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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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To be 100% fair, we'd all be irate if our preferred playstyle were actually kicked to the curb.


To be 100% fair, if anything was "kicked to the curb" it was MY play style. And to my surprise it no longer is.


That said, i really don't see what all the fuss is about. Although the reward is reasonably generous you can do it only once every 5-7 days (or something like that). And repeating it on a vast range of characters to make it really profitable is a sure way to burn you out fast (unless one is a huge fan of racing through a slew of characters like that of course).

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To be 100% fair, if anything was "kicked to the curb" it was MY play style. And to my surprise it no longer is.


That said, i really don't see what all the fuss is about. Although the reward is reasonably generous you can do it only once every 5-7 days (or something like that). And repeating it on a vast range of characters to make it really profitable is a sure way to burn you out fast (unless one is a huge fan of racing through a slew of characters like that of course).


Context is king, too bad you snipped the rest of that post out and missed what was said, eh?

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Isn't everyone free to do the exact same easy content to earn this stuff? Doesn't that in fact make it equal opportunity for everyone?



This quote sums it up perfectly, everyone can do the 'nonesense' stuff and get CQ, no matter your preferred playstyle, this content won't take you out of the way too much, if at all. That is what most people have being saying from the start, but the OP has refused to listen, and keeps banging on about HIS playstyle. Now, if solo players were to take that stance, especially people who are here just for the class stories, we'd actually get even less CQ points than PvP'rs. And to be honest, I'd be ok with that, because it's my choice to do just solo content, or just concentrate on class missions. Now obviously being of somewhat sound mind (I'll leave that argument up to my wife ;) ) I use my common sense and judgement, and do the other stuff while doing class missions. But that's just me.

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Isn't everyone free to do the exact same easy content to earn this stuff? Doesn't that in fact make it equal opportunity for everyone?


For starters,

Situation where various different playstyles give approx. as good conq when compared to one another..what in this is something that should be opposed exactly? Why would it be a bad thing?



You can't expect creators to provide for every possible play style to be equal in effort and reward. All they can do is provide content that is accessible for everyone at some point.

it is a very reasonable expectation actually. So reasonable that one doesn't have to settle with expectations: FPs, PvP, GSF and Ops are all roughly in same ballpark with one another. Spend 30 mins busy with any of this content, and you earn around 20k conquest. Spend 30 mins busy with planetary tourism and yoy earn towards 100k. Everything else is in the same ballpark with one another. Planetaries give massively superior haul that makes everything else seem like miserable, modest conq by comparsion.


It would not be a bad thing to reward less straightforward and less accessible content with rewards that at least -compare- to what you get from very straightforward content. . It would in no way take anything away from you.


Huge portion of copnquest one earns comes via daily repeatables now. It is extremely simple and easy even for a normal player to calculate this stuff. Go to conq sheet, check all planets and slayer I&Iis available - you can calculate pretty accurately how much conq you can make during a day. Even a normal player can do this with ease. Imagne how simple it is for BW with all their analytics tools. If only they gave other playstyles a generous helping of daily repeatables, just like they did with planetaries. Tour planetaries and you have around 40-50 daily repeatables. (Mission, Slayer I, Slayer II, weekly missions) I haven't even counted how many exactly.

. PvP and GSF usually have three. (3) In addition to these, PvP and GSF has Socialite I and II..which is shared across all multiplayer content.



You have the exact same opportunity as everyone else as far as i can see. The ratio of points earned has nothing to do with anything and would probably be impossible to realise. Nobody plays at the same speed or level of efficiency for instance.

That is pretty exclusive, no? If the question is "Hey,howcome X is vastly superior conquest to Y?", then I think " Eh, just do X then" is not an extremely useful answer. This doesn't have to be about my favorite thing vs. your favorite thing. Fact of the matter is one specific activity in this game is vastly superior in terms of how fas/efficient/easy it is to get sick amounts of conq. Other playstyles should at least compare.

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Context is king, too bad you snipped the rest of that post out and missed what was said, eh?


I agreed with your entire post more or less. I just wanted to add to that particular line because that is where the entire crux of the matter lies for me personally. :)

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For starters,

Situation where various different playstyles give approx. as good conq when compared to one another..what in this is something that should be opposed exactly? Why would it be a bad thing?

