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Over 30 hours and Musco still MIA


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That's possible but then who is filling in for him in dealing with the community with all of the issues going on?

Like I said the CommunityTeam hasn't been addressing any main issues.


Not defending him or anything, but what is his job, is it just on the forums, or other things, if it's other things, then it might account why he isn't on them

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Not defending him or anything, but what is his job, is it just on the forums, or other things, if it's other things, then it might account why he isn't on them


The community team does very little on the forum anyway, kinda lulzy to be stalking musco of all people.

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You must be new here because there is a long history of the majority of on-going issues and bugs not being addressed directly here on the forum by Eric and his team. Yes, they will usually respond if it's a big and urgent matter (like that time Darth Malgus kept dying during prime Euro hours) but otherwise, not so much. Also, Eric is not the only one on the Community team, Daniel Somethingname is too, and I'm sure there are more working behind the scenes. And I do believe Eric's job is far more than just lurking on the forums and answering every thread or bug report with concerns.


It's unfortunate, I agree and players could do with answers. It's actually a little better nowadays than it was 2-3 years ago but there is little point in keeping track of his forum activity.

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The community team does very little on the forum anyway, kinda lulzy to be stalking musco of all people.


This is true, he's easily the least active of all the BW forum peeps, funny seeing he is the community management leader you'd think he'd sort of have a presence here, right? Nah he don't.

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That's possible but then who is filling in for him in dealing with the community with all of the issues going on?

Like I said the CommunityTeam hasn't been addressing any main issues.


Um what issues? lol There will always be "issues" in this game. If there is a bug, put it in the "Bug Report" page & move on. Don't expect Eric to pop out & reply every time some player has an issue with the game. *smh*


The entitlement is strong with you.

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Not defending him or anything, but what is his job, is it just on the forums, or other things, if it's other things, then it might account why he isn't on them


Eric Musco is the Community Manager. If Musco has other duties beyond being the community manager then they have not been communicated to us and Musco does not bear any title other than Community Manager. You can see this in some of the credits crawls where Musco is listed and the only capacity indicated is community manager.



Also, Eric is not the only one on the Community team, Daniel Somethingname is too, and I'm sure there are more working behind the scenes. And I do believe Eric's job is far more than just lurking on the forums and answering every thread or bug report with concerns.


Irrelevant. Musco is the Community Manager. A community manager is supposed to be the person responsible for growing the brand through online communities. A community manager is supposed to be the communication link between the player community and the dev team. A community manager is supposed to be someone who is experienced and skilled in communication. And that has not been the experience with Musco as the Community Manager since the day they took over the job. Musco does not communicate with the community. If Musco is not going to be the person to communicate with the community and that is why they brought on (or brought out) Daniel Steed and the CommunityTeam forum account (that is operated by at least one person, Natha, and possibly others) there is still an abysmal lack of communication with the community and that directly falls in the lap of Musco as the Community Manager.


Yes, Musco did recently unpack, install batteries, and push power on a mini-me, but if Musco is out of the office (so to speak) for personal reasons then there should be a clear understanding of who will do what and who is responsible for communicating with the community. The problem is that no matter how many mea culpas, how many "we are going to do better" posts they make nothing ever changes. This team utterly fails at communication, at least through official channels, and as the Community Manager that falls on Musco.

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Irrelevant. Musco is the Community Manager.

Ideally, yes. I'm by no means saying that the way it is now is a good thing, at all. One of the biggest frustration for years has been (bugs aside), the lack of communication. The fact that at times it takes multiple threads, PMs, and Twitter 'nudging' to get a response about issues. That shouldn't be the way. I just can't see it changing either because we have begged them for so long to be more communicative and it never goes anywhere. People have asked for a sort of flagging system for the Bug Reports section so we can at least see whether a bug report has been acknowledged and passed on at all or if we're just screaming into the void.


It just feels like a useless endeavor at this point to ask and hope for better.

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You must be new here because there is a long history of the majority of on-going issues and bugs not being addressed directly here on the forum by Eric and his team.


