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Fix turret daily mission for Republic on Dantooine!


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Please fix the turret daily mission on the Republic side during the Dantooine event. I can not complete it and I die multiple times trying to. Those repair bills are costly with the new gearing system. Fix it back to the way it was before Onderon expansion or add another daily to replace that royally screwed up one.:mad:
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Everything with Turrets or Walkers is totally out of balance. I have complained directly and sent in bug reports. the number of issues that cause unplayable game areas, I'm beginning to want a free cartel coin grant, or a free month, or something.


this is exactly why I unsubbed for 2 years. Now I'm back for 4 months and here we go again.


What, Devs, don't you WANT customers???

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What’s sad about the walker issues is I originally reported them being over tuned on the 1st of October on the pts.



A day later a Musco created a thread for feed back on the games tuning. At which time people besides me started to test other walkers around the game.



This was a full month and a half before the expansion launched and they still launched it with these problems and most of the issues reported on the pts. The fact that is now 5 weeks since the launch makes you wonder what the hell these guys are doing and what was the point in the pts or those threads asking for feed back if they were going to totally ignore everyone,


Just about every major problem that’s gone live was first reported on the pts (obviously not this specific mission, but the turret / walker issue is systemic).


From crafting, the slot machine mechanics on Amps, the incorrect gear drops, the over tuned parts of the game, excessive credit sinks and most other things could have all been avoided if they actioned the player feed on the pts.


It also wasn’t just a me or a couple of us who provided feed back. The overwhelming feed back from all the testers was similar on all these topics that were going to cause problems for players if they went live.


What has me completely flabbergasted and fuming is some of these were fixed on the pts but still made it into the live game, ie incorrect gear drops.


On top of that, Bioware went afk for 4 weeks after it went live and would not answer any of the players concerns until last week. ie, crafting, incorrect drops, over tuned content... etc. None of which has been fixed, but they were able to nerf vendor refunding, close an exploit that didn’t hurt the game at all, nerf a Mara tactical and break the task bar UI for a week.


It’s obvious they don’t listen to player feed back or concerns, all they are worried about is their credit sinks and things they can change to make player enjoyment worse.


To an outsider or a conspiracy person, all of these things I’ve said in this post, seem to point to either incompetence, laziness or deliberate actions to make the game less fun and drive players away. It’s like they are purposely sabotaging the game so it closes down and they can move to another Bioware project,


It’s really hard to stay positive and support these guys when 80% of what they do or don’t do, seems unnecessary or detrimental to player enjoyment and hence the game’s population and continued existence.


It’s like death from a 1000 cuts. No one thing they do will close the game, but these continued errors of judgement are all accumulating to a point where their combined might could determine the continued existence of this game,

It makes me really angry because I hate seeing the game go down hill like this. I don’t want it to go away anytime soon.


Bioware take 1 step forward and 3 steps back. ie. They made conquest fun and playable for all when they released Dantooine. Now they’ve made it less fun and many people can’t participate like they used to.


I could go on and link all the pts threads that point to all of the things I’ve said, but what’s the point. It will make no difference because Bioware don’t give a rats arse about player enjoyment or the game.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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The quest doesn’t need to be the mindless spamming of the 1 key like it was pre-6.0, but what’s clear is that it is a systemic problem with any “piloting” content and the new scaling tech, not a specific attempt to make that quest more challenging. I wonder if it’s affecting older technology turrets like in Kaon Under Seige and Collicoid War Games. It should be changed because it and other “pilotable” tech are malfunctioning, not because the mission ought to be a face roll.
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Not unpassable as i did it today twice , however its a nightmare, both times had less than 10% HP and only after multiple tries.


damage by the mobs needs to be scaled down a bit


Still 9% more than you need at the end. You can pass with 1 HP , then maybe there would be problem. Once you do it more and more,it'll get easier and easier. So that intial dying part is just part of learning the game.

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Still 9% more than you need at the end. You can pass with 1 HP , then maybe there would be problem. Once you do it more and more,it'll get easier and easier. So that intial dying part is just part of learning the game.


It is a DAILY not a heroic. It is also obviously harder than any of the dailies, on pubside or on impside.


It's easier to solo the heroic 4's on Dantooine than to do the turret daily. That is just not right.


Please stop trying to defend it as 'working as intended' and admit that bioware messed up the turret daily. It is not a learn-to-play issue, it is a programming issue and should be fixed.

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It is a DAILY not a heroic. It is also obviously harder than any of the dailies, on pubside or on impside.


It's easier to solo the heroic 4's on Dantooine than to do the turret daily. That is just not right.


Please stop trying to defend it as 'working as intended' and admit that bioware messed up the turret daily. It is not a learn-to-play issue, it is a programming issue and should be fixed.


