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@LFG tool haterz


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Thats not how majority behaves when handed automated tools. Thats how people behave on the internet..


Yes, internet people of course ;)

We all know how people on the internet naturally don't care for each other, so a tool that would make them care even less is not a good idea imho.

Edited by kineticdamage
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Yes, internet people of course ;)

We all know how people on the internet naturally don't care for each other, so a tool that would make them care even less is not a good idea imho.


It doesn't make them "care even less"...you're just trying to put words in my mouth to further your own agenda.

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It doesn't make them "care even less"...you're just trying to put words in my mouth to further your own agenda.


lolwut ? Further my own agenda ? Stop coffee dude.

Also, pre-chewing the few social interaction you have to complete in order to find a group does make them care even less. There's no discussion about that.



Game needs dungeon finder.


Spamming LFG in chats is not socializing you daft twits.


Nobody said spamming chats was socialising either. Socialising we're talking about is the whole part when you actually whisper somebody and engage in a conversation to know :

1) who they are (class etc)

2) if they want to take side with you

3) and all the other bits of conversation that differ between each kind of personality (you know, the part that makes us humans)


Sure, for people who really reject this whole part, they would reduce it to "spamming gen chat lolz". Because they don't care, therefore can't see further.


So once again, pro-LFD should look further than their own needs.


edit : To conclude, the better thing that could happen to please everyone would be not an automated LFD tool, but a :

- server-only built in tool like we already have

- and add a possibility to sort people by the dungeon they're looking for (like WoW BC)

Edited by kineticdamage
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lolwut ? Further my own agenda ? Stop coffee dude.

Also, pre-chewing the few social interaction you have to complete in order to find a group does make them care even less. There's no discussion about that.





Nobody said spamming chats was socialising either. Socialising we're talking about is the whole part when you actually whisper somebody and engage in a conversation to know :

1) who they are (class etc)

2) if they want to take side with you

3) and all the other bits of conversation that differ between each kind of personality (you know, the part that makes us humans)


Sure, for people who really reject this whole part, they would reduce it to "spamming gen chat lolz". Because they don't care, therefore can't see further.


So once again, pro-LFD should look further than their own needs.


edit : To conclude, the better thing that could happen to please everyone would be not an automated LFD tool, but a :

- server-only built in tool like we already have

- and add a possibility to sort people by the dungeon they're looking for (like WoW BC)

I think you're viewing bits of text as a much greater indicator of the other person's personality than they actually are. Their personality shouldn't matter anyway as long as they're not utterly inept, loot-stealing meanies. If they are (presuming an automatic realm-specific LFG tool) just blacklist them.


You might bump into the same player later but surely they can't just keep on conducting themselves vexatiously on the same server. If you want to only play with people who you really like by personality, get into an appropriate guild. Or conquer the world and start sculpting people's genome to your liking until you're satisfied.

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I have formed groups from general chat that dont even speak during the instance. Its not the LFG tool that makes people anti-social, its the players themselves.
Exactly. I ran a heroic and a Flashpoint last evening and no one spoke. I even tried several times to strike up a convo and nada. I whispered one person and asked "Why is everyone so quite?". The reply I got made me chuckle. "I dunno. I just don't want to say anything because it's taken me two hours of spamming to get a group for this and I just want to get through it now. Don't want to p*** anyone off."
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Ah, the social/guild/community builder arguments.


Anti LFG people are usually a bunch of pretentious douchebags. You know, the guy that follows you around and end up on your ignore list or reported for harrassment because they think that everybody that wants to do the same dungeon wants to be their friend and lover.


They feel threatened by the popularity of the tool, and often argue that if its implemented, guildies etc will all start using it and so they wont be able to use their beloved old-fashioned methods.


If your so called friends in the guild will start using the tool rather than group up with you the old fashioned way, shouldnt that tell you something about how interesting a person you really are? What's it matter if you consider yourself a sociable person if other people dont want to be around you? Maybe its you who need a change of tune and not the people you want to control because they choose to play the game in a different way than you?

Edited by Flowerslayer
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The system we have now is fine.
Yes, people keep creating threads asking for it because it's working well..... and these are not the droids you are looking for....


Darn, that Jedi mind trick stuff doesn't work in real life?


Maybe someone should tell Bioware it doesn't work in real life!

