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If you could do ANYTHING. Spoilers allowed


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not gonna be popular but i'd make controller support, even if it meant pruning some abilities. I connect my laptop to my t.v and play with a wireless keyboard and mouse but would love it if i could play this like ff14. I have some disabilities that would make it a real treat to play without being in pain after an hour or two of playing.


secondly, another unpopular opinion. I'd get rid of the bikinis, and over the top outfits. Im old and can't stand seeing a naked jedi knight running around.


wish i coulda chosen to be darth zash at the end.

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Change the outcome of the Traitor storyline, so that we keep Eternal Fleet and Gravestone. Also maybe change the identity of the traitor to make it more reasonable.


After that create 2 completely separated faction storylines - in one you allied with Empire and slowly conquering Republic with Eternal Fleet and Gravestone, in other you do the same to Empire while allied with Republic. At some point you will have an option to turn on your ally too. Either way one faction is conquered by you and you either allied closely with second one or take over it too.


For the first option, Satele Shan is the final boss on Coruscant or Tython, for the second it's new Dark Council and Acina on Dromund Kaas.

Edited by Gelious
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I'd make a number of changes to KotXX. The scene in the cave would have actual repercussions and there would be a less aggressive dialog option.


I'd like to be able to off Jarak myself, even if it's a DS choice, rather than follow him and have him die in an accident. I wanted to say to Lana, "Yeah, pity I didn't get to do it."


I'd like to be able to spare, kill, imprison, or recruit anywhere from 0-3 of Senya, Arcann, and Vaylin. I'd still like five minutes of story time to make that story less noxious.


I'd like Arcann's redemption, if I choose to allow it, not to look and sound so much like a brainwashing ritual.


I'd like to recruit the honorable Sith, can't remember his name, that was ordered to try to stop you.


I'd like the dead companions to continue to have relevance for those that didn't kill them.


I want to have Holiday as her own companion.


I'd like to team up with Zhorrid and shoot Jadus in the face again for that whole recital thing.


I'd like mental illness to not be presented as a joke or a plot point to get some widdle tragedy, or if it must be used the latter way, at least give me some better, more compassionate dialog options, even if ultimately I fail. They've done it at times, but some others they fail spectacularly.


All that comes to mind just now.

Edited by gamephil
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I'd give a platonic hug to some of my favorite companions during their Alliance alerts. My warrior would have totally hugged her lil sister Vette. My trooper needed to hug Elara. My consular and jk needed to hug their padawans. Same with my smugglers when they finally reunited with Akaavi.
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A change of policy regarding not allowing the testing of story mission game content that contain story spoilers on the PTS test server. Too many bugs are guaranteed to make it to live due to the due to that bad policy. Allow game content that has story spoilers to be tested on the PTS server.
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Be able to choose not to take a Companion in the character arcs. A few Companions I didn't want because I hated the character. They were purposely written to be annoying, and it worked, but they were forced upon me anyway. I do not want them in my crew.


Quinn and Theron are not always the traitor when it happens. Any other Companion could be. Let it be random. Let it be because of earlier choices. Maybe give an option of letting the player choose.


If you don't kill Stevastin in time in Manaan flashpoint story mode and thus you start the fight over, TELL THE PLAYER! I thought I had a bug in my playthrough. Customer Service told me nothing about it. Tech support did nothing. I had to quit the game for a couple of characters and moved on to Fallen Empire before I learned what was really happening.

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Take over the empire and rule the galaxy with my waifu Lana Beniko.


With Sith main character this makes a lot of sense. The Empire was always based on the "strongest rule" style, and in story the main character is far the strongest in the end.


I'd like Arcann's redemption, if I choose to allow it, not to look and sound so much like a brainwashing ritual.


I would give a later event where companions, or republic/empire demands justice. What Arcann has done should not be so easily forgiven. Sure let him stay until Valkorion, and Vaylin is dead, but that doesn't mean that we gona ignore his crimes.


Maybe 2 event. The first is where the companions asks shortly after Arcann's return. You could convince them, that Arcann is just a tool, and will take care of it once the war is over. Later when you won the companions, and an Imperial, and a Republic ambassador would come to take care of Arcann. At that point you could give Arcann to custody, or execute him, or protect him.


The reason i wouldn't let you fight Arcann there, and then if light sided is, because you don't have time for it. Vaylin is about to kill you both with the fleet.

Edited by irrevelant
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I would recruit Special Ops agent Ava Jaxo into Havok Squad. As M1-4X keenly observed, the training and outfitting of a single Special Forces agent is more taxing upon Republic Resources than the training and equipping of 400 generic troops, so technically saving Jaxo is the preferred choice. And I would feel far better about saving her if I could keep her on my ship and take her on missions, instead of just letting her go AWOL and retire to Nar Shadaa.


My Sith Warrior would have stupidly believed Guss during his recruitment mission and would have started calling him "Lord Struction" and claiming that Guss is a powerful Sith Lord.


When my Jedi Knight was denied the rank of Master by the Jedi Counsel, but given the rank of General in the Republic Army, it would have actually NOT given me the title "Master" and instead would have given me the title "General", like the way it did back at launch.


My Smuggler would have romanced Bowdaar instead of being forced to choose between Hillbilly Corso or no one at all.


I would have had the option to save Vaylin, provided that you kill both Senya and Arcann first. One of those nice either-or choices where she will only listen to you if you've killed off the rest so she doesn't feel like she's rejoining them.


I would be allowed to select Gamorrean as a playable race.


And my new class would be the "Imperial Trooper" and "SIS Operative" parallels, to create Republic Snipers and Imperial assault canon users. The Imperial Trooper story would star the player as a defecting member of the original Harron Tavus Havok Squad, and showcase getting abandoned by the Republic and left to die, and then joining with the Empire because they respect your talent and ability.

Edited by drug_cartel
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I would have had the option to save Vaylin, provided that you kill both Senya and Arcann first. One of those nice either-or choices where she will only listen to you if you've killed off the rest so she doesn't feel like she's rejoining them.


Had same idea back then. Vaylin has no real hostility with the Outlander. She wants it dead, because of the connection Valkorion, and Senya. And she absolutely hates her parents, and Arcann for not letting Senya killed.


In my version you could explain, that you hate Valkorion as well, and that he is not ally by your choice. Also tell her, that you expect, that sooner or later Valkorion will turn on you. Last but most importantly. You and Lana would explain, that Valkorion can switch bodies. Killing the Outlander would not kill him. But together you might figure something out.


She would refuse to join someone who is allied to her mother, but if you killed Senya, then you could say, that Senya was just a tool. You never cared for her, or her feelings, or health. Just abused her services to achieve your goals, and that's all.


In the ends she would ask why would you team with her. At that point you can choose between some options.


You could try to flirt with her, and use her pride.

You could try to say, that she has good in her, and can be redeemed.

You could say, that you have a common goal to destroy Valkorion, and she is powerful. After that you two might kill each other.

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A change of policy regarding not allowing the testing of story mission game content that contain story spoilers on the PTS test server. Too many bugs are guaranteed to make it to live due to the due to that bad policy. Allow game content that has story spoilers to be tested on the PTS server.


that'll never happen, too many ********s in the game would go to the live server and start mouthing off what happened. It's bad enough on the day of release, or pre release when they had it,

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