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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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I promise you I will keep at this til BW fixes it.



Would ppl liking grp content getting conq at comparable rate to you somehow ruin your fun?


Well, if that is the point you are trying to make you have made an appallingly bad job of expressing it.


Your argument so far is effectively "activity I consider beneath me shouldn't be awarding CQ points".

On that I 100% in disagreement with you.


If your actual argument is "all activity should award a reasonable amount of CQ points" then I am in agreement with you.


However, a question if I may.


Let's say that Bioware conclude that some of the group content needs its CQ point award changing. Are you then happy to get just 1/4 of whatever that value is? Because there are presumably 4 of you in your group content, so surely the CQ reward value should be divided by 4.


All The Best

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Let's say that Bioware conclude that some of the group content needs its CQ point award changing. Are you then happy to get just 1/4 of whatever that value is? Because there are presumably 4 of you in your group content, so surely the CQ reward value should be divided by 4.



roflmao. Ok if we are truly getting this trollish now..

I'm cool with that! I'm certain you, in turn, agree that me and my squadron of starfighter pilots ensuring space superiority above Kuat Mesas is heroism worth of at least 80k conquest in a world where buying Treek some new toothpicks is heroic enough to bring you 5k conquest. I'll settle for 1/8 of that 80k tyvm.

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I promise you I will keep at this til BW fixes it.



Would ppl liking grp content getting conq at comparable rate to you somehow ruin your fun?


Your determined " this is the way it will be:):)" is kinda endearing:


Remember 10 months back or so, they made xp=conq a thing? Everybody earned tons of conquest so fast. BW considered this broken and adjusted it at launch of previous expansion. It became tougher for players and guilds to reach their target. Now, BW "fixed" thigs so people can bring one char to target in 10 mins, and some of the most hardcore people here are telling about bringing 30 characters to target. In one single week. Personal and guild conq targets are utterly irrelevant now.


Its great that there are more and more varied conq targets. It sucks almost none of them are for group content. Balance within the system is completely bonkers atm and I sure hope they fix it soon.


you promise you will "keep at it until bioware fixes it?" where do people like you come from? lol . there's nothing "broken" about this. this is now how conquest will be. A system that has been morphed to be part of the game now, instead of some boring afterthought yawn fest which is what YOU want. Don't speak for others that are in the game. Every single person I have talked to in game and a ton on this forums love the new system . why? not just because of big point gains, but because it is tied into the game now.


The way you use your psychological methods to try and make it seem a TON OF PEOPLE are against this is pretty interesting to see. THAT'S what is endearing about this. This is the way conquest will be, give or take a few changes to the upping of yields and goals. deal with it. or don't. you can choose to accept it or remain bitter.


Nothing you will do will make changes to the game. You just have to know that. You aren't all powerful nor are you a game developer. BioWare will do what they want to do, it's their game! Now will they take feedback, can they? SURE! as they HAVE with the conquest additions. But will they listen to a handful of people that for some reason DONT like this and will roll back points and change everything up so YOU are happy about it? No.


Deal with it or don't deal with it. I think you just want to argue, get people on your side, and ramble on. I think you just want to argue about this and anybody that challenges you is automatically written off, then you start with your psychological tactics to make it seem "many people are on your side". You are just looking for a lot of people to agree with you and you keep making huge posts and replies so there are some that stop by so they CAN agree with you.


You have fun on your not resting until bioware changes this. Nothing is going to be done. Stop trying to ruin our fun. Stop trying to ruin conquest. You complainers will not ruin this game. BioWare is not blizzard, and they don't cave to the very vocal minority. This patch was tested VERY much so with GREAT positive returns. So I don't know what your deal is. I think you just want to argue. So i'll call you out for that. and I will say, Conquest is finally in an awesome place.

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there's nothing "broken" about this.


10 mins in fleet gets you much more&faster conquest than any group content. It is broken. It takes patching and balancing, not your repeated flat denials to fix.



Try to talk bit more about issues I'm underlining and bit less about me. I'm here to talk about incredibly evident flaws present in this new conquest. I'm not here to talk about me. I'm certainly not here to talk about you. Go after points made, not posters making them.

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roflmao. Ok if we are truly getting this trollish now..

I'm cool with that! I'm certain you, in turn, agree that me and my squadron of starfighter pilots ensuring space superiority above Kuat Mesas is heroism worth of at least 80k conquest in a world where buying Treek some new toothpicks is heroic enough to bring you 5k conquest. I'll settle for 1/8 of that 80k tyvm.


I think it's hilarious how YOU get mad at people for not agreeing with you, and you troll people and then turn it around on THEM and call THEM mad trolls. Your point is mute and it's not worthy of an argument anymore. You just don't like this system. Period. We get it. I just don't think you want anybody disagreeing with you and thought you would have more people that DON'T like this system that are on the forums. Didn't work out that way.


