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All the Legacy Sets created for alt usage have been rendered pointless


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After having spent months removing armoring/mods/enhancements from Ossus gear to install into Legacy armor for multiple alts to use... with one swoop, it's all been undone. Since the set bonuses have been taken back from the armorings into the shells (which are BOUND to whichever character bought them), I can no longer get set bonuses on any of the Legacy armors I spent so much time creating.


That's a lovely bonus! Plus, there's no way to re-create those sets since the set bonuses are on shells that only one character can use. And that's IF I still have those empty shells left.


That's ON TOP of it being difficult to impossible to recreate the same Utility point selection since they - for some reason - condensed the tiers from 4 to 3... so now on many alts, I can't select the same utilities as before.


It's so WONDERFUL starting a new Expansion with every character being LESS than he/she was before the expansion started.

Edited by HoloTweed
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I am having the same issue on the utilities and not happy with the sacrifices I have to make.


First of all, I have always had 8 utilities, not 6 as mentioned in the update. Unless I was totally oblivious to you guys removing 2 of them. Once they are set, I don't go back to check.


So with this new 3 tier option, I cannot select the 8 choices I had before, because the utilities themselves have been moved into diff categories. A tier will not open/highlight, unless you select 3 choices. That leaves us to only make choices of 3 - 3 - 2 . I have no issue with only having 3 tiers, but your options should be open to what YOU want to pick. I may want 4 - 0 - 4 or 3 - 4 - 1


Could you please change it so it is an OPEN option? I have nearly 60 toons running around with no utilities.

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To: Nightblazer

As you stated in your thread, we are "forced" to select 3 to move to the next tier, that's confirmed and I agree with that statement. What HoloTweed and I are saying, is with this new change, you cannot just simply put back the 8 utilities you had before. It's now impossible. They kept the original utilities, but have moved them into tiers that cannot be accessed. One ability I had was moved to the second tier. I cannot access that now, because I already picked my 3.


I'm suggesting to keep the 3 tiers, but have open access to the abilities you once had, with NO restriction. Choose the 8 that you want, from any tier that you want. The way it's set up now, I'm only getting 4-5 of those original choices, and I can't kill anything now without a major struggle. Like HoloTweed, I want access to all of my previous choices with no sacrifices.

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Make a new set. Every new moddable armor piece I've looted so far is bound legacy wide. Or were you planning on wearing lv70 armor for the rest of your days?


The rest of my days? Exaggerate much?


No, but I WAS planning on using the gear I spent so much time putting together for my alts to begin 6.0 with set bonuses intact. All it would have taken was for Bioware to make the Ossus gear Bound to Legacy. I could have lived with the inconvenience and cost of moving the armorings and such around... but now I have no such option, so whereas yesterday I had sets for my alts with set bonuses, today that's been stripped away with no immediate way to replace them.


We shouldn't have to start a new expansion being LESS than we were the day before.

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Is it somehow your duty to count how many times any one person points out something they don't like with 6.0 and harass them about it? Do you get special White Knight points? Move along now.


I'll make as many threads as I find new things that diminish the game and could be changed.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is. He's been really active in trying to push the expansion in a positive light and talk about how excited he is for certain aspects, like story. Now it's out and apparently worth defending, yet he's spending his time defending it on the forums rather than enjoying it? It's bizarre.

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After having spent months removing armoring/mods/enhancements from Ossus gear to install into Legacy armor for multiple alts to use... with one swoop, it's all been undone. Since the set bonuses have been taken back from the armorings into the shells (which are BOUND to whichever character bought them), I can no longer get set bonuses on any of the Legacy armors I spent so much time creating.


That's a lovely bonus! Plus, there's no way to re-create those sets since the set bonuses are on shells that only one character can use. And that's IF I still have those empty shells left.


That's ON TOP of it being difficult to impossible to recreate the same Utility point selection since they - for some reason - condensed the tiers from 4 to 3... so now on many alts, I can't select the same utilities as before.


It's so WONDERFUL starting a new Expansion with every character being LESS than he/she was before the expansion started.


It’s been known for months that set bonuses were being moved to shells and not armoring. It was also tested and confirmed on the PTS.

We even had a thread running in this gen section to advise people to get shells if they didn’t already have full sets.


This change was coming and we knew in advance. While we might not like what they did, it was needed so it would work with how the new gearing system operates.

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I'm pretty sure the old set bonuses were supposed to remain active until you reached 75.


I suppose I, and others, assumed that meant our Legacy gear that were getting their bonuses from the mod would be useful until 75.


I did not assume that it meant if the mods were still in the shell they came from. Mainly because those shells were bound to the character. Sure, I didn't dispose of them, but neither were they as useful as a Legacy shell.


It would have been an extra PITA to have to move all mods out of the old Legacy shells back to their orignal shell. But, it would have lessened the blow if the old shell was now a Legacy shell.

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It’s been known for months that set bonuses were being moved to shells and not armoring. It was also tested and confirmed on the PTS.

We even had a thread running in this gen section to advise people to get shells if they didn’t already have full sets.


