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Conquest lost its shape and purpose


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I don't think this necessarily needs to be the case. WZs and GSF are different for the reasons mentioned above, but Flashpoints and Ops specifically don't need to give the same amount of conquest that heroics, dailies, and other activities do. I wouldn't be upset if they gave more than they do currently, and I do happen to agree that some of the more menial objectives (Reroll an Amp, Place Stronghold Decorations, etc) need to be toned down, but I don't think FPs/Ops need to be equally rewarding for Conquest for the time spent.


Ops and Flashpoints still give good Conquest points, but are slower. The trade off there is you're getting a lot more direct gear rewards and tech fragments than you would be by doing other things. I think that's a fair trade.[



Hmmmm, not sure if I disagree, but I think this can at least be looked from another angle as well.

Conquest is a shared currency for all. Ranked pvp'er and person who reached target by clicking his gear in fleet both get rewarded at 50k and get the same rewards. (or at least, disparity in rewards comes from stuff that has nothing to do with their chosen activity) Its pretty universal. if you add different rewards from different content to equation, things turn into bit of a swamp quite fast imo. Example: doing main storylines in this game rewards you with 100 millions real life credits worth of fully voice acted stories with Jennifer Hale and co. Its a reward for sure. But how do you compare such reward with getting a tactical from last boss of MM FP? These are very different as rewards and they are tough to compare. Turning them into compatible variables in some equation while puzzling conq reward intensities out sounds pretty hard.


At any rate, strong concensus is that current conq is best thing ever since people who are very busy and have no time to play at all can now get their 30(thirty) characters to conq target by the planetary mission waltz and whatnot. Conquest(by doing planetary missions and fleet janitor stuff) is a real good way to get tons and tons of gear. . With double xp here and all, those 30 chars are at level cap in no time. Most of them prolly already were. That's 60 crates of gear from conq for somebody doing it at 75. . Hundreds and hundreds of pieces of tacticals and legacy bound bathrobes and whatnot each week. Overall intensity of stuff coming in conq crates is prolly superior to normal bosses in MM FP, comparable to last boss in MM FP.



They should be doing this for sure, at least for PVP game modes like WZs and GSF. .


^ This is the urgent bit to be sure tho.

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Hmmmm, not sure if I disagree, but I think this can at least be looked from another angle as well.

Conquest is a shared currency for all. Ranked pvp'er and person who reached target by clicking his gear in fleet both get rewarded at 50k and get the same rewards. (or at least, disparity in rewards comes from stuff that has nothing to do with their chosen activity) Its pretty universal. if you add different rewards from different content to equation, things turn into bit of a swamp quite fast imo. Example: doing main storylines in this game rewards you with 100 millions real life credits worth of fully voice acted stories with Jennifer Hale and co. Its a reward for sure. But how do you compare such reward with getting a tactical from last boss of MM FP? These are very different as rewards and they are tough to compare. Turning them into compatible variables in some equation while puzzling conq reward intensities out sounds pretty hard.


I completely disagree. FPs, Ops, and Conquest all reward gear and tech fragments. They each have some unique/exclusive stuff along the way (encryptions for Conquest, unique cosmetic items for FPs and Ops, the various crafting materials), but the gear and tech fragments are what we've been discussing, and there's no reason those can't be compared.


Considering that a lot of the sets you get from Conquest are general sets, specifically The Victor and Amplified Champion, with tacticals dropping extremely rarely (I've seen maybe 2 and I've been running Conquest for a while, long before these changes, and they were both general tacticals), I'd argue that the speed and ease at which you get gear from FPs and Operations far outweighs the heroics/dailies/"planetary waltz" as you put it. Especially when you consider, as you mentioned, the rewards for Conquest are universal. So the person that reaches Conquest through heroics may get the same Conquest reward as the person that reaches it through FPs and Ops, but the latter will end up with far more gear and tech fragments in the end because they also get the FP and Ops rewards on top of the Conquest rewards.


