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    Network Administrator
  1. Yes, I do complain about that. I think it's ridiculous that Tionese, Columi, and Rakata all look the same. I think it's ridiculous that BH, camp, and DG gear all look the same. And Tier 2.2 as you call it is still a new tier. It drops exclusively in the new (and supposedly hard, though I'll reserve my own judgement for when I try it) raid. And yet, for all of my "hard work", I get to pull a mod or an armor out, and throw it in my existing gear. The appearance is disappointing (demonstrates lazy development), but a small thing. I care about the fact that it's at best only an upgrade if I take parts of it out. I have zero desire to get this new gear. Yes it has an extra 5 primary stat on it, yes that makes it an upgrade. But it's a pretty pathetic one.
  2. Having seen most of this patch (gonna try out the new raid later this week) I've gotta say, MY mood is saddened. As for my toon, I'm afraid I can't tell except when I'm zoomed in, and then all I see is the corners of his mouth move - everything else is covered.
  3. I must've missed the better half of a year, as this seems strangely like an April fools joke. This gear is pathetic. It's the same models as the BH/camp gear. It has ****** itemization. It has no purpose. I'd be surprised if it took you more than 5 minutes to recolor, choose the stats, and ship it to us. And those 5 minutes would have been better spent doing... anything really. Why did you even bother? An entire tier of new gear, and when my RL asks if I'm going to roll on something, the first thing I'll end up saying is "meh... I guess." Am I just missing something? Does a real upgrade drop from the new raid, or just tokens for this garbage?
  4. This I know... I'm posting not because it's new, but because it's dumb.
  5. Not really sure that I will, besides not really looking for a response. Just felt the need to QQ.
  6. Is there really any point to having this ability? I got it thinking... hey... I have lots of quests that're going to send me back to Dromund Kas... I should get the priority transport. And every time I use it, the objective in said quests remains "Travel to Dromund Kas". To switch the objective, I then get to quick travel to the spaceport, hop into my ship, fly away, fly back, and carry on as normal. Please, be a little more open-minded in how you trigger your quest objectives. Very frustrating.
  7. That simply reinforces my point. On my server it's usually only about 5 mins on avg for a pop. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter.
  8. The queue pop should indicate that it is in progress, and what the current state of a warzone is. Further, it should give you the option of declining to join without losing your place in the queue. Why? Because I hate sitting in queue for 5 mins, just to have the pleasure of joining a WZ that was lost before I even got in, as a result of some **** who decided not to stick around. A step further, should be to stop looking for replacements under certain conditions (too many people left, score disparity too great, etc). Joining a losing match is detrimental for a few reasons: 1) You may not even have time (and depending on the other players on both sides, the ability altogether) to get your 3 minimum medals; I don't have this problem because I can guard, dps, and steal a KB every now and again, but sometimes when there's a few minutes left, it gets close. 2) You're going to lose. Nothing you can do, nothing you did. All you get to do is either grin and bear it, or you yourself can leave and stick some other poor SOB with a spot on the losing team 3) Matches where there is a big difference in skill should be allowed to die, not kept alive for more and more trash talking. People start insulting each other when they lose, which in turn simply fosters the hostility that makes those matches so unpleasant. In short, I don't want to join a losing match. And I hate losing my place in the queue for it. I don't mind losing, when I contributed to the loss. But to join a lost match... it just sucks.
  9. AngryErik

    Warzone idea

    That was called Alterac Valley... and it felt more like a zerg rush than anything else. I wanted to remove the rush, by not having a "win target". Without any reason to rush, the people who want to wade into the NPCs / Enemy PCs, the people who want to sit back with the ranged NPCs and support, and the people who want to try and out-flank / play with strategy, all that luxury. The large armies simply add flavor - they could have 10k hp for all it mattered. Would keep the players very much aware that they had to occupy each other "while dealing with the NPCs", rather than "wading through corpses while avoiding EPCs".
  10. AngryErik

    Warzone idea

    So, I think we need a more-or-less objective-less warzone. Killing. And lots of it. When I think of an epic battle, I think of two of the cinematics... the invasion of Coruscant, and the occupation of Alderaan. Specifically, the massive battles. In terms of layout, it'd be one of two formats... either voidstarish (two rounds), consisting of one where the pubs attack the occupation army of Alderaan, then the imps attack the Jedi temple. Or, just one side. To make it interesting and exciting, give each side an army - a massive one (NPCs affected by expertise, of course). Droids, Sith/Jedi, infantry, the works. While impossible to implement with any level of intelligence, army tactics would be cool. Not really feasible, but cool. Perhaps for extra flavor, add a few artillery batteries at the back (with or without limited ammo). In terms of objectives, it's simple. Kill. You get 3-5 respawns, and then you're done, it's off to an observer mode, or locked in a cage as a POW. Ultimately, the team left standing (or if time runs out, the team with the bigger army) is the winner. The warzone would be one such where the players can take the vanguard (run in ahead of their army), support the midguard, and/or act as rearguard to protect the army's flanks. What do you guys think? Anyone already suggest something like this?
  11. Drops from Lost Island... could anyone who has gotten this relic tell me if this procs off of self heals? Asking from an assassin tank perspective, for things like dark charge and harnessed darkness. Could be an excellent addition for me, since the defensive trinkets share cooldowns.
  12. You are over-analyzing it. The gross revenue that they are guaranteed to lose is 30 days worth of subscription fees, for all of the people that they gave the month to. All of their other costs, all of their previous revenue, all of their cash surplus, are all irrelevant to the point at hand - they're providing their service free for a month. You're quite right, if you were analyzing their financial statements as a whole... if you were thinking about them from an operating standpoint. But this isn't an operating standpoint, it's a simple snapshot in time. You speak of deferred revenue, well what about this deferred revenue that they're writing down as a loss? It has a real monetary value.
  13. On the contrary, I'd get a statue of him (if I lived in the US at least, bastards) just so that I could push him off of things.
  14. THANK YOU, for making it possible to modify the interface. One last request, and I'll be happy (with my interface)... separate the buff/debuff bar(s) from the player portrait.
  15. Don't be shocked, this is far from the first and will be far from the last time they do that to us.
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