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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why so many STUNS?


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It feels like at least 1 in every 10 mobs has at least one stun and often more than one.


Commonly mobs will have several AND chain them.


From time to time some mobs will literally have 3-4 DIFFERENT stuns that appear to have no cooldown.


The worst part? None of these NPC CC's have any kind of diminishing returns. They can be chained from one group of mobs until the next.


So here is my question - WHYYYYYYYYY????????? Why does this game has so many effing STUNS?

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meh nvm, already did my catch up for now, ill be back in like 2 years ago per usual to catch up again. I think is is why I never stick around.


It's a shame such amazing storytelling with a world steeped in the greatest lore has to use this trash video game as it's vehicle to tell said story.

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Why so many STUNS?


You think you have it bad now? You're not even experiencing all the stuns some classes used to have.


Back before PVP types whined so much that BW did something about it, my Jedi Sent (I think it was my sent) had 5 stuns, then he lost at least 2 of them. Always it's PVP gimping PVE. Always always.


If you're doing PVE on Yavin or something and fighting a crowd of Revan followers, each will use a stun on you, so don't use any channeled ability, only instant attacks, even if you have to wait, because waiting out the clock until you can use your next instant direct attack is a faster recovery than waiting to get out of a stun. Otherwise you'll be in stun hell.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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So here is my question - WHYYYYYYYYY????????? Why does this game has so many effing STUNS?


Because the Devs aren't intelligent enough to make Combat challenging except by using chain-stuns and excessive Health pools.


Heck they are not even intelligent enough to realise that it doesn't even make combat challenging, it just makes it boring.


All The Best

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I found a good amount of stuns have a cast time. So I just stun/interrupt them. The only instance it was really annoying was during KOTFE, when Arcann shows up on Asylum. Standard Knight's stuns were instant and they lasted seemingly forever. And since they were in groups of two every 50-60 meters I can only break so many stuns before I just have to wait em out. Lol. But other than that one odd chapter most stuns in the game can be interrupted if you notice them start casting one. Just gotta be aware and do more than just attack. Ya know? You don't even need to stop attacking since interrupts have their own cooldown.
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Because the Devs aren't intelligent enough to make Combat challenging except by using chain-stuns and excessive Health pools.


Heck they are not even intelligent enough to realise that it doesn't even make combat challenging, it just makes it boring.


All The Best

And because pissed off customers are more loyal than apathetic ones.

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lol, hyperbole much?


Not really. The amount of stuns, mezzes, and knockbacks from NPCs is excessive. Some places are worse than others. 'A Traitor's Punishment' heroic on empire side is painful to do as a melee class. Run in, knockback with no cast time. Run back, force choked.


There are packs of mobs that chain such abilities together, and they also have a habit of doing it as soon as you start a channeled ability. Don't even bring up 'well just interrupt them'. The hard stuns, knockbacks, and mezzes usually don't have a cast time. 'You have a stunbreak'. Yeah, on a cooldown. I use it once and it's down for the next pull seconds later so I eat either the full stun or the mez.


Being crowd controlled over and over is not fun, especially when it's 100% unavoidable. That's not difficult gameplay, it's not engaging, and it's not strategy. It's annoying, and I don't play games to become annoyed. If they're going to have this much CC on NPCs, then there needs to also be a way of avoiding them by skill or some kind of immunity to where it can't happen on every single pull, much less multiple times in 1 pull.

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When fighting in areas with mobs that stun as their opener (I can think of Oricon and Breaktown as examples), send your comp in as a tank first to eat all the stuns, then dps as your comp sits there uselessly. lol


That's the best and only advice I can give.


Not really. The amount of stuns, mezzes, and knockbacks from NPCs is excessive. Some places are worse than others. 'A Traitor's Punishment' heroic on empire side is painful to do as a melee class. Run in, knockback with no cast time. Run back, force choked.


Just tried A Traitor's Punishment on a melee toon. Put my comp on tank, sent her in, she got choked and pushed, then I went in and attacked. It's much less annoying to wait than it is to eat those chokes yourself.

Edited by Shirvington
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Simple. More play time.


2 hours of content is 1 hour of content if not for the stuns. You complain now, but if there were less stuns, you would be complaining more. :D


The one instant that truly maddens me about this is the start of Chapter 16 KotFE where Skytroopers just stun you by simply jumping on you. ALL OF THEM. I can never forget that part :(

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Honestly, so the mobs aren't just hp sponges?