Various different playstyles do NOT give approximately the same rewards... that is my whole point. Try filling that bar with gathering mats. Gathering mats is one of the activities i really enjoy btw. It would be ludicrous to expect massive rewards for a few runs of 10 mats gathered. 750 points is more than enough.


it is a very reasonable expectation actually. So reasonable that one doesn't have to settle with expectations: FPs, PvP, GSF and Ops are all roughly in same ballpark with one another. Spend 30 mins busy with any of this content, and you earn around 20k conquest. Spend 30 mins busy with planetary tourism and yoy earn towards 100k. Everything else is in the same ballpark with one another. Planetaries give massively superior haul that makes everything else seem like miserable, modest conq by comparsion.


It would not be a bad thing to reward less straightforward and less accessible content with rewards that at least -compare- to what you get from very straightforward content. . It would in no way take anything away from you.


Huge portion of copnquest one earns comes via daily repeatables now. It is extremely simple and easy even for a normal player to calculate this stuff. Go to conq sheet, check all planets and slayer I&Iis available - you can calculate pretty accurately how much conq you can make during a day. Even a normal player can do this with ease. Imagne how simple it is for BW with all their analytics tools. If only they gave other playstyles a generous helping of daily repeatables, just like they did with planetaries. Tour planetaries and you have around 40-50 daily repeatables. (Mission, Slayer I, Slayer II, weekly missions) I haven't even counted how many exactly.

. PvP and GSF usually have three. (3) In addition to these, PvP and GSF has Socialite I and II..which is shared across all multiplayer content.


You get to fill 50K of points once every few days for which there are ample activities that all boil down to "playing the game you like" and for which the rewards are only really interesting for people who are relatively new to the game and/or don't have much in terms of credits and/or the stronghold items. The gear is just short term throw away stuff.


The way it now rewards at the low levels is a massive incentive for new players and might even spark longer term positive effects in that area. And Its only 1 time you get to do it in 5-7 days.


I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill here. And its really not even a molehill considering you are getting rewarded for basically playing the game you already enjoy playing.



That is pretty exclusive, no? If the question is "Hey,howcome X is vastly superior conquest to Y?", then I think " Eh, just do X then" is not an extremely useful answer.


What is 'exclusive' about having the same opportunity as everyone else? And no, min-maxing has nothing to do with this. There will always be people who 'gain more' per hour played because they enjoy playing as efficiently as they can.


This doesn't have to be about my favorite thing vs. your favorite thing.
But that is exactly what you do. You want to be better rewarded for your preferred way of playing, no?


Fact of the matter is one specific activity in this game is vastly superior in terms of how fas/efficient/easy it is to get sick amounts of conq. Other playstyles should at least compare.


Other playstyles CANNOT compare because of the vast amount of different playstyles.


If you want more stuff just do the work for it. Make new toons, fill that bar, delete and make a new one. Don't expect to get extra rewards for NOT stepping out of your personal comfort zone and don't be jealous of people who happen to enjoy doing the work.

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Various different playstyles do NOT give approximately the same rewards... that is my whole point.


Great many different playstyles do give approximately the same rewards. I'd argue majority of things most people consider and recognize as different playstyles or activities -are already- in balance with one another. Its just that doing planetaries is vastly superior to these all.


In general, I guess we are close to something of a swamp here. " What is or isn't a playstyle thatt should give a ton of conq?" It gets pretty subjective, since one can always declare gathering nodes, or crafting, or playing GTN or exploring the map or running in fleet spamming funny /emotes at people is a "playstyle"that should be rewarded. Rather than getting stuck at this, maybe we could start by focusing on stuff the game itself recognizes as different, seperate reward/bonus-worthy activities through the cycles of Renown/Command bonus system for example. There, we have: Planetary missions, Chapters, Galactic Starfighter, Warzones, Flashpoints, Operations and Uprisings. Line between Uprisings and FPs is a bit blurry. Additionally, " chapters" should include entire story aspect, not just KOTFE. You could throw the toughest railshooter space pve missions there...plus soloable KOTFE hard modes. Maybe we could agree we can focus on these before starting to wonder if node gathering, crafting or exploration or /emote spam should make a playstyle that needs to be somehow balanced. When it comes to things I just listed, doing planetaries gives great conq and evertything else pales in comparsion.



