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Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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What are you people talking about?


Are you people deluded or something?


An MMO released in Anno Domini 2011 (almost 2012) NEEDS to have fleshed out end-game ON RELEASE.


It's completely unacceptable to NOT have adequate end-game on release in a contemporary MMO.


Age of Conan is a perfect example of what happens when you don't have adequate end-game on release.




there is endgame content. heroic flash points, 2 raids(one of which his expanding very soon) with multiple difficulties, warzones, ilum.


he just can't wait a week or so until the other 40s level up to play with him and the few 50s that are already there

Edited by VoidSpectre
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I really don't understand all the hate on this game. It hasn't even been out for 2 weeks yet.. It took Blizzard years to fix some of the bugs they had, and WoW's beta was terrible. Blood Elves had floating weapons after BC hit and it took them months to fix it. I also don't understand why people feel the need to post that they are quitting. Complaining and acting like a child won't fix the game any faster and no one will miss you when you leave. If you don't like the game then don't play it, myself and many others enjoy the game and are tired to loggin onto the forums and seeing "lol i paid for CE and my opinions are better than yours"

If you hate it then just leave, and I promise not a single person will ever miss you.


And this kind of attitude is exactly what will cause this game to go the way of Age of Conan.

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Heres what i got to say about this... First you rushed to max level possibly pvped all the way there (Most people who got to 50 with in 3 days did this) Skipped most of your quests which there goes one of the fun parts. Skipped all the flash points which i did aswell but i didn't rush through my class quests. Personally to me the the storyline is the thing that makes leveling alot more fun i mean **** i got my Guardian to level 40 and im not bored im still going because im enjoying the story. I took my sweet time to level him and i would do it again. Yes there are some places that are a pain in the *** but i made it to 40 with out skipping my storyline. THe thing that bugs me is when people RUSH to level cap and then complain on the forums that "We are bored!" It get's annoying.


Now i have typed enough and i know someone is gonna complain to me and heres what i got to say about that:


Shut up. I love the game. Don't like it go play a different mmo. =)



Edited by WolfBlackheart
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I don't think telling people to have patience in a subscription based game, is really the way forward. Many people will take the view that "they can have my money when they start delivering content". There are only just over 20 days left until we have to stump up more cash, I suspect if nothing is announced by then people will cancel.


Regarding levelling to 50 'so fast', I think some people underestimate how easy this game is to xp. Hitting 50 right now isn't needing some epic overnight power-levelling stint, casual people are hitting 50 already, this isn't a problem in itself, but when there is little to do at 50 it becomes one. Many people who are now 50, have played the game properly (i.e. not skipping cut scenes) at a reasonable pace, this is not just one or two jobless, hardcore people hitting 50, there are hundreds of us.


I see the OPs point. I enjoy this game, I hope it just doesn't follow the route WAR, Rift, Aion etc took. It's easy to sell boxes, but keeping subs needs work :)

Edited by Soazak
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I really don't understand all the hate on this game. It hasn't even been out for 2 weeks yet.. It took Blizzard years to fix some of the bugs they had, and WoW's beta was terrible. Blood Elves had floating weapons after BC hit and it took them months to fix it. I also don't understand why people feel the need to post that they are quitting. Complaining and acting like a child won't fix the game any faster and no one will miss you when you leave. If you don't like the game then don't play it, myself and many others enjoy the game and are tired to loggin onto the forums and seeing "lol i paid for CE and my opinions are better than yours"

If you hate it then just leave, and I promise not a single person will ever miss you.


The only hate I see is from fanboys. People are complaining and you see every little guy appearing not to help or even acknowledge a problem but to flame the person that complains. There is not freedom of speech here. That reminds me of North Korea we see on the news. People crying because they make them to! We have to cheer because the minority here wants us to cheer.


I want to play the game I pay for and not having to deal with every little man here, that instead of posting to help a problem, harass the others. I really cannot understand why moderators allow this. You, "supporter", feel the game is perfect or at least better than competition? Good for you. I will never tell you that you are an idiot for it. But likewise you do not have the right to harass me if I do not agree. You cannot tell me how fast to level or "go back to wow" since I have paid for this.


Actually even if i hadn't paid you cannot tell me how to play. If the game allows it and it is not an exploit then is MEANT to be played that way AS WELL. If it didn't , they wouldn't have allowed it. This argument about "you knew you had to see all cut scenes" is at least hilarious. Let people post here lest they get an answer some day on their concerns. Do not pollute the threads this way. You are not official representatives for **** sake. Help others to like the game like you do. And if you do not want to do it, just stay silent. Like anyone cares when or where you stop reading the OP. Or if you know what MMO is. Please.

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Bioware should know that not having a robust endgame ready to go has killed several games. So yeah, two weeks after release it should exist.


Lack of other level 50s to play endgame with != lack of endgame.


I mean, people have barely even begun to do level 50 group/raid content, if there are so few level 50s as to complain about it.

