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I can't afford this expansion (credits)


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Convert the jawa junk to crafting mats and sell them on the GTN


That mean hunting and typing each ressource, one by one on the GTN. Looking at the price its being sold .


If it doesnt sell..it mean doing it over and over .


Yeah..sound like a blast...:rolleyes:

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That mean hunting and typing each ressource, one by one on the GTN. Looking at the price its being sold .


If it doesnt sell..it mean doing it over and over .


Yeah..sound like a blast...:rolleyes:


It’s not hard. Find the most expensive crafted items on the GTN or the most sort after. Then look up what mats they use and check which ones give the best returns. It takes 5 minutes at best and you don’t have to go through every single mat available.

I’ve made 200,000,000 in the last 3 days doing this because I’ve given up on crafting being lucrative anymore.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It’s not hard. Find the most expensive crafted items on the GTN or the most sort after. Then look up what mats they use and check which ones give the best returns. It takes 5 minutes at best and you don’t have to go through every single mat available.

I’ve made 200,000,000 in the last 3 days doing this because I’ve given up on crafting being lucrative anymore.


But my Lazyness is Legendary.......:D




*raise a cup* Give to tha poor? Got some change? :p

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I’ve made 200,000,000 in the last 3 days doing this


You did what?.....

Sorry, Its just too incredible to believe... :confused:

What mat did you sell?

I mean if market is hot... then I should take a crack at it too. :)

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I deconstructed a ton of gold items on my way to 306 and beyond. I have received exactly 0 Embers.


Do they come only from 306 gear or what? Do you need to have correct crew skill?


It comes from 300+ gear ..but rare. Most are from unlockable missions - all of them MAY bring ember if crit.

Did tonight maybe 7 missions got around 15 embers.

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You did what?.....

Sorry, Its just too incredible to believe... :confused:

What mat did you sell?

I mean if market is hot... then I should take a crack at it too. :)


Refined Isotopes. I made the most credits at the start till other people caught on and the price halved on the GTN and then dropped another 50,000.

I was selling them at 300,000 each, now they are selling at 100,000 to 130,000 because people are allergic to making credit :rolleyes:

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Refined Isotopes. I made the most credits at the start till other people caught on and the price halved on the GTN and then dropped another 50,000.

I was selling them at 300,000 each, now they are selling at 100,000 to 130,000 because people are allergic to making credit :rolleyes:


The new Isotopes aren't even worth 30k. They come so easily from doing so many gameplay activities.


Now if you mean the ones from the last expansion to make Dark projects, those may still be worth it.

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Most priced resource now are credits. It is question of 1-2 weeks while people figure it eventually and stop most GTN activity.

Also some prices will go down. For example currently missions are 500k. However, it takes 20 mins to get random 2. During 20 mins you can drop around 50k credits. So..missions aren't worse to buy for 500k measuring all in time.

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First thing to think about with gearing is this it is all down to convenience. How fast you want to go and what you are willing to do to get there. I am sure I could have save a few million here and there had I not built a modded set first and made sure I was augmented. I have a 268 augmented set and I have now several 306 sets augmented.


I got my Death Knell set within a week.


As I work on getting mods, armoring, and enhancements I will start to move things around and that costs credits. Or tech to buy. How fast it goes is how much I am willing to spend.


Had I nothing I might not be at the gear level I am at, but I would be real close.


I have a buffer of credits but I will run out sooner than I like and I will have to do more things to earn more crdit so I can spend them again.


If Crafting remains the way it is and they do not correct the insane requirements that are in no way balanced. I can make armoring 77 on my synth without conquest mats and the blues costing five but on my armortech it cost 8 to make the green? DID Someone just put numbers in by whim?


If it remains broken I will be like most and take my crafters and turn them into mat farmers no reason not to as this would by me the things that I refuse to craft because of crazy requirements. Eventually they will fix things, so I will not drop the main crafters, but it will be a long time before I am able to craft anything worthwhile other than an augment or two here and there.


So it is expensive and one of the most expensive expacs as the credits you earn are cut way down. the things we do to move mods around doubled the trash gear we sell is only worth 1/10th of what it was before and the gear cost credits as well. I have spent 60 million on four toons so ya I am going to be broke in no time.


The one with so many fake friends getting free cartel coins every month needs to be limited to at most ten referrals had this been in play then there would not be dozens of billionaires on this game. It is too late now.



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I've got about 52 million on my main, and I know that's very low compared to a lot of players because I didn't even work very hard to get that. All I know is, I'm not touching crafting or BiS gearing for now because of the costs. I have roughly 55k cartel coins saved up, so I might just buy a bunch of CM crap to sell if this is what the economy is now.


55 THOUSAND Cartelcoins. Holy Crap :eek:

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I'm confused. I have never heard of a crafter with no money.


