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Your suggestions for SWTOR's complete overhaul


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just have public combat logs so i can feel some individual power dps/hps progress whilst I'm playing content at level 75. Currently it feels like once you finish the class stories it is only vanity non PVE stuff left.
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It's worse you are getting, I think lockdown has done serious damage to your sense of humour :p

Seeing as you didn't like my 'humourus' post.

Please, you or any reader of this thread, try to explain how anyone was supposed to take your post as humorous?

You made no attempt to indicate it was humor, and we often get similar posts from (mostly kids) who are serious.


My sense of humor is just fine. I'd say that my response was obviously 'humor' - you know, smiley faces, etc. 😂

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Hmm the two new classes?

Republic has Trooper so Imperial Trooper class?

Republic SIS Agent because you have Imperial Agent

Republic Smuggler -> Imperial Criminal or Outlaw ?


why not create one as and purchasable DLC to check the market?

I would definitely purchase an DLC then buy Cartel Coins anyday..


Here is a suggestion that was made regarding the new classes...




Yeah .. I know ... yet another shamless plug !!



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Ideally, more class stories or at least nods to class flavoring.


I'm very hesitant to have them go back into vanilla and 'improve' things. That's how we got the new mailboxes and breadcrumb missions removed from the game. As far as making new classes, this is a thought experiment so we can skip over the unlikely cost/benefit of them doing so, and still do real talk: how would you like the writers of KOTFE/ET to design two new class stories from scratch?


No, me, neither.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Proper LFG system covering all playable content

64 bit game client

Something newer than DX9 that can make better use of multiple CPU/GPU cores

Update game textures

Mouselook toggle

SWTOR on Steam

AC respec or give base class access to all advanced specs

Fix alacrity

Open up weapon proficiencies

Ilum style walker escort pvp 8v8

Capture the flag pvp 8v8

Instanced Battle Royale pvp mode

Cartel Market ships for all GSF ship types

Gsf with bots

Bomber escort scenario in GSF (see GSF discord)

Guild ship assault with weekly progression (GvG challenge)

New bounties

New rakghoul planet

In-game noteriety/bounty pvp system

Day/Night Cycles on planets that should have them

Attackable npc decos for strongholds

True horizontal gearing like ESO

Seperate Huttball League (group ranked and solo unranked)

GTN rebuild with updated categories and commodities system

3rd Neutral Underworld Faction

Rocket Boost as a mount

Remove cyborg as a unique race and add cyborg cosmetic options to all races

Mounts that can take extra riders / active companion

Bring back old kill mechanic for Malgus in master mode False Emperor

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If *I* have UNLIMITED POWA- money? I'll just throw 10 billion USD to Bioware and tell them to:

1. Rework the game into a new engine.

2. New character design interface with more customizing freedom.

3. Remove Revan from the game (and Exile, but she barely exist so she was ruined less *sarcasm*) because it's a mess and an insult to the character. Make that "Revan" a crazed Force user who's the Emperor's puppet. Let them RIP.

4. Please rewrite/remake KOTXX into two parts, one for Force users, one for non-Force users. I can't stand watching my Agent use his tiny pistol shooting at Arcann/Vaylin anymore.

5. Most importantly, GIVE MY FAV LOVE INTERESTS MORE CONTENTS *evil laughter*

Edited by eabevella
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I mean, its totally possible to gradually change over to a new 64-bit client with improved graphic and functionality over time. Even though its old Hero Engine, it would probably make it a tad difficult. But Hero has DX11 and physx, and let the player choose version via settings.


See Eve Online, it has done this operation over the last years, and it had its miss-steps but still, 64.bit client and improved graphics and rework is done on a regular basis.


This all comes down to resources at EA and the will to do it. Steam launch should help if they see a stable increase in users and subbers.

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I mean, its totally possible to gradually change over to a new 64-bit client with improved graphic and functionality over time. Even though its old Hero Engine, it would probably make it a tad difficult. But Hero has DX11 and physx, and let the player choose version via settings.


