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about this 15 minutes deserter thing...


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I can see why you quit every match that you think you might lose because you are incapable of expressing any sort of empathy it's all about your own satisfaction.


You damn right I dont have any empathy whatsoever toward 7 random people whom I never met before and who's inability of playing objectives ruins the match.


And yes, it is about my own satisfaction, since this is, in fact, a game.

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It's not about empathy [that word gets overused on here] but it is about good sportsmanship. I put a wiki link there cause some of you clearly have never heard the term before lol.


Someone mentioned GTA:O's Bad Sport system and the more I read about it , I like and wish our system was similar. Wanna quit matches at the first sign of trouble? Wanna loudly complain in chat that the "bads need to lrn2play and never q again'? Wanna camp and do nothing or number farm? Great, no lockout, but y'all can go in your own separate queue, quarantined from the rest of the pvp population. Maybe you'll like that - GTA reports some players who like the atmosphere of the BS group. But probably it would suck, and you only get put back into regs for playing well and, you know, not being anti-social.

Edited by Ardrossan
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i am just gonna play my scoundrel, go stealth afk whenever i see a premade. maybe biofail can for one second stop kissing the asses of premade and pvp might just get better.


if i can't quit a unfun match no problem i'll just afk.


Which I pointed out in another thread is griefing your own team, which is reportable and banable.

Don’t get me wrong, I can definitely see your point and understand sometimes you just want to leave a match for what ever reason. But afking affects your own team and Bioware don’t give a rats.


What Bioware should do if they are so adamant on having this deserter timer is reduce it to 10mins and not 15mins because most 8v8 matches can last 10 mins.

That way people can leave instead of afking and you get a back fill for your side and those who leave are still prevented from requeuing straight away.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It's not about empathy [that word gets overused on here] but it is about good sportsmanship. I put a wiki link there cause some of you clearly have never heard the term before lol.


Someone mentioned GTA:O's Bad Sport system and the more I read about it , I like and wish our system was similar. Wanna quit matches at the first sign of trouble? Wanna loudly complain in chat that the "bads need to lrn2play and never q again'? Wanna camp and do nothing or number farm? Great, no lockout, but y'all can go in your own separate queue, quarantined from the rest of the pvp population. Maybe you'll like that - GTA reports some players who like the atmosphere of the BS group. But probably it would suck, and you only get put back into regs for playing well and, you know, not being anti-social.


I realize some words are overused and stuff, but without turning this into a debate over semantics or what drives good sportsmanship I'd just like to say I personally believe any form of respect, honor, moral code is a direct result of that person/player having empathy.


My moral compass (empathy) most definitely impacts how I interact and play with other players on games, granting me the ability to treat others with respect. I don't cheat, I don't quit games, I don't try to use toxic chat to upset other players, I mean all of this is connected to having a conscience and/or empathy, easily followed in life are these rules because I have a conscience and value not only how others treat me but how I treat others.


Empathy really boils down to the common age old saying, "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated." Without a conscience, without empathy it's really difficult for a person to navigate socially with other people and to not appear selfish. I used the word because in my mind it 100% is what controls the majority of our behavior no matter what the activity is we are engaged in.


So for me, when people that pop in a WZ, and leave it as soon as it seems they might lose and who do this regularly, I mean there's days when we all don't feel like participating and we might leave a match early, that's fine! But for those that religiously drop matches at the first sign of a loss, they deserve to get a quitter debuff.


Honestly if I leave a match, I have no issue being handed a quitter debuff! So what? Just log on another toon! That's the least you can do if you inconvenience 15 other players who now have a compromised match thanks to one selfish person that thinks their experience trumps all others, even if it causes others to have a worse experience.


My only problem with the quitter debuff is I believe they added it too early. They ought to have waited till they started letting people have more control over their WZ selection. If they do that, the quitter debuff really would work great imo.


With a quitter debuff on now, and having no control over the WZ selection is problematic though. You can't expect people to happily be funneled into WZs they truly dislike playing, then on top of that punish them for leaving a WZ they simply do not enjoy playing is adding insult to injury.

