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Thank you Devs for the difficulty bump - overall, it feels just right finally.


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Red reaper gets easier the higher your gear. At lvl 306 and lvl 50 comp, it nearly feels like you could solo it if not for the extra add mechanic on the last boss.

I know I can solo the first and second bosses on master mode. Just not the last boss. If anyone has done this, I’d love some advice on the tactics you used.

It's solable, think I was gear level 294/296 or so when I tried MM.


As was mentioned you pull the boss to the back of the room. Then it's comp micromanagement since you have to toggle passive/active a fair bit.


When the ancient whatevers appear (the red flames) you should pick up 2 to 3 stacks of them for the damage reduction boost.


You can also click the archeology tablet in the room with the droid boss, that will give you a 9 minute buff. it's not needed, but can make things easier and less time off-healing or hitting defensives means more time dps'ing.


I also turn off the kolto shell ability on healing comps. I haven't done any actual testing, and it just might be wishful thinking since I really do not like that shell's visual effects, but they seem to work better without it turned on.

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Decent thread...and there are excellent points on both sides of the argument. I have been here since beta one, and I know this is how it will pan out.


If it brings in more subs and more cartel market sales it will stay, if folks unsubscribe, or if it causes a rift in the customer base it will go faster than you can say Little Annie, that is just how EA works, and this to me is neither good or bad, because I have fun when content is tougher, and I have fun when it's the way it was before the tuning.


Regardless Bioware will keep a close eye on this, because I feel they learned their lesson on alienating fans way back when they had the Raid Guild only summit. I really don't have a dog in this race regardless, as I said I'll be here no matter, but not everyone deals with change like I do.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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I'll start by saying, I don't mind a challenge.


But saying that I prefer to play at my own pace, and I tend to take the game as it comes. Some stuff is harder yes. Some stuff I won't touch. PVP and OPs for example, had my fair share not fun for me, but I won't begrudge those who love them.


I'd be happy if Bioware worked on being more inclusive for the different player groups. It annoys me that the community is so divided about the latest level sync changes and everything. Everyone here is making good and bad points. But lets be honest, no matter what the devs change somebody is going to be motivated to argue the heck out it for it to be changed again.


I think the best course of action would be to find a middle ground and modify what they have already done. Level Sync at the moment is okay for me and others like me, others find it too easy or too hard, you are who you are, can't be changed really.


They don't necessarily need to change the sync again, just bring things more in line. E.g: match most Heroics to existing story instances, the higher level ones bring them down slightly to be more in line, or have a difficulty based on group size, 1 player its story mode, 3-4 vet mode.


My point is, enough requests have been made for drastic changes by all parties and this causes issues like this, us vs them.


What's the point, we all play the same game, we all want to have fun in our way. In my opinion they just need to work on how it all balances out and not create a totally new system that will just annoy us all again.

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I'm going to have to test this more when I get in game later, but....

Many people seem to be complaining about mobs taking too long to kill. I noticed this too, but I also think I noticed that in many cases it's because the mobs healers are actually healing. It seems as though taking out the healers (which aren't always Medics) makes the rest of the group go down faster.

This to me is the way it used to be way back, and the way it should be. I know I've been so used to just steamrolling the mobs that I took little notice of there roles before, but things may have changed. It's interesting to have to actually have a plan or strategy when fighting.


So far, since 6.0 dropped, I've only done a few Vet FPs - like HS and MR; easy ones - I've noticed the bosses being a bit tougher but no major difference.


This isn't really accurate (I say this as a person who is passionate about mechanics and constantly focuses healers, stuns healers, interrupts healers, pushes back healers, etc.). Mobs simply take much longer to kill. Healers take longer to kill. Silvers take MUCH longer to kill. Golds take WAY longer to kill (like boss level long compared to before) and Boss Mobs are obscenely long to kill (like 5 minutes long even with heroic moment).


However, let me say that I appreciate the way you mention your feedback. It's very respectful and clear, so kudos for that.

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Interesting update:


MM Depths of Manaan


Ran this last night from group finder, everyone was around 300 (I was 303). It was brutal. We wiped many times. However, we finished it with all bosses, including the bonus boss.


No wipes on first boss.

2 wipes on bonus boss.

4 wipes on Ortuno.

No wipes on final boss.


