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Maintenance: November 12th


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Hey everyone,


We will be taking all servers offline for a quick maintenance to address an issue related to Ranked PvP.



DATE: November 12th

TIME: 1:30PM - 2:30PM PST (2130 - 2230 GMT)



Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!



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Hey everyone,


We will be taking all servers offline for a quick maintenance to address an issue related to Ranked PvP.



DATE: November 12th

TIME: 1:30PM - 2:30PM PST (2130 - 2230 GMT)



Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!




too much maintenances lately....no time to play lol

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Hey everyone,


We will be taking all servers offline for a quick maintenance to address an issue related to Ranked PvP.



DATE: November 12th

TIME: 1:30PM - 2:30PM PST (2130 - 2230 GMT)



Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!




Its pre-season, why was this done with urgency.

You do everything relating to ranked pvp at a snails pace so this is just irritating

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So glad you had a last minute fix you needed to do without hardly any notice at all. I really love being booted from a Flashpoint right when it was almost done. And all for some PvP crap. I don't PvP, and yet I have to put up with this crap anyway. Cool story, guys:mad:


Yeah yeah, I'm whining...blah blah blah;)

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hope the patch on thursday will fix the comp glitch.. damn tired of having a comp that all of a sudden freeze in place and dont move or attack or heal, are moments when i have a hell of a time trying to dismiss it to summon a diff comp since that is the only way to fix this "glitch" issue till it hapens again..
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You are kind of pushing it with 2 peak time maintenance's on EU peak time in just one week.


You have to plan these things better. You could have just banned the accounts exploiting.[/quoteI

It wasn't an exploit, it was the fact that the season started before it was supposed to

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I've been playing this game for about 3 months. I was OK with things until today. I was on for several hours in the morning and there was nothing about maintenance. I have limited time to play, so imagine my outrage when I logged on this afternoon and got the message that the servers were shutting down in 10 minutes! This Onslaught expansion has been a real crapshow. Maintenance every week to fix things. The healing nerf. The new content that was finished in a mere 2 days. I won't mention any other games, but I thought since this game had been around for a few years, they wouldn't be pulling the same idiotic stuff that I have seen before in other games.
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lol chill...... it was only an hour ........


you got to love forum communities .. any of you really think that if it could wait till thursday they would have done that


*****News Flash****

NA company working on NA times




Soo yes EU can possible get more down times than others.. .that's just how it is ... oohh but again "other games "


I know this may come as a shock to some but really EU is not the center of the universe not EVERYTHING can be scheduled around "EU" .... and compensation ?? seriously ????.....wow definition of entitlement


I am not exactly happy with bioware right now in fact I just unsubbed

...nor am i a pvper

but I was busy doing stuff in game so it's not just EU that got screwed Everyone did .


The difference is some of us are actually reasonable even when not happy with them and realize this stuff happens just used the time to do other things..not immediately log in and rage and demand compensation.


Seriously rage over an hour maintenance for something that need to be fixed now is just unreal... and completely unreasonable .

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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lol chill...... it was only an hour ........

any of you really think that if it could wait till thursday they would have done that


*****News Flash****

NA company working on NA times


Seriously rage over an hour maintenance for something that need to be fixed now is just unreal... and completely unreasonable .


Well I'm NA but it was annoying as we had just started an HM Ops when we got the notice. So now have a 2nd to LBLO because group couldn't finish in time due to random maintenance on something that YES could have been patched Thurs.


Unless the Devs state other wise, there was nothing game breaking about Season 12 starting & it counting right now. All they had to do was make the announcement, like they did, and even put in the launcher a message if they wanted & voila ratings reset Thurs & Season turned back off.

It's just PvP/Elo, not Season rewards. Hence why I don't understand why they "emergency patched" it.

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Well I'm NA but it was annoying as we had just started an HM Ops when we got the notice. So now have a 2nd to LBLO because group couldn't finish in time due to random maintenance on something that YES could have been patched Thurs.


Unless the Devs state otherwise, there was nothing game breaking about Season 12 starting & it counting right now. All they had to do was make the announcement, like they did, and even put in the launcher a message if they wanted & voila ratings reset Thurs & Season turned back off.

It's just PvP/Elo, not Season rewards. Hence why I don't understand why they "emergency patched" it.


" YES could have been patched Thurs"

omg the arrogance.


"Hence why I don't understand why they "emergency patched"


you don't need to? andthe fact that you think you do speak volumes


i have to give you credit at least you didn't think you deserved compensation for your "inconvenience"


so jsut to recap now .......according to you and other ranters in here devs need to justify and ask permission before doing something they feel is important at the time they feel it needs to be done.


ok........yea ..sure.... **facepalm**


...thanks for proving my above point about some players entitlement issues i never said the EU had cornered the market on it .



Again the part you cut out was in the middle of something too...but omg ..you were "raiding" a omg got inconvenienced. and of course that is more important than what i was doing .

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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but I was busy doing stuff in game so it's not just EU that got screwed Everyone did .

So why are you sucking up to the devs? Is this what you do in real life when your boss or a store clerk screws you? Some of us pay money to spend time in this game. It would be nice to be appreciated is all. And yes, I found something else to do. It seems like we shouldn't just accept it when we are not treated well.

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So why are you sucking up to the devs? Is this what you do in real life when your boss or a store clerk screws you? Some of us pay money to spend time in this game. It would be nice to be appreciated is all. And yes, I found something else to do. It seems like we shouldn't just accept it when we are not treated well.


i'm not sucking up i am just being reasonable. this also just proves people perceptions of "not treated well" or "being screwed" can also be completely ridiculous if you are even going to try to compare it to a boss or store screwing you .


yes ...i can just imagine what kind of thing you rage at offline .it actually makes me laugh


LOL losing a few hours or and EVEN AN ENTIRE DAY time perhaps even more due to some unexpected maintenance I would not freak out about money being lost is negligible . ...you realize the the subscription on a per day basis ..is only around


.5us cent a day it's just a video game and life is not going to end.


In this case since the down time was only an hour you actually only lost approximately 0.020 cents worth of value....if that is enough for you to rage then ...wow ...just wow


I paid for subscription to multiple games and have not even logged into one of them before yes people do play more than one game . shocking isn't it . (inb4 well you must be rich then because normal people who work don't do that lol)


that's what a reasonable person does ...ohh unscheduled maintenance ok no worries i'll go for a walk ..watch some tv ..go play another game .......not rage because


OMG i lost an hour i paid for ...you completely screwed me i lost my progress / wasn't able to play when i came home !!!! you treated me soooo bad I demand compensation for my lost hour because im a CUSTOMER an i paid for this service and i'm ENTITLED to it . .


if you think that entitles you to "compensation " because you are being screw ....seriously....there are no words that would give that justice ...facepalm doesn't even come close


LOL FYI all of us are spending money to play the game if we are posting here sooo really.. ....i don't know what you were trying to prove there because like the rest of your argument completely failed but did go further to proven the " unreasonably entitled customer " point,

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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