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Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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Why is it that the only thing that matters in MMOs is endgame raids? .... why EVER play a new mmo then?.


Yes, stick with WoW, I dont know what possessed you to play a new mmo... if all you like doing is logging in, bragging about your DPS/Healing metres then logging out after doing the same thing for 7 years.


Raiding is overated. I like it but geez, would never play a game just to sit and kill a scripted boss over and over.


Don't you know? All current Mmorpgs have to be designed for players that take time off work so they can shift their behinds between the computer chair and the couch (for a quick 3-4 hr nap) for a week straight. :rolleyes:

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Imagine that.


2 weeks after release and there isnt anything to do at level 50 with you and the other 10 level 50s.


More at 11.


Its a pity they couldn't have developed meaningful content for those people then isn't it? Thats money walking out their door however you look at it, it's simply poor game design.


Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to get to level 50 and suddenly there was some well thought out meaningful game design in place that would keep a solo person content for weeks. Then you would have level 50s singing the games praises rather than quitting.


If developers cannot think of anything to keep players entranced in their game (especially when it is an MMO asking you to pay $15 to continue playing) then that game developer is going to struggle. I have put more played hours into Skyrim (145h) than I have this game about (60-70h) and I am already bored of it - and they are asking for $15 per month. Extremely poor design for a game with the budget they reportedly had and the development time they had.


Now, back to Skyrim.

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Its a pity they couldn't have developed meaningful content for those people then isn't it? Thats money walking out their door however you look at it, it's simply poor game design.


Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to get to level 50 and suddenly there was some well thought out meaningful game design in place that would keep a solo person content for weeks. Then you would have level 50s singing the games praises rather than quitting.


If developers cannot think of anything to keep players entranced in their game (especially when it is an MMO asking you to pay $15 to continue playing) then that game developer is going to struggle. I have put more played hours into Skyrim (145h) than I have this game about (60-70h) and I am already bored of it - and they are asking for $15 per month. Extremely poor design for a game with the budget they reportedly had and the development time they had.


Now, back to Skyrim.



So basically you want another couple dozen hours of questing with VO that you can power through just like 1-50 so you can complain AGAIN that there isnt any content at 50?


Stay in the world of Tamriel

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lol you tihnk that


A. that wow didn't have bug that went resolved for weeks or months when it first came out...I bet you started playing wow in wotlk didn't ya?


B. you paid for a collectors edition so your opinion means more? ok yeah you should just go back to wow have fun playing with ling-ling and sun-sun.

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Its a pity they couldn't have developed meaningful content for those people then isn't it? Thats money walking out their door however you look at it, it's simply poor game design.


Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to get to level 50 and suddenly there was some well thought out meaningful game design in place that would keep a solo person content for weeks. Then you would have level 50s singing the games praises rather than quitting.


If developers cannot think of anything to keep players entranced in their game (especially when it is an MMO asking you to pay $15 to continue playing) then that game developer is going to struggle. I have put more played hours into Skyrim (145h) than I have this game about (60-70h) and I am already bored of it - and they are asking for $15 per month. Extremely poor design for a game with the budget they reportedly had and the development time they had.


Now, back to Skyrim.


Well, I think that's simply a matter of differing opinion. I'm not level 50, I'm taking a slow time of things, and I'm not bored whatsoever. I don't mind the game design, I don't mind the small bugs I run into, and during EGA, I was on Taris duing that awful awful lag, but haven't noticed anymore issues like that ever since. I have no problem paying 15 per month, as long as I enjoy the game, and since I enjoy the game, I'll keep playing.


Of course, it can be completely different for someone else, like you for example. And if you're not enjoying the game, or having fun, or you just don't like it, then you shouldn't be paying 15 per month, and that's perfectly fine. It's different for different people. However, keep in mind that your feelings on the design are your opinion, just like my opinion on the game is my own. When I hit 50, I'll re-roll a new character, or I'll do areas I hadn't done yet, but if all is said and done, I'll pass the time until they have new releases. And weren't they talking about a new flashpoint and something else coming up soon? I don't know the full details, saw a few sentences about it, but it seems to me that they are adding extra stuff for those who have hit the max.