This thread already dove heavily into having no point. It's just a place to complain. I know you will want the final word. I already called you out so I won't get into it with you anymore. You just want to argue and complain, which I won't be pulled into. You have fun on your little mission of convincing bioware to roll the patch back :p

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roflmao. Ok if we are truly getting this trollish now..

I'm cool with that! I'm certain you, in turn, agree that me and my squadron of starfighter pilots ensuring space superiority above Kuat Mesas is heroism worth of at least 80k conquest in a world where buying Treek some new toothpicks is heroic enough to bring you 5k conquest. I'll settle for 1/8 of that 80k tyvm.


I wasn't being trollish.


If an activity has 10,000 CQ Points as a reward, and you do it in a group of four then surely the reward should be split, not multiplied.


This isn't about relative values across different activities, it is about one activity's worth of CQ point not being multiplied.


Now, for the record I think that compared to what can be earned for some activities there is a strong argument for increasing the reward from activities that take a lot longer.


But that is beside the point here, if four players' effort is being used for a single CQ Reward they should all get 1/4 of that reward total, and not the full total each.


All The Best

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But that is beside the point here, if four players' effort is being used for a single CQ Reward they should all get 1/4 of that reward total, and not the full total each.



By that logic, I should get 4X the reward for solo'ing red reaper than doing it in a full group.


While that would be fantastic, I do believe there is a flaw in your reasoning.

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Ok, since this thread seems to divulge into name calling and strawman now from both sides, I'm out. Just wanted to leave with the notion that as a proponent for the change I really tried to understand the reasoning for the resistance to the new mechanic beside the understandable concern that specific activities (hard mode flashpoints/operations, warzones) need some tuning compared to others. But I still think it is a good change for the majority, which I believe was the idea behind it.


Unfortunately, that seems to happen when certain people can't get everyone to agree with them, they resort to name-calling and anything else to see if that will get them what they want but what normally happens is this type of post will eventually become ignored, which might not be a bad thing considering.....

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By that logic, I should get 4X the reward for solo'ing red reaper than doing it in a full group.


While that would be fantastic, I do believe there is a flaw in your reasoning.


I don't think that's a flaw at all. The reason always given for raids and hard mode flashpoints having more and better rewards is that they are harder. So if rewards are genuinely intended to reflect the difficulty of the content, rather than being an incentive to get people to group who wouldn't otherwise, then increasing the rewards for undermanning or soloing group content to reflect the increased difficulty is reasonable.

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Don't reply to trolls.

Don't argue with trolls.

These ppl (like person you're reply to) are paid for pretending to be alternatively rational on forums, praising anything BW does even absolutely insane things like this conquest overhaul.

Anyone unbiased can see that this is a catastrophe.


Really, you come in and say something like this? It seems you are trying to start drama because some people (and a lot on the game) like the way conquest is done and yet you think everyone that likes this is being paid by BW. Oh come on, even that is a stretch but if that is so where is my money. The last time I checked it wasn't there so I would advise you to stop spreading lies as that can backfire on you.

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I wasn't being trollish.


If an activity has 10,000 CQ Points as a reward, and you do it in a group of four then surely the reward should be split, not multiplied.


This isn't about relative values across different activities, it is about one activity's worth of CQ point not being multiplied.


Now, for the record I think that compared to what can be earned for some activities there is a strong argument for increasing the reward from activities that take a lot longer.


But that is beside the point here, if four players' effort is being used for a single CQ Reward they should all get 1/4 of that reward total, and not the full total each.


All The Best


People have told him that countless times but he still argues so I don't think he really cares about the points. He just wants certain items to be part of the conquest and he wants to be the one to say what is allowed and not allowed. So I think he just arguing for the sake of trying to be right.

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I don't think that's a flaw at all. The reason always given for raids and hard mode flashpoints having more and better rewards is that they are harder. So if rewards are genuinely intended to reflect the difficulty of the content, rather than being an incentive to get people to group who wouldn't otherwise, then increasing the rewards for undermanning or soloing group content to reflect the increased difficulty is reasonable.


Which has been stated on numerous occasions so I am beginning to think they just want to tell us what things should be a part of the conquest based on what they think it should be and not really concerned about the points like they claim they are.

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By that logic, I should get 4X the reward for solo'ing red reaper than doing it in a full group.


No, not at all; you've completely misunderstood the logic involved.


The TASK has a Conquest Reward, if one person does it they get all the points; if 2 people do it they get half the points each, if 4 people do it they get a quarter of the points each.




All The Best

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10 mins in fleet gets you much more&faster conquest than any group content. It is broken. It takes patching and balancing, not your repeated flat denials to fix.



Try to talk bit more about issues I'm underlining and bit less about me. I'm here to talk about incredibly evident flaws present in this new conquest. I'm not here to talk about me. I'm certainly not here to talk about you. Go after points made, not posters making them.


