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6.0 gearing is the worst in swtor history


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Which again completely defeats the point of play your way. So yes, you're still missing his point. He wants to pvp, but he's being forced to pve to get gear.

Lol. No he really isnt. But keep being a defeatist for not getting to be the 1% day 1.

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How did they do that?


They farm Hammer Station and Red Reaper in stealth groups non stop to unlock 306 rating and after that they probably spent their tech fragments and run the ops.... and harder content for gear drops.


I was really shocked and at the same time very very disappointed. Due to work I cannot no life this game and reach bis that fast, but the fact that a lot of people are able to farm Red Reaper in stealth is just unfair to non stealth players....


Also, after you unlock 306, the 2nd part of the grind begins. Buying one piece of good set bonus EMPTY gear costs 3000 tech fragments and 1 mil credits. The cap on tech is 5000. So if I were to buy ONE piece of empty gear for ONE spec, I'd have to grind myself to death again in Hammer Station and other content to get the other pieces of just one spec. I play marauder and all 3 specs of the class.. so you can imagine how much it will take.


I can understand in a way the frustration of the OP... As a PVP-er myself, I don't do anything else in this game except PVP. Sometimes I play class stories, but 80%^ of my time is in PVP and I just want my gear so I can go back to what I like.


Play your way is just like the American dream..... It was a good marketing strategy to hype the expansion with it. Devs are good sales persons.

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Seriously, i get everybody has their opinion, but I like it. I'm going to reach 306 today, and I have full time work and a family. I've also got 3 set bonus items and a tactical from tech frags. I think this'll be the easiest and fastest gearing I've played in an MMO. Now perfect min/max? not sure. Set bonuses are very class dependent too, some are garbo, others are great. But I like what I'm seeing so far
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Here's a guide I posted on Reddit about 6.0 gearing:


I consider myself a hardcore PvPer and even then, I really enjoyed the grind. I have full 306, optimized stats and 2 fully completed set bonuses: https://i.imgur.com/8GirE8Q.jpg. It wasn't hard and the "grind" so to speak wasn't even much of a grind since I did it with friends, which made the time fly by. It's great because now I can do content that I like (spamming solo ranked) and don't have to worry gearing for at least a full year probably.


There's really no rush to gear up fast, I mainly did it for the content (i'm a streamer, so it was good content for the stream). You have plenty of time to gear up and there's no reason to ever touch that RNG vendor for mods since you get more than enough mods at max level to min/max: https://i.imgur.com/bs1LckZ.png


Overall, I understand the complaint that you can't gear as fast in PvP as you can in PvE, but they never went back on their promise. You technically can gear via PvP. They never said it would be just as efficient as other methods though. But I do understand the concept of FOMO, or Fear of Missing out, that comes when a few others get access to things before you do, and I don't blame you for feeling that way.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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I'd consider this better than Ossus because the gear is dropping during the story and it's moddable. Given the way the gear is being awarded I'm doubting I'll go any farther than what they give for the story of Onslaught, though. I'm not even going to worry about it. I'm not planning on bothering with the amplifiers or different sets because it's way above my head, I'm just throwing all the new mods into my existing and already augmented GEMINI gear, since the set bonuses on them are now kaput it doesn't matter and I have the shells. Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I hate the RNG factor, but I do love the ability to gear up my Alts.


The problem is it’s convoluted if you don’t understand the mechanics of gearing up with this system. Which Bioware haven’t told anyone and it’s been trial and error and can be expensive credit wise as you pull things in and out of gear.


Luckily, I was able to work all of this out on the pts when we could have unlimited resources to test.


Here is a simple guide to gearing up.


1. At lvl 70, you want to have the highest iRating (total gear rating) as high as possible so that the random drop gear keeps giving you higher pieces.


2. I found the best way to do this is have one lvl 70 legacy set to share between all of your Alts (set bonus gear is useless and make no difference in lvl up to 75.


3. To achieve number 2, you can go through all of your characters and rip out all the highest iRated gear and put into legacy gear (remember, set bonuses are no longer on armoring).


