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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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heres what you do.. DO ALL the heroics... flash-points.. quest you DIDN'T do.. find all the datacrons.. hang out with some people.. and say you need end-game.. they weren't planning on people power-leveling through the content and endgame stuff will come later... they never really tested endgame content in game testing only a bit.. and some end game content couldn't make it for release..


Datacron hunting is the best part, I love hunting them down!

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People have the same problem in WoW with every expansion. They hit max level in a couple of days then complain they have nothing to do, because the majority of players haven't caught up yet.


LOL this isn't true at ALL. Where'd you get this idea? I was pugging Naxxramas 25 man the week WotLK hit. Sure, all my guildies weren't caught up to me but there were HUNDREDS of level 80s the DAY WotLK came out.

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LOL this isn't true at ALL. Where'd you get this idea? I was pugging Naxxramas 25 man the week WotLK hit. Sure, all my guildies weren't caught up to me but there were HUNDREDS of level 80s the DAY WotLK came out.


Not on every server, not even close.

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Basically, this.


You're unsubbing because you "Took your time" getting to 50 this fast(lol) and you can't do endgame yet because your guild hasn't caught up? Sounds like a "You" problem.


You don't want to do FP's to gear up instead of going balls deep into raids? Sounds like a "you" problem.


Please, go back to WoW.


P.S. - *********** LOL at people who "I BOUGHT THE CE AND MY OPINION MEANS MORE" - Why? Because you have an art book? rofl.


I almost flipped my chair when i started laughing at this. Because of you sir I ALMOST DIED!:)

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I have to say, you obviously missed something.


I am a hardcore 'grinder', and pride myself on a fast grind. There is so much more to this game than going to level 50, I can't imagine getting through it all in less than 2-3 months at minimum.


First of all, there's gearing up companions with orange/modded gear. That alone would probably take a month. Then there's going back and doing all the high end quests on every planet-- they unlock as you level up.


What about crafting? Have you unlocked every purple version of every recipe or the Exceptional versions? I know I haven't even scratched the surface there. What about all the holocron arcs? Have you done those? I haven't even begun those yet.


No alts? every story is different with different paths to endgame. I daresay you could run 3 toons, all Inquisitors and have three different choices, and that's not even running one as light and the other dark. Each story decision takes you on different mission arcs.


I'm sorry you are missing out-- this is not a traditional 'get to 50 and raid' kind of game. It's more about community and story, and also making your own way and reputation in the 'ever changing universe'.


The game has flaws sure, but not enough content? Hardly.

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I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.


I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in Illum.


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.


Why are you telling us this??? We don't care!!

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well maybe you went too fast. They will be new content in time this always happens i think with new MMOs people hit the cap then they find oh what are we going to do next?


I have played 20+ hours so far and only on level 15 if i can reach level 50 (first time i would do so in a MMO) i actually would be pretty happy as it ment the game held my attention long enough to want to go to the cap . they'll be new content in the end. the problem with MMOs is honestly that is the case. But to me i think it would be a fun journey...

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I have to say, you obviously missed something.


I am a hardcore 'grinder', and pride myself on a fast grind. There is so much more to this game than going to level 50, I can't imagine getting through it all in less than 2-3 months at minimum.


First of all, there's gearing up companions with orange/modded gear. That alone would probably take a month. Then there's going back and doing all the high end quests on every planet-- they unlock as you level up.


What about crafting? Have you unlocked every purple version of every recipe or the Exceptional versions? I know I haven't even scratched the surface there. What about all the holocron arcs? Have you done those? I haven't even begun those yet.


No alts? every story is different with different paths to endgame. I daresay you could run 3 toons, all Inquisitors and have three different choices, and that's not even running one as light and the other dark. Each story decision takes you on different mission arcs.


I'm sorry you are missing out-- this is not a traditional 'get to 50 and raid' kind of game. It's more about community and story, and also making your own way and reputation in the 'ever changing universe'.


The game has flaws sure, but not enough content? Hardly.


Thank you. Just thank you.

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P.S. - *********** LOL at people who "I BOUGHT THE CE AND MY OPINION MEANS MORE" - Why? Because you have an art book? rofl.


Nah, it's the statue not the artbook that gives us CE players the extra cred. That statue speaks to us. Teaches us the way of the dark side. It's how people level so fast.

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Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome.



I don't know if I should cry for you or ROFLMAO...


It's already been said but, ctrl-u-u

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Why is it that the only thing that matters in MMOs is endgame raids? .... why EVER play a new mmo then?.


Yes, stick with WoW, I dont know what possessed you to play a new mmo... if all you like doing is logging in, bragging about your DPS/Healing metres then logging out after doing the same thing for 7 years.


Raiding is overated. I like it but geez, would never play a game just to sit and kill a scripted boss over and over.


I so agree, I hope bioware doesnt make this a major raiding game. I enjoy raiding but hope they get creative and give many different things to do at endgame.

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Well you must suck at wow if your still working on the raid content there, most people my self included have cleared DS normal mode the night it came out or that same week and heroic mode has been cleared already.


Guess thats good progression and Pro raiding when the content that is supposed to hold you to the next expansion is done in a month lol.


Have fun afking in sw and running LFR/DS for the next year lol.

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I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


Did it ever occur to you that you could help your guildies in getting to 50? that way you can speed things up and start raiding earlier.

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Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome.


You should be able to re-set this by logging out to the character selection screen without exiting and going back in a que and for the party chat, it re-sets if you leave and re-join the group. Done this many times as I've had this problem a lot too.


As for the rest of the post, doesn't make much sense that you pre-ordered a game and rushed to reach level 50 if your biggest priority in the game is end-game raids....which obviously require a lot of other max level players to be around. Unless you had plans with your guildmates to all power level right away.

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