First, Ortuno is not-surprisingly, very tough. We finally got through it by having the dps grab adds and take them to boss, stun them and let tank focus on managing Ortuno. The healer also was CCing one of the adds long term, so we would fight it during the lighning phase. Even still, and though the tank and healer were awesome, there were still many times the tank's health dropped to 5-6% and one of us DPS had to taunt for a second and run for the hills, lol.


Anyway, now for the discovery. No one dropped. And you know what, no one complained about wiping per se. It wasn't about wasting time or frustration because of the difficultly. Instead, what made the members of the group say "last try and I'm out" was the repair costs. It's simply not feasable to run a MM fp and know you're going to spend around 200K-300K in repairs.


If the devs reduced repair costs to reasonable levels (7-10k per repair, for example) I think people would complain a lot less about difficulty and be willing to tackle harder content happily.

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Since 6.0 I did Ossus on my JK and Hoth on my Gunslinger.

Ossus: level 70 Vigilance Knight. Gear I think at the level of 230-240 (I don't pay attention to endgame gear much). Fun, mobs strong enough to be careful with them, kill weak or healer first, sometimes use defensive abilities. And my force leap didn't work as it should have (they changed it with patch). Never died (sorry, once fell from a cliff). Liked the difficulty, no problems, the quests were fun, killing mobs was as I remember from pre 4.0, or close to that. This is almost newest content, so no surprise its tuned well.


Hoth: level 40 gunslinger, in blue and purple gear, with level 6-10 dps companion (Risha, Bowdaar, Akaavi -the ones in warm clothing). Class and planetary still easy, though silvers and golds seem a bit stronger. Silvers survive one rotation of level 40 gunslinger, but not much longer.


Heroics: did 2 of them.

One was with Mandos in a cave, the one you have to kill 3 monsters to go through mandalorian gauntlet. Mobs are strong, as difficult as I remember in pre 4.0 era. Some gold mobs, like rampaging wampa (or hows it called) very hard to kill. It has 150k hit points and hits really hard. Doable. The Rampaging Wampa with two golden ads was unkillable for me and dps companion (didn't try healer, as non of my companions feel right as a healer). But avoidable. All 3 targets perfectly killable. Had fun, was hard, had to pay attention.


The second Heroic was the Gamorreans (unstoppable horde?). Much easier then I remember. Mobs harder to kill then regular ones on planet, but still easy. Just spam aoe and then concentrate fire on strongest of the group. Companion kills the weak ones, wounded by my aoe. There is a boss there, survives like 2 or 3 rotations, but easy to kill. This Heroic is much, much easier then it used to be.


Past Hoth there's the end of chapter 2 mission. Should be difficult, but isn't. So far I don't see problems for even half blind casuals doing their class stories.

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I am also glad to see the return of difficulty. One of my biggest complaints about KOTFE/KOTET (beyond the story, skytroopers, and homogenization of most compaions) was that there was no real difficulty to the open world anymore. Companions, especially healers, were so absurdly OP starting at about Rank 10-15 that they trivialized pretty much everything, and for awhile it seemed like BioWare's answer to that was simply to make enemies take longer to kill rather than to bring any real challenge to them.


Now, even though a max rank companion is still very powerful, it's less likely that you'll be able to sleepwalk your way through content anymore. there's still some tweaking to do, but its a step in the right direction.

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as much as there's a part of me that would just love to dismiss you with a snide comment, I really can't because up till this point before 6.0 and before Keith took over, bioware's heart really wasn't in to making it real MMO. They essentially enabled all the solo players enabled everything towards them.


Now that they are going back to their roots and bringing SWTOR back to being a real MMO after being solo oriented for so long, I think there are going to be quite a few people who are upset and will leave and I completely understand their position.


If anything, that was one of the things that made this game really hard to figure out come up because it was billed as an MMO but they really started focusing on solo play starting with forged alliance. And if you believe what Nyman, a former tester set, BioWare never really wanted to make an MMO in the first place.


and yet here they are getting back to the roots of the originally launched game and the people who were catered to for the past 3? 4? Years are upset over it, I really can't blame them, even if I do believe in my heart of hearts the direction and change was necessary for the overall health and growth of the game.


It's an interesting dynamic because I'm seeing a lot of players who trend more towards solo play mentality get fed up and leave. At the same time, I am seeing about twice as many people in game at least who have been away for a while and now that they've come back are really enjoying themselves and the grouping aspect. It's a shame that both audiences couldn't be kept but I also think the wants of both audiences are diametrically opposed to each other and BioWare picked of the larger audience.