You have ways to deal with stuns. It is not unlike PvP. Use your defensives. It always upsets me when people prefer to complain rather than try and improve. But it is what it is. Guess it can't be helped.

Edited by Nemmar
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Honestly, so the mobs aren't just hp sponges?


You have ways to deal with stuns. It is not unlike PvP. Use your defensives. It always upsets me when people prefer to complain rather than try and improve. But it is what it is. Guess it can't be helped.


So what defence does any class have against 6 stuns in 30 seconds?


I can't think of any class that would have more than two defence options in that time frame, and most have one.


All The Best

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So what defence does any class have against 6 stuns in 30 seconds?


I can't think of any class that would have more than two defence options in that time frame, and most have one.


All The Best


And that there is why you are wrong. Do you enjoy being a victim?


As a matter of fact there are classes that can avoid a lot of cc. Sniper for example comes to mind. You got immunity to stuns to 23 seconds every 45 seconds (35 with set bonus). Operatives can roll around to make themselves immune to cc. Mercenaries can pop their reflective shield and become immune/reflect. Assassins have a cooldown that makes them immune to cc. Sorcs have force speed that makes them immune to CC.


But that is not all. That is where the victim part comes in. Why are you not stunning them? Several AoE's have properties that stun weak enemies. Wich enemy stuns you? Stun them and kill them first? More than one? CC the others. Use roots, slows and kite them if melee. Interrupt them if ranged. Also check out your utilities, they can give immunity properties to certain abilities. For example Vengeance juggernaut can gain CC immunity properties on force charge. A trick used often is to use the skill that also makes you immune to CC some horizontal advance and charge back in to regain the immunity.


You can look at it as a victim and claim you need 6 stun removals, or you can be pro-active and learn what your skills do and what enemies do what, and make yourself a better player that is not at the mercy of so many stuns. Entirely up to you.

Edited by Nemmar
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As a matter of fact there are classes that can avoid a lot of cc. Sniper for example comes to mind. You got immunity to stuns to 23 seconds every 45 seconds (35 with set bonus). Operatives can roll around to make themselves immune to cc.


What about the classes without those cc immunities?


Furthermore: Operatives do not have cc immunites on roll. Only concealment ops get that. Are you saying lethality/heals operatives need to just suck it up and switch specs?


Assassins have a cooldown that makes them immune to cc.

Are you talking the 6s immunity on Saber Reflect utility that is absolutely freaking useless? Not to mention on a really long cooldown.


Sorcs have force speed that makes them immune to CC.

No they don't. The inquisitor force speed utility removes roots and slows (Removes, does not prevent them from being applied). It is also useless against stuns.


make yourself a better player that is not at the mercy of so many stuns. Entirely up to you.


That's like saying Nathema is an easy flashpoint, and it is, but only if you're playing a ranged dps. So melee dps need to stop crying and switch to a ranged dps already is pretty much what you're saying.


I deal with the stuns/knockbacks by sending the companion in first, so they get hit. That doesn't mean it isn't annoying, especially since it affects melee players more than ranged.


There is no reason to make the players feel like a ping-pong ball in so many fights except to prolong the fights.

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What about the classes without those cc immunities?


Furthermore: Operatives do not have cc immunites on roll. Only concealment ops get that. Are you saying lethality/heals operatives need to just suck it up and switch specs?



Are you talking the 6s immunity on Saber Reflect utility that is absolutely freaking useless? Not to mention on a really long cooldown.



No they don't. The inquisitor force speed utility removes roots and slows (Removes, does not prevent them from being applied). It is also useless against stuns.




That's like saying Nathema is an easy flashpoint, and it is, but only if you're playing a ranged dps. So melee dps need to stop crying and switch to a ranged dps already is pretty much what you're saying.


I deal with the stuns/knockbacks by sending the companion in first, so they get hit. That doesn't mean it isn't annoying, especially since it affects melee players more than ranged.


There is no reason to make the players feel like a ping-pong ball in so many fights except to prolong the fights.


I cannot help you with specs i don't play. You will have to figure it out.


Also, i'm not saying they can't be annoying, i'm saying to not be a victim and be proactive. The poster was saying he was getting 6 stuns in 30 seconds, wich is obviously a generalization. You are also saying pull and push. Be more specific.

Sending in your companion only works for the first hit. Also, many confuse stuns and roots, wich are different things.


Can they be annoying? Yes, Do you have tools to deal with it? Also yes. The attitude of "i want 6 stun removals" is just ludicrous. If you are playing healer you can put out a tank companion if the stuns bother you so.