Yeah. ^


Ell, I thought you were kidding, tbh. If you are really new here or didn't know, the running joke of SWTOR is their "Community Manager."


Truth is, we saw the best communication between players and the community management team when Musco went on vacation, I kid you not.


Bioware happened to be in the middle of developing a SH, and I forget if it was Charles, or who but someone higher up basically took over Eric's position, and guess what?


The devs were interacting with us, really receiving/passing info via that fill-in community manager and i know this because the SH was getting changed according to the feedback we were giving the community manager at that time. When people expressed disliking something about the SH, the devs actually listened and changed the SH as we seen via the PTS server.


When Eric got back, guess what? We began the same old routine of writing our thoughts into the wind across the forums, because he doesn't respond to anything in a genuine or meaningful fashion, if he did at all. Really the biggest disappointment of this game is their lack of communication with their players.


It is what it is though. It just makes you think, did the game suffer and not receive player feedback for years because the community manager didn't pass the info properly back and forth? Who knows?

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Um what issues? lol There will always be "issues" in this game. If there is a bug, put it in the "Bug Report" page & move on. Don't expect Eric to pop out & reply every time some player has an issue with the game. *smh*



The issue right now is the lack of small yield. The reason I'm calling out Musco is that when swoop =/= small yield option first became an issue we were told that it was a feature not a bug and told that they would look at options.


The second time nothing has changed and there are no options and Musco is ducking us. I think that behavior from a "community manager" deserves to be called out publically. Almost like someone should be accountable when they promise to paying customers to look into a situation and their job description include communicating with those paying customers.


Oh and it wasn't "some player". It's a lot of players. Almost like an issue with a significant percentage of the customer base.

Edited by EllieAnne
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The issue right now is the lack of small yield. The reason I'm calling out Musco is that when swoop =/= small yield option first became an issue we were told that it was a feature not a bug and told that they would look at options.


The second time nothing has changed and there are no options and Musco is ducking us. I think that behavior from a "community manager" deserves to be called out publically.


"Look at it" does not mean that they will have it fixed in 3-4wks. He didn't promise anything other than they were looking at it. *smh* As others have stated in other threads that's going to take some recoding. (Which is most likely in Q to other things that have been being released & fixed.)


Some of you gamers demand SOO much on minor issues.


If CQ is that important to you, either recruit, or join a medium/large yield those weeks. (Or take a break. Like I am.) And before you throw a fit & attack me I am one of those who are in the small yield player base. We either play on our toons outside of the guild for CQ or do what we want & not worry about CQ.


Be patient.

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What the heck do you want him to say? Yet another pre-canned response about "passing it on to the team?" Would that make you feel better?


Or would you rather him pull a random number out of a hat for when <insert favourite pet issue here> will get addressed?


It's always nice for them to pull back the curtain on what their priorities are and where they want to go (like the livestream we just had), but if they don't actually have an answer, all we're going to get is uninformative and generic responses that only serve to pollute the dev tracker with useless information. Keep in mind, Musco is not a decision maker for the game, you want to blame anyone for the lack of communication, blame those who actually make decisions.

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He last logged into the forums at 9:46am Wednesday.

Is he avoiding us? At least the CommunityTeam has addressed a couple of minor bugs in that time with their "We're looking into it." stock reply.


OMG this could be serious!

Quick, tell us, what was his last meal and where was he last seen, what was he wearing? Do you have a recent photo of him? Preferably a good one that will look decent on the milk carton!

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omg this could be serious!

Quick, tell us, what was his last meal and where was he last seen, what was he wearing? Do you have a recent photo of him? Preferably a good one that will look decent on the milk carton!

well said!:D:D:D:D:D

Edited by Gelious
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On what planet does anyone believe that they're entitled to attention from one specific employee after 30 hours? I mean they're employees not servants, they can do other tasks or otherwise be absent.


As much as SWTOR's (un)responsiveness to the community deserves to be denounced, I believe this thread is completely inappropriate. This is a video game, not a life or death matter.

