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Hit 50 sitting in WoW


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Nope, not at all. Developing content for a very small minority of players is never a good business decision. It is not Bioware's fault that he couldn't slow down and enjoy the game the way it was meant to be enjoyed and not played as "generic MMO #58."


I'm sorry you feel entitled, but that is your problem, not Bioware's. Enjoy Skyrim. We will not miss you here.


No MMORPG ever created has been able to create content fast enough for that demographic. Which is why the complaint is sooooo commonplace and you see it days after every single MMO ever launches.


Even the OP's beloved WoW doesn't put out content fast enough. And never has.

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Holiday weekend for 1.


2 so leveled to 50 in less than 3 weeks, get a life!


3 your a funny guy don't need your kind here.


4 never seen a perfect MMO at launch month!


5 enjoy your time at wow and don't come back you no faith loser!

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I don't know what he's talking about with having nothing to do. I just hit 50 yesterday, but.. I'm already doing the daily quests for epic mods (that are better than craftable) getting my companions orange gear to mod up with said epic mods, warzones for pvp gear.. eventually I'll start making datacron searches... getting my crafting completed.. if I get bored I can hunt down all the lore objects. But honestly, there's so much to do if you want to be truly hardcore. My money is that OP is just a poseur, pretending to be hardcore.


As for his lack of ability to see chat, I just recently fixed my own version of that problem, and trust me. It is a pain. ctrl-u-u doesn't work for those who have made the suggestion.


Still, this is not the only extremely problematic bug and based on the fact they are asking for more information (see customer service thread), I would guess they haven't been able to hunt down the cause yet, and so can't begin working on a fix. Once they can I'm sure it will be fixed. Two weeks is still super green in MMO lifetime.

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@OP: When i hit 50, i'm going to put my 50'ness up for hire.

people can pay me to help them through hard FP's or Quests :)

I am going to be the richeststst Bounty Hunter on my server.. MUWHAHAHA


Seriously though.... start another char, run through the other storylines... they are great. by the time you have done 2-3 of them, you're guild/friends will have aught up for sure :)


And the rest of you.. stop pissing on people with to much free time on their hands!!.. its not their fault ... i hope :D

Edited by Guarrand
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It is 1986 ... you have just purchased Jet Set Willy for your C64. You load it up ... (you have time to make a few cups of tea in the meantime) ...


tick tock ... tick tock ...


... its loads! HURRAH!


You start playing ... Hmmm .... Hmmm.


You grow impatient. Its hard ... and quite time consuming.


You want to see "the end" of the game, but want to find a quicker way of doing it.


You decide to look through your latest edition of Zzzap64 Magazine, because you remember seeing a cheat in there that gives infinite lives! That will sure speed up the game a little? Yes of course it will!


It does .. You finish it ... you realise that perhaps speeding to reach the end wasn't the purpose of the game after all. It was about the trip to the end as much as the end itself :)


You cannot really claim to have enjoyed the game, because it wasn't a challenge to you. You cannot even remember the parts of the game that were particularly rewarding, because you just steamed through them.


You think that perhaps flicking through Zzzap64 kinda spoiled the game a little for you.


Speed levelling through an MMO on release is the modern day equivalent of the above.

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So, you're upset because you don't have enough people to play at top lvl in the first week and you don't want to roll a new char, that plays completely different from your current one, specially if you roll in the opposite faction.


Not the brightest of the whines, is it?

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Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Press G, Sort by Members, CTRL U, CTRL U again.. problem solved.



Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time. This very rarely happens to me and 80% seems a little over the top. I'm pretty sure you're exaggerating this number.




Game has been out for two weeks and your complaining about bugs not being addressed? HAH!

Edited by murkin
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i do agree that the patching is taking them very very long. it should be possible to roll out at least one patch with minor fixes each day. i still feel they have not enough manpower in all sections.


just look at todays patch...thats all they achieved the last days?


besides that i am enjyoing the game...and luckily i still have time until my inquisitor sorcerer and BH marauder hit their end...dont want to run into the bug in the end. funny i took both classes that have their questline bugged.

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I paid for the collector's edition, the art book, and the strategy guide so I feel I deserve to make 1 thread about how I feel.


I hit 50, took my time doing it and now I am sitting at the end game. Alot of people are not 50 yet in my guild so experiencing raiding is going to have to wait about a month.


The dalies are okay but not enough to keep you busy.


I am not re rolling a new character.


Between all the bugs I have such as not being able to see guild or party chat without exiting the game and then going back into a que line of 200 just to fix the problem is not very awesome. Insta que warzone pops send you to the character selection screen 80% of the time.


Honestly the game is fun, but the end game is what I am about as I love to raid and get loot and have a 4 days a week schedule to dedicate to raiding.


I canceled my sub, and explained to them why, they don't seem to really be adressing some of these issues and the last patch did not address some game breaking issues such as the bounty hunter's class quest chain breaking and not being able to progress your story or get dalies in Illum.


Ima sit back at 50, finish the rest of my 18 days on my free sub, go back to wow and wait for some bug fixes and content updates.


Thats all I have to say.




You would have lost your mind at the launch of WoW...lol this is so smooth compared to that train wreck you have no idea clearly.