Put it like this: A single random Vet FP outpaces the rewards for the personal Conquest goal. 2-3 random Vet FPs outpaces the guild rewards (depends on what you value more, the TF or the gear). Bump up to MM and that increases even further. All on top of still earning points towards those Conquest rewards too. These are hands down the most rewarding pieces of content in the game right now.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Hahah. Now -here- is some brutal honesty that def stands repeating!


Doing soloable few min lasting heroics alone or doing soloable few min lasting heroics in a grp. That's your idea of "diverse, level fun playing field for those who wanna reach conq target fast?"


It rings true tho, these are mostly the options available for people who like to earn conq fast. I mean, if you wanna settle for something less, I guess you can go do an FP too.


Do the menial daily busywork with selling garbage, companion gifts etc. Then its off to do some more of them riveting planetary missions"!! I'd take biiiiiiiiiit of a roundabout past buzzword like " diverse" or " varied" here if I were you tho. :D Imagine how varied things would turn if you could add GSF, PvP, etc to that list of " stuff I can do to get conq fast"


Here is some more brutal honesty. You are welcome to your playstyle. Stop trying to dictate others playstyle. Your judgement of anyone's game tastes is irrelevant and unwanted.

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"content that requires other people is now vastly inferior in bringing in conquest when compared to fleet busywork&planetary heroics. This is crazy."


Nope, it's awesome. I love how easy it is to get conquest done on my many, many characters. Group content can die in a fire. The less I have to party with the human trash in this game, the better. Turn this game into the RPG it should have been, and shove the "Let's party with 20 people I can't stand" to get anything, out the nearest airlock.

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I completely disagree. FPs, Ops, and Conquest all reward gear and tech fragments. They each have some unique/exclusive stuff along the way (encryptions for Conquest, unique cosmetic items for FPs and Ops, the various crafting materials), but the gear and tech fragments are what we've been discussing, and there's no reason those can't be compared.


Significant portion of what you earn by doing conquest are things completely unique to conquest. Unlike cosmetic gear or ship upgrades or or tech fragments,I guess we can agree conquest rewards have a certain collective nature to them. Guild levels, weekly race for top spots on board. Encryptions deserve a mention here too, even though that isn't unique to conquest. This layer of stuff conq earns you is all about " what we do and achieve together as a guild". Nothing but earning conquest earns you these things. That's how your guild levels up and gains perks. That's how 2nd cycle of personal rewards even become a thing, since you need to hit your collective guild conq target to get them. Notion that some singuilar specific content should be vastly superior to most other content in earning this stuff is extremely strange. All content gives conquest, so incentive for different people to do different stuff in order to build their shared, common house is there. Yet, in practice, only two activities( janitor tier of stuff and planetary mission grind) got the insane 500% boost of last patch.

Edited by Stradlin
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You are welcome to your playstyle. Stop trying to dictate others playstyle. Your judgement of anyone's game tastes is irrelevant and unwanted.


Is my playstyle welcome to amounts of conquest your playstyle earns? Or do you feel getting sick, fast conq is exclusively the privilege of you and your playstyle now? That's what this has been all about for pages now. Copy/pasting something I wrote in another thread.

- -



I tested things today for a bit.


Figured I'd see exactly how long it takes to go from 0 to 50k conq by planetary missions and nothing else.(well, I went from 2k to 56+k)


150% Conq.

lvl 75 Tank specced Jugg in tanking gear. 306 gear, no augments.Haven't bothered with amps.

lvl 50 companion.

So char has decent gear and max lvl companion.. But is far removed from being the optimal pick for this. Tank in tank gear.



Skipped all of the menial stuff. ( I did no crafting, gifting companion, selling garbage etc. )

-All- I did was planetary heroics. Daily 10k from doing a heroic objective dinged. No other major supplementary objectives. No kill 25/50 stuff, no pinnacle of power, no nothing. Just the stuff I get from doing the first mission on planet X.


It Took 10 mins and 6 seconds to go from 2k conq to 56k this way. Lots of mistakes in the way. I know which are the fast heroics, but I don't know which are optimal for this. I picked one in DK. - Didn't remember mobs there give no xp. If I had skipped DK, it would have been much faster... And I would have been done in 4 planets, not 5. So basically, my 10 mins 6 seconds is far from some great perfect time attack run. What i'm saying is, you can do it much faster. Easy to execute such run far better than I did.



