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Is this supposed to be joke? [Biochem schematic]


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To say I'm annoyed right now is an understatement. First you guys make these schematics only available on a vendor that resets weekly with stupid artificial timegating that only affects certain people that makes any ******* timegating Blizzard has pulled off look good by comparison and then when it's finally one group's time to stop getting railed without lube while others are running around in full BIS since day two this crap happens.



Edited by Stncold
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This is the ultimate epitome of death of the crafting. Even with 0 solid matrices instead of 18, the price of other mats needed is many times higher than the price of single matrix. No one sane would ever want to craft them. Even players that absolutely hate conquest would rather buy them than craft.


It's official now: BW hate crafters, and they are mad that they were forced into adding crafting to the game during development process and are now taking revenge.

Edited by black_pyros
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Picture pls

Um, sure. I don't think I took a screenshot of it on artifice, but I have one on cybertech. Again, this was PTS, and to the best of my recollection they got around to fixing it there (or they fixed some of the instances, anyway, maybe only the ones that showed up on Kai during PTS?). Anyway, enjoy a fun look at the initial crafting costs for tacticals, lol.

Edited by Estelindis
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Crafting turned into garbage. Iam ok with making it more difficult with need of making few layers of mats: green-blue-purple to make best things. But forcing to do conquest for mats which requires waiting 7 days for them or forcing to farm mats which doesn't even have decent sorce of farming (gold embers) makes crafting total garbage since you are forced to wait conquests for weeks and pray for luck to get embers. I thought hidding mats behind ranked was a bad idea but at least you had guaranteed drops there and you didn't had to wait weeks to get it
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Crafting turned into garbage. Iam ok with making it more difficult with need of making few layers of mats: green-blue-purple to make best things. But forcing to do conquest for mats which requires waiting 7 days for them or forcing to farm mats which doesn't even have decent sorce of farming (gold embers) makes crafting total garbage since you are forced to wait conquests for weeks and pray for luck to get embers. I thought hidding mats behind ranked was a bad idea but at least you had guaranteed drops there and you didn't had to wait weeks to get it

Legendary embers are actually fairly easy to get, so im not sure why you are complaining about them.

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I would really appreciate if BW chimed in on their intended fix for this. I haven't bought the broken tactical items yet, but if they said that those who bought them while broken would receive the fixed schematic later then I would buy them, so as not to miss out the chance this weekend to get whatever these are supposed to be (which mightn't come back via Kai for a while). On the other hand, if players who bought them while broken would just receive a credit and tech fragment refund, then there's not really any point buying them now. (I'll assume we can ignore the third option of no one being compensated, because that won't happen, right?)
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Legendary embers are actually fairly easy to get, so im not sure why you are complaining about them.


How do you get them? People told me to get special missions with lockboxes from slicing and that completing these missions drops embers yet i didn't get much by doing these missions. Only 2 embers from 3 missions

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How do you get them? People told me to get special missions with lockboxes from slicing and that completing these missions drops embers yet i didn't get much by doing these missions. Only 2 embers from 3 missions

I've done a lot of slicing, earning ~130 ember so far purely from grade 11 missions granted by slicing, and every discovered mission I've done grants at least 1 ember, often more. If my experience is reflective, you could not have only gained a total of two from three missions. It'd have to mean that one of the discovered missions didn't return anything. Did that really happen?

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It's no longer in my schematic list either after purchasing it last night. A word on this would be appreciated BW. Bad enough we have to deal with this awful design of two schems a week out of 12 and outrageous mats to begin with then get bugs on top of it. Edited by Stncold
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In case anyone missed it, Eric answered this in the bug report forum:

Thank you for raising this. Those schematics are actually incomplete items that should not be on the vendor, that is a bug. We are working on a temporary fix right now to make it so players cannot purchase them until they roll off of Kai Zykken.


If you have already purchased any of the schematics, please contact customer support.

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