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PvP and Why It Sucks (As a level 50 Marauder)


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Are you seriously complaining about having to guard an actual objective because of stealth classes?


No wonder you lose Warzones if you can't even be bothered to actually do the thing you're supposed to be bloody well doing.


I bet you were one of those people in WoW who ran around in the zerg of 12 in Arathi Basin and started ************ about how Alliance always lose BGs when the flag you just spam capped gets recapped by one long rogue while you're spamming Blizzard at farm.

Edited by Bakarn
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I don't know how long and where it stays, I just know it doesn't work. Period.


It works fine, after i faceplant someone on my scoundrel they get up and start doing whatever and i cant cc them with anything. Its never worked any different.


Ceraz- You want a mature discussion but you dont respond to anyone that opposes your argument in a constructive way so how else is anyone supposed to talk to you. All i see is you chatting it up with other people that are just as butthurt as you.


I read your whole post so read mine. You really just have no clue what you're talking about sometimes. Maybe you didnt proof-read or something. Using your CC-breaker on the first CC you get stunned by is just asking to be stunned again, i dont know what else you expected. You're playing real people, not AI. You jump on the "its broken" bandwagon as soon as you find out its got groupies. Judging from your first post, you COULDNT have known about resolve until someone mentioned it or you wouldve complained about that too. And the context of what you were talking about didnt imply any different.


Also, you effectively have a stun every 15 seconds with force leap. My stuns are either extremely situational or on a 45-90 second CD. I also have no mobility in or outside of combat. Stealth is basically all i got and i have to spec into it to move at normal speed.


Getting knocked off of catwalks in Huttball seems to be your own fault and you complain about 1v1s vs anyone that can knockback... but you can just charge right back up... what are you complaining about again? Warzones are teamplay anyway, why are you worried about 1v1? While we're on the subject of huttball, you complained about only being able to break away from CC in huttball 4 times and that your defensive CDs are too long. And? this only means you have to use it when it matters the most. Afraid of getting CC'd on the pit? Save your breakaway for that moment or wait til your resolve is full and use it then, so you cant be further CC'd. You cant really expect to stay alive forever anyway, your defensive skills have to have some semblance of balance.


Fine, you dont get a normal stun. So what? DPS them down til they use both their CCs on you and escape, your resolve bar is full and you're free to use your big buffs and defense CDs without any hindrance. Or go in with another player to back you up. Find a work around. Everyone cant do everything. (except sorcs)


Your animosity towards stealth is completely baseless. Do you really expect a stealth class to not be able to do so? YOU get a short stealth. You even completely dismissed a suggestion by someone to just AOE after someone tries to break away, its a brilliant tip. But you ignore everything that doesnt sound like peaches n cream to you.


Clearly people are doing well as marauder. It probably has a higher curve than some classes but if you learn to work around the problems and adapt to the situation, i cant see why you shouldnt be able to do any different. And dont think you're completely correct just because people are /signing. They're just as butthurt.


I really hope you take my post seriously and look at it objectively. Because coming from an honest point of view, it doesnt seem like you're very experienced at all. If you dont respond, it'll just confirm my earlier statement that you ignore anyone that disagrees with you.


P.S.- Resolve might not work ALL the time, but it works. And i cant see whats wrong with it. At least from a conceptual standpoint. Its a great mechanic. Here's a guide to resolve if you dont fully understand it. Rome-fu's Resolve Guide

Edited by CausticSushi
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After reading this long rant (Like it could be called a post), I've realized this isn't the game for you at all. If you have this many problems with the game, why would you even continue to play. You are asking them to change major mechanics to PvP to suit your complaints.


The second you add rewards to world PvP you get griefing and kill-trading, things not in the spirit of PvP.


Don't like the commendation set up? You don't want to do tons of warzones because you find it boring? Then why the hell are you doing PvP? You just want the gear to afk in the fleet or something? Makes no sense to me.

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I didnt really have any trouble soloing my class quest content on my Sentinel. The only boss that I could not beat solo was the end boss to my class quest (will not mention who /spoilers).


As for pvp, I love it. Though I only pvp with a 4man level 50 premade.

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People would say Maruader sucks...


Then this guy rolls up on you and destroys you. -->


Then you would reconsider, and would put a sock in your mouth.


Good day.