See Eve Online, it has done this operation over the last years, and it had its miss-steps but still, 64.bit client and improved graphics and rework is done on a regular basis.


This all comes down to resources at EA and the will to do it. Steam launch should help if they see a stable increase in users and subbers.


I think this is partially right, however I believe it's more of a BW issue than an EA issue. BW have a lot more control over their own development projects than people think in my opinion.


Example is, during the Anthem development years, BW made it very clear it was their passion to pursue that instead of putting time, energy, and resources into SWTOR. This was not a EA decision nor did EA dictate how BW used these their resources they chose who to send to work on what.


I actually think BW's weak point is management. I view many of the management decisions as missteps. Yes I know it's sounds imperialistic for me to proclaim such a thing, but that's even being nice calling some of the decisions BW have made with SWTOR "missteps."


I'd even go so far to say in this situation I wish EA had been more dictatorial. Perhaps they could have done a better job handling the forums, for instance, while BW stuck to doing what they do best which is designing imaginative story driven game worlds. Instead of putting all their eggs in a new basket (Anthem) while sitting on a Star Wars MMO goldmine (SWTOR) they could have done meaningful, constructive improvements to SWTOR but they never really do this.


If EA was smart they would have not given so much power and control to BW, I believe they are at fault for that, but for the design changes to SWTOR and the abysmal communication Bioware has become renowned for, well, that's all BW. Failure to respect and acknowledge their playerbase has been very detrimental to the development of this game.






I'd have np if EA decided to take more control over this game I think it needs better management.

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I mean, its totally possible to gradually change over to a new 64-bit client with improved graphic and functionality over time.

Um, no. You can't change to a 64-bit engine a bit at a time. They would have to migrate all the assets to the new engine and then release the new version as a single update.

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I'd have np if EA decided to take more control over this game I think it needs better management.


I didn't realize it until now but it's interesting the way that insider source's version of events has shifted us into the narrative that EA is a neutral or positive element and BW is largely the incompetent screwup. Not saying you're wrong but...it echoes Kaliyo's line: "Never thought i'd end up working for a bunch of dictators." (also WHERE are all the swtor memes!?)

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Um, no. You can't change to a 64-bit engine a bit at a time. They would have to migrate all the assets to the new engine and then release the new version as a single update.


Assets wont have anything to do with what x-bit version the client is using. You maintain the regular client as you transition over bit by bit to a new version.


I was not talking about the whole engine to be migrated over, no need to. Hero is more than capable for swtor, but what we dont know is the special customization done by the team over the years, that might have more complex results then regular engine.


The example I used with EVE, is kind of fascinating, and they coded the game back in early 2000s. They ended up going through the games code line by line (dont know if all of them got reviewed), and slowly migrated and added new functionality for newer stuff slowly but steady over years.


Meanwhile they can work on assets being used, adding more shadows, quality and what not in parallel.


I am of course assuming a bit here, but its software, everything is possible. It gets down to qualifications and expertise, and ROI on the whole work.

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I was not talking about the whole engine to be migrated over, no need to. Hero is more than capable for swtor, but what we dont know is the special customization done by the team over the years, that might have more complex results then regular engine.

The word is that not only is SWTOR's use of Hero highly customised, but it's a highly customised version of a very early beta or maybe even an alpha release, and there's no way to upgrade to a production release of Hero without basically throwing everything away and starting again.

I am of course assuming a bit here, but its software, everything is possible. It gets down to qualifications and expertise, and ROI on the whole work.

"Possible" isn't interesting. What's interesting is "feasible", which in context means "possible at a reasonable cost in time and money". In this statement, of course, "reasonable" is difficult to define as it's at least 437.2% subjective, but it does involve discussions of ROI.


Disclaimer of Authority: I have been working as a full-time software developer for more than 30 years. If we include time spent writing software for summer jobs at university, I'm a few weeks past 35 years. Most of my colleagues are younger than my career.

