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New PvP rewards system is horrible


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Before, pretty much in a single session I could get daily and some progress to weeklies no matter what. This evening I went 3L and 1W. The loosing teams I was with were hopeless. The team I was with that won was OP and would have won without me. Getting stuck with new folks with poor armor didn't really bother me with challenge and rewards system, but now it feels like a waste of time. Now the game is reduced to seeing what side of the premade I will be on.


I really am struggling to see the point of PvPing right now -- feels like wasted evening.

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Before, pretty much in a single session I could get daily and some progress to weeklies no matter what. This evening I went 3L and 1W. The loosing teams I was with were hopeless. The team I was with that won was OP and would have won without me. Getting stuck with new folks with poor armor didn't really bother me with challenge and rewards system, but now it feels like a waste of time. Now the game is reduced to seeing what side of the premade I will be on.


I really am struggling to see the point of PvPing right now -- feels like wasted evening.


Yeah, I really don't see the point atm when you HAVE to win now.

First time I've PvPed in awhile, get a dang Huttball, which I hate. But then once we are playing I realize my team cares NOTHING about scoring aside from me & one other player tries. The opposite team doesn't even try that hard to score.


I quit the match. (But I didn't get a timer that I saw. Strange.)


But now, not only are we penalized if we want to leave because we are grouped with morons who'd rather deathmatch (and can't even do that properly) in the middle. But we are penalized for the fact that we HAVE to win. Or it's just a waste of time.

It's a double slap in the face.


FIX IT BW. That's a joke.

This is regs. This ain't S13 where rewards are special. Allow my weekly to count win or lose. I stick it out, I get it to count because I did play it. None of this "win or nothing" crap for regs.

Either that or better rewards for Regs.

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Yeah, I do think they should have picked one or the other to “incentivise“ people to play to win. At the moment it’s disincentivising people to actually queue.


And while I agree that you should have to win to get high rewards, I don’t agree with how they have done this.


A better way if they want to have this Deserter lock out is keep the old system where you get 1 point for losing and 2 for winning. It was still an incentive to win if you wanted to get the missions completed fast and if you lost from no fault of your own, you weren’t penalised for poor team dynamics or bad system match making,


Set it up like this :

1. Deserter debuff (10 mins because 15 mins will make some people stop queuing and slow down pops outside of prime time)

2. Keep the old mission system of wins and losses being 1 point for loss and 2 points for win.

3. Offer much greater rewards for wins and small consultation rewards for losses.

4. Make the damage, healing, tanking, kill stats on the end game scoreboard private so only the player sees their own. This would reduce people death matching to epeen on the scoreboard.

5. Keep the objective points and medals on the scoreboard public. And overhaul the medal system and objective points to reflect real contributing game play.

6. Link some of the rewards to the “updated” medal system so that even if you lose, you might get the same or more rewards as someone on the winning team who didn’t contribute.

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"A better way if they want to have this Deserter lock out is keep the old system where you get 1 point for losing and 2 for winning. It was still an incentive to win if you wanted to get the missions completed fast and if you lost from no fault of your own, you weren’t penalised for poor team dynamics or bad system match making,"


Yeah, this worked well I thought, I wonder why they stopped doing it that way? Seemed reasonable for everyone.

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I am convinced EA made this change in reaction to campaigns and complaints made on these forums. The hue and cry to change/improve/redo/update PvP has been a long and steady one, and here we are, with EA having turned its attention to it, and few people are posting that they're pleased about it.


I would hate to be Charle's shoes producing this game. He can't win for losing (to use a phrase) for reacting to what people say on the forums.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I am convinced EA made this change in reaction to campaigns and complaints made on these forums. The hue and cry to change/improve/redo/update PvP has been a long and steady one, and here we are, with EA having turned its attention to it, and few people are posting that they're pleased about it.


I would hate to be Charle's shoes producing this game. He can't win for losing (to use a phrase) for reacting to what people say on the forums.


Some better two way back and forth consultation with the pvp community would help stop a lot of silly mistakes or poor choices over the years.

So you really can’t blame the forum posters when we are talking into a void. It’s Bioware’s fault if things are difficult for Charles because they don’t interact with the player base enough. We have no idea when they are listening or what they are listening to.

So in away, if you have to look for someone to blame, you should probably be pointing a finger at the community manger and the people managing him instead of the players asking them to fix broken systems.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I am convinced EA made this change in reaction to campaigns and complaints made on these forums. The hue and cry to change/improve/redo/update PvP has been a long and steady one, and here we are, with EA having turned its attention to it, and few people are posting that they're pleased about it.


I would hate to be Charle's shoes producing this game. He can't win for losing (to use a phrase) for reacting to what people say on the forums.


Well, honestly most PVPers don't seem to really care about the quitter debuff. Just glancing at who comments and how, it seems most of the PVPers seem to be neutral with it, some even like it.