It's a heavily edited highlights video, and as such says nothing about the class overall. Which any half reasonable person should be able to see.


Question for you: How would a video of class X look (where X is any class), if you had 10% expertise, were fighting randoms, hugged the expertsise buffs, and only showed clips where you popped adrenal+trinket and was lucky?



Now, sentinels/marauders are not close to as bad as some people make them out to be, but there is an advantage in this game for ranged vs sentinels/marauders. Simply look at the abilities sentinels/marauders have to close distance, and their cooldowns, and the abilities for ranged to gain distance and their cooldowns. The end result you'll see is that any e.g. sorceress that actually bothers to get range won't ever be catched outside a 3 minute cooldown (call on the force+transendence), which will give a few seconds of uptime. (Force leap (15s)=knockback(20s), Force Camo (45s)=force stun (50s), Force leap(15s up again) = Force Sprint (30s)). I will only be able to do damage if you waste your cooldowns on something else and i focus everyone i have to stick to you.


If the average opposing team would have consisted of one of each advanced class there would be 5 melee and 3 ranged, and that would have been fine. Now the average imperial team i come across has 6 ranged and 2 melee, and most of the ranged sorceresses. Again if resolve was actually useful the massive stacking of slightly too many individual knockbacks, stuns and roots would be manageable, but resolve isn't nearly as good as it has to be. And if you're the only melee the tab target + nuke champions will infallably target you, and then pop the first thing they can come up with, which is a stun, which still doesn't mess up the kiting of the target we're on because resolve is too weak.


Sentinels excel at two things:


#1 Killing bad players, especially when supported by a healer. This is due to our neverending resources andactual ramp up time to be able to use Zen/Transendence. This gives some really nice screenshots of high damage.


#2 Highlight reels of 1vX when popping every cooldown we have in a single fight.



Note that i said that sentinels/marauders are not as bad as some people make them out to be. But anyone denying that an equally geared and well played ranged have the upper hand is in denial. The balance issue isn't huge, but is compounded by the fact that 75% of imperial players at least seems to play ranged classes.

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@OP complaining about squishiness:


Sents and Maras have the three most effective defensive abilities in the game. I don't know the Mara equivalents, but Guarded by the Force, Saber Ward, Rebuke are extremely strong.

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I've been directed here by GM for sharing PvP experience so here we go.


I am a Sith Assassin. I am new to this game obviously just like the whole game is so it is probably understandable that I do not know very much about the other classes. I gonna tell this from my POV.


First failure: I know that not only Assassin, but we are very critical strike dependant.

Why is this bad ? Simply because for example of the Critical Multiplier. A critical strike becomes way better than a hit so the critical chance becomes too important. This is especially annoying since for example Operatives can get 22% passive extra critical strike chance from talents for their main dmg abilities.

Compared to how frustrating the Assassin dmg is, like 3x3500 Maul crits followed by 15 700 hits etc., Operatives have a much more steady DPS because of the ~50% critical strike chance.


Second failure: When I play a Warzone I am playing to win it. For example in Voidstar what I do is. As an Assassin, sneak to the doors and while my friends lure the enemy away, I am waiting for the right moment to place the bomb. Most of the times, from the 6 objectives I take at least 4/6 on a regular basis. Now this is I think a very good teamplay and this is how Voidstar should be played, yet I don't get any reward for playing to win the game. I most of the times get my 0-1 medal.


This is I think far from fair rewarding compared to the mindless "mid farm" 9-10 medal gainings. I don't say it is bad to controll places like middle or beat the enemy by power but also I should get my rewards for winning us the Warzone. There are times when you can't just kill the enemies because they are just keep respawning so then I become a very important part of the Warzone with ninja placing a bomb when the defenders just don't pay attention for that 8 seconds.

This applies for Huttball too and so does for Civil War. You go straight for the objectives and if you don't stop at the end and farm middle for at least 5 min, you will be the "worst" player in the Warzone.


Third failure: Huttball random wind jumper. Huttball brings a new way to PvP, I understand the need of ramps, bridges, firewalls and even the random wind jumper. But do not make it as random as it is now. Like it is ok to throw me to random sides of the ramps but at least throw me up all the time!

It is not ok that the ball handler gets thrown up and I get just thrown back down 3 times in a row. It can be really a win or loss situation depending on where I land. With the sprint, passes and other cool abilities, you can not waste 20 seconds by trying your luck and fail.