This change was coming and we knew in advance. While we might not like what they did, it was needed so it would work with how the new gearing system operates.


All they had to do was make Ossus gear Bind to Legacy and that part would have been fixed.


That it was "known in advance" to some doesn't make it any smarter of a decision or any less deserving of a complaint.

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I at 16. And I'm thinking about a deleting a few of those. Dangola


Just seems like another thing that was only half-done. A shame, because there are many positive things going on in 6.0. But nullifying current Legacy armors out of the game isn't one of them. (Nor is the insane cost of costing now, but that's a different migraine altogether.)

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From what I can tell, even if you kept the shells that now contain those set bonuses instead, they now show as requiring levels 50-74 to work, meaning they cease performing the stated buffs at maximum level.


Oh, I fully expected to be leveling up and out of the Legacy Armor sets I had spent months creating across characters. But to have those set bonuses instantly cancelled in 6.0 without means to reclaim them flies in the face of the ability to create Legacy sets that the devs were keen to say was at the heart of Onslaught.


All they had to do was make Ossus shells Bind to Legacy. But based on reports here in the forum, that would go against the REAL new rule of Onslaught: Pay More For Everything. The insane price hikes on every tiny piece of the game (they seem to have balanced the prices against the bank accounts of the whales, and the rest of us don't have that kind of credit cash) is proving to be a serious "fun factor" miscalculation... did they forget that we play the game TO HAVE FUN?

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It’s been known for months that set bonuses were being moved to shells and not armoring. It was also tested and confirmed on the PTS.

We even had a thread running in this gen section to advise people to get shells if they didn’t already have full sets.


This change was coming and we knew in advance. While we might not like what they did, it was needed so it would work with how the new gearing system operates.


I missed that and only picked up on it last week. Fine with set bonus moving to shells.


Would have been a nice QoL change to make all those shells legacy bound in the process though. :( So now unlike prior to 6.0, if I level a new character, I can't give them the benefit of a set bonus while levelling them from 50+. Which makes those sets completely irrelevant now? Much like all the legacy gear I spent time pulling armouring / mods / enhancements out of? (let alone the cost that involves).


Sadly 6.0 changes have been poorly communicated, at least with the lead up to 4.0 changes BioWare was busy letting players know of the incoming changes. Didn't happen this time, which makes me wonder if we even have a community manager anymore? What is it Eric is supposed to do?

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I missed that and only picked up on it last week. Fine with set bonus moving to shells.


Would have been a nice QoL change to make all those shells legacy bound in the process though. :( So now unlike prior to 6.0, if I level a new character, I can't give them the benefit of a set bonus while levelling them from 50+. Which makes those sets completely irrelevant now? Much like all the legacy gear I spent time pulling armouring / mods / enhancements out of? (let alone the cost that involves).


Sadly 6.0 changes have been poorly communicated, at least with the lead up to 4.0 changes BioWare was busy letting players know of the incoming changes. Didn't happen this time, which makes me wonder if we even have a community manager anymore? What is it Eric is supposed to do?


The thought appears to be that since all of this was bandied about in the PTS forums, which are available to everyone, that we should all be aware. The few problems there are -


1) everything is theoretically in flux there so it's difficult to know what the latest iteration is...


2) player reactions are frequently so volatile to changes (rightly so as I've seen) that it's difficult to sort outrage over weeks-old changes versus outrage over yesterday's-change...


3) even knowing that some things happened on PTS doesn't prepare you for having set-ups you worked months to create instantly invalidated when all that it would have taken was to flip Ossus gear to Legacy-bound. Yeah, would have been a hassle to move things around again to re-create the sets we've spent months on, but at least it would be possible.


The White Knights can say how the shells will be invalidated in 5 levels so it shouldn't matter. But disappointment DOES matter. I expect to have to re-gear in an expansion. The word was that the set bonuses we had would be good until 75, so I expected to be able to use them until 75. But as Legacy sets, they were obliterated as soon as 6.0 started, and that's bad planning. It doesn't take player's concerns or efforts into consideration. It's DISAPPOINTING... and one more thing that makes the game less fun. And that's why we're here, right?

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The thought appears to be that since all of this was bandied about in the PTS forums, which are available to everyone, that we should all be aware. The few problems there are -


1) everything is theoretically in flux there so it's difficult to know what the latest iteration is.


I mean you could just stop there, PTS has always been subject to change. So it's actually irrelevant that those changes were on the PTS, as players how are we supposed to know if they're going live?


Crystal ball? :confused:

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OP is correct, whatever your char's stats (including set bonuses) were on monday, should have been exactly the same when you logged in tuesday. Devs screwed up on implementation, on what should end up being a positive change in the long run.


As far as saving gear, I suppose I probably saved a few dozen pieces. And set gear asside: I kept the ONE weapon I got from crates over the entire 5.x expansion, and I of course recycled the 762,481 relics I got from crates. I wonder if we will have the same idiotic RNG percentages in 6.x, I would hope that every SLOT (not piece) would have the same percentage pop chance.

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