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I think you're viewing bits of text as a much greater indicator of the other person's personality than they actually are. Their personality shouldn't matter anyway as long as they're not utterly inept, loot-stealing meanies. If they are (presuming an automatic realm-specific LFG tool) just blacklist them.


You might bump into the same player later but surely they can't just keep on conducting themselves vexatiously on the same server. If you want to only play with people who you really like by personality, get into an appropriate guild. Or conquer the world and start sculpting people's genome to your liking until you're satisfied.


I'm sorry to contradict you on how I should perceive stuff, but bits of text from the human behind the username do matter to me.

I belong to the huge lots of people who used to spend hours and hours in IRC chatrooms. It was addicting, because these bits of text you mention were different from person to person, conducting to solid, distinct personalities.


Obviously, LFG demanders don't belong to a big guild as they wouldn't need this tool. And obviously, they don't like to chat because they would have no problem making online long-time friends. So obviously, they just don't like to talk online with others.

So, it might be a shocker to them, but there are actually thousands of thousands of people who do enjoy exchanging words in a chat. Best proof is IRC.


And no, catering me to a 100 people guild will not satisfy this need to meet different people.

There are 150 people per instance of each zone. So yeah, it's a much, much wider view than emprisoning my social interests into one guild.

Edited by kineticdamage
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No it isn't. I quest while i talk in general to see if anybody wants to run flashpoints, works wonders socializing.


Heres a timeline for you.


WoW hits peak mid wrath-LFD introduced-WoW subs decline-LFR introduced-many furious no signs of subs increasing.


see where im going with this?


Yes, i do.


Pirates also helped fight global warming. I can prove it. There are no longer anymore pirates, and there is global warming, there for, if we bring back black beard era piracy, global warming would stop.


Nice strawman.


P.S. other Pro LFD people should read your link and realize they are using the same thing when they say "If this game does not put in lfd soon it will fail"


no a strawman is actually something different. what you think he's doing is a red herring, but what he actually did was provide a correct response using a well known and documented logical fallacy. either way, a user-friendly group tool that makes effective use of, often times limited, game time needs to be implemented.

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Seen plenty of groups giving up because they cant' find a healer etc. I don't even bother. It's quicker to outlevel the area than waste time trying to find four people of the right combination. I fail to see how spamming = social.


Wow haters seem to despise that they introduced a very successful tool which brought old dungeons back to life and people could use them as they levelled. It meant everyone got to try them and everyone got to try for some loot. There are bad players who ninja but that's no different in any game and it's no different now. People are still losing out rolls to players who have no use for the things they are rolling for. Bad behaviour will always exist because there will always be a number of badly behaved individuals. Again the way loot rolls work could be improved so loot can't go to someone who has no use for the item but I digress.


I found LFD in wow to be as social as you made it. Some groups were very chatty and we had a good laugh and others not so much. But you could carry on levelling while you waited for the right combination of people to be found. Equally it gave you a different way of levelling alts when you didn't want to do those same quests over and over and over.


Every time I see someone abusing someone else for LFG in General for a heroic I tell them it's BW's idea of social and the person has no choice as it's the only way to find others. The /who thing isn't great but people do use it but it still seems to be spamming is the most effective way to find others.


There are those who love a proper tool and plenty who hate it. As BW have pretty much categorically stated they wont add one the whole debate is somewhat futile.

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I'm pro LFG tool. Something that will allow me to /need on everything knowing I can just queue for another group again when I do finally get kicked. :D
So what's stopping someone from doing that now? Most people aren't grinding the heroics or Flashpoints, so they get them done and move on, and rarely will they be in the same zone as the person they kicked again, looking for the same content as that person again.


Sorry, but before the LFD tool yelling "Boblahblahblah is a ninja!! don't group with him" didn't work, and it won't work now.

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Can we stop with the whole "LFG causes ninja looting" argument? Ninja looting was way worse in WoW before LFG was available. In fact, under the current LFG system in WoW ninja looting is not possible. You can't need on items that you can't use. Losing a role to another player under that system doesn't qualify as being ninja'd.


Also, stop with the "this game will turn into a lobby if LFG is implemented". This game is already set up that way. It works like this: go to fleet, enter FP. There is no riding around the universe to find the instance. The only difference is now you can't quest, gather, look for Datacrons etc while you wait. You just sit in the fleet until you have a group after spamming for a while. Generally not really a problem if you are healer, but if you are DPS it can be a real pain in the ***.

