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OK, who is the most annoying/worst companion?


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I nominate Skadge. The rest of the BH companions are great. He is an exception, and I can’t fathom why the BH would ever let him on the ship. Ashara gets an honorable mention from me. She makes no sense as a companion, let alone a romance option, for a DS Inquisitor, which should be the default alignment for that side. Warrior gets Vette and Jaesa, who are both way better. Other nominations?
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You know, I don't actually disagree with Kaliyo or Skadge, but it's kinda funny the companion I always dread the most for my jedi knights are Doc.


Although Doc is still basically a good person, if full of himself, there's just something about his initial presentation and ongoing smarmy charm that makes me want to leave him. I feel similar with Kaliyo and Skadge, but imo they don't stand out in the same way. Somehow I feel Doc's personality stands out more. I just found Skadge forgetable and Kaliyo sort of funny.

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If you playing Pub side … you have sooooo many to choose from in this category:


1. Guss Tuno ( no … just no !! Reminds me of dragging my finger nails across a chalk board in more ways than one)

2. Corso (just too whiney)

3. Elara Dorne ( TOO STIFF … even in her "dramatic reunion" ??? Honestly I think this lady double starches her undies)

4. Tano Vic (someone remind me why we would really bring this ummm person on board)

5. Sergeant Rusk ( what a jerk and yes I am being EXTREMELY polite )

6. Kaliyo: (one of the most disrespectful and untrusting person I deal with )

7. Skadge : (he was never on my team …. ever )


Runner up for the category: Risha … too much business and not enough fun :D

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I will agree on Tanno Vik. He is another one who just seems to be the opposite of what you would want in a companion as a trooper. I don’t have issues with Kaliyo to start, but like several other companions there is a moment in her story where she does something unforgivable that should get her banished from the squad at the very least if not killed outright. Same with Malavai Quinn. There are others like Gus that can be annoying, but the ones that bother me most are those that really have no business on your team in the first place.
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There is zero doubt that Skadge wins the award for most annoying. Every time he opens his mouth, I want to shoot him....in the face.


The irony is that I think the BH gets the best companions overall. Mako, Gault and Blizz are all great and Torian fits in very nicely given the story. But Skadge is so awful.

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I guess the problem is the need for companions to offer something to all potential alignments; so Ashara's a good fit for a LS Inquisitor but jars with a full dark one, while Xalek is suitable for a DS Inquisitor but, if you're light, is an irredeemable murderhound lurking about who would probably betray you and denounce you as a Jedi sympathizer first chance he got. The difficulty is you have to accept all of them, even when their introduction basically has them rail against your entire moral philosophy, and while sometimes the last resort "well, they're coming on your ship anyway" moment after you've said no is well written, other times it isn't and leaves you resenting them. It's probably especially galling when the one love interest character for your storyline doesn't match your alignment.
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Doc: he needs a one way trip out an airlock.

Tharan Cedrax: he needs a one way trip out an airlock, and then - just to be certain - getting caught in the engine backwash.

Aric Jorgen: an airlock malfunction is just too good for him.


All The Best

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I guess the problem is the need for companions to offer something to all potential alignments; so Ashara's a good fit for a LS Inquisitor but jars with a full dark one, while Xalek is suitable for a DS Inquisitor but, if you're light, is an irredeemable murderhound lurking about who would probably betray you and denounce you as a Jedi sympathizer first chance he got. The difficulty is you have to accept all of them, even when their introduction basically has them rail against your entire moral philosophy, and while sometimes the last resort "well, they're coming on your ship anyway" moment after you've said no is well written, other times it isn't and leaves you resenting them. It's probably especially galling when the one love interest character for your storyline doesn't match your alignment.


My issue with Ashara is that she seems designed for an LS Inquisitor when the default choice for the vast majority of people playing the class is DS. And she is your only option. Compare to the Warrior, who gets two options and can make Jaesa light or dark. Just seems like lazy design that sticks most male Inquisitors with a companion who doesn’t make sense for their story and is their only romance option.

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Skadge and Kaliyo are the two that I find most objectionable.

With Kaliyo, I have trust issues. She has betrayed so many of her former partners/lovers. As a character, she is an interesting study in dealing with an anarchist but if I cannot trust her then she gets a bullet in the head and an unmarked grave on some flea-bitten backwater planet, so that she cannot stab me in the back when she feels like it. I have not yet done her recruitment mission with the Imp Agent who romanced/married her, and that will be an interesting discussion when it happens.

Skadge is just, pure aggression and as I make a habit on principle of killing any Houk I come across, the only job he gets from me is clearing out the sewage system in the Alliance base..


Of the rest, Xalek and Broonmark are two that I am somewhat ambivalent about. On first meeting Xalek, I thought he might be good for dark comic relief, but the character never really grew on me. With Broonmark I have similar issues to Skadge, with the addition that while Houk stink I cannot imagine Broonmark without a bad "wet dog" smell, and him shaking off the fur all over the consoles in my Alliance base.

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Skadge and Kaliyo are the two that I find most objectionable.