Bioware's outreach hasn't gone unnoticed by a lot of former players who left over this story direction.


That being said, we will have to see if BioWare can keep the people here. Although I will say the increase in challenge certainly helps.


Still feel bad for the departing solo players, but not enough to suggest BioWare make any concessions.


I am gonna go out on a whim here and say, this is an mmo. The solo players have had about 2 years of nonstop solo content while the rest of us who like group content from flashpoints to pvp to raids etc. Have been waiting a long time for more of that and actually make it important to getting geared. Its a video game and should render a degree of challenge. Are there elitists snob out there who will talk down to you in the flashpoint, yes, but that is not a reason to make everything solo driven in an mmo. It is one of the biggest reasons why alot of people don't make this their main mmo because it feels lonely, with the heavy instancing, the barren planets, all consolidated on the fleet. I have done daily runs and seen maybe 1 or 2 players. Thats not an mmo. And the people who keep mmos alive are endgame players, and yes if you do more challenging content you should be rewarded for it. That is what this genre is. And the more they promote their endgame content and group content the more likely people are to stick around. If we look at the most successful mmo's on the market they all do a very a good job of promoting group play. That makes a difference on an mmo, it gives goals to strive for. Is solo play important yes, should be able to accomplish everything in an mmo, no.

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I am gonna go out on a whim here and say, this is an mmo. The solo players have had about 2 years of nonstop solo content while the rest of us who like group content from flashpoints to pvp to raids etc. Have been waiting a long time for more of that and actually make it important to getting geared. Its a video game and should render a degree of challenge. Are there elitists snob out there who will talk down to you in the flashpoint, yes, but that is not a reason to make everything solo driven in an mmo. It is one of the biggest reasons why alot of people don't make this their main mmo because it feels lonely, with the heavy instancing, the barren planets, all consolidated on the fleet. I have done daily runs and seen maybe 1 or 2 players. Thats not an mmo. And the people who keep mmos alive are endgame players, and yes if you do more challenging content you should be rewarded for it. That is what this genre is. And the more they promote their endgame content and group content the more likely people are to stick around. If we look at the most successful mmo's on the market they all do a very a good job of promoting group play. That makes a difference on an mmo, it gives goals to strive for. Is solo play important yes, should be able to accomplish everything in an mmo, no.


Yet another person who equates challenge with group and ease with solo. There is endgame content for both solo and group players and there is a variety of challenges for both solo and group players. What people are upset about, in general, is that the floor content for solo players (ie Heroics) are now taking two to three times as long. Not a single person in this thread has said they should be able to solo MM FPs or OPs. No one has said anything to the effect of group play is unimportant. It is entirely the group oriented players who seem to ignore this and equate people saying things are too challenging with soloers.


In this thread there are people who have discussed the overtuning of group content making it hard for PUGs to complete group content. There are people who have discussed solo end game content being more grindy and less fun. There are people who have discussed story content being overtuned. And there have even been people saying some Vet FPs are overtuned making it impossible for groups to even complete those specific ones (ie. Assault on Korriban). What there hasn't been is anyone saying everything should be soloable.


You're creating a strawman to argue against here. An increase in challenge, for all its pros and cons, affects both group players and soloists and both have representatives discussing how they've been affected. This has zero to do with the BS argument that endgame = group content only.

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Just finished Ord Mantell on a brand new Nautolan trooper, tha fortress in the volcano at the end took me 2 mins longer than the last time i recorded my playthrough while i had far less trash to fight in the non instanced areas because there was a smuggler slighty ahead of me who killed most of them (well he was killing things faster than me as he had Corso, while troopers get Jorgan after finishing everything on Ord Mantell).

That was boring, and absolutely not fun.


I know i won't replay the trooper story, i'll finish this one to have the whole story recorded, but next time i want to see that story again, i'll just watch my recordings, that'll be much faster and i'll not nead a sub for that...

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Just finished Ord Mantell on a brand new Nautolan trooper, tha fortress in the volcano at the end took me 2 mins longer than the last time i recorded my playthrough while i had far less trash to fight in the non instanced areas because there was a smuggler slighty ahead of me who killed most of them (well he was killing things faster than me as he had Corso, while troopers get Jorgan after finishing everything on Ord Mantell).