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The idea is, it works like this.



As you level, you meet people questing, or doing heroic quests, etc. You chat it up while you play together. You add them to your friends list, or perhaps invite them to your guild. Later on, you want to do a FP. You are a dps. You pop open your friends list, grab one each, tank, heals, and dps from the people you have previously grouped with. Ask them if they'd like to run, maybe they do, maybe they don't, any spot you can't fill from your friends/guild list, you ask about in general. (FYI, my average time to construct a group with this system is about 3 minutes.) Everyone has a great time, because everyone knows everyone else, your friends, who only knew you, now know each other, add each other to their friends lists, and then when you're not around, they'll be pinging each other to put groups together. That one random dps you had to grab from general is now in your network. Maybe he has friends he'll introduce you to. NETWORKING!


The reality:


You spacebar your way to level 50 in less than a week, have no one on your friends list because you didn't group for anything because, psssh, that just slows you down. Spamming general chat isn't getting you a group, because all those dead baby anal jokes you made earlier are still floating in everyone's minds, so you pop in a WZ and yell at your teammates, who summarily add you to their ignore lists because you don't like to be yelled at when they're level ten and have never done a warzone before. But hey, at least you got to DO something instead of begging one of the 20 people on your server who did the same thing as you to do some max level flashpoints. Then, you remember that WoW let you play no matter how you acted to other people, so you rush to the forums and proclaim that this game is dead, not because of your inability to build and invest in a social network (Because really, who wants to put that much effort into a damn videogame, gawsh), but because it doesn't auto group you with people who have no idea how vile your sense of humor is, or that you don't speak English, or that you bought SpicyNutzors powerleveling servcie, etc, etc, whatever the case may be that you find your friends list and guild list empty during your normal play times.





In short, gentlemen, what we have here is a split in the playerbase. You can fall into camp A, who believe social networking is the heart and soul of a successful MMORPG, or you fall into Camp B, where you believe that being able to play how you want, when you want, is the heart and soul of an online game.


If I used any words that you don't understand, copy/paste them into http://www.google.com, then add the word "def" after it, and you'll get the idea.


Is it A or B gentlemen? A or B?

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There will be cross server LFG its just a matter of time. Rift said they weouldnt add a LFD system yet now there is one. Hell even in WoW Blizzard stated many times that they would never allow things to happen but they are now in game like transfers onto pvp servers, race changes, faction changes, etc. Yet they are all in game. Games progress they dont regress and cross server LFG is progress as it allows more people to enjoy the gam.


Before WoW added the /LFD tool I sometimes went weeks without doing a heroic. I play games to have fun and sitting in a capital city for over an hour watching trade chat before finally rage logging is not fun. No matter how long I spammed I was either LFG or if I tried to put a group together it only fell apart because we couldnt find a healer or a tank isnt fun.


If I only have an hour to play a specific night why should I spend half of that or even all of that trying to get a group together and then log out having done nothing. If you dont like a /LFD tool then dont use it. No one has a gun pointed at your children saying use LFD or I shoot one of them. Its for people who arent guilded, play at offpeak hours, on a small populated server, or dont want to spend all day trying to form a group.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Waaaaah Waaaaah why cant everything be handed to me on a silver platter. Go find a group and quit whining. If your looking to a group up and do something, guess what, 2-3 of the other 2 million people probably are too. Spend 15 minutes looking for a group of people you can talk to and get to know and level with them.
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Waaaaah Waaaaah why cant everything be handed to me on a silver platter. Go find a group and quit whining. If your looking to a group up and do something, guess what, 2-3 of the other 2 million people probably are too. Spend 15 minutes looking for a group of people you can talk to and get to know and level with them.



Didn't realize each server had 2 million people. Thats good to now should be easy to find a group now. Also getting a group isnt as easy as you make it out to be. Reroll to the lowest populated server, log in at 3am and then say its easy to find a group.

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Not many people hating on LFG just LFD.


People don't want something where you press a button the game automagically matches you up with total strangers who are normally all from different servers that you will never see or talk too again, who you will barely speak with during the run.


This. I would love to see a party finder added into the game but i dont want 1000 people standing in town being teleported to all the dungeons. i like actually having to go there.

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