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Seriously Dude you did not take your time, I level at a "faster than usual pace" I have a lvl 32, 21, and 12, Once I hit max on one Ill have PLENTY to do,


Work on maxing crafting,

Pug heroics

search for Datacrons

dailies (yes I love the space missions)

help out low level guildies get to my level

level my other characters so I can have a choice of what to raid with.


all of that will give my guild time to catch up to me if theres not enough at 50 when I get my 32 there, and enough time for Bioware to let their game grow a bit


Bottom line is with MMOs what is released is very often the mere foundation for the game to build upon, and my opinion is that this game has a FANTASTIC foundation to build upon and given the time can grow into an incredible game. As others have said Patience is a virture not many in the MMO community have these days.


EDIT: completely off topic bit DEAR GOD I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE LEGACY SYSTEM....*cough*...erm...well now that that is out of my system.

Edited by Ecrulis
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Also, Who has christmas holiday from the 13th until Jan 1st?


I work every day. My schedule goes more or less:

Get up at 5am.

At work by 7am

leave work at 5pm

pick up kids / cook dinner / eat - done around 7pm

spend time with wife and kids until 8:30pm.


assuming I need 7 hours of sleep a night, that means I get at MAX 1.5 hours of playtime a day if SWTOR is ALL I DO and don't spend any time reading or doing anything else.


Yeah, I have some weekends where I can play 6 hours. But an your average weekday, i'm pressing it to get 2.


so those 120 hours is more like 60 days - not 20, unless you are in high school.


In fairness I attend Cardiff University, and our Christmas break was from the 14th December (which I decided to finish on the 12th for obvious reasons) to the 7th January. I guess you, good sir, are funding my degree.


Don't worry, I'll be a tax payer soon. ^___^~~~


Also for those who think crew skills take a long time ... They do not.


I levelled 1-400 Bioanalysis, 1-400 Biochem and 1-100 Diplomacy (not actually needed, as I found out) in under 6 hours. It doesn't take a long time to level crew skills, especially as I can level them while watching programmes or eating a juicy steak.


I'd do dailies but y'see, the game is flawed with bugs and the BH dark side option "doesn't work". Simply "does not work." That's fun, I guess, not being able to complete your story line because you decided to be a dick.

Edited by Cranberries
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I have a level 28 and a level 26.

I found myself sky rocketing beyond my guild mates because I had the advantage of being on vacation while they did not.


So I stopped, because it's no fun being at a party by yourself.

I have gone back to assist them in hard FP, and with heroics.


I have bumped up my Social Points in the process, also got crafting up on them.


They are now about close to my level, and I will be enjoying the game with them daily.

And I learned to play my class better with a crew who was forgiving since they are 'family'.


I am sorry it's lonely at the top.


But it wouldn't be if you took the time to help carry some friends with you along the way.

Edited by Fraxture
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Bioware should know that not having a robust endgame ready to go has killed several games. So yeah, two weeks after release it should exist. Also, to all the people who keep saying "good, go back to WoW," you're essentially wishing for this game to lose subs and fail like every other MMO that's come along since WoW.


We should be about solidarity and a sense of community. Instead, gamers have become divisive and dumb.


Bioware, a company that has no MMO experience to date and makes games that focus on story and diverse choices, should know this? Why should they know this? Because its common knowledge? Sounds more like common opinion to me.


Do you really think that they are just sitting around on their hands at Bioware without anything in the works? That they honestly have nothing more planned for endgame content? Are you that naive? Right now the focus is still elsewhere, like bugs, ability delay, UI issues. If 1% of the player base rushes to 50 and has little to do, whereas the other 99% is still somewhere between 1 and 49, its bad business to focus your resources on addressing the problems that affect the most players?


As for having more endgame content right now, why? They delivered you a story experience that should have lasted a few weeks easily, if you weren't mashing spacebar all the way to 50. If that's your play style choice, fine. But don't act shocked that content patches for the stuff you want won't arrive for a few weeks at best. Chances are that all of the complainers here will probably spacebar through them too, and complain there isn't enough upon the evening of its release as well.


This has little to do with whether Bioware is capable of producing a good MMO experience. All the complainers here aren't even capable of looking beyond the end of their nose, let alone a few weeks or months into the future. The issue here is really dealing with the "I'm more important than everyone else and I want it now" attitude. You can't please everyone all the time. And seems to me they're making the choice to please the majority rather than the minority. Deal.

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Age of Conan is a perfect example of what happens when you don't have adequate post-20 content on release. These things are related, but different.
Haha very true. AOC was severely lacking in content post 20.


What I find funny is that WoW was actually released without any real end game content. There were no raids and no warfronts. The fabled "real world" PVP was dominated by who had the most people. It wasn't until well after release that Blizzard finally gave the game some end game content with Molten core and Onyxia. Hell the release for WOW was terrible with bugs server crashing and glitches galore.


If only these people had been around 7 or so years ago when WoW first started up...

Edited by Tool_of_Society
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Imagine that.


2 weeks after release and there isnt anything to do at level 50 with you and the other 10 level 50s.


More at 11.


Yes, because end game content, what MMOs need to keep people interested, should not exist for a couple years.


What's the point in getting to 50 if the only thing to do is to re roll and start over? Sounds like a single player game, and you don't pay monthly fees for single player games.

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