You can sell MK-11 Kit on the GTN right now for 1.5 million+.


So invest a few million in one crafter, then craft to finance your gearing and other crafters.


Solo players tend to prefer self-sufficiency through crafting their own equipment, which means they (myself included) rarely if ever sell items on GTN.


Although I have sold surplus things on it, my experience has been that too many crafters saturates the market making it increasingly difficult to earn the amounts you speak of, often competing prices hitting below cost to craft, and for me, grinding/crafting for sake of turning a profit on GTN is just too boring and tedious.

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It feels like the cost of everything went up. I have a 5k repair bill for for every 30 minutes of play now.


They artificially increased repair costs by making everything at 75 gold quality (once past the throw away gearing stage), as repair along with mod extraction costs scale up with quality (color).

Edited by DawnAskham
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Lol! Shhh! Don't ruin people's fantasies. 🤐


Yeah I'm not understanding this....I always have a stupid amount and I really don't do that much to earn compared to other MMO's Iv'e played. Of course I stopped trying to understand this community when I got death threat /tells just for riding a Cartel market speeder.


We live in a age that glorifies everything communal. It kinda reminds me of that guy we all went to High School with that hated people just because they had cars while he rode the bus.

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What devs must do is:

Drastically Nerf costs on amplifier changes

Reduce costs of different mats at cartel bazaar since 200 purple and blue jawa junk for 1 grade 11 mat is trolling

SLIGHTLY reduce cost of crew skill missions

slightly reduce cost on repairing gear, switching gear parts


Otherwise most of swtor players will turn into bancrupts and start begging for credits near gtn section of fleets like panhandlers

Edited by omaan
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After the Grand Galactic Sale, I was left with only 10 mil. Now I have 6 mil, and the number keeps getting smaller instead of bigger. That's a problem, since there doesn't seem to be any legitimate way to earn the millions required anymore, and I refuse to use credit selling sites.


see i am notcing that too just a bit granted i am still on the story missions myself so i still have a bit of a ways to go before i even reach points where that kind of thing maters but yeah i did notice they got rid of a a way i made lots of credits or at least a hunk of change and that was selling green gear to venders 3k min for greens. i mean i can still in theory farm heroics and story missions and missions in general but still.

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What devs must do is:

Drastically Nerf costs on amplifier changes

Reduce costs of different mats at cartel bazaar since 200 purple and blue jawa junk for 1 grade 11 mat is trolling

SLIGHTLY reduce cost of crew skill missions

slightly reduce cost on repairing gear, switching gear parts


Otherwise most of swtor players will turn into bancrupts and start begging for credits near gtn section of fleets like panhandlers


The amp re-rolls need a cap. 10k limit or reduce the amount of amps available, so instead of 0.20 increase, 0.50 increases and less choices.


I mean when they introduced this, did they not look at The Division (first one) and learn from other developers mistakes? Or did they think the Anthem gear system was actually good with all the random stuff?

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the problem is not only in that.

I noticed that the credit drop from mobs and boss has become much less.

Earlier, playing kotfe you could get 1.5k credits from a mob or boss. usually fell 300-500. now only 100 credits are falling. we got the same amount before on planets like Balmorra or Quesh, but even there 80 credits are falling from mobs now. on Hoth today 150 falls only. With such a truncated version of the credit drop, it is unrealistic to farm the normal number of credits for the game without donation!

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1.4b here. Hefty amount, but still not the dupers' tards amount of credits. All of them earned by playing 6 years.

Raw credit drops got cut by three times. Items credit costs were but in 5-6 times, roughly. Income is tremendously lower then it was before. Just forget about playing dailies, instad of getting like 200k from a zone you now get 90-100k max. Items require a disenchanting to get tech fragments, after you get all fragments you need you can start to sell those items, but still that's not enough for amplifying.

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Yo listen up, here's the story

About a little guy that lives in a swtor world

And all day and all night and everything he sees is just crafting

so listen...


I came after 2 years hiatus and started this expansion with 20m. I peaked 1billion in 3 days after expansion launch and now im sitting at 800m. It isn't much but it helps for a cybertech crafter.


Like in any other expansion, crafting has been profitable for me, and it all depends on a bit of hard work, experience, and sometimes lots of luck.


I understand the very first 2 weeks of an expansion is critical to make credits. so i decided to go all for crafting,


I had 4 companions level 50, so i know i will use them to craft mods because of critical rate (gives you 2x items) but i was really surprised when i saw that companions now have around 80% chance on crit, up from 25%, so that was a HUGE incentive for me to begin crafting mods.


After i got the blue schematic for my first mod, and seeing everyone complaining about crafting and not even trying, i decided to put some blue mods on the gtn, for a crazy price imho, just to show off for 60m, i put 3 of them while i was making more to eventually deconstruct them altogether. Guess what? they sold. Suddenly i went from less than 20m to 180m+.


