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Everything posted by DCnet

  1. DCnet

    Vote to Kick

    That isn't a good enough reason to encourage bad behavior.
  2. DCnet

    Vote to Kick

    Why is Vote to kick gone? If someone wants to stuck after the first round because they don't want to play in 4s I should be able to vote kick them out.
  3. Hello, I have been having a recurring issue of queueing for warzones and when I click on the Join button it leaves me where i'm standing and doesn't take me into the warzone. It then gives me a lockout for leaving early.
  4. Why was the Master Datacron increased in price by 1300 cc? Is that to prompt us to do the story for the billionth time?
  5. If you are going to make Class Buffs passive, at least give the buff. It's frustrating joining an arena and not even having my own class buff.
  6. Having a friend queue you for a warzone bypasses the leave penalty.
  7. It wouldn't be a Bioware product if it came out working. I especially like the Walker.
  8. Thanks for your response. I wasn't trying to call anyone out, but that was an easy source.
  9. Hello, I am hoping for an answer regards to use of macros. I bind keys but when I duel or look at some of the guides, players are encouraging the use of macros to execute a rotation. (ex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3xXvLQu2EE) Is it okay to use macros? The guy in this vid specifically says it's okay but I couldn't find anything about it here, and in my mind it would give players an advantage over those that don't use macros.
  10. DCnet

    Guild vs Guild

  11. Hey guys, if you are interested in Guild vs Guild, feel free to join us on discord. We're hoping to get some nice 8v8's going. Feel free to chill or w/e. Discord: https://discord.gg/3BhPtb
  12. Strictly an Imperial PvP guild with a one of a kind in-guild leveling system designed to help all players learn or hone their skills. We participate in ranked and unranked warzones as well as any open world pvp events and duels. Message anyone in guild for more information or an invite.
  13. Last I checked a marauder can be pushed or pulled, same with a sorc unless they use their bubble. So are you saying that a sniper can be pushed or pulled or interrupted while hunker down?
  14. Caw. CAW CAW CAW. Cacacaw caw caw caw. Cawcawcaw, caw caw cacacaw. CAWCAW caw, cawwcaw caw caw. Caw caw, caw caw. Cacacaw caw caw caw. Cawcawcaw, caw caw cacacaw. CAWCAW caw, cawwcaw caw caw. Caw caw, caw caw. Caw Caw, cawcaw. Caw. -Caw
  15. Who else here loves Salazarrvv? I think we can all agree we love his stories!
  16. Not that I don't agree that someone hiding is stealth can be frustrating, there are other things that BW should fix before worrying about this. After today's issue with them coding and patching, I'm not sure I want them messing with wzs.
  17. They are a fairly new guild, but have been planning it for weeks and have some really nice prizes. Edit: they have a post on the server forums too, the link in that thread works. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=930212
  18. Juggernauts have like 5 cds, learn to use them and you won't get rekt.
  19. I appreciate your opinion, but as someone like yourself who also plays ranked you would agree that you want people to continue to queue ranked until the end of the season. Maybe the length of time could be increased before decay takes place, but there is no denying that having this in place would actually keep people queuing for ranked that are trying to maintain a rank.
  20. Please add points decay for team and solo ranked. IE: Seven days of no ranked play results in 10 points loss each day until a ranked daily is completed or something similar.
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