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Broken annimation with female characters


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Hey guys, I've found out a hilarious/horrifying broken animation with seems to affect only female characters. As far as I know this terrifying animation only happens when the smuggler grips Corso Riggs from the floor in one of the first cutscenes and when female characters interacts with some of the lore objects.


I've tried to restart the game, but nothing changed. Also, I've tried to create different female characters with different bodies, but the bug affects all of them. And as I said, it doesn't happen with male characters.


Here is a video with the bug happening in game:

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I haven't tried it yet on more characters, but it seems that the scanning animation is somehow broken. I tried it on female gunslinger body type A... well see the picture:




This broken animation seems to affect ALL female characters, as you can see on this video:



As far as I know, it gets triggered in some cutscenes and when the player interacts with some objects. Hope it gets fixed soon...

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I get in on my Female Jedi Consular. When I first saw it I had to do a 'double take'. It was quite horrifying (but funny)


I get it when clicking on Lore objects and turning in some quests.


It looks like something out of the film 'The Thing' from 1982.


I actually quite like it now. :eek:

Edited by SethMorganaa
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Want to confirm this happens to me as well. During a Heroic mission in Balmorra where you have to scan droids. I refuse to even play anymore until this is fixed because I do not want to see it happen during a cut scene like in OP's video. It's horrific!


Please fix this quick do NOT wait until next major patch.

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Hi all,


Thank you for the reports concerning the body deformation when scanning things.


Our team is aware of this bug and currently tracking it. I'll update you when I know more.


Also want to add that it is not happening just when you scan things, please review the OP's video. It is also happening in cut scenes and when you examine lore objects.

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Came in to report this same bug. Happening to Chiss female Imperial Agent: Operative. Body type 2. Happens during cutscenes and when scanning things it seems. I have a screenshot of it, but not sure how to add it, though everyone has already seen the result.
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This bug/feature has provided me with so much entertainment! Please, never fix this! It's like my female toons are all trying to become Groot! It's hilarious!!

Well, ok it's funny, but I can't take serious the story with this thing happening in cutscenes...

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Hey guys, I've found out a hilarious/horrifying broken animation with seems to affect only female characters. As far as I know this terrifying animation only happens when the smuggler grips Corso Riggs from the floor in one of the first cutscenes and when female characters interacts with some of the lore objects.


I've tried to restart the game, but nothing changed. Also, I've tried to create different female characters with different bodies, but the bug affects all of them. And as I said, it doesn't happen with male characters.


Here is a video with the bug happening in game:

With the launch of 6.1.2a I've tested the bug again and it seems that is still in the air. Anyway I've found out something more: the deformation is different depending of the type body of the female character.


Female characters with body types 1 and 2 suffers the full deformation in the cutscene and when they scan objects.


Female characters with body type 3 suffer a lesser version of the deformation in the cutscene (only their neck gets a bit longer), but they don't suffer any deformation when scanning objects.


Female characters with body type 4 don't get deformed during the cutscene, but instead of helping Corso get up, they stay on the spot doing nothing, and Corso gets up holding the air. Still, they get the full deformation when scanning objects.


Here is a video showing the bug in all body types:

Edited by Grangigante
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Hi all,


Thank you for the reports concerning the body deformation when scanning things.


Our team is aware of this bug and currently tracking it. I'll update you when I know more.

It's still in the game even after the maintenance this morning. When you gonna fix it?

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