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Why I want macros, and why it won't ruin the game


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The game is fine like it is, we dont need to be able to one button push to pvp, or to raid etc. thats so lame and I actually was very glad to see this game didnt have macros. macros ruined many MMO's and I hope that Bioware decides to keep the game the way it is , because first of all it is more challenging and you cant be lazy to pvp, raid or whatever. Im sorry but using macros in a already push button game is just lazy.


Thank you so much for actually reading my OP, I'm so glad you saw the part where I specifically said I didn't want to one-button play, and where I specifically said that mind numbing button mashing is boring.


+1 for you.

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Buy a Naga and a G13


Problem solved and you won't have to worry about tons of Trojans in your "Mods"


I hate it when people say this. In order for a trojan to be activated, it has to be opened via .exe, not an extension file.

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1-5 = easy access

Shift+ 1-5 = easy access

Ctrl + 1-5 = easy access

Alt + 1-5 = easy access


That's 20 buttons. You'll be set.


I never have an issue and I play Marauder.


I micromanage my pet, so ctrl 1-5 are taken


I have more:

  1. Assault
  2. Sundering Assault
  3. Backhand
  4. Crushing Blow
  5. Retaliation
  6. Vicious Throw
  7. Smash
  8. Vicious Assault
  9. Ravage
  10. Force Scream
  11. Taunt
  12. Disruption
  13. Saber Ward
  14. Unleash
  15. Invincible
  16. Enrage
  17. Threatening Scream
  18. Force Charge
  19. Force Choke
  20. Force Push
  21. Pommel Strike
  22. Sweeping Slash
  23. Chilling Scream
  24. Savage Kick
  25. Intimidating Roar


Those above are just abilities I use regularly. Others that I like to have on my bars:

  1. Shii-cho Form
  2. Guard
  3. Soresu Form
  4. My mount
  5. Sprint
  6. A medpack
  7. Call on the force
  8. My OOC channel heal
  9. My class buff


Have I gotten past 20 yet? I count 34 abilities that I keep on my bars. You want me to have 34 hotkeys?

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I micromanage my pet, so ctrl 1-5 are taken


I have more:

  1. Assault
  2. Sundering Assault
  3. Backhand
  4. Crushing Blow
  5. Retaliation
  6. Vicious Throw
  7. Smash
  8. Vicious Assault
  9. Ravage
  10. Force Scream
  11. Taunt
  12. Disruption
  13. Saber Ward
  14. Unleash
  15. Invincible
  16. Enrage
  17. Threatening Scream
  18. Force Charge
  19. Force Choke
  20. Force Push
  21. Pommel Strike
  22. Sweeping Slash
  23. Chilling Scream
  24. Savage Kick
  25. Intimidating Roar


Those above are just abilities I use regularly. Others that I like to have on my bars:

  1. Shii-cho Form
  2. Guard
  3. Soresu Form
  4. My mount
  5. Sprint
  6. A medpack
  7. Call on the force
  8. My OOC channel heal
  9. My class buff


Have I gotten past 20 yet? I count 34 abilities that I keep on my bars. You want me to have 34 hotkeys?



You're already awesomesauce if you can manage all that. You don't need macros. We mere mortals don't need them either.

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You're already awesomesauce if you can manage all that. You don't need macros. We mere mortals don't need them either.


I do manage all of that. Inefficiently... some of them I mouse click, for example. Each ability has a role, it gets used when it's time to use it.


Macros make that inefficient management extremely efficient.

Edited by AngryErik
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I do manage all of that. Inefficiently... some of them I mouse click, for example. Each ability has a role, it gets used when it's time to use it.


Macros make that inefficient management extremely efficient.

I had ~46 keybinds on my Warlock :p


I know alot of people in my Guild made extensive use of macros though so I'm definitely all for them.

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I don't want mods.

Everyone's technical capabilities should be the same.

Everyone's information on the screen should be the same.


It's not fair giving people advantages through mods when some people refuse to use anything but official products made by the primary developer and officially, mandatorily added to the game.


I am for macros though because they allow me to add /say and /yell quotes to my abilities, which is nice to have on an RPPvP server.

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I played a Rogue in Rift up to Rank 7, and a Cleric up to rank 6 (before Rank 8 was introduced), and skill is/was still a huge factor.


R8 rogue here. Also had a R8 cleric. I think macros in Rift may be over the top a bit. I've seen macros with 10 abilities on one key. That said, there are still a lot of bads in Rift, so maybe macros really don't make that much of a difference.


All I want in SWTOR is an way to put maybe 2 or 3 of my most used CD's on one key. CD's that I ALWAYS use in order in every encounter. Even if they gave us the ability to tie one CD with one instant cast ability, that would be good enough.