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I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.


I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in Illum.


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.


Enjoy your Pokemon land. Have fun.

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The only hate I see is from fanboys. People are complaining and you see every little guy appearing not to help or even acknowledge a problem but to flame the person that complains. There is not freedom of speech here. That reminds me of North Korea we see on the news. People crying because they make them to! We have to cheer because the minority here wants us to cheer.


I want to play the game I pay for and not having to deal with every little man here, that instead of posting to help a problem, harass the others. I really cannot understand why moderators allow this. You, "supporter", feel the game is perfect or at least better than competition? Good for you. I will never tell you that you are an idiot for it. But likewise you do not have the right to harass me if I do not agree. You cannot tell me how fast to level or "go back to wow" since I have paid for this.


Actually even if i hadn't paid you cannot tell me how to play. If the game allows it and it is not an exploit then is MEANT to be played that way AS WELL. If it didn't , they wouldn't have allowed it. This argument about "you knew you had to see all cut scenes" is at least hilarious. Let people post here lest they get an answer some day on their concerns. Do not pollute the threads this way. You are not official representatives for **** sake. Help others to like the game like you do. And if you do not want to do it, just stay silent. Like anyone cares when or where you stop reading the OP. Or if you know what MMO is. Please.


My friend....... *Claps* Well said. I respect this.

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The only hate I see is from fanboys. People are complaining and you see every little guy appearing not to help or even acknowledge a problem but to flame the person that complains. There is not freedom of speech here. That reminds me of North Korea we see on the news. People crying because they make them to! We have to cheer because the minority here wants us to cheer.


I want to play the game I pay for and not having to deal with every little man here, that instead of posting to help a problem, harass the others. I really cannot understand why moderators allow this. You, "supporter", feel the game is perfect or at least better than competition? Good for you. I will never tell you that you are an idiot for it. But likewise you do not have the right to harass me if I do not agree. You cannot tell me how fast to level or "go back to wow" since I have paid for this.


Actually even if i hadn't paid you cannot tell me how to play. If the game allows it and it is not an exploit then is MEANT to be played that way AS WELL. If it didn't , they wouldn't have allowed it. This argument about "you knew you had to see all cut scenes" is at least hilarious. Let people post here lest they get an answer some day on their concerns. Do not pollute the threads this way. You are not official representatives for **** sake. Help others to like the game like you do. And if you do not want to do it, just stay silent. Like anyone cares when or where you stop reading the OP. Or if you know what MMO is. Please.

Never said this game was perfect. All I'm saying is that if you rush through the game and complain that there is nothing to do maybe it's not the games fault. I know that it doesn't have an end game yet but it's not even 2 weeks old. So if you want to rush to max level then by all means do it. I will never tell you that you are an idiot for rushing through a story intensive game.

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Im here to say SWTOR is awesome. That is all. I won't be going back to WoW. But take a look back on levelling in this game and tell me u didnt have fun. Even if the game does end the moment u hit 50 and there is no endgame, I can honestly say it was worth the cost of the SE.
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The only hate I see is from fanboys. People are complaining and you see every little guy appearing not to help or even acknowledge a problem but to flame the person that complains. There is not freedom of speech here. That reminds me of North Korea we see on the news. People crying because they make them to! We have to cheer because the minority here wants us to cheer.


I want to play the game I pay for and not having to deal with every little man here, that instead of posting to help a problem, harass the others. I really cannot understand why moderators allow this. You, "supporter", feel the game is perfect or at least better than competition? Good for you. I will never tell you that you are an idiot for it. But likewise you do not have the right to harass me if I do not agree. You cannot tell me how fast to level or "go back to wow" since I have paid for this.


Actually even if i hadn't paid you cannot tell me how to play. If the game allows it and it is not an exploit then is MEANT to be played that way AS WELL. If it didn't , they wouldn't have allowed it. This argument about "you knew you had to see all cut scenes" is at least hilarious. Let people post here lest they get an answer some day on their concerns. Do not pollute the threads this way. You are not official representatives for **** sake. Help others to like the game like you do. And if you do not want to do it, just stay silent. Like anyone cares when or where you stop reading the OP. Or if you know what MMO is. Please.


Here is the thing though.


Take it to the suggestion forums.


SR said many times that they go through things there. Complaining here about why the game has no this or that does little help. And saying that the game will fail or how you are going back to WoW does nothing at all.


Most of the people that have complaints should really take it to the suggestions forums.

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The only hate I see is from fanboys. People are complaining and you see every little guy appearing not to help or even acknowledge a problem but to flame the person that complains. There is not freedom of speech here. That reminds me of North Korea we see on the news. People crying because they make them to! We have to cheer because the minority here wants us to cheer.