You get to fill 50K of points once every few days for which there are ample activities that all boil down to "playing the game you like" and for which the rewards are only really interesting for people who are relatively new to the game and/or don't have much in terms of credits and/or the stronghold items. The gear is just short term throw away stuff.


I think here is why we look at it so differently. If a person does conq on 1-3 chars a week and don't rly participate in some guild's ambitions to grow or win planets, then all of this is completely irrelevant. Entire system matters for this person in no way at all. If you spend even a little time playing the game, you will reach conq target on 2 chars just fine. It is less relevant or meaningful now than legaxy xp bar. However, there is now a great deal of people who bring even 30+ characters to conq target every single week with relative ease. In addition, tons of people will want to earn tons of conquest to help their guild out. Even during the previoius system, it was far from uncommon for people to do 5, 7 or even 10+ chhars a week. For these folks, conquest is the major source of money and gear. It fills their playtime and whatever they do to earn tons of conq (mostly planetaries now) is the main source of most all money and gear they get in the game. Ie soloable straightforward planetary missions is a great way to make tons of money and earn tons of gear. It is also by far the best way to help your guild. All this stacked as an exclusive turf of a single playstyle that in no way " needs" popularity to happen.. All multiplayer content on the other hand depends on popularity to even happen.




Among those who still do Flashpoints, Hammer Station is a huge "issue". Thread touching this on front page right now. Hammer Station iis so much faster and easier MM than most all else that tons people want to spam it exclusively. It gets boring, it gets repetitive, it ultimately makes people bored of FPs or even the game. But it don't matter: it is the fastest and easiest way to earn great rewards, so many people abandon any other FPs and focus on spamming HS until they get bored of the game. Rewards do that for ya. See the comparion here? - Having planetaries remain so vastly and ridiculously superior to all other content brings a similar situation: it draws people from content that requires other people to happen and isolates them to soloable content. Queue pools run more and more dry. Ctrl.-F for "gravity" in OP to read more on this if you like.




I think you are making a mountain out of a molehill here. And its really not even a molehill considering you are getting rewarded for basically playing the game you already enjoy playing.


Isn't human nature such a wonderful thing? You rightfully recognize your favorite activity gave real modest conquest in past. Now that it has been elevated to be vastly superior, you turn to gatekeep trying your best to ensure no other playstyle could become equal with what you like doing.



What is 'exclusive' about having the same opportunity as everyone else? And no, min-maxing has nothing to do with this. There will always be people who 'gain more' per hour played because they enjoy playing as efficiently as they can.

I think it is extremely simple really. " Hey, playstyle X gives vastly superior(=faster, easier and more efficient) conquest when compared toto playstyles Y,Z,V,D. Howcome it has to be so?"

Answering that question with " eh, just do X then" isn't very relevant.


But that is exactly what you do. You want to be better rewarded for your preferred way of playing, no?

Yes, absolutely! I want my favorite playstyle to be in same ballpark with your favorite playstyle. Its just that my favorite playstyle isn't the odd one out here. All multiuplayer content is real modest conq when compared to soloable straightforward planetaries now.


Other playstyles CANNOT compare because of the vast amount of different playstyles.


Amount of content people consider as different playstyles in this context isn't all that vast. And, again, stuff game itself recognizes as individual seperate reward-worthy activitries is a list that takes us real far here. Despite their vast differences, its pretty easy to see how much/fast conq other playstyles bring. It is entirely possible, even easy to compare them. FPs, Ops, GSF, WZs.. do 30 mins and you prolly have around 20k. Difference among these is in the same ballpark. Difference between any and all of these and planetaries is like 500%

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Gatekeeping? Me? Okay.... :rolleyes:


Sorry mate, but you are blowing this way out of proportion imo.


Conquest points can be earned over a large spread of content so we can all choose what we like to do most. And to complain about the difference in playtime at which you earn them and a relatively average (depending on newness to the game) once-a-week reward seems too insignificant grounds for arguing tbh.


Good luck with "the fight".

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Go create a post with an argument focused on 'PVP rewards could use some love' or 'improve GSF conquest points repeatable objectives', and stick to that argument without trying to tear down what has been added and you'd get some support, including mine.


But keep using phrases like 'menial tasks' and framing your argument as though we should all feel dirty for doing an easy, quick, and solo task to gain conquest points, and expect to get lots of push back.


