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XP or Quest amount is Lacking at lv 40 +


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With my last char i finished corellia with lvl 49,7 and I was always with same level or one below.


In my case i only made all the quests of the planet and about 2/3 heroics (and never repeated one). I didnt made any Flashpoint, bonus series, Warzone and made really few space missions.


In addition i leveled it from 1 to 50 in 2 weeks, so really low rest i got.


So, in other words, can understand how can be that you are some levels below on belsavis. You must have missed some quests on different planets.


Or hes rushing thru not finishing all bonus kill quest. Hell belsavis has a two to three bonus quests for every quest zone that you go to and you get 25 or 27k per finished box or kyosk quest.

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Time spent is about the same.


Time spent for clearing quests + bonus objectives from quests + 1 time clearing of space combat mission(while it's still at least green/yellow difficulty ) should get equivalent level or more for the next planet requirement.


Is about the same as time spent for just clear quest + ignore bonus + space combat + grinding it out trashes that's not part of objectives.


So in the end you still invest the same amount of time as those who don't skip or don't feel like doing this or that...


However, if you are in a group/party, it's another story. So grind out some levels with some friends or groupies.


I tend to reach Voss at level 49 or 50 casually. Hardcore where I don't logout much, surprisingly I reach it at around 46 to 48 ( cos due to missed rested exp bonus )

Edited by Roguehwz
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With my last char i finished corellia with lvl 49,7 and I was always with same level or one below.


In my case i only made all the quests of the planet and about 2/3 heroics (and never repeated one). I didnt made any Flashpoint, bonus series, Warzone and made really few space missions.


In addition i leveled it from 1 to 50 in 2 weeks, so really low rest i got.


So, in other words, can understand how can be that you are some levels below on belsavis. You must have missed some quests on different planets.


This was pretty much what i did on a mara, kinda rushed through, solo'd a bunch of heroic 2s but skipped some bonus series/pvp/all flashpoints/did maybe 4-5 space missions from 20 to 30ish but stopped at that point. I did hoth bonus series tho so i hit 50 by doing class+planet quests on corelia only, ignoring side quests completely.


Oh and i did belsavis dailies at 48 cause I wanted purple hilts to wait for me at 50 so i can hop right into hms with gtn stuff+that, that did give me like a full lvl.

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After Hoth i have been lacking XP Alot. The amount of quests is lacking.


I finished Belsavis at 43. And the planet felt like it needed more quests.


Now im struggeling on VOSS at lv 44 against lv 47 Mobs.


Im not a troll. I do all Heroic Quests. I do a majority of the Bonus achivments. And i finnish all "Planet-Bonus" Quest-lines.


All my quest are either RED or Orange.....


And i dont like comments that a should be Grinding Flashpoints for 2 levels to be in PAR with Correlia.


Im soon finished on Voss and i will ding lv 45 at that time.


Anyone else have the issue like i explain ? please comment and tell me how things evolved.[/Quote]


I have started to have a similar problem on my Jedi Guardian after completing chapter 2 at the grand level of 38 even after doing bonus series missions at the end of planets when visiting them following my class story, and then I noticed that some of the mission markers in fleet I had been overlooking thinking they were further flashpoint missions were in fact bonus series NPC for both Nar-shaddaa and Alderaan.


Was well over the level requirement for the Nar-shaddaa series, so instead did the Alderaan bonus series (Which itself was level 40-41 content roughly) and just left Alderaan now at level 40 coming up to 41, and still not hit Belsavis.


So my advice would be to look around fleet and other areas, as Bioware have located some planet specific NPCs in rather odd places. :D

Edited by Tikigit
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Old thread is old but...


Unless you're skipping quests you should always be starting a planet at it's recommended level range and ending it at its recommended level range. Start Hoth at 40, finish at 44. Start Voss at 44, finish at 47. I've leveled up two characters so far, one Imperial to 50 and a Republic to 46, and it's worked out like that for me. That's just doing all the single player quests, bonus quests and bonus series, no heroic quests, space missions, flashpoints or warzones.


I actually skipped over the Voss bonus series on my Imperial and still finished my class quest at level 50. There's pleanty of quests in the game to level up. If you really are having trouble though just do a warzone or space mission every now and then.

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I'm level 41 (that's on my JK, I already have 3 level 50s and 1 level 37) and I've just started Hoth.

I didn't do any Flashpoints.

I didn't do any space combat missions.

I didn't do any bonus missions on planets.

I barely did 1 or 2 Heroic 4+, but I soloed all 2+.


I'm always at least 3 levels above the average mob on any planet.

I do some PVP, but not that much.

Playing 5 characters, I always have rested XP.

Edited by KekoSplit
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Old thread is old but...


Unless you're skipping quests you should always be starting a planet at it's recommended level range and ending it at its recommended level range. Start Hoth at 40, finish at 44. Start Voss at 44, finish at 47. I've leveled up two characters so far, one Imperial to 50 and a Republic to 46, and it's worked out like that for me. That's just doing all the single player quests, bonus quests and bonus series, no heroic quests, space missions, flashpoints or warzones.


I actually skipped over the Voss bonus series on my Imperial and still finished my class quest at level 50. There's pleanty of quests in the game to level up. If you really are having trouble though just do a warzone or space mission every now and then.