4. Use this set till lvl 71 and then place it back in your legacy storage as you get 268 iRating pieces. “DO NOT UPGRADE ANY THING IN THIS SET”


5. From lvl 71-74, the highest iRated gear you can use is 268. So just store any higher rated gear in your legacy storage (even if it’s crappy gear). That includes storing excess 268 gear you may pick up.


6. Try and create a second legacy set with all 268 iRating. You can do this with some of the mod’able Armor you pick up or by using older legacy gear and ripping out 268 internals and putting them into the shells.


7. The reason you want a iRating 268 legacy set is for your Alts as they lvl from 71-74 because 270+ is only wearable by lvl 75 characters.


** note ** : you no longer have specific armoring, mods or enhancements locked to gear or slot type. So you can rip out internals from any piece to create another. ie, Rip out the armoring out of a belt, mod from a glove and enhancement from a chest to make a leg piece.


8. You will pick up a lot of 268 gear as you lvl. This should allow you to create a “sort of” min max 268 set. Even when you get to lvl 75 (if you lvl fast), you will still be getting 268 until you have a total 270 iRating.


9. It’s important to have a full set of 268 iRated gear to then store for your other Alts.


** note ** Level 75 and 270+ iRated gearing,


10. When you get to lvl 75, you will hopefully be getting 270 gear, as you lvl the gear, it’s important to watch that iRating or you will not get higher gear (very fast, if at all). That means watching all pieces and not just concentrating on getting up one piece you can min max.


11. You can achieve number 10 by also ripping out armoring, mods and enhancements. Even if you just rip out a 272 mod to a 270 hand, it can eventually contribute to your over all iRating.


11. Eventually you will have an iRating or 271, then 272, then 273 and so on. As your iRating goes up, you will get better and better gear. But only if your total iRating keeps climbing.


12. You will occasionally pick up a tactical or set piece along the way. Keep these even if they don’t match your current class properly. You will need them later for other Alts and the tactical helps get your iRating up (I think).


13. Don’t buy stuff from the vendors as you lvl unless you are desperate because it’s a waste of tech frags. If you do max your tech frags, buy a set bonus piece on a little used Alt and log straight off. These pieces have a refund timer and as long as you don’t login on that Alt and let the timer run down, you can basically store excess tech frags that way till it’s time to buy your set pieces (which don’t come with internals).


14. As you lvl up, keep the best set you can for a variety of Alts. You should swap this set(s) between your Alts so that you will always be getting higher iRated gear, regardless of which Alt you are playing, you will be gearing up to 306 the fastest.


15. When you get to iRating 300+, you should start specialising in your different class gear and possibly start buying set bonus gear. By now, you should have mostly 300+ armorings, mods and enhancement to fill these up. You can still swap them with all your Alts because they will start to get drops for them too at 300+ lvl,


16. At iRating 306, you should start to min max properly. There really is no point doing it with gear lower than this because there are 18 different the same types of armoring, mods, enhancements, hilts, barrels, ear, implants and relics.


** Note ** Remember, all of your left side stuff like ears are also legacy bound now. So you can swap those between your Alts


My own plan is to not use the RNG vendor until I’m ready to min max. That may not be the best way or other people’s preferred way, but I think it will be the most efficient use of tech frags.


Let me finish by saying I’m not a fan of the 18 different types of the same gear for each iRating or the amount of iRating LvLs (268 - 306 is over kill). And I dislike the RNG factor immensely, but the ability to gear up Alts by swapping any and all gear via legacy to keep them all lvling at the highest iRating makes this the most Alt friendly gearing system this game has ever had.


Anyway, I hope that help people with gearing up. And I hope I haven’t missed anything in my explanation.

The biggest challenge I’ve found so far is the “house keeping” or the gear in my legacy storage and making sure I don’t deconstruct anything too early.

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Here's a guide I posted on Reddit about 6.0 gearing:


I consider myself a hardcore PvPer and even then, I really enjoyed the grind. I have full 306, optimized stats and 2 fully completed set bonuses: https://i.imgur.com/8GirE8Q.jpg. It wasn't hard and the "grind" so to speak wasn't even much of a grind since I did it with friends, which made the time fly by. It's great because now I can do content that I like (spamming solo ranked) and don't have to worry gearing for at least a full year probably.


