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6 year+ WoW fanboy talks Swtor. Long post.


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But I really do try to be fair in my opinions =(


I disagree. The crafting for example. You say in WoW you must go harvest to level it and that you prefer to just level it there on the spot. Tell me, is that fun? And lets be honest, you will just buy all the mats off the AH and powerlevel it to max in a couple of hours.


In SWTOR, you need to dedicate yourself to it, while playing the game and having fun. Reverse engineering give you a chance to get better recipes improving your own crafting, and special skills like investigation allow you to get rare recipes. There is actual point to the system and its fun to use. Its also an incentive to raise your rep with your companions to get a higher chance on missions and faster crafting. There is an interlink between systems that complement each other making everything you do be worth it in the grand scheme of things.


And dont come tell me how WoW's is better, it just isnt. Its one big useless bore you powerlevel and never touch again until the next expansion. It literally serves no purpose aside the passive bonus you get, and this is the only reason why people level it on WoW.


I think what you want is WoW in space and your time is better spent trying to convince blizzard to make world of starcraft.

Edited by Nemmar
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i just wanted to point out there are such posts of whine or rage , becaouse ppl care ... Ppl want it to be a better game . Bashing wow players aint doing any good to swtor .... like it or not majority of swtor comunity are either sw fans or wow bored players (i have still going 1 year subb)


But it really have loads of issues needs urgent fixing :|



btw ccp game is EVE .

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What MMO was better then WoW? because as far as I can see it is still the most popular MMO out there.


if a game was truely better then WoW people would leave WoW for said game.


Because Twilight is the best book(s) out there. Right? And Farmville + CoD are literally the best games ever.


Popularity does not necessarily correlate with Quality.

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heh cos you think twilight is one of the most readed book's ? or most sold ones ? Trust me its not eeeeeeven close it may be popular but even harry potter has more .... And lets not talk about real books . I mean julius verne or tolkien or asimov .... Twilight , its by far not most sold most readed or most popular ....


Youre argument is such a fail .... most , A LOT of ppl who are going to the movie or emo kids bleeding ober it didnt even touched the book . And many who readed all 4 books like i did saw only first movie and thats all ....


And actually there is hardly any competitor at all for wow .... Too polished to much content , like it or not ....


The only thing bad about wow is that it exausted ppl and they need a break , so hope in a new worth mmorpg .....

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I am not sure which game you are referring to, but have you ever done crafting in Aion? It is the polar opposite of Swtor. You have to spend a long time farming materials, then craft the item, which takes quite a while itself, and you can actually FAIL making an item, meaning you have to get all the materials again. I find that WoW is a decent in between from Swtor and Aion. I don't know if any MMO can actually make crafting enjoyable.


They're talking about EVE Online. You either sit for hours and hours zapping asteroids or buy minerals off the market to craft. But with EVE, skills are gained completely different and is independent of actually crafting something.


I dunno, I've done games where you have to gather a ton for crafting and then do super complex crafting processes (Vanguard). I've also done the simple ones. I tend to want to spend most of my time playing the game (leveling up my character) and not crafting so the simple systems like swtor's actually let me craft and level up my character so I appreciate it. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the more complicated systems.


Anyway, good post. Your tl;dr appeared to be broken so I had to read it all. I sort of agree on the VO, I do skip it if its a quest I've done multiple times, but I never do if it's a new one. There are some truly entertaining non-class quest dialogs out there and I would be sad if I missed one.

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I disagree. The crafting for example. You say in WoW you must go harvest to level it and that you prefer to just level it there on the spot. Tell me, is that fun? And lets be honest, you will just buy all the mats off the AH and powerlevel it to max in a couple of hours.


In SWTOR, you need to dedicate yourself to it, while playing the game and having fun. Reverse engineering give you a chance to get better recipes improving your own crafting, and special skills like investigation allow you to get rare recipes. There is actual point to the system and its fun to use. Its also an incentive to raise your rep with your companions to get a higher chance on missions and faster crafting. There is an interlink between systems that complement each other making everything you do be worth it in the grand scheme of things.


And dont come tell me how WoW's is better, it just isnt. Its one big useless bore you powerlevel and never touch again until the next expansion. It literally serves no purpose aside the passive bonus you get, and this is the only reason why people level it on WoW.


I think what you want is WoW in space and your time is better spent trying to convince blizzard to make world of starcraft.


I never said that crafting in WoW was fun or not or that it was better. I just stated that in WoW you have to go collect materials (excluding auction house use) and in Swtor you don't have to. Just a simple observation. Swtor's crafting system being fun to use is debatable. Clicking a button to send your companion out to get materials or make something I don't count as being fun. Though I will say that crafting in Swtor seems to be more useful while leveling than WoW's crafting. Again, the whole point of your post is assuming that I said WoW crafting is better, which I never said. I said neither are great.

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Yet another person that's expecting WoW's 8 year polish to be in a game 2 weeks old.


