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about this 15 minutes deserter thing...


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And I suspect you're not the only one.


This one change literally has the capacity to kill PvP for good. I hope I'm wrong.


You are wrong. People don't leave as much as y'all think they do. I literally proved that in another post by keeping tabs of 50 of my matches. Out if those 50 only a handful had leavers and most were the same people.

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You are wrong. People don't leave as much as y'all think they do. I literally proved that in another post by keeping tabs of 50 of my matches. Out if those 50 only a handful had leavers and most were the same people.


People never left many games to begin with man. This whole thing isn't going to make me leave any less than before, but it might make me shut down the game altogether.

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Players abused the hell out of being able to leave a match..."hey look one of my teammates isn't ilvl 306...bye". The second one thing goes wrong three players leave and the remaining players then have no chance of winning.


My problem with the deserter debuff in this game is if you DC and log right back in, you are no longer in the WZ. My assumption is that this will trigger the debuff. That's going to suck.

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Players abused the hell out of being able to leave a match..."hey look one of my teammates isn't ilvl 306...bye". The second one thing goes wrong three players leave and the remaining players then have no chance of winning.


My problem with the deserter debuff in this game is if you DC and log right back in, you are no longer in the WZ. My assumption is that this will trigger the debuff. That's going to suck.


How often do you actually DC though? Including random power outages I can count on one hand probably the amount of times I've dropped from the game. And if you do, so what? Jump on a alt and play a match. If you're constantly DCing then you probably need to work with your isp and get that crappy internet fixed.

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You are wrong. People don't leave as much as y'all think they do. I literally proved that in another post by keeping tabs of 50 of my matches. Out if those 50 only a handful had leavers and most were the same people.


And that is where the controversary lies. If you had seen only a few leavers in 50 matches, then there was nothing to gain from the deserter debuff as opposed to the numerous disadvantages. In my experience of thousands of warzones, I can hardly recall a singe occurance where the outcome of the warzone depended on someone leaving the match.

Edited by varietasplus
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And that is where the controversary lies. If you had seen only a few leavers in 50 matches, then there was nothing to gain from the deserter debuff as opposed to the numerous disadvantages. In my experience of thousands of warzones, I can hardly recall a singe occurance where the outcome of the warzone depended on someone leaving the match.


There is no controversy. It punishes those who abused it and everyone else is fine. Good riddance to those who constantly leave wanting to be carried to a 100% win rate.

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I won’t be able to play for a week. But I’m watching the forums, Reddit and Discord for player reactions and outcomes to this being implemented the way it has.


My biggest concern (which I won’t be able to test for a week) is the queue pops at the times of day I play. They are already slowish at lvl 75 and longer in lowbies and Mids (there was a massive drop off after double XP stopped and people had no reason to play lowbies or Mids again).


What I can see happening is lowbies and Mids will be highly susceptible to being killed off by the deserter timer because it’s usually only arena that pops and all it takes is 1 premade turning up and half the people leave. Which already kills the queues fast. So, IMO, adding a lock out to lowbies and Mids is going to totally kill that part of the game for good.


I can also see it severely affecting the lvl 75 pvp queue outside of primetime. I’m reserving judgement to see what happens over the next few weeks. But I’m extremely nervous that my ability to just login to queue and pvp will be hampered at the times I play. Which would be the final nail in the coffin for me. I’ve already experienced how bad that was before the last mergers. If it goes like that again, I won’t be hanging around this time.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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But I am still getting back filled, and the best news of all : NO HUTBALL !! Thank god...


I am unlucky then, as I got four HB, the fourth I left, was a backfill and team did not give a ****, and I got the 15 mins deserter, so I logged out of the game. As the 15 mins also effects ranked.

Still I had two very good HB games, lost both at 6-6 and last minute score both of them. So may be there is a good side to this.

I think 15 mins deserter should not work when you back-fill. Also as I said again we should be allowed a 10 to 20 seconds chance to leave a map not of our liking. Since we cannot choose a map this would be a good alternative.