That was boring, and absolutely not fun.


I know i won't replay the trooper story, i'll finish this one to have the whole story recorded, but next time i want to see that story again, i'll just watch my recordings, that'll be much faster and i'll not nead a sub for that...


Maybe they should add an instance WITHOUT mobs, just for you?

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Maybe they should add an instance WITHOUT mobs, just for you?


Is driving away players a good idea for the longevity of the game? I guess it will be extra challenging to do quests in the game when the servers eventually shut down so may as well make that happen ASAP?

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Yet another person who equates challenge with group and ease with solo. There is endgame content for both solo and group players and there is a variety of challenges for both solo and group players. What people are upset about, in general, is that the floor content for solo players (ie Heroics) are now taking two to three times as long. Not a single person in this thread has said they should be able to solo MM FPs or OPs. No one has said anything to the effect of group play is unimportant. It is entirely the group oriented players who seem to ignore this and equate people saying things are too challenging with soloers.


In this thread there are people who have discussed the overtuning of group content making it hard for PUGs to complete group content. There are people who have discussed solo end game content being more grindy and less fun. There are people who have discussed story content being overtuned. And there have even been people saying some Vet FPs are overtuned making it impossible for groups to even complete those specific ones (ie. Assault on Korriban). What there hasn't been is anyone saying everything should be soloable.


You're creating a strawman to argue against here. An increase in challenge, for all its pros and cons, affects both group players and soloists and both have representatives discussing how they've been affected. This has zero to do with the BS argument that endgame = group content only.


Perhaps I misunderstood his quote. But in terms of the vet dungeons and overtuning I don't think they are overtuned. I have completed every flashpoint in my grind to 306 (i que for all of them not just RR and HS). I think it is good that when people stand in an aoe they die. We wiped on the first boss for Assualt on Tython. It was a wake up like hey these guys are fighting back. But then guess what we did on the second pull we avoided the aoe's. We stayed out of the cleave and completed it. I think that is a good thing, the game pushed us to improve and if you are new it is teaching you the basics to survive in a raid. I can't tell you how many times we get people who try to join our raids and don't understand the basics of don't stand in that and stay out of the cleave, or how their cooldowns work because they never had to use them. I see those as a good thing. In terms of solo content, I have noticed that the mobs are def spongier not necessarily harder which is kinda annoying. But my comp keeps me at full health for pretty much the whole fight, (T7 lvl 50). This could be due to a variety of factors even in 306 gear my crit rating is not as high and neither is my power. IT seems the amps will make up for this and make this all go faster as those push past the bolster along with dps tacticals.


And when you see group-oriented players frustrated with solo activities it is because Bioware has made alot of stuff that was group content into solo. Alot of us miss when people actually looked for heroic groups because they dropped good worthwhile loot and you actually needed people to accomplish a task, or when almost all the mechanics were gutted out of sm ops in an effort to make them more accessible but it causes alot of us who do that content to sleep walk through them. Alot of us miss the multiplayer aspect of the game and if the content is harder what makes it easier is often a group. They have also killed off world pvp thoroughly as well. The group content players have watched bioware wither their content or relevance of their content away. It is nice to see stuff encouraging people to look for a group and learn mechanics in flashpoints. It is why we jump on this because for its like what are you gonna nerf away next.

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Is driving away players a good idea for the longevity of the game? I guess it will be extra challenging to do quests in the game when the servers eventually shut down so may as well make that happen ASAP?


I'm just trying to be constructive here. :rak_01:

Don't know what else to say when someone complains that PLAYING a game took longer.

I know there is a mentality when the real game are cut scenes and the rest is just unnecessary , but I don't think the devs should cater to it. Or they could, releasing the instances without mobs. Seriously, that would settle this.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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I'm just trying to be constructive here. :rak_01:

Don't know what else to say when someone complains that PLAYING a game took longer.

I know there is a mentality when the real game are cut scenes and the rest is just unnecessary , but I don't think the devs should cater to it. Or they could, releasing the instances without mobs. Seriously, that would settle this.


Okay, but can we not agree there is a point where the game becomes a slog. Obviously going from one cut scene to another wouldn't be fun for most people, but taking an hour to fight one enemy that only repeats the same 3 moves wouldn't be fun to most people either. There is a middle ground.