There's really no rush to gear up fast, I mainly did it for the content (i'm a streamer, so it was good content for the stream). You have plenty of time to gear up and there's no reason to ever touch that RNG vendor for mods since you get more than enough mods at max level to min/max: https://i.imgur.com/bs1LckZ.png


Overall, I understand the complaint that you can't gear as fast in PvP as you can in PvE, but they never went back on their promise. You technically can gear via PvP. They never said it would be just as efficient as other methods though. But I do understand the concept of FOMO, or Fear of Missing out, that comes when a few others get access to things before you do, and I don't blame you for feeling that way.


LoL, you posted this as I was typing up mine. But yours is better laid out. Good guide :D

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Wanting BIS gear fast while not doing the toughest or most efficient content and not spending on anything expensive is a bit high demand mate :rolleyes:


The issue is i do hardest content - solo ranked and team tanked. It is just rewards from them are 4x worse compared to hammer station spam and read reaper stealth runs.

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Here is a simple guide to gearing up.


1. At lvl 70, you want to have the highest iRating (total gear rating) as high as possible so that the random drop gear keeps giving you higher pieces.


2. I found the best way to do this is have one lvl 70 legacy set to share between all of your Alts (set bonus gear is useless and make no difference in lvl up to 75.


3. To achieve number 2, you can go through all of your characters and rip out all the highest iRated gear and put into legacy gear (remember, set bonuses are no longer on armoring).


4. Use this set till lvl 71 and then place it back in your legacy storage as you get 268 iRating pieces. “DO NOT UPGRADE ANY THING IN THIS SET”


5. From lvl 71-74, the highest iRated gear you can use is 268. So just store any higher rated gear in your legacy storage (even if it’s crappy gear). That includes storing excess 268 gear you may pick up.


6. Try and create a second legacy set with all 268 iRating. You can do this with some of the mod’able Armor you pick up or by using older legacy gear and ripping out 268 internals and putting them into the shells.


7. The reason you want a iRating 268 legacy set is for your Alts as they lvl from 71-74 because 270+ is only wearable by lvl 75 characters.


** note ** : you no longer have specific armoring, mods or enhancements locked to gear or slot type. So you can rip out internals from any piece to create another. ie, Rip out the armoring out of a belt, mod from a glove and enhancement from a chest to make a leg piece.


8. You will pick up a lot of 268 gear as you lvl. This should allow you to create a “sort of” min max 268 set. Even when you get to lvl 75 (if you lvl fast), you will still be getting 268 until you have a total 270 iRating.


9. It’s important to have a full set of 268 iRated gear to then store for your other Alts.


** note ** Level 75 and 270+ iRated gearing,


10. When you get to lvl 75, you will hopefully be getting 270 gear, as you lvl the gear, it’s important to watch that iRating or you will not get higher gear (very fast, if at all). That means watching all pieces and not just concentrating on getting up one piece you can min max.


11. You can achieve number 10 by also ripping out armoring, mods and enhancements. Even if you just rip out a 272 mod to a 270 hand, it can eventually contribute to your over all iRating.


11. Eventually you will have an iRating or 271, then 272, then 273 and so on. As your iRating goes up, you will get better and better gear. But only if your total iRating keeps climbing.


12. You will occasionally pick up a tactical or set piece along the way. Keep these even if they don’t match your current class properly. You will need them later for other Alts and the tactical helps get your iRating up (I think).


13. Don’t buy stuff from the vendors as you lvl unless you are desperate because it’s a waste of tech frags. If you do max your tech frags, buy a set bonus piece on a little used Alt and log straight off. These pieces have a refund timer and as long as you don’t login on that Alt and let the timer run down, you can basically store excess tech frags that way till it’s time to buy your set pieces (which don’t come with internals).


