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Any way to shut off guild conquest banners on planets?


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Corrupt and Awful?

What happened?


I do agree the banners are a little annoying, but I would like to see some other forms of guild presence on a planet if they are controlling it. I do not know what exactly

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Another huge broken flaw in the game I see. Really looking forward to leaving when the new patch comes out on the other one.


So sad. if not for a garbage community and being owned by an apathetic and immorally managed company, this game would be great.

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Another huge broken flaw in the game I see. Really looking forward to leaving when the new patch comes out on the other one.


So sad. if not for a garbage community and being owned by an apathetic and immorally managed company, this game would be great.


Part of this could be you, you can't claim the community is garbage, when in general most of the people who play this are extremely decent. Yes, there are trolls and toxic a*******, and BW/EA don't give a rats *** about stopping the behaviour. But you can't tar the whole commuity because of these people. Even here in the forums, you can see how much people try to help. Most of the forum users are great, have some fantastic advice, and some extremely funny stories, etc.

Sure we've a small number of **** here too, but it's minimal, and if you put them on ignore, most of the conversations/threads in here are pretty good.

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you're aware how awful this community is, that rot is in most guilds as well. I dont want to have to see their names. tell me how to turn it off.


Umm, I haven't noticed anything awful about the community. But that doesn't mean that their aren't jerks out there who gets their jollies by making other feel small.

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There are jerks -everywhere- picking fights to get their jollies and then pointing fingers at the victim.


I've done nothing wrong, came only wanting to be friends. it's not my fault if other people dont share that desire.


Anyone who makes claims about me just becuase I'm not blind to the state of the community here, is not only an ignoramus, but a fool.


only an idiot makes claims with no evidence. Evidence of toxic ******s in this community is everywhere, but no one can actually find solid evidence supporting a claim its my fault.

Edited by DaZeeZee
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There are jerks -everywhere- picking fights to get their jollies and then pointing fingers at the victim.


I've done nothing wrong, came only wanting to be friends. it's not my fault if other people dont share that desire.


Anyone who makes claims about me just becuase I'm not blind to the state of the community here, is not only an ignoramus, but a fool.

only an idiot makes claims with no evidence. Evidence of toxic ******s in this community is everywhere, but no one can actually find solid evidence supporting a claim its my fault.


Noone said there aren't toxic people, we all agreed there are, but you're attacking the whole community, calling it, and by defination us, toxic. You've a chip on your shoulder, and attacking the wrong people. From the start of the post, and other post, you attacked, again, and again. That's not the way to make friends. You can make friends in this game, but you will meet toxic people, and as BW do nothing about it, unfortunately all you can do, is put those people on ignore, and find nice people. But as long as you have a chip on your shoulder and are attacking everyone, this won't happen.

Edited by DarkTergon
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Plenty of corrupt and awful guilds who own planets, I dont need to be reminded those losers exist every time I go there.


Like your other thread, this one has a good idea in the title but it's almost immediately clear that your motivation for making the post is to solicit the forum's sympathy [lol GL bro] because someone in-game was mean to you, rather than the actual issue. When even the poster above me thinks you're being too melodramatic, it's time to step back from the computer.


Do I want guild banners taken off the screen? Yes, because they often glitch and won't come off, not because I don't like people in those guilds.

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There's a saying I'm fond of.

It goes something like this (I'm watering it down)


"If you wake up in the morning and meet an idiot or two...you met an idiot or two"

"If you meet nothing but idiots all day long...they're not the idiots"

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