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There is no controversy. It punishes those who abused it and everyone else is fine. Good riddance to those who constantly leave wanting to be carried to a 100% win rate.


Yet another controversy: I am glad if players wanting to be carried leave the match. Not only is there chance we get someone willing to contribute, but it is also likely I am not going to be teamed up with them again that night. That is a win - win situation in my eyes.


This change was uncalled for and every reasoning behind it is far-fetched. I am glad SR Season 13 starts today, I have something to do until my sub runs out. Reforming regs has its not interchangable steps, Bioware can not skip those. The outcome is not difficult to predict.

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.Good riddance to those who constantly leave wanting to be carried to a 100% win rate.


You keep spewing the same ******** over and over again, and I can't figure out if you really don't understand the problem or you just pretending. If you really played as much PvP matches as you claim, you should have seen it yourself.


Noboby wants to be carried, nobody wants 100% win rate, nobody expects everything to go perfect every single match. But sometimes everything goes not just bad, but really bad, and no comeback is happening, because your team is not capable or interested or has bad set up, or some combination of all. And nothing you do will matter, because 1 person can't carry the whole match (except in extremely rare cases when they play a specific class, or a specific warzone and some specific thing happens and all of it is too extremely rare to be relied upon not to mention the enemy team can undo whatever is it you did)


This is the kind of matches I am talking about here, that are the one I leave because there is no point fighting unless you enjoy fighting for the sake of fighting.

Edited by Gelious
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You keep spewing the same ******** over and over again, and I can't figure out if you really don't understand the problem or you just pretending. If you really played as much PvP matches as you claim, you should have seen it yourself.


Noboby wants to be carried, nobody wants 100% win rate, nobody expects everything to go perfect every single match. But sometimes everything goes not just bad, but really bad, and no comeback is happening, because your team is not capable or interested or has bad set up, or some combination of all. And nothing you do will matter, because 1 person can't carry the whole match (except in extremely rare cases when they play a specific class, or a specific warzone and some specific thing happens and all of it is too extremely rare to be relied upon not to mention the enemy team can undo whatever is it you did)


This is the kind of matches I am talking about here, that are the one I leave because there is no point fighting unless you enjoy fighting for the sake of fighting.


So what? Finish the map and move on or deal with the penalty of quitting.

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First I barely post anything in these forums, if ever. But this upcoming ‘’feature’’ made me. I guess it's safely to say that none of you devs play pvp. The reason why I, personally, I don't know about any of you who are reading this, still queue for pvp is because if I get stuck with a team that isn't performing well in a certain match I can just leave, queue again, and see if I get a better team (not necesarilly a team that wins, but a team that at least has some clue about what they're doing) there, no raging in chat, not getting stressed irl, having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about). Also, I absolutely despise 4x4 arenas so what do I do if an arena pops up? I leave so someone who actually wants to play an arena can take me place and then I just queue again until an 8x8 pops up. See? There, no complaining in chat about how I hate arenas, not being forced to play a map that I don’t want to.


Now with this upcoming ‘’change’’ what is going to happen if an arena pops up? Oh guess what I’m going to be forced to play something I don’t like! What is going to happen if I end up getting a bad team in an 8v8? I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there and being almost insta killed as soon as I leave the spawn and end up not having fun (which is what a game is supposed to be about huh?) and this is just me. There are a lot of people out there who are probably going to spend the entire warzone flaming their teammates and just making it a toxic ambient overall, trolling, or just doing absolute nothing, since now they can’t leave (well they can but no one wants to wait 15 minutes only to risk having the same ‘’experience’’ again) and yes I know stuff like this happens even without this 15 minutes deserter thing, but now it’s going to be more recurring than ever. But hey I guess you devs thought something like this ‘’Hey, if I put a 15 minutes deserter debuff this is probably going to make everyone actually play as best as they can right? It’s going to make warzones more competitive due do people being penalized if they leave!’’. Yeah, let’s see how that goes.


Now please someone tell me is this 15 minutes debuff going to be account wide? Or I can just queue with another toon if I end up leaving a warzone? If that’s the case perhaps I’ll still stick around pvping, who knows?