I shouldn't use it and run around to the ramp ? No, that would make the wind jumper nonsense. Because if it's better to not use it, then why would it be there at all ? To fool new players ? This should be changed I think.


Fourth failure: Champion bags. I don't want to really go in details here, there are tons of other topics about this. In a nutshell, it is far from an acceptable system that one person gets full epic PvP gear in a week and the other with a month of Warzone farm.


Fifth failure: Way too strong healers. I don't think I am a bad PvPer at all and when a healer just backpedals and spamming one ability (I ain't sure but the same animation over and over again is probably because he uses the same ability) but I still can't kill him, there is something wrong.

I have ~35 binds which I use too vs his one button. If I play good and I am vs a bad player, I kinda think I should be able to beat him without any problem.


That's all for now I think, and also I think it's bad that we don't have a 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 arena. Other things I won't mention because many of my wishes are already in the "near future" plans at the community news.

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Lets start:


*The random bag is simply a badly done system.


*People that have the ball in hutball should not be able to get pulled / jump / force speed their way past things. To balance it the person with the ball should move abit faster then what (s)he do right now.


*The entire system for how warzones handle "points" need to be remade. Right now its more about who can whack more people then "who can win the objective". There need to be greater rewards for doing the objective / working as a team then running around in zerg or ignoring the goal of the map. For example having people that make throws get extra points if you score. Have the person that score get a reward. Have people get more points for attacking people that attack the ball carrier / heal the ball carrier.


*The entire pvp planet need to be remade from the ground up INCLUDING the map / area itself. There need to be choke points. There need to be "capture" objectives, there need to be greater rewards for killing players. All the Doodad objects that are ugly as hell (the robots) need to be removed. Either make them part of the world (as in you have to destroy them by fighting them or just change them to bunkers / communication centers / Medical bays.


While some wont agree i also think there should be npc's that help guard areas and depending on the factions look they should be stronger / weaker. If its balanced then they are overall weak. Im not talking about a zerg or swarm of npc's. But simply add some to "slow" the progression of the attacks. With the help of choke points it would add a more intense combat scenario.


Like i said earlier. Kills should mater the most over there (or if you support someone killing someone else (as a tank / healer)) on the pvp planet. However that dont mean that objectives should not be important. Once you kill someone you should get a buff (and if you support by guarding / healing you will get another buff) said buff should give you a reward when you leave the area in some way. The more objectives you helped with at your stay the larger the reward boost will be. This will also create longer pvp scenario's as people will want to stay for a longer time on the planet to pvp to gain even larger boosts.


And the last thing...


*All abilities / classes should be 100% mirrored. If one roots you when you use it both should do it (or the other way around). If one is instant with no travel time then the other one should be the same.


Just my 2 cent


*puts on a fire resistance shield* :>

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Marauders have an amazing 20% healing debuff that lasts for 15 seconds and is only on a 12 second CD, a 15 sec CD 30m leap that is immensely useful in PvP, and one of the best interrupts in the game that costs only 1 Rage and is on only an 8 second CD, a really solid accuracy debuff, several really solid defensive abilities such as Saber Ward, Cloak of Pain, and, in a pinch, Undying Rage; not to mention a few truly incredible party buffs that use 30 stacks of Fury, which is quickly generated in big fights and can be instantly granted once every 3 minutes with the Frenzy ability....


The class is not one for button mashers, that's for sure. It's got strengths and weaknesses, just like everyone else... but if you're not making a significant contribution to your team and personally dealing out a whole lot of hurt, then you're doing it wrong.


As to the PvP issues with the game in general... are you really going to complain about stealthers being able to stealth away out of combat right before you're about to kill them? Because you realize that is a feature of stealthers in most MMOs, and is certainly not exclusive to this one. You also do realize that you're complaining about that... and you play a class that can also do the same thing...? Come on, dude....

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Good post not sure if I agree with all of it but the main point that I am very concerned about is the risk/reward for open world PvP their needs to be a incentive for people to PvP in open world maps. You can have fun PvPing in the open world but there is not enough players doing it.
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Marauder here...


Queing with 3 other people - Winning 95% of our matches.

Only lose against those stupid crap team who stacked those "Stone thrower" guys...They're just insane.