Somebody doing a Warzone or a GSF match isn't even done with his match in 10 mins. That match is likely to give him 1500 conq. Thats four digits. 1.5k. Somebody doing FPs to reach conq target isn't even halfway done with his run in 10 mins


Also, did this!



From character creation screen to lvl 10 to fleet to conq target. You don't earn any conq til lvl 10. Total time played on the character, 31 minutes. None of this is some super optimized min maxing. Didn't even use DvsL gear. I don't know any super creative ways to speed lvl, Just did class story til 10 and went to get my conq target.


Some things (planetary missions and selling garbage etc) give conq just a tiny bit too quickly and easily now. At least if you compare to everything else. So maybe everything else gives WAY too litttle instead. This thing needs quite a bit of tuning still.


- --

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Is my playstyle welcome to amounts of conquest your playstyle earns? Or do you feel getting sick, fast conq is exclusively the privilege of you and your playstyle now? That's what this has been all about for pages now. Copy/pasting something I wrote in another thread.

- -



I tested things today for a bit.


Figured I'd see exactly how long it takes to go from 0 to 50k conq by planetary missions and nothing else.(well, I went from 2k to 56+k)


150% Conq.

lvl 75 Tank specced Jugg in tanking gear. 306 gear, no augments.Haven't bothered with amps.

lvl 50 companion.

So char has decent gear and max lvl companion.. But is far removed from being the optimal pick for this. Tank in tank gear.



Skipped all of the menial stuff. ( I did no crafting, gifting companion, selling garbage etc. )

-All- I did was planetary heroics. Daily 10k from doing a heroic objective dinged. No other major supplementary objectives. No kill 25/50 stuff, no pinnacle of power, no nothing. Just the stuff I get from doing the first mission on planet X.


It Took 10 mins and 6 seconds to go from 2k conq to 56k this way. Lots of mistakes in the way. I know which are the fast heroics, but I don't know which are optimal for this. I picked one in DK. - Didn't remember mobs there give no xp. If I had skipped DK, it would have been much faster... And I would have been done in 4 planets, not 5. So basically, my 10 mins 6 seconds is far from some great perfect time attack run. What i'm saying is, you can do it much faster. Easy to execute such run far better than I did.



Somebody doing a Warzone or a GSF match isn't even done with his match in 10 mins. That match is likely to give him 1500 conq. Thats four digits. 1.5k. Somebody doing FPs to reach conq target isn't even halfway done with his run in 10 mins


Also, did this!



From character creation screen to lvl 10 to fleet to conq target. You don't earn any conq til lvl 10. Total time played on the character, 31 minutes. None of this is some super optimized min maxing. Didn't even use DvsL gear. I don't know any super creative ways to speed lvl, Just did class story til 10 and went to get my conq target.


Some things (planetary missions and selling garbage etc) give conq just a tiny bit too quickly and easily now. At least if you compare to everything else. So maybe everything else gives WAY too litttle instead. This thing needs quite a bit of tuning still.


- --

Play how you want. What I earn or do not earn in conquest points is not your concern. Same applied before the changes as well.

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Here is some more brutal honesty. You are welcome to your playstyle. Stop trying to dictate others playstyle. Your judgement of anyone's game tastes is irrelevant and unwanted.




Play Your Way.... Does not mean "Play Stradin's Way and only Stradin's way"


This is the FIRST and ONLY time My (one man) Guild and I have EVER received Conquest Rewards much less accually being able to Complete my Daily Conquest. I don't PvP, I don't do Ops, I'm don't do PUGs of any kind and I am not a fan of grouping with the obnoxious idiots you wind up with in groups. I play Solo most of the time. Thus I was NEVER able to do Conquest, now I can, "Play MY Way" and get Conquest rewards.

Edited by denavin
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Significant portion of what you earn by doing conquest are things completely unique to conquest. Unlike cosmetic gear or ship upgrades or or tech fragments,I guess we can agree conquest rewards have a certain collective nature to them. Guild levels, weekly race for top spots on board. Encryptions deserve a mention here too, even though that isn't unique to conquest. This layer of stuff conq earns you is all about " what we do and achieve together as a guild". Nothing but earning conquest earns you these things. That's how your guild levels up and gains perks. That's how 2nd cycle of personal rewards even become a thing, since you need to hit your collective guild conq target to get them.