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I realize some words are overused and stuff, but without turning this into a debate over semantics or what drives good sportsmanship I'd just like to say I personally believe any form of respect, honor, moral code is a direct result of that person/player having empathy.


My moral compass (empathy) most definitely impacts how I interact and play with other players on games, granting me the ability to treat others with respect. I don't cheat, I don't quit games, I don't try to use toxic chat to upset other players, I mean all of this is connected to having a conscience and/or empathy, easily followed in life are these rules because I have a conscience and value not only how others treat me but how I treat others.


Empathy really boils down to the common age old saying, "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated." Without a conscience, without empathy it's really difficult for a person to navigate socially with other people and to not appear selfish. I used the word because in my mind it 100% is what controls the majority of our behavior no matter what the activity is we are engaged in.


So for me, when people that pop in a WZ, and leave it as soon as it seems they might lose and who do this regularly, I mean there's days when we all don't feel like participating and we might leave a match early, that's fine! But for those that religiously drop matches at the first sign of a loss, they deserve to get a quitter debuff.


Honestly if I leave a match, I have no issue being handed a quitter debuff! So what? Just log on another toon! That's the least you can do if you inconvenience 15 other players who now have a compromised match thanks to one selfish person that thinks their experience trumps all others, even if it causes others to have a worse experience.


My only problem with the quitter debuff is I believe they added it too early. They ought to have waited till they started letting people have more control over their WZ selection. If they do that, the quitter debuff really would work great imo.


With a quitter debuff on now, and having no control over the WZ selection is problematic though. You can't expect people to happily be funneled into WZs they truly dislike playing, then on top of that punish them for leaving a WZ they simply do not enjoy playing is adding insult to injury.


They could fix the last bit by allowing you to leave with no penalty if the match hadn’t started yet. Maybe make it a 30sec buffer before the start or you get the debuff timer.


And I agree with the rest of what you said too :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just adding a quick opinion. I'm not sure if these get read or if this feature is even up for feedback of any kind.


I genuinely don't care about winning. I have just as much fun getting stomped as I do by winning. Doesn't bother me if my team isn't wearing max'd gear or if they don't have the perfect setup for a very casual game. But, without the ability to select maps or even modes, then the penalty feels too punishing. If I could leave before the match started and not get the penalty (and then not put right back into the same match when I re-queue) then it wouldn't be an issue. I would much rather wait a bit longer in queue to get 7 other people that want to play huttball or Void Star than end up in the 10th 4v4 in-a-row or in a match where people don't want to play.


Deserter Debuffs are fine in a game like WoW where you have much more control over the type of match you end up in. It's too much in this game. I would appreciate another look into this feature. Not hopeful but thought I'd at least add a voice. Thanks!

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I think they need to allow us to queue like for flash points, filter out what we dont want. I absolutely hate 4v4, and I am being penalized for leaving it if I dont like it, and I dont do ranked. OR... take 4v4 out of regs all together and just have it for ranked pvp. Edited by Rebelyellca
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Seems like huttball is back in the rotation. Sorry, but I just don't enjoy that when going solo and I'm leaving it every time, regardless of whatever your lockout timer is. The ability to choose our WZ can't come soon enough.
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Seems like huttball is back in the rotation. Sorry, but I just don't enjoy that when going solo and I'm leaving it every time, regardless of whatever your lockout timer is. The ability to choose our WZ can't come soon enough.


It was never taken out.....Also, OG Huttball is the best map in the game.

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It was never taken out.....Also, OG Huttball is the best map in the game.


OG Huttball has been a fav of mine since launch. Hopefully the performance fixes they say they are working on will finally eliminate some dysnc and semi broken aspects that have crept into the map over the years.

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Seems like huttball is back in the rotation. Sorry, but I just don't enjoy that when going solo and I'm leaving it every time, regardless of whatever your lockout timer is. The ability to choose our WZ can't come soon enough.


Raansu is correct. They never removed OG Huttball from the queue. Only quesh and vandin

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