But we love Huttball - We play in a team and win nearly every match after few minutes with 6:0 - Me as a Marauder is at least scoring 4 of 6 balls.

Our Class is just insane - Its pure fun.Sure you need a little support but well > Its a MMORPG and there are 7 other people in your team.

And time of course your FOrce Choke > The people have to get over the fire things.And of course you have a fear too.I dont have any problems to gain some time or kill the ball carrier.

Sure its stupid if the ball carrier is an other marauder > He is just charging at those people who trie to stop him...


Voidstar > Rushing right through it.

Im planting nearly every bomb before even an enemy comes close to me.Only the 1st door is a little bit hard.

Defending is so easy...Sure run after those who try to lure you away but dont charge at them.Save your CC Breaker and Charge for the guy who tries to plant it.

And of course > People should speak with each other and say if some one is in trouble.


When the door explodes use your Predation and sacrifice those 30 Fury Stacks > Most of the time you're so far away with that running speed so you can release the bridge.Then run to the next door > plant it(sucks if respawn comes but then go stealth > Randoms are so stupid and you can just run past them to the other door)...Plant and wait > Frenzy > Predation > last device to get the barrier down > plant at the door > Win.

Works every time against randoms - Most of the time you dont even need help for that.

Marauder is damn strong if you use your options.

Edited by SubSenix
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This post was so incredibly good, in many ways. So i decided to take my time, in hopes that it will be read by the developers.


I play a Marauders my self, i come from MANY mmo's. I prolly played em all :p (so it feels like)


I truly enjoy the game story is amazing and the gameplay is enjoying.


i agree to most of points when it comes to the arenas, they arent rewarding, and as a marauder i hate feeling like a pingpong ball in huttball. I wanna toss around people to!!! *sad eyes*


What made me wanna type here is what makes me most angry is that most of our "big bang skills" doesnt work in pvp! That annoys me and i think its completly wrong.


We can put out enough dps if they let us stay at a target but as it is now its to much CC and it can be tough to stay in that duration needed. So i wish sometimes we could get our savage kick back and the pommel strike. I remember when leveling and got those skills, i whent inside and did some pvp... surprice! They dont work!


I faced "i dont know the class" but he put some whirlwind ticking blue thingy on me, and it hitted me for 1.5k each time sometimes critted for around 2k. And boom i was dead!


If that thing whatever he used doesnt need to get nerfed i dont know what. i guess game will be more balanced out soon. But i hope that marauders will get abit more cc.

And not "oh noes we need to nerf them more so we get more sorceres."

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Marauder was hard at first until learning how to use the survival tools that it has. Also many people fell in love with the carnage and annhilate trees because of the DPS. Well if you want to survive try a tree that has survivabilty. I jump into mobs of people charge up shockwave with force choke stun the whole group with intimadating roar and then use obliterate to get auto crit pop a surge stim and smash 3-6 enemies around me for 2000-5500 dependiong on their def and active buffs. I sometime finish one or 2 off that way or I will finnish one off right after. I then get in my **** stage and pop force camo and usually need to use undying rage at that time as well. I go find a single target if possible to get my rage and fury back up and head back into the group. That is without heals. If I have a healer I follow the first process up with a force crush to build up shockwave and by then I can use obliterate again pop my relic for surge and smash the same enemies again for 2000-5500 all within 5-8 seconds so yeah learn to use your marauder. I love mone but also keep this in mind if your cooldowns are gone and you get jumped my multiple enemies your gonna die fast. Wait isn't that the case for everyone? Sorry for the rant but I had 0 problem leveling or in PvP. Infact I thought the leveling was far to easy in the missions especially with good old quinn at my side.
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As a Mid-level Marauder (lvl 35) I have to agree with the first poster....It feels like every other class in the game gets tons of stuns that work on other players, where as Marauders can only stun MOBs that are Standard and below. I'm just about done with the Carnage tree I have maybe six more levels until I have the top tier skill. I've tried multiple rotations but in most PVP warzones I'm lucky to get 2 medals if that!. Marauder's are supposed to be the masters of DPS so i don't understand why we get out-DPS'd by just about every class in the game. As a Marauder, I'm not asking for knockback...we just want our stuns to actually do something when in combat with higher tier'd (elite and above) MOBs and players.
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Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment and talk about the game in general. It is a fantastic game, based on rich lore and beautiful back story with almost unlimited potential. This could literally be a game that brings people who have never been interested in MMOs into them based on the license alone. However, there are many, many, many issues that will possibly affect that, and I'm going to touch on some of them a bit. Please try to read the whole thing so that an honest discussion can take place.