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I didn't realize it until now but it's interesting the way that insider source's version of events has shifted us into the narrative that EA is a neutral or positive element and BW is largely the incompetent screwup. Not saying you're wrong but...it echoes Kaliyo's line: "Never thought i'd end up working for a bunch of dictators." (also WHERE are all the swtor memes!?)


Actually I had my opinion made up, I just had nothing to really explain it until I read what others had to say about the developmental issues of SWTOR etc.


I made my mind up years ago just by the frustrations I felt around 3.0 and onward. We had legitimate complaints and hundreds of passionate players voicing their unhappiness with game design changes across the forums only to have community management literally ignore everyone and everything for months or even longer.


That's when I started to think BW was incompetently ran especially whatever part of their company controlled their communications and forums sections, it was awful then as it is still awful now.


TBH, I really peeled myself off the game around the time I read through Jeff Nyman's posts and his personal blog, reading his stuff only added pieces to the SWTOR development mess that was a puzzle in my mind.


For me that made it easier to recognize the game would never get better so it was best to not put so much emotion into it. I found those insider tidbits to be very liberating and am happy that Nyman and others shared their perspectives.

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Having just returned after the Steam launch, and not having played for about 7 or 8 years the game still feels enjoyable and strangely fresh. Sure some of the game mechanics feel dated but it is still a compelling experience.

With the company reportedly having made over $1B in revenue, for me it would be nice if they were able to make a new graphics pass. The low poly models are actually fine, it's the textures that make the look of the game feel dated. Clearly no small job, but this one effort would have an enormous impact, imo...

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Actually I had my opinion made up, I just had nothing to really explain it until I read what others had to say about the developmental issues of SWTOR etc.


I made my mind up years ago just by the frustrations I felt around 3.0 and onward. We had legitimate complaints and hundreds of passionate players voicing their unhappiness with game design changes across the forums only to have community management literally ignore everyone and everything for months or even longer.


That's when I started to think BW was incompetently ran especially whatever part of their company controlled their communications and forums sections, it was awful then as it is still awful now.


TBH, I really peeled myself off the game around the time I read through Jeff Nyman's posts and his personal blog, reading his stuff only added pieces to the SWTOR development mess that was a puzzle in my mind.


For me that made it easier to recognize the game would never get better so it was best to not put so much emotion into it. I found those insider tidbits to be very liberating and am happy that Nyman and others shared their perspectives.


True but before that you would have had no way to know that the screwup was on BW, not an EA problem. Everyday there are threads pronouncing doom and gloom on this game....because of EA. And how great this game would be if BW had 100% control. Nyman was the one who pointed out [i can't think of specific examples rn] that the dumb fumbles in this game were deliberately designed that way by BW.


Schmidt's response to PVP was pretty great, but you have to wonder why. Is he new? Is this a new policy? Or is it just the same old policy of "write one thing on the forum that implies communication and never come back." Alternatively maybe it's just a sign of how bad Musco is at his job. The forum should be getting the same level of communication for pvp and pve, and should have been getting it for years, and we haven't and won't. Why? Nyman's posts never addressed that reluctance to comment iirc.

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So, my wish list would be broader. I would like to see each player community treated with upgrades and QoL improvements. I'd love to see them actually be able to balance the content and attention given to each type of player so there would *hopefully* be less of the sense that any one group is of greater value than the other at any given time.


Anyway, for my personal interests I would like to see more class specific stories, with fully voiced companion interactions. Repeatable companion tied quests. Repeatable cutscenes for LI's.


I'd like there to be the ability to actually switch factions. I can see how this would be a logisitics nightmare, but it makes so much sense in the Star Wars universe.


I'd love for the hook system in decorating to be retired completely. Let us put things where we want and how we want. Remove stronghold caps, and limits on the amount of each stronghold a person can have. Make decorations unlockable in collections. Add Copero, Voss, etc. etc. etc. strongholds (but mostly Copero, lol).