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I don't want mods.

Everyone's technical capabilities should be the same.

Everyone's information on the screen should be the same.


It's not fair giving people advantages through mods when some people refuse to use anything but official products made by the primary developer and officially, mandatorily added to the game.


I am for macros though because they allow me to add /say and /yell quotes to my abilities, which is nice to have on an RPPvP server.



Im with that. Though it would be nice if they could add options like changing the raid ui to something like Squared from Warhammer. That would be nice.

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I don't want mods.

Everyone's technical capabilities should be the same.

Everyone's information on the screen should be the same.


It's not fair giving people advantages through mods when some people refuse to use anything but official products made by the primary developer and officially, mandatorily added to the game.


I am for macros though because they allow me to add /say and /yell quotes to my abilities, which is nice to have on an RPPvP server.


By your logic, it's not fair to give medicine to sick people, because some idiots out there refuse to allow themselves to be treated. Especially when that mistrust is bred by being uninformed.

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First, what I do not want:


One button playing. Did that in Rift, it was fun for a day when I could say "hey lol look I'm playing with one finger". Also tried parachamp while it was OP. Fun for a day.


What I do want:

The ability to cast abilities in sequence, and the ability to have multiple spells castable with the same button, WITH a modifier key (shift/control/alt).


What I am NOT asking for is an intelligent autocast, like Rift. I'm asking for the ability to cast an exact sequence -if one such ability is not ready, the sequence either waits for the ability, or the sequence will not even start.


Why I want this:

I've got an ability in almost every bar on my screen... I don't even have that many hotkeys. A little macro management will go a VERY long way towards cleaning up my interface.


This does not reduce skill requirements, I could easily line up all 3 abilities and hit the hotkeys in order (assuming I mapped them). Just as easily as I could hit the same button 3 times to cast all 3 spells, in fact.


This does not break gameplay, as it will not auto-cast reactives, priority-cast, or take any decision making away from the player.


An example, perhaps, from the perspective of a sith juggernaut:

Force Push, Saber Throw, Force Charge


When do I use this exact rotation? Every time push is off CD. Is it a challenge for me to do? No. I have all 3 buttons lined up, and I press shift+1,shift+2,shift+3.


Perhaps another example?

Force Choke, Pommel Strike, Backhand


Again, not going to break anything. Still pressing a row of hotkeys one after the other.


Ultimately, I just want to clean up my interface, by turning 3+ buttons into one button.


well a bit puzzled here if you are able to just as easily line up 3 spells to cast why do you need the macro to do it?

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A) Macros will help streamline PvP play, therefore making it more competitive and enjoyable.


B) The only people that are against macros are those that do not know how to use them and that are deathly afraid of getting their bums whipped by someone who does.


well the argument can be made that the people who want them for pvp are the ones who can't remember what order to push what keys and are afraid of getting the bums whipped by those who do.

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By your logic, it's not fair to give medicine to sick people, because some idiots out there refuse to allow themselves to be treated. Especially when that mistrust is bred by being uninformed.




This is a multiplayer game.

A multiplayer game with competitive PvP aspects.

A multiplayer game where everyone needs to be equal for balance.


With addons, you force everyone to use ALL EXISTING ADDONS at the same time to be equal with everyone else. That is not okay.


This is absolutely nothing like medical treatment...

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This is a multiplayer game.

A multiplayer game with competitive PvP aspects.

A multiplayer game where everyone needs to be equal for balance.


With addons, you force everyone to use ALL EXISTING ADDONS at the same time to be equal with everyone else. That is not okay.


This is absolutely nothing like medical treatment...


It has everything to do with a person's choice. In my analogy, I chose medicine; idiot people often avoid medicine because they believe that rather than helping them, it will harm them. Others avoid medicine because they believe that it violates some code of ethics (or religion).


In truth, people avoid addons out of principle, or because they feel it is not safe to do so.


Lines up perfectly. In both cases, the problem is not the medicine/addons, the problem is the people who refuse to use them out of some misguided thought process.


Nobody is forced to use all addons. Everyone is given the option of implementing addons to improve their efficiency in areas they believe it is needed. If you had a way to augment yourself in real life, would you? I would. Free buffs, for the taking - all yuo have to do is take them. But you don't want to.

Edited by AngryErik
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there will be macros and mod support. they already stated they want to integrate it sometime soon. nobody reads apparently.


um actually all they haves aid in regards to mods is that they are looking into making the Ui customizable. Somehow that was taken to mean they are going to allow mods.


not a big fan of macros myself and i do not see a real need for them but then i use a naga. However, i see no real harm in them either. I do wonder in regards to macos what effect their deal with razer will have on their implimentation considering the special rezer key board

Edited by Baaddare
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