1. Playing on a PvP Server

My main is a 50 Sith Marauder on the Death Wind Corridor server. I have always loved open world PvP and have partaken in it gleefully since the days of the Second Age of Ultima Online (before the concept of having a world where PvP couldn't happen existed) and really enjoy the risk and reward aspect.


Yes, I said risk and reward. So I'm trudging along for a while on Tatooine when I finally come across my first Republic player in the open world. I quickly get a jump on him and after fighting him for a few moments, I get that exciting deathblow... annndd... nothing. Nothing happened. There was no XP bonus, no form of token, not even a 'valor' increase.


With this idea of added risk, there needs to be a reward. Without it, I've found that other players will avoid PvP even on a PvP server and typically try to go around the others, even if they have a level advantage. This needs to change and a simple way to fix that would be to add rewards. Simply add something like... Mercenary Commendations for open world PvP.


2. The Commendation System

Speaking of Commendations... the current system for getting them is absolutely terrible. Currently, the only two ways to get Mercenary Commendations is to 1) Trade 30 Warzone Commendations for 10 Mercenary Commendations (3:1! That's insane!) OR get lucky and find a chest in the Outlaw's Group PvP zone on Tatooine.. which was recently stealth nerfed into oblivion.


What needs to be done? Make commendations more available and frankly, worth getting. Doing obscene numbers of warzones isn't fun, engaging, or even challenging. It's getting to the point where I can see someone paying someone else to play a warzone for them, seeing as how you still get a decent number even on a loss.


3. Warzone Balance

Part 1: Voidstar(Assault)

Oh boy. Let's talk about this colossal failure. So if you've never played it (which I imagine many of you haven't after being forced to play Huttball until your eyes bleed), basically the two teams get a turn of assaulting a level by planting a bomb (8 second click) on a door. The typical 'shield door with random timer' as in Huttball is present for every time you die, causing this one to be even more infuriating than Huttball.


The major issues with this are the Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor classes (and believe me, I'll talk more about certain parts of them later.) They can literally run past everyone stealthed and run right up to the door, making the only viable strategy on defense NOT to block the oncoming attack, but to babysit a door. To make matters worse, if one bomb goes off they proceed to the next stage, making this heavily stacked for the offense. Even worse, is that these same classes I mentioned before have that lovely 'speed burst' skill and can literally get to the next door bomb location before you can get out of the spawn if you are unlucky. To be honest, the only ways I can think of fixing this awful game is to make it so that the door releases more often for the defenders and to possibly make the bomb time longer than 3 or 5 seconds?


Part 2: Huttball

Yeah. You know this one because it's probably the only one you ever get to play. It's boring, it's not exactly in the spirit of PvP, and honestly if you play the game objectively (scoring the ball for example) you'll end up with less commendations/xp/rewards than someone who just ran around and murdered people.


The Arena:

Lets talk about the Arena from a Marauders point of view. I come down from the spawn, and there's a large ledge where the score zone is that can only be reached by ramps. Ok, that means that anyone can't just walk up and score. At least, that's the intention. Every class to my knowledge (Except the Jedi Sentinel) get some form of push or knockback. Even the other specialization of the Sith Warrior gets 'Force Push' which lets them push people off of these ramps. Me? Not a single one.


The ramps are frustrating alone as it is when you take into account just knockbacks and pushes even from a purely defensive standpoint when you have NONE of the abilities both your team-mates and opponents have. To make matters worse, there are flame traps. Guess what gets used on flame traps all the time? stuns. I'll talk more about stuns later, but in terms of PvP in general these are ridiculous...


What can I say to make this arena any better? Maybe add an ability in Huttball that lets players get somewhere near their defense zone? Better yet, add more approaches to being able to score. As it is, Huttball is simply infuriating to play as someone who cannot defend the score zone or a ball carrier on a ramp because they get knocked down and have to wait 15 seconds for 'force charge' to cooldown.