14. As you lvl up, keep the best set you can for a variety of Alts. You should swap this set(s) between your Alts so that you will always be getting higher iRated gear, regardless of which Alt you are playing, you will be gearing up to 306 the fastest.


15. When you get to iRating 300+, you should start specialising in your different class gear and possibly start buying set bonus gear. By now, you should have mostly 300+ armorings, mods and enhancement to fill these up. You can still swap them with all your Alts because they will start to get drops for them too at 300+ lvl,


16. At iRating 306, you should start to min max properly. There really is no point doing it with gear lower than this because there are 18 different the same types of armoring, mods, enhancements, hilts, barrels, ear, implants and relics.


** Note ** Remember, all of your left side stuff like ears are also legacy bound now. So you can swap those between your Alts


My own plan is to not use the RNG vendor until I’m ready to min max. That may not be the best way or other people’s preferred way, but I think it will be the most efficient use of tech frags.


Let me finish by saying I’m not a fan of the 18 different types of the same gear for each iRating or the amount of iRating LvLs (268 - 306 is over kill). And I dislike the RNG factor immensely, but the ability to gear up Alts by swapping any and all gear via legacy to keep them all lvling at the highest iRating makes this the most Alt friendly gearing system this game has ever had.


Anyway, I hope that help people with gearing up. And I hope I haven’t missed anything in my explanation.

The biggest challenge I’ve found so far is the “house keeping” or the gear in my legacy storage and making sure I don’t deconstruct anything too early.


You should create a thread on this imo, give it it's own spot.


Oh, when do we need to have the highest rating gears on, just before opening boxes? I find my lower rated gears better in WZs so want to wear them instead of these green 270s etc.

Edited by Lhancelot
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They farm Hammer Station and Red Reaper in stealth groups non stop to unlock 306 rating and after that they probably spent their tech fragments and run the ops.... and harder content for gear drops.


I was really shocked and at the same time very very disappointed. Due to work I cannot no life this game and reach bis that fast, but the fact that a lot of people are able to farm Red Reaper in stealth is just unfair to non stealth players....


Also, after you unlock 306, the 2nd part of the grind begins. Buying one piece of good set bonus EMPTY gear costs 3000 tech fragments and 1 mil credits. The cap on tech is 5000. So if I were to buy ONE piece of empty gear for ONE spec, I'd have to grind myself to death again in Hammer Station and other content to get the other pieces of just one spec. I play marauder and all 3 specs of the class.. so you can imagine how much it will take.


I can understand in a way the frustration of the OP... As a PVP-er myself, I don't do anything else in this game except PVP. Sometimes I play class stories, but 80%^ of my time is in PVP and I just want my gear so I can go back to what I like.


Play your way is just like the American dream..... It was a good marketing strategy to hype the expansion with it. Devs are good sales persons.


Reaper stealth runs should not have existed.. being a stealth class pvp player allowed them to farm full 306 gear in two days while loosers juggs, maras snipers etc forced to spam garbage station

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Dude, just grind out some Flash points for a week and you’ll be set to go.


Indeed while should i play ranked pvp I like. Better if i go kill mining droid dispelling laser stacks from tank since our healer doesn't know what dispel is...farming not alive bots which was always booring for me. Is this play what you want policy??

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Indeed while should i play ranked pvp I like. Better if i go kill mining droid dispelling laser stacks from tank since our healer doesn't know what dispel is...farming not alive bots which was always booring for me. Is this play what you want policy??


It is play your way, it’s just slower if all you do is Pvp. Why not spend 1 week to get your gear up?

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2 things that may also help with gearing.


Tactical FP> MM FP. Because you dont need tanks and healers for them and any level can join. And bosses die faster.


SInce all gear is legacy, it doesnt matter what char actually does the initial grinding for 306 rating. As such, pick the class that is easy and comfortable to play. I highly recommend Gunnery Commando or Arsenal Mercenary. Not only they are ranged,heavy armored and have nice AoE, they have amazing dcd, which will come in handy, since you can't rely on having a tank or healer in Tacticals.


It's a world of difference between grinding tacticals on, say, Marauder and doing it on Commando.