Honestly, i'm gonna need concrete examples over what the problem here is. Cause i have yet to find a group that stuns me 6 times.


Also, if you are a subscriber, wich you are since you are posting here, you get free utility respecs at any time ( if you bothered to get the perk field respec). Again, if it bothers you so much, take it and change after. Help yourself.

Edited by Nemmar
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What about the classes without those cc immunities?


Furthermore: Operatives do not have cc immunites on roll. Only concealment ops get that. Are you saying lethality/heals operatives need to just suck it up and switch specs?


All Operatives can Tranq Dart, however, so feel free to sap the problem mob and kill the others while he sleeps, then kill him in a stun lock or just let your companion eat the choke.


No they don't. The inquisitor force speed utility removes roots and slows (Removes, does not prevent them from being applied). It is also useless against stuns.


Oh, geez. The Force Speed Utility does prevent reapplication of roots while you are speeding.


That's like saying Nathema is an easy flashpoint, and it is, but only if you're playing a ranged dps. So melee dps need to stop crying and switch to a ranged dps already is pretty much what you're saying.


I deal with the stuns/knockbacks by sending the companion in first, so they get hit. That doesn't mean it isn't annoying, especially since it affects melee players more than ranged.


There is no reason to make the players feel like a ping-pong ball in so many fights except to prolong the fights.


This is starting to sound like a l2p issue.

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And that there is why you are wrong. Do you enjoy being a victim?


As a matter of fact there are classes that can avoid a lot of cc. Sniper for example comes to mind. You got immunity to stuns to 23 seconds every 45 seconds (35 with set bonus). Operatives can roll around to make themselves immune to cc. Mercenaries can pop their reflective shield and become immune/reflect. Assassins have a cooldown that makes them immune to cc. Sorcs have force speed that makes them immune to CC.


But that is not all. That is where the victim part comes in. Why are you not stunning them? Several AoE's have properties that stun weak enemies. Wich enemy stuns you? Stun them and kill them first? More than one? CC the others. Use roots, slows and kite them if melee. Interrupt them if ranged. Also check out your utilities, they can give immunity properties to certain abilities. For example Vengeance juggernaut can gain CC immunity properties on force charge. A trick used often is to use the skill that also makes you immune to CC some horizontal advance and charge back in to regain the immunity.


You can look at it as a victim and claim you need 6 stun removals, or you can be pro-active and learn what your skills do and what enemies do what, and make yourself a better player that is not at the mercy of so many stuns. Entirely up to you.


This shows that you’re not even trying to understand the problem. You seem to think nobody has a problem with the amount of mob CC could possibly have played the game before.


Snipers get an easy way to have CC immunity on a fairly short cooldown. Hooray for them. You know why that works in these situations? Pay careful attention here: it’s fire and forget protection against mobs that do not telegraph their CC. Why does this matter? Let’s use your operative example. Let’s also disregard the fact that this only works for concealment operatives. Keep in mind, there is no cast bar or early warning that you’re going to eat a CC. So...when exactly should the operative roll to not eat the CC? You can’t compare Entrench immunity to operative roll, or really ANY other classes’ immunity ability. Entrench might be the most powerful cool down in the game. Other abilities are not even close to being in the same league when you’re talking about NPC CC. Force speed does not make you immune to stuns. Assassins get a CC immunity CD, but sorcs don’t...sucks for them I guess? Stun immunity for warrior’s Charge only works on veng juggs and because mobs don’t always CC right off the pull, this is not a surefire defense.


Now, let’s look at your l2p argument. Classes besides sniper that have a CC immunity have longer cool downs on those abilities. Class hard stun CD have cool downs as well. Unless you’re going from pack to pack very slowly, there’s going to be downtime on those abilities. Just making sure I understand—are you saying that mob CC is fine because these abilities have a short enough CD that they’re always up, or that people should wait for the CD before every pull?


For the rest I don’t even know. Kiting mobs as a melee class? Uh...what? Even if this was a thing, you realize a lot of the CC is not point-blank range. Right?


AoE abilities stunning mobs? Nope, mobs that do this are almost exclusively silver and above. Use interrupts as a ranged class? Nope, the CC abilities are INSTANT and can’t be interrupted, remember? Stun and kill them before they can stun you? Maybe. Much easier said than done if your class is not as bursty as another.


Ranged classes, particularly sniper, have a massive advantage in this department. Just because a couple of classes have an easy time with mob CC is not “proof” that it’s fine for everyone else and that anyone raising the issue is just lazy or not skilled enough.

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