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Everything posted by Warrioroffhell

  1. basically what nightrain has said , the current remaining maps are more buggy then they've ever been before.
  2. try also n1ghtrain , neyorus , aqrius , colaswtor and cerasi42 on DM , i myself stream from time to time but more merc dps/heal and occasional slinger/sent
  3. Another endless debate on an ability the class needs but people who don't know how to counter it are crying once more , i will repeat this again and again every merc ability or dcds is counterable unlike some other classes . second why would u nerve an ability on the LEAST mobile class in this game , the entire purpose of the ability is to stop people from running away cause u are a castwise based class and heavy LOS screwed
  4. The way how current players are the best games in solo ranked are 4dps who actually reflect ur skill lvl , tank/heals while they can be good haven't been as good since season 10 and in season 13 they were utterly boring cause of forcebound and grith teeth etc. Also u have a higher chance of getting the most irritating players in ur teams cause most of them play tank/heal to throw on the queue for their own amusement (i will not mention names cause people who play ranked know who i'm talking about)
  5. Caprica basicaly summing everything up to the point. If u don't come in like a troll and start being toxic to experienced players from the start and accept critique and ask questions , u will have a nice time in SR. If u don't ur just asking for it.
  6. I guess u only play regs , If u tell sniper ain't good in games ur totally wrong , they have great team abilities and mobility especially as MM and if u tell me a merc is mobile as the lowest moblity class in game i lmao tbh . People always whining about merc and dcds till they play it and find out it really isn't as great as u think xD. Snipers are honestly fine atm most off all with phasewalk now , only thing they need is evasion getting fixed.
  7. I guess u guys don't play a lot of ranked . I know votekick has been on the table for a while now and we all agree on some points but i got to say this is another trollpost. Most of these people that get kicked are literally either trolls or throwers or bots or people who queue without gear ( i mean totally wrong gear like 270greens and no tactical or snipers with defense gear (got screenshot for this one , this one is gold btw lmao) . I get that new players want to get into ranked but plz learn the game in regs first instead of queuing ranked on ur first day and then getting globalled every game being an autoloss to ur team (wich ends up in votekicks). U got to ask , i didn't play ranked till s8 and i played from launch , being afraid of being an hindrance in ranked i played regs till i thought i would be able to do ranked. But i guess this attitude isn't here anymore. And all these players who say they are new and queue from day 1 should be ashamed of themselves to come to forums for drama instead of going regulars to get good. And another topic , instead of whining about complaints , adapt urself and get better . If u think this is toxic now , u didn't play season 8.
  8. if ur telling me sniper isn't mobile with all speed buffs etc , u must be out of ur mind. I'll tell u right now merc/mando is still the lowest mobility class in game. There isn't a single class with as much speedbuffs and mobility as sniper atm. Also sniper is in a good spot atm , except that evasion doesn't work on broken pt damage but thats another story.
  9. nice to hear u are having a good time. Most of the time when people are toxic its cause they lose but u don't have to take it to heart and just try to improve and most of the time when those people see improvement they will tell u too. For all those people out there who say ranked is toxic , u shouldve played Season 8 , wich was the top of toxicity and the biggest boost to improve ever.
  10. wins/losses in Solo ranked not registering and leaderboards are bugged
  11. i reached 8-3 still no rating to be seen
  12. haven't seen anything happening like this tonight
  13. imagine nerfing an entire spec cause of PVE reasons . New set bonus nice , once again for pve . Pvp doesn't get anything and will probably be the lowest off al healers once again . Feels like season 8 all over again.
  14. Well not that i've seen yet , or heard off about. Ill give it a try tonight and let u know.
  15. again i agree on the pve part , but don't nerf pvp healing for nothing again.
  16. This must be the biggest troll post in history of this game...... People whining about slowes affecting movement (sounds logically) and about cc's while whitebar is a thing everyone knows. Big learn to play issue here , i advise most of these people complaining to relearn their classes and check whitebar system and other class cc's and immunity's. edit : Btw most classes have cleanses for these slows, roots and others can cleanse u too , and don't start with yea but they don't cleanse others etc. This is a l2p issue
  17. just make force bound into the dps specs and make it cleansable , the worst part of the entire set is that its not cleansable and should be cleansed together with fear.
  18. the only reason people want it nerfed is cause merc heal in PVE is too ez , but in PVP its balanced. if they do nerve this set healers won't have any viable set left anymore.
  19. Oh please, Don't start with the nerf talks , for the one time merc is overall balanced except for pvp people start whining about it. All heal specs can compete with each other at this moment. If they do nerve concentraded fire there isn't a single set that is usable for heals since all others are trash.
  20. Prum , Why in the world would merc heals need to be nerfed..... this is ridiculous , out of all healers mercs are the easiest too shut down , second they overheat way too quickly , third its not cause they survive bit better that they do more hps then other healers....... if we look at hps output its oper-merc-sorc before the patch , and don't forget its not cause sorcs do less hps that they are not good , pull has damage reduction , bubble to break cc's and more on the move and aoe then merc ever can while moving. stop the nerf merc heal stuff , it doesn't make any sense All heals should be buffed and not a single nerfed.
  21. all healers are unplayable xD , instead of balancing all basic heal output they only buff sorc heals once again. feels like 4.0-5.0 all over again making sorcs the meta healer once more . only reason why people go merc/oper atm is cause merc has better dcd's and oper for aoe heals vs cleave dps meta.
  22. sounds like this person is trolling u , if he complains about losing a regs 4v4 under lvl 75 game
  23. Can people finally stop with the nerf operatives/sins threads? like every issue u guys have described has something to do with the gearstack buggs or classstacking. If u look at the class itself they are fine. If u don't know how to handle an operative i suggest u learn how to duel operatives. their weakness is roots after roll or after double roll Same for sins where people are wasting their hardstuns on deflection with utility or on shroud with tech/force stuns if u know the classes u know how to counter them and u would now all classes are pretty good balanced this expansion except for jug dps and overall heal specs , but i won't go in detail here since its going offtopic. just fix the bug arround gear/tactical swapping and everything is fine.
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