4. Stealth in Combat

Know what one of the most frustrating things in PvP is? Know that moment right when you're about to get a kill on someone who may have even ambushed you from stealth only to have them stealth up and totally disappear? That's garbage. I don't think that anyone should be able to have permanent stealth when they are listed as 'in combat'. If you cannot use your heal self ability while in combat, why have a permanent stealth with 100% invisibility in PvP? To make this make more sense, I think that in PvP the outline should always be in effect if they are listed as in combat. Otherwise, we will continue to see ridiculous numbers of these stealth classes (especially Inquisitors and Consulars) if the warzones continue to cater to them.


5. Stuns in Combat (From a Marauder's Perspective)

Speaking of other nonsense, let's talk about stuns. They are incredibly useful in PvE and still useful in PvP. What's not OK (at least from a Marauder standpoint) is how these are used in PvP. Many classes get multiple stuns that will keep a played stunned even if they are taking direct damage. This is BS, total BS.


Guess what I can do? I can choke you for 3 seconds, which is a channel, meaning I can't do anything else. If I spend a ton of points I can make my 3 second ravage ability immobilize you during the duration (also a channel.) Hmm. Notice a pattern? I can't stun, cc, or otherwise immobilize you like other (still melee based) classes can. Granted, I do get an AoE stun for 6 seconds.. that wears off if the target takes damage. How is this balance?


I get an ability take gets rid of any movement, hold, or stun effect that can be used once every two minutes. In terms of Huttball, that's about.. maybe.. 4 times a match? I have to pick which exact stun I break free from and hope that I don't get chain-stunned by another stun from a class that has multiple ones right away. This needs to stop. There needs to be a stun/hold immunity in PvP.


6. Marauders in General

I know, I know, this is where I talk about my class getting the short end of the stick, and everyone else is OP. But I've noticed some things both with playing with other classes, and playing those classes myself. I seem to be able to do amazing dps, until I compare myself with a Sith Assassin, who is also a melee dps. I figure, no problem. I'm probably more durable than they are because I have heavier armor. Honestly, this isn't the case. A Sith Assassin is more likely to be an offtank than a Marauder. Why is this? I come from the same archtype class as the Juggernaut. Shouldn't I be more of an off-tank than them?


I strongly believe that the Marauder needs some sort of boost for both PvP and PvE. Leveling from 40-50 was an utter nightmare after the mobs started hitting noticeably harder (Around Hoth?) and made the game almost unplayable even though both my companion and I were geared quite well for my level and forced me to rely on medpacks.


What can be done? Either boost the Sith Marauders survivability or dps. I think the survivability makes more sense seeing as how we come from the 'Sith Warrior' archtype.



Well, I honestly hope you read in earnest what I wrote up to this point instead of just skimming it. I want to say that I didn't take the time to write all this out because I'm 'doomsaying' or saying 'how this game sucks', but quite the opposite. I love this game and I want it to succeed. I want to be playing this game 6 or more years from now and enjoying it as much as I have been up until this point. I know it's just the start and things will eventually get better, but I hope my ideas have some sort of push to get the gears rolling on that change. Thanks for reading.


i dont mind reading all you wrote although i dont seem to agree with everything.


maybe watch this marauder to bolster you:

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Sorry, you lost me when you said that Shadows/Sins have more survivability and burst than marauders. They're probably the weakest melee class in the game right now ( which is one of the reasons they have that annoying combat stealth). Want to know how many times I've eaten 4-5k crits from Marauders? Countless. Want to know how many times I ate the same crits from a Sin? Less than I can count on one hand.
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I agree with the Hutball part and that is about it.

I don't think you understand how to play the Marauder class properly. They have amazing survivability and can nuke quite well whilst having some of the best mobility in the game.


If I didn't know better I'd say you're trolling since you even complain about commendations being hard to get. If you want handouts you probably shouldn't be playing an MMO. A lot of people play MMO's to work towards something, and if I can get 3 pieces of high level pvp gear a day then I'm not really working at all.


Stuns should not be removed in PvP, they should be revised. Since this is your typical MMO model (apparently companies lost interest in innovation) they should do the obvious and make it so you're not able to be chain stunned, or at least heavily reduce the stun duration on the second and third stun.


For someone from UO, you make odd points. SWTOR is nothing new, it's the same game that has been mass produced since WoW. The lore and story is nice but for the most part nothing has changed. If Darkfall didn't have a billion issues and had better graphics I'd prob be playing that instead.

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