And as has been said over and over - EVERYONE including the OP - can reroll an amplifier, rank up a companion, port down to Balmorra and do Toxic Bombs, and (insert other totally open to all easy to complete activity here) for conquest points.


To claim that you are somehow at a disadvantage in the current system is absurd.


Oh and for the record, I support adding some points and / or repeatable objectives here and there for group activities - but I do not support the way the OP has tried to make an argument in favor of more CQ points for group activities by denigrating other activities and / or the players who enjoy those activities.


Lastly, if I'm honest, I'd be extremely happy if conquest went back to what it was in the past - a side mini game for guilds to fight over planets and titles - not a necessary means to obtain crafting materials.


I find the requirement for SRM materials in current crafting to be a huge failure - they should either be available through other means and / or used in alternative schematics (e.g. schematic with group materials versus conquest materials) and / or used for something related to conquest / strongholds and not general level 75 stat gear.


IMO one of the reasons they changed the system to allow easy capping of multiple characters each week was to reduce the negativity surrounding the current state of crafting by increasing the supply of SRMs.


Personally I'd rather they remove SRMs from general 75 crafting than give us the changes to make conquest super easy to complete, because even though it is easy, it is also boring and I'm certain there will be a lot of players who get burned out capping multiple characters just to obtain crafting mats.

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Conquest points can be earned over a large spread of content so we can all choose what we like to do most. And to complain about the difference in playtime at which you earn them and a relatively average (depending on newness to the game) once-a-week reward seems too insignificant grounds for arguing tbh.




Again, it all depends on amount of characters used. Conq target of 1 character with 1 weekly reward? Then there is absolutely nothing in conquest to care about. Run dozens of chars a week through this since you wanna participate in building the guild or care about earning tons of gear and money and fragments and stuff? Then it is quite different.

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Go create a post with an argument focused on 'PVP rewards could use some love' or 'improve GSF conquest points repeatable objectives', and stick to that argument without trying to tear down what has been added and you'd get some support, including mine.


Actually tried just that! Made the thread on test forums, paid special attention to make it super objective and all that. Title was actually exactly what you describe. Post got mass reported and removed and wonderful people you see here flaming me or enticing a public ignore campaign against me cheered and high fived about it. You need to understand it is warfare for some of these folks. About 6 or so posts by different people been explaining the situation to great detail: They recognize conquest system might be bit borked atm, but - they- like it since their vavorite playstyle earns sick conq now so they want to ensure it won't get touched anymore. They fear fixing it might repair the broken bits they like. So people talking about this need to be silenced and you got couple of people here doing their wonderful "put stradlin on ignore!" campaign.


I think focus of OP and everything I say about this has for weeks now been " put other stuff in same ballpark" much more than anything else. FWIW I'm certain they don't nerf planetaries. They won't throw insane bucket of 40+ daily repeatables there on one patch and then remove them in the other. It'd sure be swell if other activities got some daily repeatables too. They might eventually adjust guild or personal targets in fashion where reaching personal target might actually be..meaningful for an individual character again. Regardless of whether or not they do this, it'd be so vital to have other playstyles earn conq that compares to planetaries.





But keep using phrases like 'menial tasks' and framing your argument as though we should all feel dirty for doing an easy, quick, and solo task to gain conquest points, and expect to get lots of push back.


And as has been said over and over - EVERYONE including the OP - can reroll an amplifier, rank up a companion, port down to Balmorra and do Toxic Bombs, and (insert other totally open to all easy to complete activity here) for conquest points.


I can't think of other way of calling that stuff? What should they be called?

..And truly, who is it that feels insulted about it? There are people here who prolly have some sort of an identity as a " mission runner" or as an " end game raider" or as a "pilot" or as a "pvp'er" I'd wager nobody is "companion gift giver" or "a taxi rider." It is exactly as you say: this stuff is available for all as a borderline daily log in reward. No major playstyle "owns" these ridiculous press button for conq-dings. It is a borderline daily log in reward for everybody. In grand scheme of things, there are much bigger issues with the conq system.



To claim that you are somehow at a disadvantage in the current system is absurd.


I think such claim truly is at home here for most part: this stuff is extremely personal for so many. About 6-7 people in these threads have spend more time talking about me on these two threads alone than I've done on thes forums in 8 years. It doesn't have to be about me or you at all. - We can talk about different playstyles and how much conq they yield. Not me. Not you. Playstyles.