TLDR: If I don't instantly win, I leave.


If you want to win more, form a group and queue.

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TLDR: If I don't instantly win, I leave.


If you want to win more, form a group and queue.


(not necesarilly a team that wins, but a team that at least has some clue about what they're doing)


> completely ignores this.


But regardless, not being able to quit an 8v8 that is going bad is not even what is bothering me the most now, I'm getting accostumed to it in fact, what really bothers me is having to play maps I don't really want to ie 4v4 arenas

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what really bothers me is having to play maps I don't really want to ie 4v4 arenas


they've previously said that they only do arenas when the queue pop is low. Meaning that there would never be a choice between 8v8 map and arenas, it's arenas or you don't pop.


I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there...


I wish my life was so easy that "being stressed that I can't quit a pvp match" was even remotely a concern.


And nothing you do will matter, because 1 person can't carry the whole match (except in extremely rare cases when they play a specific class, or a specific warzone and some specific thing happens and all of it is too extremely rare to be relied upon not to mention the enemy team can undo whatever is it you did)


This is the kind of matches I am talking about here, that are the one I leave because there is no point fighting unless you enjoy fighting for the sake of fighting.


In my experience, the people who leave matches midway through weren't the best players, frequently the opposite. The problem with the lockout isn't so much that good players will be forced to play with bad ones [oh the agony! the next 8-10 mins will be true torture!] but that teams will be stuck with would-be quitters who will spend the match simmering in discontent instead of playing the drat game.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there


I wish my life was so easy that "being stressed that I can't quit a pvp match" was even remotely a concern.


Also I forgot to mention I barely have time to play this game (roughly 2 hours per week) so when I do log in I make sure to have fun as much as possible doing whatever, being forced to play a map that I don't want to or sitting in an 8v8 that is getting nothing but almost spawncamped isn't among the thing s I'd do to have ''fun''. :(


Oh no no no friend, I'm far from having an easy life I can assure you that. It's just as I said above, I PvP, or do other things in this game, for fun, to cool down after an intense day (yes that's a thing lol) and being stuck in a bad 8v8 isn't what I would do for that, so when quitting was a thing I would just leave a bad match to try to get into one that things aren't one-sided to one team or another (yes I would quit if my team was winning by a landslide that was just boring).


But don't worry I'm not getting stressed IRL as I said I probably would in the main post, quite the opposite in fact, I've been reading all of your comments one of them said about creating mini games for myself inside a bad match ( like soloing a side node) and it's somewhat working :rolleyes:

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I've been reading all of your comments one of them said about creating mini games for myself inside a bad match ( like soloing a side node) and it's somewhat working :rolleyes:


I think you have me confused with someone else, I never said that.

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You keep spewing the same ******** over and over again, and I can't figure out if you really don't understand the problem or you just pretending. If you really played as much PvP matches as you claim, you should have seen it yourself.


Noboby wants to be carried, nobody wants 100% win rate, nobody expects everything to go perfect every single match. But sometimes everything goes not just bad, but really bad, and no comeback is happening, because your team is not capable or interested or has bad set up, or some combination of all. And nothing you do will matter, because 1 person can't carry the whole match (except in extremely rare cases when they play a specific class, or a specific warzone and some specific thing happens and all of it is too extremely rare to be relied upon not to mention the enemy team can undo whatever is it you did)


This is the kind of matches I am talking about here, that are the one I leave because there is no point fighting unless you enjoy fighting for the sake of fighting.


So is there no honor in finishing out the fight? Can you not offer up the decency of finishing a contest that you agreed to begin that involves up to 15 other people?


Oh, because, it gets hard in a PVP match and it appears you can't win, you quit every time? lol. Such suffering, such agony, oh the misery of having to finish a match and take an L! I view this as ridiculously immature and selfish tbh.

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...one of them said about creating mini games for myself inside a bad match ( like soloing a side node) and it's somewhat working :rolleyes:


That might have been my comment. I had posted that earlier I try to find games within a game when all else fails. That's how I got better, too, by challenging teams that I was forced to use all my DCDs to try to stay alive ASAP.