The thing is challenge is only fun as long as it's a challenge. For example, I soloed vet Hammer the other day. The trash in there was challenging when I had my companion on dps. I had to use my cc and dcd and keep my head in the game.


On the other hand the bosses were not a challenge at all. I had to use my comp on healing mode, but when I did the enemy just did a basic rotation that didn't require much thought and I just did the same rotation for 5-10 minutes.


The trash in that FP was fun even if it didn't last as long. Each mob may have only taken 30-60 seconds to kill, but that time was intense and challenging. The bosses took significantly longer bur weren't a challenge. Longer content does not mean more fun if the content doesn't require more than rote rotations which is what a lot of people are finding since 6.0

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Okay, but can we not agree there is a point where the game becomes a slog. Obviously going from one cut scene to another wouldn't be fun for most people, but taking an hour to fight one enemy that only repeats the same 3 moves wouldn't be fun to most people either. There is a middle ground.


The thing is challenge is only fun as long as it's a challenge. For example, I soloed vet Hammer the other day. The trash in there was challenging when I had my companion on dps. I had to use my cc and dcd and keep my head in the game.


On the other hand the bosses were not a challenge at all. I had to use my comp on healing mode, but when I did the enemy just did a basic rotation that didn't require much thought and I just did the same rotation for 5-10 minutes.


The trash in that FP was fun even if it didn't last as long. Each mob may have only taken 30-60 seconds to kill, but that time was intense and challenging. The bosses took significantly longer bur weren't a challenge. Longer content does not mean more fun if the content doesn't require more than rote rotations which is what a lot of people are finding since 6.0


This, right here.


When the mobs take longer to kill and the Valkorion fight takes five minutes it's not because they are doing anything creative or because my character needs to run around and do anything. My character just has to stand there hitting them again and again (or in Valkorion's case play 'alignment switch and Force drain' with the pretty buttons). There's nothing interesting if you're standing there doing the same rotation seventeen times. I literally was looking at my phone for the second half of the Valkorion fight because it was so boring and so much of a slog.


The same way you might not mind a short line when you're at a theme park, but if you're waiting in line for two hours for a two-minute ride, it ceases to become fun and is no longer worth the time investment.

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Okay, but can we not agree there is a point where the game becomes a slog. Obviously going from one cut scene to another wouldn't be fun for most people, but taking an hour to fight one enemy that only repeats the same 3 moves wouldn't be fun to most people either. There is a middle ground.


The thing is challenge is only fun as long as it's a challenge. For example, I soloed vet Hammer the other day. The trash in there was challenging when I had my companion on dps. I had to use my cc and dcd and keep my head in the game.


On the other hand the bosses were not a challenge at all. I had to use my comp on healing mode, but when I did the enemy just did a basic rotation that didn't require much thought and I just did the same rotation for 5-10 minutes.


The trash in that FP was fun even if it didn't last as long. Each mob may have only taken 30-60 seconds to kill, but that time was intense and challenging. The bosses took significantly longer bur weren't a challenge. Longer content does not mean more fun if the content doesn't require more than rote rotations which is what a lot of people are finding since 6.0


yes, there should be some kind of middle ground, I believe we're close to it now.

Before 6.0 the game was too easy and people got used to it.

You have to admit there was a big difference between vanilla game and more recent additions, like Iokath, Ossus or even KOFEET (but KOTFEET had other game play problems). It was because the devs payed attention to designing new content game play, and just dismissed vanilla with one algorithm for all the content, which made it a joke.

Now they finally acknowledged that vanilla level of difficulty was wrong and changed it.

Some people complain, because they never had fun with game play before, they just floated from one cut scene to another, or towards endgame to grind the same things over and over again.


IMO the change is good for the game in the long run, and maybe even those players that never had fun killing mobs, will find it now eventually. If not, well I guess they are the victims of bad game play design which was 4.0

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When the mobs take longer to kill and the Valkorion fight takes five minutes it's not because they are doing anything creative or because my character needs to run around and do anything. My character just has to stand there hitting them again and again (or in Valkorion's case play 'alignment switch and Force drain' with the pretty buttons). There's nothing interesting if you're standing there doing the same rotation seventeen times. I literally was looking at my phone for the second half of the Valkorion fight because it was so boring and so much of a slog.




KOTFE was never fun in terms of game play, I just don't do it anymore. My grief was with vanilla (including Heroics). The change in KOTFEET is pointless, as those had vet and mm versions.