Sure, but that doesn't change what I've said about FP and Ops. You can't completely divorce the player rewards and guild rewards and balance only for one. What that leaves is all other content apart from FPs and Ops (including PVP, GSF, etc) becomes vastly inefficient compared to FPs and Ops because FPs and Ops give the best gear, the best tech fragments, etc. in addition to the same Conquest rewards as everything else. They would be the best possible content to run for all purposes, period, no matter what, and running anything else would be gimping yourself in some area or another. There should be a trade off, even if it still tips in FPs and Ops favor in the end, otherwise it's a waste of time to do that other content instead of FPs and Ops. So running FPs and Ops gets you less Conquest, but more Gear/TF. Running Dailies/Heroics/whatever else gets you more conquest, but less of pretty much everything else.


It's a way for BW to make other aspects of the game relevant and rewarding in the current system. Prior to this update, FPs and Ops were the be all, end all. Conquest farming? Ops and FPs. Gear farming? Ops and FPs. Tech Fragments? Ops and FPs. Nothing else felt rewarding in comparison, and that's a problem for this kind of game. Having more options is nice, and the activity in my guild currently certainly reflects this.


Notion that some singuilar specific content should be vastly superior to most other content in earning this stuff is extremely strange. All content gives conquest, so incentive for different people to do different stuff in order to build their shared, common house is there. Yet, in practice, only two activities( janitor tier of stuff and planetary mission grind) got the insane 500% boost of last patch.


Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said this. In my initial response I was speaking on your suggestion that everything be equally time efficient for Conquest. I never said solo content, or WZs/GSF, etc, should be vastly superior to FPs/Ops. What I said was that FPs/Ops shouldn't give as much conquest per time spent as those game modes, because FPs/Ops are so rewarding in other ways. Guilds don't need encouragement to go run that content together since the rewards are already so good. Giving a reason for guilds to run out and run things like dailies, heroics, PVP and GSF, etc is a good thing, because right now there's no reason for it whatsoever apart from personal enjoyment alone.


That doesn't mean I don't think they should buff FPs and Ops for Conquest, or that I don't think other things need to be toned down (I actually explicitly agreed that some things do), but I don't think they need to buff FPs and Ops up to the same level that everything else is at. That's what I actually said. Nowhere does that imply solo content needs to be "vastly superior".

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Play Your Way.... Does not mean "Play Stradin's Way and only Stradin's way"


This is the FIRST and ONLY time My (one man) Guild and I have EVER received Conquest Rewards much less accually being able to Complete my Daily Conquest. I don't PvP, I don't do Ops, I'm don't do PUGs of any kind and I am not a fan of grouping with the obnoxious idiots you wind up with in groups. I play Solo most of the time. Thus I was NEVER able to do Conquest, now I can, "Play MY Way" and get Conquest rewards.


This is happening a lot, it's great to see. More small guilds can open up FS, and perks.

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Play Your Way.... Does not mean "Play Stradin's Way and only Stradin's way"

Exactly. I think by now the devs have figured out after reading these posts that Stradlin and his two supporters are far outnumbered by the people absolutely in love with the new system. Could it use tweaks? Maybe. Should this shower of conquest points ever go away? Never.

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This is happening a lot, it's great to see. More small guilds can open up FS, and perks.


Agreed. He seems to be jealous that other guilds are being able to open more of their guild ships, why I don't know like my guild is ever going to be on the leaderboard, which really we don't care about, just like our rooms open to decorate. Not sure how that is a problem for anyone but it seems to be.