Oh and for the record, I support adding some points and / or repeatable objectives here and there for group activities - but I do not support the way the OP has tried to make an argument in favor of more CQ points for group activities by denigrating other activities and / or the players who enjoy those activities.


Lastly, if I'm honest, I'd be extremely happy if conquest went back to what it was in the past - a side mini game for guilds to fight over planets and titles - not a necessary means to obtain crafting materials.


I find the requirement for SRM materials in current crafting to be a huge failure - they should either be available through other means and / or used in alternative schematics (e.g. schematic with group materials versus conquest materials) and / or used for something related to conquest / strongholds and not general level 75 stat gear.



Yeah fully agreed for the most part.


When it comes to crafting..For how many were SRMs the issue, truly? I felt it has always been a massive effort to get stuff crafted in 6.0 and most of the cruel bits bypasses SRMs. Does it truly feel much easier or more attainable now for anyone?

I guess one might put it this way: If you meet the massive requirements to be able to do profitable crafting, how big a bottle neck are SRMs to you at that point? You need multiple characters, multiple professions, multiple companions at lvl 50. Not having all this going results in a situation where it is so much easier and cheaper to buy augments instead of crafting them.


Anyone who thought SRMs are the toughie bit in 6.0 crafting has been in for some real fun times these past 3 weeks.

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Actually tried just that!.


Actually, you made a copy/paste of the multi edited first post here. Whether it was mass reported or not I couldn't say, but have a look at the ToS, and pay special attention to the rules regarding spam, which includes things like posting the same thread in multiple forums. This is, however, part of the reason a lot of people are ignoring you; how much you tend to misrepresent what's said, or how the game actually works. I'm waiting for you to get to the editing of posts just so you can say "but I never said that". I had a poster in another game where I had to copy/paste every post they made, because they were prone to just that. Imagine their surprise when they edited a post, and it didn't change what was in my post? They tried to report me for editing their post, but I merely pointed out the time stamp on my post, and their edit. They were quiet for a few days, I can't say why, but if I were to venture a guess, it would be for attempting to simply troll threads instead of actually discussing them...

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Actually, you made a copy/paste of the multi edited first post here. Whether it was mass reported or not I couldn't say, but have a look at the ToS, and pay special attention to the rules regarding spam, which includes things like posting the same thread in multiple forums. This is, however, part of the reason a lot of people are ignoring you; how much you tend to misrepresent what's said,


Its just that it wasn't a copy paste at all, all subjective claims were removed as well as I could. . Included nothing but various experiments and stuff I've timed. And as objective a title as you can possibly imagine. Good job getting it removed though. o7


And yeah, I remember you complaining about way stuff gets quoted out of all things. How is it that I can misrepresent "what's said" when the post I'm replying to is always right there? Full context, oc source bits, whatver is 5 inches above whateverr Im quoting and posting. If you have issue about spam, I'd suppose you think it gets real tiresome if everybody replies to posts by 1st repeating the previous post in some full, epic quote.

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Run dozens of chars a week through this since you wanna participate in building the guild or care about earning tons of gear and money and fragments and stuff? Then it is quite different.


You can do that with every type of content, including group content.


But i can't shake the feeling that you feel somehow cheated by the fact that "lesser players" can brute force this new feature to enrich themselves. Did you lose some form of trade or something through this?


Seriously, why is this such a big deal to you? what does it matter that people have a new way to enjoy the game? What is more important to you, an extra little magnet to pull people in (or keep ' em in) or just your personal preferences?


When you are playing your favorite playstyle what the heck does it matter how someone else plays and what's it to you they can earn more by beeing efficient or downright fanatic.


Why should you earn the same as someone who is willing to run through 30+ characters to maximize their 'profits'? And who says that person is actually enjoying what they are doing?

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I ditched artifice, archaelogy, and treasure hunting for biochem, bioanalysis, and diplomacy and i spent the last 2 days standing on the fleet and leveling them all to 700 by sending my companions out to pick up the mats and make the stims, andrenals, and medpacks and buying whatever mats i needed off the gtn and reading articles about other things online while waiting for my companions to do their work. I demand that i be rewarded the same amount of points as someone who was actually out in the fields completing all of the heroics + bonus missions and planetary missions because I was logged in for over 12 hours both days. See how dumb this sounds?? Mods please close this thread and put an end to this junk already. Thank you
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You can do that with every type of content, including group content.

