless.


Eh, I still am of the opinion that holding the ball should but 'hindered' state on you. Preventing any movement abilities. Would encourage more off the ball movement and passing rather than a lets pass it to the person who can take no damage or CC while carrying the ball.

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