Something that needs minor tweaking isn't broken and certainly doesn't need a patch to fix.


People have been talking about the issues you have with conquest, but they just don't agree with you. In my opinion, since everyone can do those quick and easy objectives while they are waiting for teammates or for queues, no one is being hurt by them awarding a decent amount of points. They are in addition to harder objectives, not instead of.

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The issue that appears to come up is certain content is harder then other content. This is entirely subjective. For someone who raids weekly that content is easier compared to someone who's never raided. The idea that your content is harder is prejudiced by your own view of things.


What defines harder? Is getting 8/16 people to do an operation harder then getting 2/4 people for heroics/flashpoints? For me, I'll drop what I'm doing to do an operation. A lot of people set time aside to do operations. In either case, does that define harder? Is forming a larger group for content harder? The truth is sometimes it will be and sometimes it won't be. Does that define to overall difficulty of the content? Probably not. So it comes down to the content it's self. If you've ran Karraga's Palace since it came out it's significantly easier for you then someone who has never run the operation. Dxun being the outlier. Same goes for Flashpoints. Again, this measure is entirely subjective, biased by your own view point. The next consideration is time required. This is dependent on your evaluation of your time and what you like or want to do in game. If you've played the game for any number of years the vast majority of content is trivial, except datacrons (damn datacrons). For someone who is new or just a few months in. The opposite is true.


Has Conquest lost it's shape and purpose. Very similar to Earth, Humans, Animals things evolve. Game environments evolve as well. People change. Their viewpoints change. The amount of time they can dedicate to playing changes. Has Conquest lost it's shape and purpose. No, not in the slightest. It's evolved. It's become something different then what it once was. Wanting something to be a specific way does not make the thing wrong, lost, having no purpose. It's changed and you haven't. Now, you don't have to change in the slightest, but that does not mean that because you think differently that something is inherently broken in some way.


In this case your viewpoint is specifically reward related. Should reward reflect the content being done. Absolutely. Content should reward what that content is. The reward should be addressed inside the content being done. Not the system designed to match all style of gameplay. Ops should reward differently then Flashpoints. Flashpoints should reward differently then Heroics. If you want to fault BW for those deficiencies that's fine. It is a separate and completely different discussion and should be discussed.

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The reality here is that some people were (especially low levels) were having a hard time contributing to conquest before they hit level cap. Did they make it really easy for everyone by what they added... probably. The best analogy I can think of for this is baseball...


They swung for the fences, so to speak, juiced the balls, and for better or worse chicks dig the long ball...... Most people are going to like the changes. You're going to have purists that argue it should be harder or more skill required, and so on. The fact of the matter is the only thing that's going to matter is ratings. Right now I'd say most people are happy to be able to actually get conquest points and that will be all that matters.


Could they tweak it a bit, maybe. The game has become very ALT-centric and many people just don't have time to get points on all their alts under NORMAL circumstances, and the current real world environment is very far from normal. I still think (and I said this in another thread) that we need data from normal playing conditions to see how this plays out. There are lots of people home right now with nothing to do but play. That is going to change at some point when things get closer to normal. We also won't have 2x XP forever...


As an example, under the old system under normal conditions, my wife could get 1, maybe 2 characters to CQ goal in a week as she could only play maybe 1 or 2 times a week due to her schedule. She felt that conquest was more like working a second job than enjoying the game. When a game feels like work, it becomes less fun for most people.


I came back about a month ago and for me it was starting to wear... Conquest felt like a job cause I was shoehorned into maybe 15 things I HAD (kinda like going to work) to do to get conquest points. Now I can do what I WANT to (have fun) and get conquest which allows me to do things in game that I enjoy instead of having to run what they say I have to. It brings back choice, something this game has been lacking.

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There are lots of very positive posts here, so I've decided to keep it up. I'm not going to bother replying to the trolls, but put up the good I've found in the recent changes. The biggest difference I've found is it's extremely alt friendly, as people have pointed out. I've 80+ alts on SF, at the moment. What i normally do is pick the chars first that are in the big guilds, and get them through cq, first few are usually easy enough, as they is more to choose from. With that done, i concentrate on my small guilds, usually pick the most active, and get it to conquest, and get the FS plans.

On CQ weeks were there are crafting missions, it's a hugh bonus, as I've 18 crafters, and I just set the main ones to create the War supplies, etc, and the other componants, untill all 18 have gotten CQ.

This week, not only are those 18, working hard to get the CQ from crafting, I have no doubt they will, but with the help of my guildies, my 3 small guilds have managed to get conquest, and we still have a few more days, for extra chars, or maybe even help out other small guilds. You can argue about the points all you want, value, etc. But the fact that so many people can actually get CQ now, IMHO is a great thing.