And here we are approaching the heart of the matter again. Great. I encourage you to test it yourself. Spend 10-15 mins and do 6 fast planetary missions across the galaxy. Then do an FP, or a pvp match or w/e. See what you can and can not do in terms of how much conq you get/hour. Via planetaries, you can easily make 200k in 90-100 mins if you rush things. See where FPs or GSF etc takes you in 90 mins. . Everything except planetary missions operares within boundaries of the old conquest system. Only planetaries got included to the new one. PvP and GSF actually got nerfed. You make less conquest via these than you used to. Ops and FPs are about the same.


So no. Lets be absolutely clear on this. You can not do that with every type of content at all. That is the problem.Everything gives pathetic conquest when you compare to what you get by touring planets.



Seriously, why is this such a big deal to you? what does it matter that people have a new way to enjoy the game? What is more important to you, an extra little magnet to pull people in (or keep ' em in) or just your personal preferences?

"Hey, why is X vastly superior conquest to Y,Z and G?" < - - If this is the question, do you really think "Why can't you let people enjoy X at peace?" is somehow important or valid way to counter it? Why do you resist the notion of Y, Z and G being in same ballpark with X?




When you are playing your favorite playstyle what the heck does it matter how someone else plays and what's it to you they can earn more by beeing efficient or downright fanatic.

You are asking how getting rewards quickly and easily matters in an MMO. Check previous post about MM HS to see how quickly and vastly this stuff alters the landscape.



Why should you earn the same as someone who is willing to run through 30+ characters to maximize their 'profits'? And who says that person is actually enjoying what they are doing?



Again, it is about playstyles.. If you want to bring 30+ characters to conq target easily and quickly, you have one playstyle to choose from for it. If I have 30 characters, amount of time required to bring them to target via FPS GSF, WZS, Ops, etc is downright unattainable. Do this via planetaries, and it is entirely doable. Nothing else brings conquest at such rate that it'd be as easy and fast. How difficult can this be..

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Mods please close this thread and put an end to this junk already. Thank you


They won't, they either aren't listening or don't care. Best thing to do it put a certain person on ignore and stop replying to him, it's worked so well for most of us here. As long as people are responding, so will he.

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And here we are approaching the heart of the matter again. Great. I encourage you to test it yourself. Spend 10-15 mins and do 6 fast planetary missions across the galaxy. Then do an FP, or a pvp match or w/e. See what you can and can not do in terms of how much conq you get/hour.


Well, if that is the best way then you know what to do. I' ll never be able to do group content or PvP so im happy with the addition to Conquests. That there are people min-maxing it to squeeze every drop of profit matters nothing to me, nor does the fact that there are way of playing that are slower.


So no. Lets be absolutely clear on this. You can not do that with every type of content at all. That is the problem.Everything gives pathetic conquest when you compare to what you get by touring planets.


But you actually CAN and that is the point. If its the content you like you couldn't care less about the difference in earning rate and if it's the rewards you are after you do the fastest way that is open to you.


Life is about making choices...NOT about demanding the best of everything for little to no effort.


"Hey, why is X vastly superior conquest to Y,Z and G?" < - - If this is the question, do you really think "Why can't you let people enjoy X at peace?" is somehow important or valid way to counter it? Why do you resist the notion of Y, Z and G being in same ballpark with X?


You can do whatever you want and set your own priorities, instead you demand everything the way you want it.


You are asking how getting rewards quickly and easily matters in an MMO.


And you are asking more rewards for less effort.



Again, it is about playstyles.. If you want to bring 30+ characters to conq target easily and quickly, you have one playstyle to choose from for it.

Bringing 30+ characters is already a playstyle and one that is aimed at maximizing profits. Its also a massive pile of work and i don't think there are many people out there doing that for fun... no, they do THE WORK for PROFIT.


And anyone who actually enjoys the heck out of that is a lucky person. :)


If I have 30 characters, amount of time required to bring them to target via FPS GSF, WZS, Ops, etc is downright unattainable. Do this via planetaries, and it is entirely doable. Nothing else brings conquest at such rate that it'd be as easy and fast.