As for previous experience, i know people will soon copycat my success, and also i dont care spamming in chat what just happened cause i'm not afraid of competition, so i decided to invest millions to get purple schematics of that same mod.


Next day, i was selling purple mods for 120m, and my money went up to 400m. So i decided to invest again in the next tier or purple (i thought i'd get gold schems already but NO). eventually i ended up with 292 mods selling for 150m.


Needless to say, i made 600m+ sales overnight and ended up with 1billion + before noon.


I even invested roughly 500m so far to get the golden schematic with no luck. cause there is only 5% chance to get it and i already think is not worth it until prices come down, so i will keep selling my purple schems (currently selling them for less than 60m).

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Yo listen up, here's the story

About a little guy that lives in a swtor world

And all day and all night and everything he sees is just crafting

so listen...


I came after 2 years hiatus and started this expansion with 20m. I peaked 1billion in 3 days after expansion launch and now im sitting at 800m. It isn't much but it helps for a cybertech crafter.


Like in any other expansion, crafting has been profitable for me, and it all depends on a bit of hard work, experience, and sometimes lots of luck.


I understand the very first 2 weeks of an expansion is critical to make credits. so i decided to go all for crafting,


I had 4 companions level 50, so i know i will use them to craft mods because of critical rate (gives you 2x items) but i was really surprised when i saw that companions now have around 80% chance on crit, up from 25%, so that was a HUGE incentive for me to begin crafting mods.


After i got the blue schematic for my first mod, and seeing everyone complaining about crafting and not even trying, i decided to put some blue mods on the gtn, for a crazy price imho, just to show off for 60m, i put 3 of them while i was making more to eventually deconstruct them altogether. Guess what? they sold. Suddenly i went from less than 20m to 180m+.


As for previous experience, i know people will soon copycat my success, and also i dont care spamming in chat what just happened cause i'm not afraid of competition, so i decided to invest millions to get purple schematics of that same mod.


Next day, i was selling purple mods for 120m, and my money went up to 400m. So i decided to invest again in the next tier or purple (i thought i'd get gold schems already but NO). eventually i ended up with 292 mods selling for 150m.


Needless to say, i made 600m+ sales overnight and ended up with 1billion + before noon.


I even invested roughly 500m so far to get the golden schematic with no luck. cause there is only 5% chance to get it and i already think is not worth it until prices come down, so i will keep selling my purple schems (currently selling them for less than 60m).


And for the kicker - no amount of player effort can overcome the terrible RE chance.


I had over a billion before the expansion started (I do have more now mostly from selling off all my materials the past week), with multiple alts with all rank 50 companions and maxed crew skills, and have burned hundreds of millions in materials and hours and hours of time since the expansion started (some purchased), and STILL do not have a SINGLE f-ing RE schematic for the items I've attempted.


So yeah - I'm glad you won the RE lottery - but saying 'oh just do what I did and you can make a lot too' is like telling someone all they have to do to be rich is win the lottery because hey, it worked for you.

Edited by DawnAskham
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And for the kicker - no amount of player effort can overcome the terrible RE chance.


I had over a billion before the expansion started (I do have more now mostly from selling off all my materials the past week), with multiple alts with all rank 50 companions and maxed crew skills, and have burned hundreds of millions in materials and hours and hours of time since the expansion started (some purchased), and STILL do not have a SINGLE f-ing RE schematic for the items I've attempted.


So yeah - I'm glad you won the RE lottery - but saying 'oh just do what I did and you can make a lot too' is like telling someone all they have to do to be rich is win the lottery because hey, it worked for you.


First of all, even if you want to win the lottery you gotta buy a lottery ticket first, and most people don't even give it a try.

Like i said, once i sold my blue mods for 60m (crazy price imho) i spammed on chat what just happened, some people decided to craft too, some didn't, is that a matter of luck?


Atm, there are many crafters in my server that are on the very same situation than i, we are so few tho, that we barely have any competition, i make mods, some other guy makes enhancements only and some other does hilts. There are a bunch tho that make augments, and the price is now below 40m for those.


I can tell you, they might tell you similar stories than i.


After the first week, getting schematics and criticals had a several decrease due to a shadowpatch, and last week it affected the chances on higher tier items.


Even if your companion says 80% chance to crit, if it's a purple item your critical success is reduced, say 40% or around.


I can understand losing millions in research, i lost more than 500m trying to get that 5% chance for a 300+ schematic.


But if you read my story, i didn't start selling purple items, i made my own money selling blues first, and blue schematics im pretty sure you can get easily.


Edit: like i said in my previous post, i started with a plan, i know first 2 weeks are critical to sell items at higher price, ofc i did not expect such success, but if you tell me that's only because of luck, i can name many silicon valley companies that are worth billions now that didn't expect such success so fast either

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