With Kaliyo, I have trust issues. She has betrayed so many of her former partners/lovers. As a character, she is an interesting study in dealing with an anarchist but if I cannot trust her then she gets a bullet in the head and an unmarked grave on some flea-bitten backwater planet, so that she cannot stab me in the back when she feels like it. I have not yet done her recruitment mission with the Imp Agent who romanced/married her, and that will be an interesting discussion when it happens.

Skadge is just, pure aggression and as I make a habit on principle of killing any Houk I come across, the only job he gets from me is clearing out the sewage system in the Alliance base..


Of the rest, Xalek and Broonmark are two that I am somewhat ambivalent about. On first meeting Xalek, I thought he might be good for dark comic relief, but the character never really grew on me. With Broonmark I have similar issues to Skadge, with the addition that while Houk stink I cannot imagine Broonmark without a bad "wet dog" smell, and him shaking off the fur all over the consoles in my Alliance base.

Isn't Xalek also the last companion you can get even compared to all classes? I can't remember when specifically you get him, but I'm pretty sure it's after Voss? While I was on Voss with my Quizzy, I was really hoping that the force-sensitive Gormak we encounter would be our new companion.

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1. Tharan Cedrax. The fact that he made himself a female hologram who's a sexpot and worships the ground he walks on is just really disgusting. I hate having to interact with them.


Otherwise, I'm basically the opposite of the OP, because my honorable mentions go to Jaesa, Vette, and Kaliyo (and I love Ashara).


2. Jaesa. She's a crazed extremist, and also has no mind of her own, regardless of whether she's light or dark. It's pretty tragic honestly.


3. Kaliyo. It's frustrating that the agent is forced to trust her when she's obviously untrustworthy.


4. Vette. It makes no sense for a Sith to go around helping her find her family or twi'lek artifacts or whatever. Plus the ending of her story was her irrationally blaming the warrior after she took revenge on her mother's killer, which was a pretty sour note to end on. Maybe this story makes sense if you either romance her or keep her as a slave, but it doesn't otherwise.

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I can see the frustration regarding Ashara, although, I suspect the reference to "Darth Imperius" in the dialogue for boosted 60s in the new content may suggest that Bioware's position on "the default assumption for Imperials is Dark Side" has changed a bit since earlier statements.


However, I think mainly it's a matter of interpretation in the story. Yes, Jaesa falls more dramatically, and visibly, where, after a half-act campaign of terror against her family and friends, a dark warrior then basically brutally snaps her mind and rebuilds it as a weapon. Ashara has no such dramatic change, but, instead, you manipulate her. A Dark Side Inquisitor gains influence over Ashara by being a poisonous mentor and confidant, supporting and encouraging her, but always, like Palpatine to Anakin, in ways that assure her that, yes, eating those puppies was certainly the right, the moral, and the necessary thing to do, and if the other Jedi don't see it that way it's just because they aren't as visionary as Ashara herself... and we need to use a brutal onslaught of violence to take over the Empire... so we can change it for the better, but, yes, of course the Inquisitor hates all the evils of the Empire, and will change them all for the better...just as soon as Ashara has killed those people...it's sadly necessary, you see.


To me, that's actually a more credible portrayal of corruption.

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To me, that's actually a more credible portrayal of corruption.

More gradual and maybe subtle? I like Jaesa well enough, but I always found her dark side turn oddly sudden. The same girl that a ligh side SW can convince to help change the empire can also do a 180 and find random interest in torturing Vette, given the option.

With my neutral alignment Warrior, even though she had not behaved in any other way other than light side when confronting Jaesa's contacts, family and master, Jaesa still showed an odd interest in the power of the dark side. A power my character directly refused because of the corruption it brings. That SW had to tell her to stay light side, which I found very odd. Jaesa had even read her alignment and knew she was no dark sider.

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Well, as Rowan put it, it does depend on class and alignment, since I can play two characters of the same class and opposite alignments and end up with different feelings about my companions. Overall, though?


Smuggler - Light or Dark, Corso has a tendency to get on my nerves. His idealism is mixed with a thin skin towards anyone disagreeing with him that comes across as frustratingly self-righteous.


Trooper - Light Side, Tanno Vik. Seriously, Garza? We've got a member of Havoc Squad with an explosives specialisation, one that can legitimately argue peer-pressure from the rest and freely renounced his treason and helped us stop the Empire on Tatooine who could rejoin us and you want us instead to go recruit a self-serving, short-tempered, violent criminal who turned mercenary after being cashiered out of the Republic Army? Somehow that's better?


Light or Dark, Fourex. After a few scenes, the bombastic propaganda machine starts to get on my nerves.


Jedi Knight - Light Side, Scourge. Yeah, this guy already betrayed one Jedi who sought to defeat the Emperor and we're going to trust him - and his constant attempts to convince us to act like a Sith - just because he claims to have seen us win in a vision?


Dark side, Teeseven. I like the little guy, don't get me wrong. But when you play a Dark Jedi (or even a 'morally flexible' one), his disappointment that you're not acting like Master Zallow et.al. can start to wear.


Jedi Consular - Light Side, Zenith. Hey, Tai Cordan, I just helped free your planet and you repay me by foisting this trigger-happy 'ends justify the means' fanatic off on me? When I prefer negotiating and offering other options instead of violence especially?