Agreed. I have skipped quests on several planets--in fact I pretty much only did my JK class quests on Balmorra--and have had little issue with gaining levels and could easily be over-level for the next planet. That's only running quests--i.e. without heroics, space, flashpoints, etc.

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My experience over two characters is that if you do your class quest and all of the regular solo side quests (including the associated bonus quests,but not the Bonus Series quests), you will be pretty close to the right level as you reach each new planet. However, if you do absolutely nothing else, you will find yourself slowly falling behind.


You will need to make up xp in one or more of the following ways to get about 1 level in every 10:

- PVP warzones

- Heroic quests

- Resting in a Cantina to increase your "rested xp"

- Space missions

- Flashpoints

- Kill more mobs.

- Planet Bonus Series


Remember that you will end up with more xp if you kill most of the mobs as you head from quest point to quest point rather than stealth to the objective. Bonus quests are important for xp, both from the quest xp and from all the mobs you kill to complete the quest. You can skip bonus quests, but you will need to make up the xp with something from the list.


The easiest thing to do if you need "emergency xp" to get to the next level is to do some PVP warzones. There is no downside to them -- you can't lose xp or damage your armor, and warzone credits can be used to improve your gear, especially around level 40.


EDIT: To the OP (who is probably long gone): Many people do find issues with mobs on Voss on particular. Certain mobs on Voss are really tough and/or annoying.

Edited by sjmc
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i have noticed that a little bit of pvp goes a long way on lvling or at least it used to not sure post 1.2.. my toons in the past have had no problem finishing at least a lvl ahead of the planets they finished but this toon i do some space dallies but i have also been practically power lvling my latest toon meaning i don't do as many dallies and often run out of rested xp... as such i am going to have to stop and do some bonus missions...


in other words the quests straight are a little lacking so trying to just power through the quests quickly will cause some problems.... I'll probably do some bonus missions then a bit of pvp to get my lvl buffer back...

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OP you must have accidentally missed an entire planet. I have never been anything but over leveled even without doing the heroics on most planets.


Or are you playing a stealth class and avoiding most of the mob slaughter usually required. That adds up to a lot of xp on the long run.

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OP you must have accidentally missed an entire planet. I have never been anything but over leveled even without doing the heroics on most planets.


Or are you playing a stealth class and avoiding most of the mob slaughter usually required. That adds up to a lot of xp on the long run.


It might sound weird, but it is easily possible on republic I've found.


My Jedi Knight Guardian has been doing all the quests I could find, doing space missions, and doing a significant number of warzones for a character PvE focused and only casually dabbling in PvP (Hit valor 20 at level 39), and that character completed Chapter 2 at level 38 just bridging level 39.


My Imperial Agent Sniper however has been doing exactly the same but quite a bit less Warzones if memory serves and has a lower valor level, and has just hit Quesh during Chapter 2 at level 38 half way to level 39.



I can't really account for why the two characters are progressing at different rates as if anything my Sniper should be behind my Guardian due to reduced amount of Warzone matches.


So unless it's something to do with the two class stories being out of whack compared to each other, the only other things I can think of is that the sniper has been getting more combat encounters in imperial missions, there being more exposure to more frequent use of epic rated NPCs or mission reward XP payments are significantly different on non-class story missions.

Edited by Tikigit
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I did some digging.



Voss only have like 40 quests. So im missing like 50% to reach 47.


Can someone explain how this works ? Cause i cant get the Quest XP together. Im missing ALOT of quests on Voss to reach 47.


And im not going to go around like a Lawnmover and swipe the entire planet of life to gain a level.


1 Lv 47 Yellow boss gives me 1947 XP Thats 198 Yellow Bosses i need to kill to gain 1 level !


Funny you should say that but that's exactly what I had to do.

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After Hoth i have been lacking XP Alot. The amount of quests is lacking.


I finished Belsavis at 43. And the planet felt like it needed more quests.


Now im struggeling on VOSS at lv 44 against lv 47 Mobs.


Im not a troll. I do all Heroic Quests. I do a majority of the Bonus achivments. And i finnish all "Planet-Bonus" Quest-lines.


All my quest are either RED or Orange.....


And i dont like comments that a should be Grinding Flashpoints for 2 levels to be in PAR with Correlia.


Im soon finished on Voss and i will ding lv 45 at that time.


Anyone else have the issue like i explain ? please comment and tell me how things evolved.


I honestly don't know how this is possible. My wife and I duo almost all Heroic 4s and do all the bonus series (except for Belsalvis, just hated that planet) on Empire side and now we're at Voss with both of us at level 49. That is with zero pvp or space combat missions on these characters or operations/flashpoints. Just straight out leveling purely by quests. Are you sure you didn't miss a planet somewhere?

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Honestly i have to agree with this, I'm on my fourth character atm and the amount of hoop-jumping I'll have to do to get to 50 from Belsavis seems to drain all the fun out of the experience.


Agreed. I'm on my 5th. Every time, I really enjoy the leveling experience until Belsavis. At that point, it becomes unbelievably grindy and far less fun. Not only is the amount of points between levels far, far higher, but for some reason I've never been able to figure out, even with all the bonus series, it seems as though I'm consistently overleveled until about Hoth, at which point I start to fall behind.

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