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To put a different set of numbers out there


Planet: Imperial Balmora

Heroics: 6

Class: Sniper

Gear: 302

Stronghold bonus: 150%

Companion Influence: 50

Time: 54 minutes

Total CXP: ~52,000


Toxic Bombs: 3 minutes, 17K CQ (10K for the daily, 5K for the planetary, 2K for the Heroic)


Republics Last Gasp: 5 minutes, 3K CQ (2K for the Heroic, 1K for kills)


Settling Debts: 5 minutes, 13K CQ (5K Defeat Enemies 1, 5K Bonus Mission, 1.5 K Renown Level, 1K for the heroic)


Firestar: 12 minutes, 3K CQ (2K for heroic, 1K for kills)


Resistance Sympathizers: 12 minutes, 4K (2 K for heroic, 1.5 K for Renown Level up)


Project Hexapod: 17 minutes, 10K CQ (7.5 K Kill Enemies II, 2.5 K completing the "daily")


This was effectively a speed run, skipping all bonus missions, avoiding kills where possible, going straight for the objectives. Now the second character I'd run on Balmorra would get next to nothing because all the daily rewards are gone for that planet (and there is no Missions based goal or galactic rampage this week). Also gone is the 10K for doing a heroic mission and the 5K for doing the first heroic on Balmorra.


This is more typical of how an average player would accumulate CQ points and all systems should be built around the average player and not the min/maxer. Pretty much your comparisons are min/maxing heroics compared to average or even slow PVP completion. The averag player also doesn't have a 150% stronghold bonus or level 50 companions to speed them through trash. Not having either of those will slow your CQ point gain to a crawl. because you can't focus your effort on "easy" planets.

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This is happening a lot, it's great to see. More small guilds can open up FS, and perks.


If this is the case then I'm all for it. I basically stopped playing shortly after 6.0 released because they screwed up conquest so badly, among other things. I have not had a chance to log in since 6.1.1 dropped, stupid immune system, but if 6.1.1 put conquest back to where it was after 5.10.3, or comparable, then I might start playing regularly again.

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If this is the case then I'm all for it. I basically stopped playing shortly after 6.0 released because they screwed up conquest so badly, among other things. I have not had a chance to log in since 6.1.1 dropped, stupid immune system, but if 6.1.1 put conquest back to where it was after 5.10.3, or comparable, then I might start playing regularly again.


I just came back after a decent break and I'm overall really happy with conquest as it is now. I don't feel pressured into grinding out conquest in PVP or crafting or being pushed towards any activity that I normally would not participate in...Just get conquest by doing whatever I want.


Sure they may need to increase some conquest reward levels on certain activities (Upwards!) but that is to be expected.

Edited by Soljin
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I could be totally wrong but I'm thinking the way the game reads it as 1 PVP or GSF match = 1 mission completed and 5 heroics is 5 missions completed. It doesn't count the time it takes to complete anything and just the result of each thing a person chooses to do and that's why it seems like the rewards are different
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If this is the case then I'm all for it. I basically stopped playing shortly after 6.0 released because they screwed up conquest so badly, among other things. I have not had a chance to log in since 6.1.1 dropped, stupid immune system, but if 6.1.1 put conquest back to where it was after 5.10.3, or comparable, then I might start playing regularly again.


I hope you get and/or stay healthy through this lame strange time we living.



New system is very close to one they had going when conq=xp became a thing less than a year back. One they decided to utterly chnage and nerf in 6.0. Back then, targets for personal conq and guild stuff began appearing super low. Difference was..back then, there were so many different ways to earn significant amounts of conquest real fast. Or at leaat many ways to brring multiple characters to target real fast. Conq you gained from xp was so much when you balanced it against the 17k personal target.or 170k-2 mil guild target. Everything that gave you decent xp put you to conq target super fast. On multiple characters a day. Now, your options are a bit more limited. Menial stuff (gift companions) and planetary heroics give conq at huge rate. All the rest is closer to what it was in 6.0. Except pvp and gsf, those they actually nerfed. ie it is much like it was between last summer and 6.0, only less balanced and more exclusive. (Wanna make great conq? Better run some planetary missions, lest you sith out of luck.)

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This is happening a lot, it's great to see. More small guilds can open up FS, and perks.


Yeah, I am in a small guild that has a Rep and Imp version. Normally we can at best hope to get one faction to small yield planet.


