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Everything posted by MN_FirstBlood

  1. I want a playable jawa or im going back to ashrons call
  2. I am really getting discouraged about the driver support for this game. I mean Lucas has THX quality certified speakers that are made by other comapnies not to mention Lucas companies always strive for best visual and audio experiance ( even if the stories blow). I cannot believe there is so little support from nvidia on this game. I get some beta drivers and ME3 is on the loading screen, so I know it's not bioware. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SLi support, some info on driver improvement and performance from Nvidia. I don't want to start a who's to blame but I would have to say it does not seem that EA/Lucas/Bioware has made much effort to get us any information on this topic.
  3. Not sure how it goes on everyone else's server but on mine the Ilum PvP consists of Sith standing at the entrance of the republic base and trying to kill the Republics. I know they patched the turrets inside the base but it still doesn't help them. My suggestion is right there at the entrance on both sides make a zone door where the Imperials cannot enter and the Republics cannot shoot Imperials. In addition make it where while in combat you cannot re enter the zone. Obviously this would be on both bases. That way If people want to get their weekly's/daily's done they have to come out of their base. Simple really I think. let the savagery begin. P.S. I literally wrote this post while afk in central on Ilum during primetime US hours.
  4. um the lowbies does not really effect it too much light armor with no def buffs going will get pulverized at level 50 also. I hit level 50's for 4500-5500 on a regular basis when they don't have a bubble up or some def buff going. Also smash shouldn't yield high damage unless you are in the rage tree because it's the only tree that gives the 100% critical + the damage bonus to force attacks. If you use the carnage tree it give bonuses to melee attacks and the anihilate tree gives bonuses to bleed attacks so make sure you have the right tree for your play style. I rolled rage from the beginning and everyone told me that it was terrible and that anihliate was supperior but I stuck with rage and it seems to be becoming the PvP tree for most marauders. I believe that the DPS is comperable plus the abiltty to hit multiple targets at the same time for mass damage and extra survivabilty in the shin-cho form. The other 2 trees are much better for single target assault. I have now respecced to try all three trees and I still can't bring myself off the rage tree.
  5. Marauder was hard at first until learning how to use the survival tools that it has. Also many people fell in love with the carnage and annhilate trees because of the DPS. Well if you want to survive try a tree that has survivabilty. I jump into mobs of people charge up shockwave with force choke stun the whole group with intimadating roar and then use obliterate to get auto crit pop a surge stim and smash 3-6 enemies around me for 2000-5500 dependiong on their def and active buffs. I sometime finish one or 2 off that way or I will finnish one off right after. I then get in my **** stage and pop force camo and usually need to use undying rage at that time as well. I go find a single target if possible to get my rage and fury back up and head back into the group. That is without heals. If I have a healer I follow the first process up with a force crush to build up shockwave and by then I can use obliterate again pop my relic for surge and smash the same enemies again for 2000-5500 all within 5-8 seconds so yeah learn to use your marauder. I love mone but also keep this in mind if your cooldowns are gone and you get jumped my multiple enemies your gonna die fast. Wait isn't that the case for everyone? Sorry for the rant but I had 0 problem leveling or in PvP. Infact I thought the leveling was far to easy in the missions especially with good old quinn at my side.
  6. If you beat KOTOR 1 as a grey jedi you get early access today.
  7. No the servers will not explode they had full ques on the servers during beta and they pre loaded guilds into servers so they have a pretty good idea of the number of players on each server all ready. Sorry they wanted to create urgency with the first come first serve. Everyone will be playing in 3 days regardless of when you preordered.
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