It seems you didn't read my post. I, for the most part, am not talking about polish. I am talking about core parts of the game. Also, there is nothing wrong with comparing WoW to Swtor. Bioware said they wanted to compete with WoW. It is the same genre. And Swtor is being released in a time when games in general, not just MMOs are expected to be more polished than games released 8 years ago. WoW is right there to learn from. There is a certain amount of polish expected in an MMO, even at launch. But again, most of my post did not have to do with polish but with core game mechanics or features. Also, if you had read my post, you would have noticed that with things like no high res textures yet, which could be considered to be a matter of polish, I stated that I am sure it would be added soon and so it was not a big deal.

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I beg to differ this game is way better than WoW ever was and will be, that game has always been for those who like to have thier hands held in a MMO, I have played just about every MMO out there, and alot of them are better than WoW. So your opinion doesnt carry much weight around here. Go back to WoW let the adults play now Buhbye.


You seem like very adult and mature.

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Great post OP. Its good to see posts where you make your points and talk about your views in a mature adult manner.


I hit level 50 a week ago (had 13th early access and no I didnt skip any dialogues and did all the quests other than the heroic ones that required 4+ people)


Most of what you wrote is spot on. The game has a great storyline and some wonderful immersion when it comes to your class quests and companion stories but once you are finished the thought of rerolling an alt is just stomach turning for me. I too am a 7 year wow player and even there I hated rolling alts.


This game has potential, but there are some very large glaring problems, most of which you touched on that need attention if the game wishes to be successful. Overall I felt the game felt more single player than MMO because of the railed planets, small zones, sharding that prevents too much player interaction. The ability delay is definitely a nightmare as a melee (jedi guardian) and the population imbalance is only going to make things worse on the pvp servers. Also since you mentioned companions... while their stories and functions are great ideas, it somewhat sucks that everyone is forced to play a pet class. Dont give me that crap about "you dont have to use it if you dont want to". because we all know that you do if you dont want to die over and over. Feels somewhat odd that a Master Jedi gets his *** kicked by anything if he doesnt have his friend with him.


It does feel as though bioware put too much of their budget into class stories and voice acting. And it saddens me to see posters instantly flame and clearly show their lack of brain activity and fanboi naiveness when anyone in the community posts any opinion that differs from their own.


I really want this game to do well regardless of if I continue to play it because competition and mmo success can only help the genre. Also I just want to add that anyone that uses the argument of "dont compare swtor to wow because wow had 7 years of development" needs to have their heads examined. Nobody but a complete retard would expect a game to release (especially an mmo) bug free.. nobody is saying it should have zero bugs. But you must also be equally retarded if you think any business video game or otherwise should release a product that doesnt have features that are as good or better than what else is currently on the market. SWTOR is competing with WoW now, not WoW seven years ago. To compare swtors current features with the features wow had 7 years ago makes you nothing but a complete and utter fool. That is fact.

Edited by Gordknight
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Planet/Zone Design: Now some of my bigger problems lie here. Everything seems very linear and too much is instanced in my opinion. There are some worlds I have yet to explore, but for the most part most zones have a linear path for you to follow with very little exploration possible if you wanted to do so. If you do tread off the beaten path it is not long before there is something in your way preventing you from going any further. In Nar Shaddaa *spelling* for instance, the whole planet is your flying from area to area, stick to long hallways/streets/corridors until you reach whatever instanced zone you objective lies in. I am not saying all planets are like this, but the majority I have seen so far suffer from poor design. And design like this, for myself at least, does affect immersion and my enjoyment. Also, to me at least, the zones, and game overall lacks any ambience. I can't put my finger on it but the zones just feel a bit dead to me. Maybe having an option to keep music looped would help some.


Nail on the head, man. I noticed this, too. And as I was talking to my brother about why it didn't feel like Kotor, this is why:


Music - it needs to be louder (I just lowered all volumes but music volume, then raised the volume of my speakers) and more frequent, only playing Kotor classics. I am perfectly okay with 3 songs or whatever looped.


The sound - Yes! You can't even hear the cars that are right above you, or the humming of all the machines as Kreia put it. I feel like I'm in a dead zone, even reinforced by the fact that only 40 people are in Nar Shadaa. At least the lower promenade isn't off, that's probably the only part I enjoy, as it's colorful, tons of NPCs, and lot's of sound and action :D

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Your thoughtful and well written post is totally out of line here.


You need to decide which side of the fence you are on and leave all objective comments, complaints and criticism behind in favor of a much more extreme and abrasive all around attitude.


Thanks ;)

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Your thoughtful and well written post is totally out of line here.


You need to decide which side of the fence you are on and leave all objective comments, complaints and criticism behind in favor of a much more extreme and abrasive all around attitude.


Thanks ;)


You have to be very careful on these forums. Any critique at all about the game is met with "OMG it just launched" or " You expect it to have as much polish as WoW", or my personal favorite, "Then stop playing the game and go back to WoW/unsub/diaf". Just because someone points out areas of the game where there needs to be improvements does not mean they don't enjoy the game. It's like if you are not completely for the game, you are against it. And we all know that only Sith deal in absolutes.

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