Light or Dark, Theran Cedrax. If I could have Holiday as a companion without this guy, I'd rejoice. Holiday is energetic, friendly, willing to help... Theran was a Jedi's friend on Nar Shaddaa, is hanging around a Jedi now, but is always complaining about 'pseudo-mystical non-scientific Jedi nonsense'.


Bounty Hunter - Light Side, Skadge. This is especially bad for a light side, brings them in alive when possible, honorable combat to the death when not-type Hunter. Why on any planet you care to name would I want an uncaring, free-handed murderer as part of my crew?


Dark Side, Mako. Like Corso with a thicker skin, her idealism doesn't fit well with a dark side, shoot first second and some more, bring 'em in cold-type Hunter.


Agent - Light Side, Kalliyo. I think everyone else has covered this quite well, so I'll move along. The only way she really works is if you're playing a wild-card, anarchist/saboteur-type Agent yourself...


Light or Dark, Vector Hyllus. I'm sorry, I really am, but there's just something about Joiners that creeps me out on a personal level. Gamewise, after Act Two and what happens to them there, I'm surprised an Agent can still feel comfortable with Vector on their ship...


Sith Inquisitor - Light or Dark, Khem Val. Okay, I get it, you and Tulak were the terrors of the galaxy and you eat Force-users for breakfast - literally. You don't have to bring it up every time I turn around.


Sith Warrior - Light or Dark, Malavai Quinn.I read somewhere that an original plan was to allow Quinn to be killed after his betrayal, but it was scrapped so as not to leave the Warrior without a healer. That's too bad, almost. Even without taking his later actions into account, I can just never seem to like the guy. Even my staunch Imperial Dark Side Warrior ends up preferring Pierce as a companion...

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Dark Side, Mako. Like Corso with a thicker skin, her idealism doesn't fit well with a dark side, shoot first second and some more, bring 'em in cold-type Hunter.



Adored as Mako generally is, I can see the point here entirely. She's consistent in universe in that she is made out to be pretty naive, but it's as if in all the time that she was honing her fascination and becoming the biggest Great Hunt fan girl in the galaxy, nobody ever could bear to shatter her illusions by sitting her down and explaining: "You do realise that they are hunting people for money, don't you? That, actually, 'killing people for money' is a significant part of the job of your sporting heroes?"



Sith Inquisitor - Light or Dark, Khem Val. Okay, I get it, you and Tulak were the terrors of the galaxy and you eat Force-users for breakfast - literally. You don't have to bring it up every time I turn around.



In the world of SWTOR, Khem is basically the Uncle Albert to the Sith Inquisitor's Del Boy, only instead of "During the War..." it's "During the reign of Tulak Hord..."

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The point about the Inquisitor subtly manipulating Ashara is a good one, but there is no payoff. If they followed that line and gave you some sort of scene where that paid off a bit with a dialogue choice, it might work better for me.
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Sith Inquisitor - Light or Dark, Khem Val. Okay, I get it, you and Tulak were the terrors of the galaxy and you eat Force-users for breakfast - literally. You don't have to bring it up every time I turn around.

"I hunger little Sith, there are not enough tasty Jedi here."

"You will never be as powerful as my old master"

"Yo, quizzy my dude, have I ever told you that I like murdering things in inventive ways?"


All Khem Val quotes.

Edited by JuventusAndFCK
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Regarding DS Jaesa, yes her turn seems sudden, but that is par for the course in a Star Wars. Anakin goes from mostly well-meaning and wanting to save his wife to willingly murdering children in one scene.

I haven't watched the movies so I can't comment on Anakin any more than what I've been told, but doesn't he go through a period of struggle with the jedi doctrine beforehand? I know his change is sudden too, but I always got the idea that it came from a conflict of philosophy that was already displayed beforehand. I felt like Jaesa suddenly desired power that she hadn't really hinted at wanting before she encounters the warrior.

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I haven't watched the movies so I can't comment on Anakin any more than what I've been told, but doesn't he go through a period of struggle with the jedi doctrine beforehand? I know his change is sudden too, but I always got the idea that it came from a conflict of philosophy that was already displayed beforehand. I felt like Jaesa suddenly desired power that she hadn't really hinted at wanting before she encounters the warrior.


Well, isn't that part of what "The Clone Wars" series is; the developing schism between Anakin and the Jedi that finally fractures in Episode Three? The Order was ready to execute his Padawan without even investigating the crime of which she was accused and only his disobeying the Council and looking deeper saved her life and found the real traitor. I'd call that a definite source of conflict.



Personally, I always considered DS Jaesa as basically having a mental breakdown and going insane - she grew up surrounded by lie and deceit on Alderaan and thought she escaped it in the Jedi, then she discovers that the man she thought had saved her, the man she thought believed in truth and honesty as much as her was actually one of the biggest liars and manipulators of all, wanting only to use her as his secret weapon in his private little war against his old rival. Add into this that, as a Dark Side Warrior, you've likely killed her parents, her teacher, and three other Jedi she's known, leaving her with no support and no one to turn to... It wouldn't be surprising that she snaps.

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