Allow us to craft actual decos rather than prefabs, with some ability to choose color/style/etc.


Also, and this is probably something few would care about, but I think it would be cool if one could have other player character LI pairings. That's more just a "could be fun" thing. Not particularly important.


Also, it would be cool to see more variety in event rewards, mission, etc. As it is now, the events get stale pretty quickly.


Update the dye module system so that stuff has individual primary and secondary slots and we can choose our own primary and secondary combinations.




SIS class. I'd love to give that story a spin!

Edited by DuchessKristania
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To recap the question, if the massive influx of Steam Players creates millions of new subs for BW...

More new subs, yes. Millions of new subs, no.


There might have been a chance if Bioware fixed up the game interface and new player experience before the Steam release, including but not limited to the apparently throttled non-streaming download, wide screen support, initially hidden quick bars, lack of mention of the Quick Travel ability, bugged tutorials that don't allow you to read old ones after re-login (yes, I checked show read. it's still empty until a new tutorial comes in and reveal all.), and the hundreds of CC unlocks that annoy new players to hell. I can't even remember whether the ad-in-your-face galactic guide is on at level 1.


Fix these, give new players a better experience, at least try to retain them until endgame.

But of course, we all know how Bioware listens to players ever since this game is out.

In a few days after the Steam release, the Chinese review drops from Very Good to Mixed. (I contributed to the negative since I'm APAC and how they withheld server move information from us in 2017.)


1.5 millions subs left this game 8 years ago (number deduced from official announcements). Those who come back saw the same game as before. Some see worse, like how the 20GB game is now 40GB and took double the hours to download. The improvements, few there are, like the fantastic graphic update since KotFE, are locked behind paywall.


There is still time to save the English review I think. We will see.

Edited by ElleSheepy
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So many good ideas. Really liking what I've been reading so far. Here is a few of mine.


*64 Bit Client

*Updated Textures

*More customization in character creation


*Rework abilities for each class. Currently, it feels like every class is loaded down just to make it feel like there is always a button to smash. I'd rather have abilities that are more meaningful than just button smashing. My idea behind this is to make using abilities mean more in the grand scheme of an encounter. In turn this would improve overall combat I feel.


*Rework crafting completely. Give it meaning instead of being just a credit earner.


***My biggest desire***

Bring out some traditional MMORPG style endgame. I'm talking grinding for gear and working up to running a massive raid to down the baddies and get the fat lootz. NOT TO BE CONFUSED with the hot garbage that wow turned into. I'm talking real mechanics that are challenging and make the end game progression fun and not just a loot farm. Make things hurt and punishing for screwing up.

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My question for you guys is, what would you like Bioware to redo if they get endless funds and are forced by EA to work on renovating SWTOR due to the massive number of subs brought in by Steam Players[/b]


First of all, if you have followed and read posts on social media when it comes to SWTOR, many Steam players got SWTOR cause, well, it's free.


It's our logic, when something is free, take it, why not? Even if you don't need it. I honestly doubt that BW got lots of subs via Steam.


But, back to your topic, if I had some higher power at EA and IF SWTOR is profitable still, of course, I wouldn't allow crazy amount of funds for SWTOR or any game, if my company isn't gonna get that back and profit from it. The biggest problem with this game is the Hero engine.


When I watched one SWTOR stream, where Keith showed up, someone asked about Dsync and why 16 man ops get so laggy, his str8 answer was close to this "We've tested it and the engine isn't the problem, we don't know yet what it is, we're looking into it, but it isn't the engine".


Tbh, I laughed when I heard that. Like he str8 up went on defending the game engine. :D


Let's be real tho, SWTOR is never gonna have the req. funds it needs to improve. Milking is working fine, ppl pay lots for their space barbie, BW that way is in EA's good books, EA profits, BW keeps their job, everyone is happy.

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