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With how people on the forums rag on Musco and the rest of the team, I wouldn't want to communicate with anyone here either :jawa_wink:


Even making this comment has me fearing for my life *prepares for onslaught of angry folks and "white knight" comments*

Edited by DreamingElf
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Maybe he's just got a small family situation or something? 30 hours isn't really that crazy.


The issue right now is the lack of small yield. The reason I'm calling out Musco is that when swoop =/= small yield option first became an issue we were told that it was a feature not a bug and told that they would look at options.


The second time nothing has changed and there are no options and Musco is ducking us. I think that behavior from a "community manager" deserves to be called out publically. Almost like someone should be accountable when they promise to paying customers to look into a situation and their job description include communicating with those paying customers.


Oh and it wasn't "some player". It's a lot of players. Almost like an issue with a significant percentage of the customer base.


LoL, you don’t know him to well. He won’t reply. This is his AFK routine when players are pissed at him or BioWare. He ducks much more serious issues than this.

Trust me I’m his biggest critic on how poor his communication is. He won’t reply and if he does, it won’t be an apology or have any empathy. It will be vague at best.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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With how people on the forums rag on Musco and the rest of the team, I wouldn't want to communicate with anyone here either :jawa_wink:


Even making this comment has me fearing for my life *prepares for onslaught of angry folks and "white knight" comments*


Lol, you can't really blame people, if he communicated better, we might not have this situation. This ducking & diving just inflames people. There will always be people giving out, it's one of the reasons for the forums, and to be honest, there is a lot to give out about (at the moment).

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With how people on the forums rag on Musco and the rest of the team, I wouldn't want to communicate with anyone here either :jawa_wink:


Even making this comment has me fearing for my life *prepares for onslaught of angry folks and "white knight" comments*

Well it is fair to say that they (BioWare) are in part at least to blame for the poor communication. It was never great, they always danced around the big issues in livestreams for example. And at the start they were so high and mighty and full of themselves that they couldn't even admit that the game was failing in 2012. They would just ignore the issues and talk about how great they were essentially.


There is a part that is the player's fault and that's the toxic and aggressive behaviour. There even was a point in the game's history where, sad to say, some players actually got so angry they got onto the social media of family members of the developers and started threatening them. That's never ok.


But I've argued before that if you want to have people behave like adults you need to treat them like adults. And they've been treating us like children by keeping information from us, trying to sugarcoat things, by ignoring issues etc.


Now I'm not saying that's all on Eric Musco's shoulders. It's not and I certainly do not require him to post every time he logs in here.

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With how people on the forums rag on Musco and the rest of the team, I wouldn't want to communicate with anyone here either :jawa_wink:


Even making this comment has me fearing for my life *prepares for onslaught of angry folks and "white knight" comments*


I know I've been one to let of steam at eric and the community team, aand while it may have been jusitfied to be annoyed, it was probably a bit too much over the top. But saying that, I recently had an issue with my account, which has plagued me for a few days, but once I got past the generic CS agents, I had a very nice person who communicated with me regularly and sorted out the issue. I'm very vocal when displeased, so I'd like to be just as vocal, and thank the community team who helped me out. Thank You Again :)

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On what planet does anyone believe that they're entitled to attention from one specific employee after 30 hours? I mean they're employees not servants, they can do other tasks or otherwise be absent.


As much as SWTOR's (un)responsiveness to the community deserves to be denounced, I believe this thread is completely inappropriate. This is a video game, not a life or death matter.


So what if the way the OP wrote their thread here is awkward and maybe they sound more desperate for information than what others think is appropriate for the situation.


The fact remains that community management is abhorrent on this game and naturally that leads to people blowing up from time to time. You can’t consistently ignore people without them showing resentment and frustration and people express this different ways.


My opinion on the matter is if this company just interacted with its player base in a reasonable and healthy manner with communication they’d avoid a lot of the aggression and anger that comes across the forums aimed at them.


People think the OP overreacted in how they wrote a post to SWTOR’s Eric Musco, and I think people are overreacting to the OP’s thread. It’s not a big deal, I am pretty sure someone in Musco position as a professional is capable of handling some criticism levied at him on the forums.

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