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So basically you want another couple dozen hours of questing with VO that you can power through just like 1-50 so you can complain AGAIN that there isnt any content at 50?


Stay in the world of Tamriel


If they cannot think of any game design to keep players playing their game then that is their problem and will eventually be your problem. I didn't say anything at all about just adding more quests. Developers need to think outside the square to keep people playing, its what they're paid to do. Get creative, don't get angry.

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It's really funny to see what people expect of game developers. To be honest, compared to most of the stuff that needs a day-1 patch to actually run, SWTOR is working like a charm. Especially if you consider the lots of contents it has (had WoW that much more to offer on launch?) to offer, so much rather untested in the beta, and yet, I didn't have any gamebreaking bugs so far. Sure, there might be this one or other known issue, and some things are a bit edgy, but I'm pretty sure BW will address this. They even promised some more content, basically coming January, that's some nice speed.


When people say they took it slowly and are already level 50 my now.. You're doing it wrong. I'm almost 40 and got a bit over 2 days of playtime already. I'm enjoying a lot of quests, explore stuff, enjoy the story.. You really must've rushed through, fast-skipping through all the dialogues. But yeah, there you are, alone, bored as ****. You win?

One may say you are an addict, and now you expect OTHERS to fix YOUR problems within days? It's pretty easy just demanding.

Enjoy your panda land (do you have to pay for more brain-afk gameplay and kinderkarten-content again?), you won't be missed here.

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Basically, this.


You're unsubbing because you "Took your time" getting to 50 this fast(lol) and you can't do endgame yet because your guild hasn't caught up? Sounds like a "You" problem.


You don't want to do FP's to gear up instead of going balls deep into raids? Sounds like a "you" problem.


Please, go back to WoW.


P.S. - *********** LOL at people who "I BOUGHT THE CE AND MY OPINION MEANS MORE" - Why? Because you have an art book? rofl.[/QUOTE]


Coming from a CE owner, it is sad to see this.


BTW it doesnt come with an art book, you buy the seprately




You're right. Taking your time? Really? It seems like you rushed it just to have bragging rights and i got the CE to so CE doesn't mean crap because it doesn't mean your the holy god of SWTOR and plus this is a new game and they didn't really except anyone to rush this game because they wanted everyone to enjoy playing this game and having a good time with friends, not rushing to end game, which i think is not how to play a game. I think that playing a game means you ACTUALLY take time to play the game and doing missions/ quests with friends and doing heroics and flash points with friends and guild mates. But i guess that what playing a game is something different to everyone which I know is reality and i don't expect to be just like me, which was never my goal but really I'm saying this because of what my guild is doing and talking about. So i hope this doesn't piss off the owner of this thread.

Edited by Lanstus
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heres what you do.. DO ALL the heroics... flash-points.. quest you DIDN'T do.. find all the datacrons.. hang out with some people.. and say you need end-game.. they weren't planning on people power-leveling through the content and endgame stuff will come later... they never really tested endgame content in game testing only a bit.. and some end game content couldn't make it for release..
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Really, I mean the game some time before you start getting angry at it. Bugs are always going to ba a problem, especially since it's only been 9 days after launch. As for you buying the CE, it doesnt matter we are all paying your opinion is not worth because of it.
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Why is it that the only thing that matters in MMOs is endgame raids? .... why EVER play a new mmo then?.


Yes, stick with WoW, I dont know what possessed you to play a new mmo... if all you like doing is logging in, bragging about your DPS/Healing metres then logging out after doing the same thing for 7 years.


Raiding is overated. I like it but geez, would never play a game just to sit and kill a scripted boss over and over.


