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about this 15 minutes deserter thing...


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Aaaand it's in effect. Hilariously stupid. It is not account wide, only character based.


Edit: Got HB and logged out and queued on a different character and got backfilled into the same HB match lol :D. I am sure this will magically make me want to play this now...

Edited by Lundorff
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Aaaand it's in effect. Hilariously stupid. It is not account wide, only character based.


Edit: Got HB and logged out and queued on a different character and got backfilled into the same HB match lol :D. I am sure this will magically make me want to play this now...


Out of interest, which Hutt Ball because Quesh and Vandin should have been removed.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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First I barely post anything in these forums, if ever. But this upcoming ‘’feature’’ made me. I guess it's safely to say that none of you devs play pvp. The reason why I, personally, I don't know about any of you who are reading this, still queue for pvp is because if I get stuck with a team that isn't performing well in a certain match I can just leave, queue again, and see if I get a better team


You are the reason it exists. People like you who want a 100% win rate are the proble.

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Out of interest, which Hutt Ball because Quesh and Vandin should have been removed.


The classic. I sat patiently and waited for it to end.


Edit: Hopping characters is tedious and only works in theory, as I am constantly backfilled to the match I just left. Yes I am sure some will laugh and say karma, but it's not going to change anything. I will never play a map that I don't want to play. How can that not be obvious. The only thing this will accomplish is to make me not play pvp.

Edited by Lundorff
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You could have gone and dps'd in mid instead of being a brat who deserves a ban.


You have made your point spectacular clear this past week, and with your point of view (and poor attitude) being so utterly detrimental to mine, I see no reason to engage you in any further debate. Feel free to add me to ignore and I will you.

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You have made your point spectacular clear this past week, and with your point of view (and poor attitude) being so utterly detrimental to mine, I see no reason to engage you in any further debate. Feel free to add me to ignore and I will you.


"poor attitude"? lol. Pot, meet kettle.


Ahahha... that is priceless. Getting banned for trying to end a terrible match lol. It will never happen in a million years. They would need a pattern of you deliberately queueing to harass the same group of players. Believe me I know, I have used these tactics on premades before.


I'm against the deserter lockout but it does have the advantage of forcing toxic pvpers to out themselves.

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Really simple here. Lockouts have been in fps for rage quitters and people who are not up for a rando. Here is what I am complaining about. If you are going to lock people out for PVP let them queue for the map they want.


you should never have been allowed to quit a WZ once you get into it. this change is LONG overdue.


if you dont like specific maps, then maybe you should be queuing the ones you like only, and if it wont let you for whatever reason, ask for that feature.


People quitting WZ the minute they feel they dont want to stay was a much bigger problem than getting a map you happen to not like.

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The most hilarious thing about this 15 minute lock out f quitting is that once one team realizes that the game is lost, instead of rage quitting like in the past, the match quickly turns into a death match, which will satisfy every number farmer's wildest dreams. :D I played some games this afternoon on |DM and this is what I've experienced. Not sure if I"m right.


But I am still getting back filled, and the best news of all : NO HUTBALL !! Thank god...

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What is going to happen if I end up getting a bad team in an 8v8? I’m probably going to get stressed IRL due to being forced to stay there


That's some of the weakest s*** I've ever heard lol. You play it, and you get better bc of it. Then one day, you're not bad.


I was okay, even supportive of it when I first heard about it. I hate people leaving the moment things start to go badly - they may think it's not bad behavior to ditch, but it is. But the more I see reactions here, the more I think BW is underestimating player masochism. If people aren't allowed to leave, they'll sabotage their team - we've already had players admit that is their intent.


As others have said, this should only be introduced in conjunction with giving some choice to picking matches, not piecemeal. My hope is that we'll have short-term instability caused by a minority of toxic players, and everyone will gradually grow into the new paradigm, but it will be a bumpy process getting there.


I agree mostly, but not with allowing people to select matches. But yeah, a portion of the Swtor pvp player base is akin to a 14 year old kid. When told they can't do something, they act up. So a person who maybe number farmed or goofed off, but at least participated in an OPG now will sit in the corner afk showing their a**. It's literally just like a child's behavior. But that's just humans for you. I agree, some will unsub (I assume ... quitters ... lol... so 'farewell') The rest will maybe miss being able to leave that HB where no one is playing HB, but benefit from the million other times you have a better group bc a good teammate wasn't able to /who, back out, and re-q.

Edited by AndriusAjax
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Really simple here. Lockouts have been in fps for rage quitters and people who are not up for a rando. Here is what I am complaining about. If you are going to lock people out for PVP let them queue for the map they want.


The way it is now is perfectly fine. Its random and it ensures all maps get played.

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Another thing people are not really thinking about is the change to wins and losses for the daily/weekly. People keep saying that "quitting isn't that bad." "Why fix what isn't broken" etc etc.


But with that change, can't you see a player completing their PVP dailies on alts quitting at the first sign of a loss? I sure can.


It seems BWs move towards people playing for wins may also come with people quitting, looking for that efficient win so they can log onto another toon. I'm sure that's part of the reason they coupled it with the deserter timer.

Edited by AndriusAjax
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Great, now I'm gonna be forced to fight Premades with my team of people in 276 gear opening from stealth with a knockback.


Beautiful change, Bioware.