Personally I think KOTFEET is just another game, that I skip now to get back to SWTOR. Using KOTFEET as an example or reference for vanilla is nonsense.

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yes, there should be some kind of middle ground, I believe we're close to it now.

Before 6.0 the game was too easy and people got used to it.

You have to admit there was a big difference between vanilla game and more recent additions, like Iokath, Ossus or even KOFEET (but KOTFEET had other game play problems). It was because the devs payed attention to designing new content game play, and just dismissed vanilla with one algorithm for all the content, which made it a joke.

Now they finally acknowledged that vanilla level of difficulty was wrong and changed it.

Some people complain, because they never had fun with game play before, they just floated from one cut scene to another, or towards endgame to grind the same things over and over again.


IMO the change is good for the game in the long run, and maybe even those players that never had fun killing mobs, will find it now eventually. If not, well I guess they are the victims of bad game play design which was 4.0


In my own opinion, for story we are in good shape, I agree. I think heroics are more of an issue because, for me, some have been taking quite a while to do without providing much challenge. Not all heroics are like this, but there have been some I've run where the process just isn't worth it to me because it lacks fun.


But that's also my own opinion. The problem is we're never going to have everyone agree unless they make vet and mm instances for all older content so people can have a choice and that, unfortunately, is unlikely to happen

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There was a boss i think on Mek-sha who was constantly casting red circles under my character, well he was absolutely not hard to beat, even with 230 gear and a lvl 2 companion, but seriously spending 5 mins running around him to hit him while avoiding the red circles at the same time was absolutly not my definition of a fun fight...
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There was a boss i think on Mek-sha who was constantly casting red circles under my character, well he was absolutely not hard to beat, even with 230 gear and a lvl 2 companion, but seriously spending 5 mins running around him to hit him while avoiding the red circles at the same time was absolutly not my definition of a fun fight...


Personally, I disagree for a few reasons. First, I would findthat to be fun because it's something where I'd actually have to stay awake and play the game rather than rote rotations. Secondly, I don't think content at that level is balanced around a level 2 companion. Surely the fight would have been quicker with a higher level companion.


I'm not saying it should be balanced around level 50 companions either, but if they balance everything around level 2 then level 50 becomes too quick and easy. Somewhere like level 30-35 should probably be the sweet spot.

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he problem is we're never going to have everyone agree unless they make vet and mm instances for all older content so people can have a choice and that, unfortunately, is unlikely to happen


Why unlikely? I should think that, for reasons of player retention alone, they'd have all the reason in the world to take steps to actually try to satisfy more people, rather than doing things like this and alienating segments of the population.

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Why unlikely? I should think that, for reasons of player retention alone, they'd have all the reason in the world to take steps to actually try to satisfy more people, rather than doing things like this and alienating segments of the population.


I say unlikely because I feel like it's been asked for enough over the past years and there was enough desire for challenging content that if it was going to happen it would have.


I don't know if there is a technical limitation to the older instanced content or a lack of developer will to do something like that, but I just have my doubts it will happen. I hope it does though and will continue to bring it up whenever I can.

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this might have something to do with the way the game down scales you.


It would be wonderful to hear from someone that did Voss Consular story in relevant level, that would be just under 50 I believe. The game should be tuned so that relevant level characters have no problem, and down scaled higher level characters have even less problems. From what I heard sometimes it is the other way around, which suggests problem with down scaling, not original difficulty. But I'm citing a rumor here, not my actual experience :confused:


It actually has nothing to do with it. For the most part, I haven't noticed much difference pre-patch and post-patch when it comes to difficulty. Most is perfectly fine even at my potato skill level, but there are some places that whatever algorithm Bioware used to determine scaling has gone totally haywire. This fight is one of them. Every other class instance fight since the last Sith on Coruscant has been pretty much ok. The Euphonia right after this quest was a little tougher than it used to be, but was manageable.


Another is:


Ziost: me, level 71 Commando (258 iLevel) with level 50 Aric Jorgan


The Monolith that stalks the beginning of Ziost two-stomped Jorgan and three-stomped me. I had time to fire off one skill before I was dead.


My oh-so-vain hope is that Bioware is stalking these threads and maybe taking a listen to trouble spots. Then, maybe, fixing them. I know, I know. I'm dreaming :D

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