End game, by default, is a good 80% or more of the game. I've spent at least 95% of the time on my WoW main, a warrior, at level cap. Not the same cap over the years of course, but at the current level cap. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Leveling and questing is fun, but going with 25 people and killing a massive boss that kept the guild stumped for a couple weeks is a fantastic feeling that no other genre of game can provide.


I'm still leveling, but if the endgame in ToR is lacking then I will quit until it is not. In a heartbeat. I still have my WoW sub paid for, and I don't plan on cancelling WoW for ToR yet. It will definitely be cancelling ToR for WoW until things shape up better.

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Pre-ordering CE somehow gives you more weight with your opinion? The only difference between a whiny CE-buyer and a whiny SE-buyer is that the CE-buyer is out more money. I highly doubt that Bioware twisted your arm and made you buy CE by force.


My husband pre-ordered CE, but that was before he discovered that he would be deploying to Afghanistan before Early Game Access. So, I don't really care about your problems, OP. CE is only more expensive due to the fluffy extras, like the statue, the art book, the soundtrack, etc. If all you cared about was the game, then you should have just bought Standard Edition. And I would tell my husband the exact same thing if he shared your opinion, but something tells me that he wouldn't share your opinion, because he's played multiple MMOs, a few at launch, and I suspect he'd tell you, all the way from Afghanistan, to stop with the QQing after 9 days of official launch time because you lack any sort of patience whatsoever.


Quoted for emphasis the size and weight of a small planet.


Patience is a virtue, but alas, such a rare commodity.


<tips hat>

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even as a player who loves to raid this kinda behavior is appalling.


What you should be doing at 50 is meeting people exploring the collectibles of this game. datacron's permanently increase stats. as a "hardcore" raider those should be like a gold mine to you.


however your statements. reek of someone who wants to join an epic guild from the git go with very little work do your mediocre dps get loot and claim your an epic raider.


this post only affirms my believe the internet is for 3 things.


Trolls. **** . Stalkers.

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End game, by default, is a good 80% or more of the game. I've spent at least 95% of the time on my WoW main, a warrior, at level cap. Not the same cap over the years of course, but at the current level cap. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Leveling and questing is fun, but going with 25 people and killing a massive boss that kept the guild stumped for a couple weeks is a fantastic feeling that no other genre of game can provide.


I'm still leveling, but if the endgame in ToR is lacking then I will quit until it is not. In a heartbeat. I still have my WoW sub paid for, and I don't plan on cancelling WoW for ToR yet. It will definitely be cancelling ToR for WoW until things shape up better.



Well I guess that's fair. But it depends on when you get to end game because they'll have problems with it right now and that it won't be perfect but unsubbing at least right now cause of end game is pure stupid. But i guess end game is goal for all but i think people want to take time with friends and level together but everyone has different views of gaming which I can't hold against someone else.

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I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month..



Find a new guild that matches your leveling speed. Do you really think it's bioware's fault that your guild hasn't got enough people at 50 yet?

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Lol game officially launched 9 days ago and he wants the world. Me personally, I'm fine with all the problems, and I have faith in BW to eventually fix them. I'll stick around cause:


-Played WoW for 7 years, and I'm bored as **** with the game.


-This is Star Wars!

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I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.


I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in Illum.


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.


Why didnt I do this with WoW when I quit. Post a pointless thread about my reasons. Hmmmmmm


OP - You are obviously new to the MMO genre, Because if you knew MMOs. You should know content takes time. You should know this is a birth MMO, so end game content will be lacking. Oh and the bugs, again, its a birth MMO.. These will get fixed.

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honestly the ingame needs work regardless of how many lvl 50s u have on the server. I hit 50 about 3 or 4 days ago and frankly its lacking.. Its quite boring. I pretty much login do my pvp dailies and then log out. Ilum dailies arent worth the trouble unless you have a group. But ya know who cares, i started a BH and im lvl 30. End game is lame so what give it some time and quit whining. Edited by DarthPravus
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