Last week we got both factions to small yield, largely because I had a thing for Agent recently and spent all my game-time last week on my Agent, and effectively hit small yield on my own. So this week the Rep side have opted for medium yield, and because I am still gearing up my Agent the Imp side has opted for small yield, that I likely get 90% of myself as rest of guild concentrates on hitting the medium yield target on Republic.


We are usually lucky to have 3 or 4 active members log in on any given week, so we had t work pretty hard to get even low yield target, now we are seeing double that activity (of course Covid is affecting that at least as much as CQ) and everyone of us is contributing just by "playing our way".


All in all the best "sub system" update this game has had in years.

Now all they need to do is show that level of "listening to the customer" when they attempt to fix high tier crafting; and then they'll be on to a winner again.


All The Best

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Yeah, I am in a small guild that has a Rep and Imp version. Normally we can at best hope to get one faction to small yield planet.



All in all the best "sub system" update this game has had in years.



I totally agree.


We also have the same structure: A group of 4 friends (all subscribers since headstart) who play SWTOR since Headstart.

Our focus is on roleplaying but we also enjoy all other aspects of this game - especially the storyline, sometimes GSF/PvP and PvE.

We are not interested in large group contents like OPs.


Its just enjoying the game - because thats it: A pixel game.


One problem for us was to get flggship-plans to open all rooms of our flagships. We monitored the GSF and bought some of them when the price was OK - but in the recent months it was simply too high.

One of our flagship is completed but the other one is still in construction ;)


With the new adjustment of the conquest rules I got an enormeous positive feedback from my guild-members.

When they go online and no other of our guild is online they take a twink and finish the conquest for this char.

So we managed to break the 500k to get the flagship plans. Last week we finished with 50 chars (yes - we have many twinks ;) ) and so we can make now 50 blue flagship plans per week.

Because of this some of my guild-members raised their weekly game time.


I also saw that in the normally "dead" areas there are now more and more players and most of them agree to fight in groups while the task couls also be done solo. So BW/EA found a good solution to raise the motiviation of many players by correcting the conquest definition.


In the Leaderboard nothing has changed. The same large guilds are dominating (which is fair and OK for me) . Now they have 10 times of the conquest points than befor. But for the small guilds its possible to break the 500k easily and also get flagship plans.


So from my point of view these adjustments of the conquest-system is indeed "the best "sub system" update this game has had in years".


Best regards and enjoy the game :)

Edited by Mardonius
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Best regards and enjoy the game :)


You too!



Overall, I think everybody is glad very small guilds can be more involved in conquest and have easier&faster road to unlocking ship, levels etc. Having a four man guild of good friends playing together for years sounds very natural in my books. Nobody is ever gonna come to you and tell its somehow strange or wrong way of doing things.


Flipside? And I sincerely believe you agree, yours is a pretty uncompromizing approach to having a guild and being in a guild. You don't want to be four friends who are a small part of a larger guild. You don't want to form the leadership and core of a larger small guild and invite any new members to mix things up, since you are perfectly happy with being just you four. Ofc, nothing wrong or strange with any of that either. But it is uncompromising, no? You've known from day 1 that your way of doing this makes some guild-exclusive content/opportunities beyond your reach.


Everything that is now easily attainable for you (or for literal one man guilds) is utterly irrelevant, as a goal to pursue, for all medium and large sized guilds.Or for " large small guilds" so to speak - you and your three friends all by yourselves made it at least halfway to high yield target! Its nice. Guild of 8 people as busy as you guys can reach high yield now. Huge majority of medium or larger active guilds (lets say 50-100 members or more) usually don't have any big ambitions when it comes to to winning planets consistently - 3 planets is bit too few and massive, well ran conq guilds bit too numerous for that. It doesn't appear as a goal worth of pursuing for most medium-large guilds I think. All of these guilds..and thousands and thousands of people in such guilds have no exciting(or boring, or annoying or interesting depending how you look at it) weekly goal to worry about anymore. When a number of four man guilds gained a more appealing and exciting target to pursue, such thing got erased as a relevant or exciting goal from a number of four hundred man guilds.


Reaching lvl 64 and getting the ship (well, perk rooms at least) open is a major goal for everybody yet to reach it. Medium-large guilds who haven't done this yet are making some real good speed towards the goal now.