If that's a match you would normally quit, then you're proving that its a good change. When people quit bc they think theyre going to lose, and want a feature added/removed to help them quit their way into wins... you have a misguided mindset on how the game should work.

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If that's a match you would normally quit, then you're proving that its a good change. When people quit bc they think theyre going to lose, and want a feature added/removed to help them quit their way into wins... you have a misguided mindset on how the game should work.


Please, oh wise one, tell me your secret knowledge on how the game should work....:rolleyes:


Personally I don't care about rewards from the dailies/weeklies, I just like pvp, but if no one on my team is trying to win, why should I have to carry 7 people instead of just rerolling the dice until I get a team that tries?


If you like playing video games because it's some way to... I don't even know...prove yourself? Mayhap it's you who is misguided...

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Please, oh wise one, tell me your secret knowledge on how the game should work....:rolleyes:


Personally I don't care about rewards from the dailies/weeklies, I just like pvp, but if no one on my team is trying to win, why should I have to carry 7 people instead of just rerolling the dice until I get a team that tries?


If you like playing video games because it's some way to... I don't even know...prove yourself? Mayhap it's you who is misguided...


Way to dig deep lol.


I play to win. If I get a match with players in low gear... I don't quit and expect the game to cater to that behavior. That's all I'm saying.

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Step 1: you allow players to play the content they want to (map selection)

Step 2: you constantly adjust class balance (rolf)

Step 3: you grant proper matchmaking

Step 4: you incentivize winning (proper rewards)

Step 5: you create maps that support changing the tides of war (HB, OPG & AH good, Yavin & VS mediocre, CW/NC poor design)

Step 6: you do not reward non-objective focused behaviour (do not display damage done, only objective points)

Step 7: you provide quick/automatic vote kick (afk, leaving nodes undefended, ignoring ball at mid / ignoring ball carrier)

Step 8: you give refilled player double rewards if they stay till the end and contribute

Step 9: apply deserter debuff


Bugware: Steps 1 - 8 require thinking and would actually require us to work for our money, so let's just skipp all and goto step 9. Brilliant, working as intended .



P.S. for all supporting deserter debuff already: no one should be sentenced for leaving a team that does not care.

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Step 1: you allow players to play the content they want to (map selection)

Step 2: you constantly adjust class balance (rolf)

Step 3: you grant proper matchmaking

Step 4: you incentivize winning (proper rewards)

Step 5: you create maps that support changing the tides of war (HB, OPG & AH good, Yavin & VS mediocre, CW/NC poor design)

Step 6: you do not reward non-objective focused behaviour (do not display damage done, only objective points)

Step 7: you provide quick/automatic vote kick (afk, leaving nodes undefended, ignoring ball at mid / ignoring ball carrier)

Step 8: you give refilled player double rewards if they stay till the end and contribute

Step 9: apply deserter debuff


Bioware: Steps 1 - 8 require thinking and would actually require us to work for our money, so let's just skipp all and goto step 9. Brilliant, working as intended .



P.S. for all supporting deserter debuff already: no one should be sentenced for leaving a team that does not care.


Step 10: Don't quit. It not an issue then. This is a lot of crap to go through to avoid it.

Edited by Nickodemous
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P.S. for all supporting deserter debuff already: no one should be sentenced for leaving a team that does not care.


What if the team do care, and are doing their best, but the opposing team are ranked players in max gear, used to playing with each other, etc, etc. (Yes, this does happen)

Should you still be allowed to quit? There are possibly plenty of reason to quit a match, and plenty why you shouldn't. How does the debuff decide. Maybe what you think is a good reason, others won't, and vice versa.

This debuff has pros & cons, wether it's good or not, it'll probably take a couple of weeks to see what sort of effect it will have properly.

Edited by DarkAnnmarie
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If that's a match you would normally quit, then you're proving that its a good change. When people quit bc they think theyre going to lose, and want a feature added/removed to help them quit their way into wins... you have a misguided mindset on how the game should work.


I agree so much with this sentiment, too.


People! The fact is, EVERYONE gets bad teams! You leaving a match because you got some less than stellar teammates in a PUG is generally a normal occurrence and ought to be expected!


Lots of people seem to think that every match they ought to be handed the best PVPers available, well everyone wants that but it's not possible to make it happen so you have to expect sometimes to have teams that are not as good.


Thing is, I have had so many matches, hundreds of matches over the years where a match started out as bad as it could, only to turn around the very next round as if the team changed players or something yet it's the same guys...


I learned the most on my toons in bad matchups btw, because these tough matches are where you can learn to manage multiple targets on you, or on a teammate etc. In impossible to win matches, I will create mini games for myself... You know, try to solo a side node, see if I can draw the enemy team away from a node so hopefully someone on my team tries to cap the node, stuff like that.


Anyway, you people that leave a WZ just because you die fast or the team seems incompetent after 1 minute of gameplay are why they have had to stick in a deserter debuff. By leaving a team constantly as you do, it always short changes the teams and gives the match no way to have any continuity of players.


So by being a selfish ****, people leaving WZs for frivolous reasons cause more instability in the matches than they understand. From their perspective they are being inconvenienced or stressed having to try to suffer a losing match (oh the horror) but what they fail to understand is they are causing inconvenience for 3-15 other players depending on the type of match it is. Just typical modern society BS, really. Only thinking about ourselves, and not others.

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