Basically I try to make every match a learning experience, and in losses I find I can still learn or experience something I never experienced before. Granted that's rare, but that's what PVP for me is about. That's why I never get bored with PVP on games, because every fight can offer a unique experience.

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the reverse side of the "honor" argument is no cheating, no win trading and that includes queue syncing and using bots.

Id also argue that ignoring objectives to just fight stupid tween death matches on any map is as bad as cheating. You hamper a team by simply being a bad player but you cant see that.


All the GMs did was create the same environment that killed ranked. Now the organized guilds have it exactly how they want and the pvp matches will pop slower and slower and slower until it dies.


I played through every match I entered yesterday and out of 15 won 1. In 4 hrs that was as good as it got and yes I saw a **** load of cheating, Now imagine new players or players who don't have as much as a S&M streak as me and you can see a lot of players dropping off rather quickly.


If EA/BW cant get their damn heads around the real problem in this game, good let it die. Ill lay odds this gets changed damn quick when the pop starts shutting down. Stupid changes with good intentions..are still stupid changes.

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So is there no honor in finishing out the fight? Can you not offer up the decency of finishing a contest that you agreed to begin that involves up to 15 other people?


Oh, because, it gets hard in a PVP match and it appears you can't win, you quit every time? lol. Such suffering, such agony, oh the misery of having to finish a match and take an L! I view this as ridiculously immature and selfish tbh.


What are you even talking about? Honor, decency? This is not a real life knight tournament, you know.


I agreed to nothing. I pvp for my personal fun, dont need gear, dont need credits, dont need valor or anything else. And fun for me means doing the best I can to win in the situation where everyone else doing the same so the team puts a decent fight. Don't even care if we win or lose as long as it's more or less even fight.


But when it's clearly not, it;s not fun. Fighting a losing fight might be honorable in real life, but this is not real life. I am not here for honor.

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What are you even talking about? Honor, decency? This is not a real life knight tournament, you know.


I agreed to nothing. I pvp for my personal fun, dont need gear, dont need credits, dont need valor or anything else. And fun for me means doing the best I can to win in the situation where everyone else doing the same so the team puts a decent fight. Don't even care if we win or lose as long as it's more or less even fight.


But when it's clearly not, it;s not fun. Fighting a losing fight might be honorable in real life, but this is not real life. I am not here for honor.


I never said it was real life, you have completely taken my post out of context and turned it into something you want it to say instead of comprehending it like a reasonable person would.


Let me just say this. People can and do show honor while playing online games. I can see why you quit every match that you think you might lose because you are incapable of expressing any sort of empathy it's all about your own satisfaction.



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the reverse side of the "honor" argument is no cheating, no win trading and that includes queue syncing and using bots.

Id also argue that ignoring objectives to just fight stupid tween death matches on any map is as bad as cheating. You hamper a team by simply being a bad player but you cant see that.


All the GMs did was create the same environment that killed ranked. Now the organized guilds have it exactly how they want and the pvp matches will pop slower and slower and slower until it dies.


I played through every match I entered yesterday and out of 15 won 1. In 4 hrs that was as good as it got and yes I saw a **** load of cheating, Now imagine new players or players who don't have as much as a S&M streak as me and you can see a lot of players dropping off rather quickly.


If EA/BW cant get their damn heads around the real problem in this game, good let it die. Ill lay odds this gets changed damn quick when the pop starts shutting down. Stupid changes with good intentions..are still stupid changes.


You’re probably right about the ranked thing and here’s why: ranked players often group up in premades to steamroll regs because ranked doesn’t pop anymore. So BioWare increased the rewards for ranked and unranked while making it harder to get these rewards. What you’ll see now is more premade stomping than ever before, leading to solo

Casual players giving up altogether because losing doesn’t give any rewards. Here’s the thing though, losing was already annoying with the old 1 for loss 2 for the winning thing. Now it’s just *********** stupid. I probably won’t even pvp this Sunday which is my only day off because it already takes hours to complete the weekly. I just don’t see the point.

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