"Should we do high yield this week?" " ooh, cool we actually gonna reach the target before weekend!" "Hmm, should we run with conq boosting guild perks to ensure we "get there" or not?" " oh crap this conq week is dog sith guild leaders were fools to pick high yield!"" <- - - For numerous guilds of thousands and thousands of people, these type of challenges or issues have been wiped off. Reaching conquest targe is a layer of game&conquest no longer present for medium sized guilds and upwards as a game feature.. They all can get to high yield now with some ease. Is this arrival without any pursuit a bad thing, a good thing or a good bad thing for the multitde of these guilds depends on the guild and whom you ask.



Such guilds need to either settle with not having such goals anymore, or they need to adjust and pursue some bit more arbirtary target (lets reach top-10!" or " lets see if we can make 50 mils conq guys!" Or they need to completely rethink the guild and how they play and grow bigger and try win some planets.

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Spent a little time playing this morning. I spent more time looking through my cargo and legacy holds and throwing rocks at a dummy to refresh my rotation than actually playing, but I did get caught up on the story (yay, Tharan's back, now where's Zenith?), ran some heroics and hit personal conquest by just playing the game. I'll have to wait and see how this plays out for other weeks, but so far conquest feels like it did before the massive flub that was the 6.0 revamp for no apparent reason other than it was too fun. So, good work BW for undoing the changes you made 5 months ago that invalidated the changes you made 4.5 months prior to that.
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For numerous guilds of thousands and thousands of people, these type of challenges or issues have been wiped off. Reaching conquest targe is a layer of game&conquest no longer present for medium sized guilds and upwards as a game feature..


The numbers simply do not support your argument. I see the exact same guilds dominating the leader boards as before. The only difference is that numbers are inflated for absolutely everyone. You keep insisting that there is a sense of deflation or malaise b/c it is so easy for small guilds to reach planetary yields. The playing field is still EXACTLY the same as it was before b/c the benefits apply equally to each individual player.


The implication of your reasoning is that guilds are just stopping after achieving planetary yield minimums. This is not supported by the data. And, frankly, if your guild is filled with people who do the simple, mundane Conquest quests (e.g., the ones you keep mentioning, like companion gifting) and then log off -- your guild has bigger problems. Obviously, I can't speak for every guild, but neither can you. What I can say is the leader boards look very similar to what I observed pre-patch.


There are now two differences, one of which has zero impact on you:


1) Prices for SRMs (for crafting) will inevitably go down on the GTN; and,


2) Smaller guilds will now be able to decorate their guild flagships more quickly.


I'm hoping you don't have a problem with #2.


At this point, you should just macro your response. It will save you a lot of typing. We get it. You want rewards to be more exclusionary despite the fact that those rewards impact your gameplay nada, zip, zilcho, bupkiss with the exception of SRM prices.


Many of us, myself included find that argument not terribly compelling. Your guild can still accomplish the exact same goals as before, just add some zeroes to that goal b/c we're all in the same position. Your ego just can't seem to handle that the ocean is bigger now where lots of little fishies get to swim. :D


I'll extend an olive branch, though! Once I finish decorating my guild flagship, I'll invite you over. I guarantee you will find it faaaaabbbbbuuulllllloooouuuuusssss. And I really do throw the absolute best, most decadent parties. :rak_03:


<<yum, yum, it's martini time!>>



Edited by Jdast
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Spent a little time playing this morning. I spent more time looking through my cargo and legacy holds and throwing rocks at a dummy to refresh my rotation than actually playing, but I did get caught up on the story (yay, Tharan's back, now where's Zenith?), ran some heroics and hit personal conquest by just playing the game. I'll have to wait and see how this plays out for other weeks, but so far conquest feels like it did before the massive flub that was the 6.0 revamp for no apparent reason other than it was too fun. So, good work BW for undoing the changes you made 5 months ago that invalidated the changes you made 4.5 months prior to that.


As someone said, we need to keep the positive vibe going before the negative nacies ruin it. It;s the best it's been ever, hopefully they won't mess it up to much

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