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The issue is i do hardest content - solo ranked and team tanked. It is just rewards from them are 4x worse compared to hammer station spam and read reaper stealth runs.


You're doing the slowest way possible to gear up, doing ranked right now is going to be even slower than doing regs pvp so GL with that, you can do it but it will take way too long. If you're so hardcore about pvp then just go spam MM FPs until you're geared up in 4-5 days, Most of the people who hit 306 first are the pvpers btw. I play only 3-4 hrs a day after work and as a pvper i'm doing FPs to gear up, currently at 294 with 3 set bonus pieces and a tactical already, i think its very casual gameplay. Even if you play 2 hrs a day doing dailies and weeklies from old maps, throw in some pvp and then do some FPs, You'll be geared up in like 1-2 months max. Not sure what the complaining is about. Gearing is faster now than most expansions have been without being locked out by rep or weekly stuff, just grind your **** and go back to pvping, easy.

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Indeed while should i play ranked pvp I like. Better if i go kill mining droid dispelling laser stacks from tank since our healer doesn't know what dispel is...farming not alive bots which was always booring for me. Is this play what you want policy??

Most PVP players (myself included) are willing to grind a FP 1-2 days and be in top-end gear for the rest of the 28days of sub. It is a very small time sacrifice compared.

If you would have spend less time complaining here and more time doing FP, you probably would have that gear already lol.

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This update was a dumpster fire....I find it impossible to tell if the design was just horribly misguided, or nothing is working as intended, or both.


My bottom line is that I can't do content that I could before the patch after the patch. Same content, but you successfully destroyed my gear and ability to do it. And then regearing, short of some insanely boring stealther grind over old FP content, is problematic at best and RNG dependent, to JUST get to the point I was at...maybe. Can it be done if a few days...apparently...but what about my alts with other playstyles. Not alot of incentive to grind grind grind. If there is new content, fine, requiring new gear to do it is kind of standard...but taking away existing content is just stupid.


That is a real slap in the face to players.

Edited by Dyvim
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Most PVP players (myself included) are willing to grind a FP 1-2 days and be in top-end gear for the rest of the 28days of sub. It is a very small time sacrifice compared.

If you would have spend less time complaining here and more time doing FP, you probably would have that gear already lol.


In a way he is right..


Play your way was the biggest lie because it's really not possible... If you play regs, you get very bad gear... compared to MM Hammer Station which let's be honest.. most of the time it's a pain to find a proper group that wants to do multiple runs.


Ranked is dead.. so it's out of the question. So your only hope is PVE... Play MY WAY IS PVP, so as you can see.... this expack will be a short lived increase in players. Then they will leave.. because there is nothing to do except.. brainless grinding.

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In a way he is right..


Play your way was the biggest lie because it's really not possible... If you play regs, you get very bad gear... compared to MM Hammer Station which let's be honest.. most of the time it's a pain to find a proper group that wants to do multiple runs.


Ranked is dead.. so it's out of the question. So your only hope is PVE... Play MY WAY IS PVP, so as you can see.... this expack will be a short lived increase in players. Then they will leave.. because there is nothing to do except.. brainless grinding.

I double que regs and fps and pick which ever pops first. I'm almost max iLevel. You're being a defeatist. Get to gaming, theres gear everywhere.

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I double que regs and fps and pick which ever pops first. I'm almost max iLevel. You're being a defeatist. Get to gaming, theres gear everywhere.

As long as by everywhere you mean Red Reaper for stealth classes and Hammer Station for non-Stealth classes.


Doing anything else will just make the grind slower and even more boring than spamming a single FP. :(

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As long as by everywhere you mean Red Reaper for stealth classes and Hammer Station for non-Stealth classes.


Doing anything else will just make the grind slower and even more boring than spamming a single FP. :(

I'm quing random, exactly because I think grinding one thing over and over is boring as well. But I was never in any rush to get to max iLevel among the marathoners. I'm playing like normally. Quing random fp gives you extra lootbox each time too as well so no complaints here. Two if you que for MM

Edited by Kiesu
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