So what do you do if you want as much profit as possible? Precisely... THE WORK.


How difficult can this be..

Well, you still don't seem to get it... so you tell me. :p

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And you are asking more rewards for less effort.


You have it completely backwards. Doing planetary missions is very little effort. It is very easy and straightforward and fast and simple. Various issues and headaches that are always there for multiplayer content simply are not there when soloing planetary missions. I Multiplayer content is typically much less straightforward. The most straightforward and easy and simple way to play gives more reward than any and all less straightforward playstyles. Least effort gives the best rewards.

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Doing planetary missions is very little effort. It is very easy and straightforward and fast and simple.


Not for you apparently.


Various issues and headaches that are always there for multiplayer content simply are not there when soloing planetary missions. I Multiplayer content is typically much less straightforward. The most straightforward and easy and simple way to play gives more reward than any and all less straightforward playstyles.


That is why common sensible people do not chose those to earn as much as possible in as little time as possible. And not just in this particular case but always and in any game.


Least effort gives the best rewards.


Running the same content on many characters is far from "least effort". It gets boring VERY fast. And you really need to do many if you want to make it worth your while.


The one asking for " least effort" is you actually.

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You have it completely backwards. Doing planetary missions is very little effort


Check it out, Yavin 4 is on this week's list, I couldn't say if it always is, but it popped a slayer while I was doing the story quests, so it's confirmed. For all that, I have 4 bosses in the field to kill, and Revan to face, and I'm barely over half way to Conquest... It took considerably longer than 10 minutes.

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Check it out, Yavin 4 is on this week's list, I couldn't say if it always is, but it popped a slayer while I was doing the story quests, so it's confirmed. For all that, I have 4 bosses in the field to kill, and Revan to face, and I'm barely over half way to Conquest... It took considerably longer than 10 minutes.


It always is. Planetary missions are there every day, every week. Character who has finished the storyline,has about One Hundred planetary daily repeatables. Every week. Sure would be swell if GSF or PvP or Fps or Ops had even 10% of that on regular basis, lol..(38 mission and weekly mission dings, around 60 slayer dings) Sort the conq- objective list by mission type and you are startting to see the things-to-do -list here.


Nothing stops you from being a completionist: Do whole Yavin if you like.- Its just that this is in no way required if you are out there to earn excellent fast conquest. Easiest, fastest and best path to conquest is not locked behind completing a Yavin4 (or any other planetary) weekly . Reward for cleaning the entire planet (weekly ding) is not all that tempting. Do mission or two, kill 50 mobs and move on. Doing so earns you conq at an incredible rate.Game goes to great lenghts in ensuring touring planets like this is intuiitive, fast, easy and simple. In Conq objectives, you have a literal road map to follow. Game gives you telepoprt items to ensure you don't even have to move around on foot.

Edited by Stradlin
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Check it out, Yavin 4 is on this week's list, I couldn't say if it always is, but it popped a slayer while I was doing the story quests, so it's confirmed. For all that, I have 4 bosses in the field to kill, and Revan to face, and I'm barely over half way to Conquest... It took considerably longer than 10 minutes.


As reasonable as what you say is, you're wasting your time trying to explain this to the OP. At this point no one cares about what he has to say and no one from the dev team will listen to him, because an overwhelming majority is in favour of the new Conquest system. The OP simply wants to enforce his will on the game/other players because they developed some sort of twisted obsession with pretending to be the Conquest Police. The more you respond to him, the more he will push back against everything you say.


I'd advise you to simply put the OP on ignore, I believe that's what most of the people on these forums have already done.

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^I bring videos, numbers. Evidence. I time stuff and show and tell exactly what I think is wrong with the conquest. She and her clique run a public exclusion campaign, literally doing their best to shut me completely out of this community due to not liking what I have to say about mechanics of a video game.


This person allegedly has me on ignore list. That's great actually! Its just that she isn't..ignnoring me. Instead, she figured posting exclusively about me and running a campaign for my exclusion is the decent thing to do.


Once you done addiong me to ignore, I guess you better start hoping it isn't your turn next with some unpopular opinnion this group dislikes. Then it'd be your turn to be shut down, driven away or isolated.


I hope some here take one single step back and consider how this looks. What is decent and what isn't.

Edited by Stradlin
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