I want to play the game I pay for and not having to deal with every little man here, that instead of posting to help a problem, harass the others. I really cannot understand why moderators allow this. You, "supporter", feel the game is perfect or at least better than competition? Good for you. I will never tell you that you are an idiot for it. But likewise you do not have the right to harass me if I do not agree. You cannot tell me how fast to level or "go back to wow" since I have paid for this.


Actually even if i hadn't paid you cannot tell me how to play. If the game allows it and it is not an exploit then is MEANT to be played that way AS WELL. If it didn't , they wouldn't have allowed it. This argument about "you knew you had to see all cut scenes" is at least hilarious. Let people post here lest they get an answer some day on their concerns. Do not pollute the threads this way. You are not official representatives for **** sake. Help others to like the game like you do. And if you do not want to do it, just stay silent. Like anyone cares when or where you stop reading the OP. Or if you know what MMO is. Please.


This is good written and I see it the same, but also you must see that the majority of "whine-posts" you see with top-hits on the first forum pages are usualy "IT WILL FAIL" "THE DOWNFALL OF SWTOR" or start with "I PREDICT..".

Such posts are usualy nothing more but a pointless rant and also not a constructive approach to sharing your experienced motivations/demotivations/bugs with others, when you go along the line "the game is crap and actualy all I do is trying to sell that opinion

in an attempt to cloak it behind "objective" facts which all others see the same" etc.


The OP has a point somewhere between the lines, but still I think the fact remains that we bought the product in the state it is now, which means we agreed to it being in a playable state.

Which it also is for many and for many not surely, but if you then think stuff could be different or ironed out, its not your call when they will do it, what they will do or how they will do it.


If you dont like it, quit. If thats the way to go for EA/BW to keep customers in a long relationship is ofc another story, but really, a few weeks should pass before one makes Downfall assumptions or says he has nothing to do or encounters bugs..even if 100 games did certain things "better" before, doesnt mean you have to do it the same way at launch and if **** appears, give it 3 month til they got a picture of the whole, as from that 100 games also not 2 will be 100% identical by mechanics behind the scenes.


This all is my opinion and meant mostly generaly not 100% related to the OP or you, just came to it as I read your post and the OP and some reactions.


In the end, the "Swtor defenders" and the "attackers" often cross the line of good behavior in comunication and good facts get drowned in the chorus of both factions.

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Wait a minute, do you mean that this is a place to discuss the game, instead of venting over ridiculous issues and unrealistic expectations?


Some folks have legit gripes. But when they state it like this...


"Wow, this game...I mean no target of target?!?! what a fail game, (Enter MMO here) has this feature why not this game? This game will fail in 6 months."


Then I don't know what they are expecting.

Edited by Crash-X
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Here is the thing though.


Take it to the suggestion forums.


SR said many times that they go through things there. Complaining here about why the game has no this or that does little help. And saying that the game will fail or how you are going back to WoW does nothing at all.


Most of the people that have complaints should really take it to the suggestions forums.


Does little help? Now tell me. How do you help? Being silent while there are problems is not help as well, you know. And it is not my job to suggest. But my right is to say "hey I have a problem here. please fix it". I don't have to have a suggestion for every problem in this game. Or better, I have. Fix it!


I am not here as a prophet. But as a paying customer that has complains. I want this to succeed for competition sake. I do not care a bit about BW. I am not a shareholder. I just want my money to buy what I am promised.

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Does little help? Now tell me. How do you help? Being silent while there are problems is not help as well, you know. And it is not my job to suggest. But my right is to say "hey I have a problem here. please fix it". I don't have to have a suggestion for every problem in this game. Or better, I have. Fix it!


I am not here as a prophet. But as a paying customer that has complains. I want this to succeed for competition sake. I do not care a bit about BW. I am not a shareholder. I just want my money to buy what I am promised.


Where in my post did I say to be silent?


The problem with these posts is exactly how MrBonez explains it. A lot of these threads are not constructive, they are people trying to sell their opinions and predicting doom for the game.

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Some folks have legit gripes. But when they state it like this...


"Wow, this game...I mean no target of target?!?! what a fail game, (Enter MMO here) has this feature why not this game? This game will fail in 6 months."


Then I don't know what they are expecting.


Really, first of all, at last a person with decent tone here. But come on. You mean that you did not expect a combat log for instance? Really. Do you feel that is a luxury? How can you tune your game without one? By just feeling?


Target of target is that another luxury? Of course you can play the game without it. You can even play it with no items. The game could have had the same items just scale with level. But of course no one would do that.


What I mean is, that I understand that for everyone "must have" has a different meaning, but I feel in here while people know that some features are more than nice to have, they still decide to flame just because (for some reason) they desperately need this game to succeed and cannot put up with criticism.

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Where in my post did I say to be silent?


The problem with these posts is exactly how MrBonez explains it. A lot of these threads are not constructive, they are people trying to sell their opinions and predicting doom for the game.


Look at the other thread where someone did a SMALL list of problems. Look there at the reactions. You cannot feel that people are acting civilized in here.

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