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The issue that appears to come up is certain content is harder then other content. This is entirely subjective. For someone who raids weekly that content is easier compared to someone who's never raided. The idea that your content is harder is prejudiced by your own view of things.



Said raiding content is easier for somebody who has gone through the trouble of learning it, yes.That is how challenges and overcoming challenges and learning works. Content doesn't morph into something easier once you learn it, player just becomes better in tackling hard content. I sense there'd be really delicious swamp here to sink into. Something that'd turn into "ah no you see we have to define what "is" is!" -tier in 2 replies or so. Good thing there are plenty of objective ways to measure the weight of conent that are safely disconnected from "easy" or "hard"


How much time and effort content requires? Since there is suddenly some "hard mode ops are actually not hard" swamp just to our left, we can settle with measuring effort in literal mouse clicks and keyboard strokes required. If we measure stuff this way, then menial fleet busy work is extremely generous with conq it gives when compared to how little time and effort any of it requires. Planetary heroics are about the same, only far less extreme iteration. Any of the content that requires other people to happen, if measured in time and effort required vs conquest given, isn't able to keep up with garbage selling or running through any of the several 2 minute lasting heroics across the galaxy. There is a huge flaw here.


Group content is mostly left with old school conquest objectives as they were back when conq wasn't a thing you do by running around the fleet for 10 minutes. Objectives are " mostly" the same due to removal of repeatable objective that required a GSF/PvP win. This is something they actually nerfed. In a patch that buffs actual conquest people get by 400% or something. All the new objectives are attuned for the fleet dwelling garbage seller or for straightforward mission running. None of the group content never got its own new shiny version of " sell garbage" " click a button" etc. Nor its own versions of "oh, you did one heroic mission in alderaan. Nice! here's 10k for you."

Edited by Stradlin
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And people are saying Since when TAKING A TAXI, SELLING A TRASH, RE ROLLİNG AMPS considered to be a content? You kill hardest boss in the game, 10k cq points, placing a deco relolling amps 10k cq points


Had no idea the Golden Fury was the GOAT. Since that seems to be all anyone asks for.

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And people are saying Since when TAKING A TAXI, SELLING A TRASH, RE ROLLİNG AMPS considered to be a content? You kill hardest boss in the game, 10k cq points, placing a deco relolling amps 10k cq points


Taking a Taxi is only available for certain levels. Check your conquest tab for 71 and higher, not there so why people are throwing a fit over something that is for lower levels I will never guess.

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Taking a Taxi is only available for certain levels. Check your conquest tab for 71 and higher, not there so why people are throwing a fit over something that is for lower levels I will never guess.


Same with "gaining 5 levels" or "doing a story quest"... I have alts that are still on friggin Hoth at 75, they won't be touching chapters (this replaced Story Time) for awhile unless I skip the story (which I don't want to)... the fillers help with this problem too....


But a couple of people are focusing on the me me me attitude, when these changes help the majority of people. Instead of reading what's at each tier, they just look at one tier and complain cause it makes something easier for a lower level....

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This is now conquest, and the majority of people LOVE it. Many people on the forums, the testers and mainly everybody in game. I've been asking around like crazy. so it's only a select few that don't like it or approve. too bad. it's great now because it ties INTO the game.
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Same with "gaining 5 levels" or "doing a story quest"... .

Less established your character/legacy is, the better you are in earning conq. That way, some really nice supplementary dings just keep lining up. Levels, legacy levels, rep dings and so on. When it comes to legacy wide stuff, SH bonus is a notable exception here ofc.

. Instead of reading what's at each tier,

Waait, wasn't the point here to make sure everybody gets loads of conq real fast by doing whatever they like? Well, by doing what I actually enjoy doing in this game, I'm now making much less conq than I did last week.

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And people are saying Since when SELLING A TRASH, RE ROLLİNG AMPS considered to be a content? You kill hardest boss in the game, 10k cq points, placing a deco relolling amps 10k cq points


Taking a Taxi is only available for certain levels. Check your conquest tab for 71 and higher, not there so why people are throwing a fit over something that is for lower levels I will never guess.


Here is a quote of lord-angelus' post with taxi bits removed. Did it somehow alter or diminish his point?


Bioware,content requiring other players to happen is in no way able to keep up (time&effort required vs amount of conq acquired) with insane amounts of conquest people are able to get now by doing ridiculously irrelevant stuff that doesn't even require one to leave the fleet. Please fix this! At least elevate group content on same level with menial tasks.

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I swear some don't know how to read or pay attention, people have said that they need to give some of the harder stuff more points but yet some keep arguing over the same thing which leads people to believe it is not about the points but it is because it doesn't fit in their idea of a playstyle. It seems that you only want it the way they want it since they are ignoring everyone that already said that some of the items, the harder group activities need to be changed.
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