It is learn to play issue. Even if this wasn't intended, DAILY is still passable. People just gotta use shield and that aoe attack alot. I would say as soon as possible or as soon as they come off of cd,but if you use them at wrong time, incoming damage will punish you. So you gotta time that right. So that you can use it again and again at right time. And I did this daily without any equip/unequip tricks. I just went in and did it.


1st time I died with 32/40 kills. Then I adjusted my timing and it's easy-peasy. Stop whining, if you die. Either once or more...and stop doing same thing over and over. You can't just use that number 1. YOU GOTTA USE ALL 3. Turret,rockets and shield. And there's this thing called tab target. You can focus on who you wanna kill first. And you can start shooting at them,even when they are in air and far away. You shouldn't just wait that they all stack in front of you.



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Event's finishing tomorrow, so i doubt they'll sort it out, mybe by the next round.....

Haven't tried iokath since 6.0 dropped,so can't comment, but hopefully they'll actually sort aomething out soon.

Too much has gone wrong with this game, and they've done nothing, too many trolls on the forums, and they've done nothing. What's it going to take to actually get this sorted :(

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I will add my voice to those saying this Pub Daily turret mission on Dantooine is well-nigh impossible. And I am someone who absolutely loves the stompy walker missions everywhere they are found. I am very good at using the powers, and I always carefully analyse their use, expecting to die once or twice while I work out their best use. So I think its very clear that Collec is just teasing us here.


What really makes this turret mission so grossly unfair is the fact that its Imp-side equivalent, the mouse droid mission, is such a gimme. Once you find the ramps to get you past the 3rd increment of water, it's a face-roll with no fighting and zero chance of dying.

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Everything with Turrets or Walkers is totally out of balance. I have complained directly and sent in bug reports. the number of issues that cause unplayable game areas, I'm beginning to want a free cartel coin grant, or a free month, or something.


this is exactly why I unsubbed for 2 years. Now I'm back for 4 months and here we go again.


What, Devs, don't you WANT customers???


I returned recently and iokath almost made me quit again.

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I Tried Earlier, Today! My Highest "Body Count" Was 28, my lowest was12!

The only thing good, I Received the Dantooine Rampage 3, Soo... It Is Good For That!!!!!

But The Turret, Just Does Not Have The Rate Of Fire To Compete Against The Attacker's!

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I Tried Earlier, Today! My Highest "Body Count" Was 28, my lowest was12!

The only thing good, I Received the Dantooine Rampage 3, Soo... It Is Good For That!!!!!

But The Turret, Just Does Not Have The Rate Of Fire To Compete Against The Attacker's!


See this is a lie. YOU HAVE TO USE ALL 3 SKILLS. Not just 1st one. You have to use 2nd rocket one and 3rd shield one as well.


You can already start firing at enemies,who are still landing. And are far away. You spam that 1 pretty much whole time non stop. But you have to time rocket aoe one and shield at right time,so you can use them again and again,BUT AT THE RIGHT TIME ! If you just used shield,when enemies are still far or just for 1 enemy...then next wave is gonna punish you. And then the next and it'll probably be over by then.


With the rocket aoe you use it to interupt silver and gold mobs casting. You can also switch targets.

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See this is a lie. YOU HAVE TO USE ALL 3 SKILLS. Not just 1st one. You have to use 2nd rocket one and 3rd shield one as well.


You can already start firing at enemies,who are still landing. And are far away. You spam that 1 pretty much whole time non stop. But you have to time rocket aoe one and shield at right time,so you can use them again and again,BUT AT THE RIGHT TIME ! If you just used shield,when enemies are still far or just for 1 enemy...then next wave is gonna punish you. And then the next and it'll probably be over by then.


With the rocket aoe you use it to interupt silver and gold mobs casting. You can also switch targets.


"You spam that 1 pretty much whole time" Ya See That Would Make You To Be Lying

However, U MIGHT Be Rite, My Timing With Rockets, And Shielding Might Need A Bit Of Work!

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This guy saying it's learn to play doesn't seem to realize it depends largely on item rating. If you're 240 or higher, it will be difficult but not impossible [use heroic moment and unity]. If you're under that by any significant margin, good luck bruh - all the strategy won't help any.
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This guy saying it's learn to play doesn't seem to realize it depends largely on item rating. If you're 240 or higher, it will be difficult but not impossible [use heroic moment and unity]. If you're under that by any significant margin, good luck bruh - all the strategy won't help any.


As far as I know you can't use heroic and unity, while in turret mission. Like I said before....did it on my level 75 and mando,who was in 3 different levels. Of course I did it before plenty of times,when event started...but I am talking about now,when people complain it's impossible to do.


I don't know what is like to do it on level 20 or between 20-70....

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