Mostly it appears to be people that don't PVP often, who just want to get their dailies down as fast as possible with as little participation as possible. By making quitters stay in matches that could potentially lose, these players view this as an attack on how they play the game because it removes a lot of efficiency from the standpoint of completing WZ dailies, weeklies, etc.


And for the PVPers that also like to leave matches early just because their egos can't stand a loss, they deserve to eat a quitter debuff. I don't support leaving matches for frivolous reasons, and most of the excuses I see here for why people leave matches are not appropriate reasons and they do deserve some punitive reaction from BW.


Like I said, if I quit a match early, I will not pout and be sad the game punishes me for that. I know the cost of my behavior, and will determine if it's worth it or not when I consider quitting a match. Once they give choices for WZs, this quitter debuff will be a great new feature for the game I just think they added it too early. I believe they ought to have given us WZ choices first then added a quitter debuff.

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I wonder if having to win Huttball in order to progress their daily/weekly quest, will make more players care about where the ball is at all times. I will have to test it at some point. Too bad they removed Queshball, it was the only Huttball where you had to go really out of your way to pick it up. Edited by Gelious
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I'd like to see the guy who "invented" this, to try and play some PVP and realise how stupid this change was.


Anyone who supports this idiotic change to pvp should be forever blocked from speaking to every game developer on the planet. their ideas are poison.

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Anyone who supports this idiotic change to pvp should be forever blocked from speaking to every game developer on the planet. their ideas are poison.


1.....count it with me now. ONNNNNNEEEE win. Get over it.

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1.....count it with me now. ONNNNNNEEEE win. Get over it.


A great many problems on this forum could be solved if players just sucked it up instead of dwelling on the hyperbolic agony caused by x change.


And to be clear, I don't like the change either, especially coupled with the deserter lockout. Yes 1 win [for the daily] but it might take a long time for that to happen. I can pretty much forget about doing the weekly from here-on out. I think these changes will negatively impact population and player attitudes, certainly my interest in pvping...but I'm still a ways out from invoking dread torment to befall the game devs, lol.

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I've completed the weekly on 2 characters already. Its not hard....


For the record, I dont care about completing WZ quests personally, but I find your statement extremely hard to believe.


What's the new condition for weekly? 10 victories, right?


So you mean to tell me you won 20 wz and didnt find that hard? This raises a bunch of questions.


What server do you play on? What time? Do you play alone or in group?


Call me pessimist if you want, but I dont think you can just go and win 20 wz and say it was not hard...

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1.....count it with me now. ONNNNNNEEEE win. Get over it.

I understand your point, but much of this will be left to the randomness of who you q with. Winning was kind of a mix between personal contribution and luck, but underpinned somewhat by a dedication to the grind. Now that that consolation prize is gone you can only sit back and hope that the Arsenal Merc with 217 gear is on the other team.

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And part of the issue is the theoretical possibility that a person could PvP all week and NEVER get a daily or weekly reward because their team always loses. People will argue that that will never happen but there have been days playing the old CQ socialite 1 and 2 (seven games) and my team lost every time. Many times against premade pros that no pug would ever defeat.
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I am convinced EA made this change in reaction to campaigns and complaints made on these forums. The hue and cry to change/improve/redo/update PvP has been a long and steady one, and here we are, with EA having turned its attention to it, and few people are posting that they're pleased about it.


I would hate to be Charle's shoes producing this game. He can't win for losing (to use a phrase) for reacting to what people say on the forums.


That's the problem with PvP, people are never happy, especially in this game. They always complain and they're never happy. They've never been happy and they'll never be happy.


When wins weren't incentivised, people complained because people didn't try hard enough. Now that they are, people complain because they don't get rewards all the time.


Stop. Complaining. PvP in this game will never satisfy you.

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I agree. It needs to go back to the way it was. I used to enjoy it knowing I will get rewarded for my participation. This is taking a lot of the fun out of it. I might as well quit when it looks like a losing match, play some story and try again after the fifteen minutes. It is also making it toxic on regs. More insults being thrown around when the team is losing. I did not see that as much in regs prior to the change. Bioware, please fix this by reverting the changes.
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I'm completely happy with this change. I don't run with a group of friends, i pug my matches and even though it could take me 2 weeks to get 10 wins, i thinks it's very fair. I don't expect to be given a reward i didn't earn.
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I'm completely happy with this change. I don't run with a group of friends, i pug my matches and even though it could take me 2 weeks to get 10 wins, i thinks it's very fair. I don't expect to be given a reward i didn't earn.


Active pvpers can get it done in a day, bad luck with the queues or not. At the end of the day though it is a weekly. You have 7 days to get it done. Its not impossible like everyone seems to make it out to be.

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I'm not even a PvPer, haven't done a warzone in years but I do think requiring wins to complete a daily and weekly is a bit too much.


It is stupid. Rewarding participation is a basic part of game design. you must give progress on these things win or lose.


The old system giving twice as much for winning was without question far superior to what they have now.


This change fixes nothing and causes new problems. People who support it? I feel sorry for them and hope they get help.

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