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Place Your Bets! Will Onslaught be delayed past Oct 22nd?


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I lol'd.


OP, I don't think they can afford to delay after talking it up the last couple months. They'll lose people if they make another delay.


No, what will happen is it'll be released on schedule, it'll be a buggy, rage-inducing mess, they'll spend the next 6 months doing surprise patch days to fix the bugs and another 6 months fixing the rage. Just like 5.0.


Dat right. ^

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Maybe It will come on the 22nd. It might however, be borked, so the servers will be off while they try to patch the errors. when on the 24th thats complete we find the expansion works but the rest of the game now doesn't . (Since it came on the 22nd thats no delay ;) )

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

I once thought a gaming company could not be any worse than SOE.

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Highly, highly unlikely unless they discover a game-breaking bug with respect to the main storyline.


With respect to gearing, crafting, etc., they are well aware of the concerns of people have on the PTS with respect to mods being RNG, crafting, etc.


But we are now 13 days until scheduled release and they posted on Twitter yesterday about a two week countdown.


Given how few people participated in the PTS (I mean, character pics on Reddit get close to 1000 likes within a day), I think they have internalized that delaying because of gearing issues isn't worthwhile. And this assumes, as noted above, that BW actually shares those concerns.


More broadly, because of their new emphasis on horizontal gearing (vertical gearing is actually pretty quick, albeit highly annoying), and the crapton of worthless gear they are throwing at us, I think they want to see how the masses react to the RNG mod vendor.


I don't see any reason for delay absent a game-breaking bug in the story. They know the range of views from the PTS, including what we like, what we don't like, etc. So that leaves them with one of 3 paths:


1) They know and disagree; or


2) They know and agree (in part or in whole), but figure it will take time to sort out, so let people enjoy story for a bit; or


3) They want to see how this whole new gearing system plays out once the masses start playing live.


I'm of the view they have chosen #3. If so, then that means they should release it ASAP since that will provide the greatest impetus for change.




Edit: Eric posted the following this morning, so it seems we're a lock for the 22nd. Let the Onslaught literally (and figuratively on the forums) begin...


Dasty …

#3 is the more probable of the choices (IMO).


I would dare say that all of the testing, posting and discussions that were presented here in forum and the PTS forum were essentially useless. The gearing method was the intent from the start and no amount of input we offered was going to change that.


Testing items like difficulty levels: that really did not change anything either. It either confirmed the intended scope of the changes initiated by BW or indicated the necessity for "additional adjustments".


Even sadder still is the lack of information in some other areas that could have been a genuine bright spot for the release:

1. companion interactions

2. Strong holds

3. Improved or new PvP maps … areas .. etc

4. Crafting with some fun stuff with new gear


And much more. There may be some good stuff coming. No one knows for a certainty. But it seems that is all gone now. Much of the "fun" will be overshadowed with other issues (unfortunately).


I would dare say that BW is playing a BIG gamble on their view of the game, how it is to be played vs those of us who are here on this forum.


That said: rewards for the testing. I doubt I qualify any how... but even if I did … I doubt I'd use it !


Just one last time I'd like to be able to make one last contribution to a game / community and watch others enjoy what we've been able to (in some small way) add to or be a part of... Just one last time before I really do get too old.


This aint it !! Not here ! Not this game ! Not at this time !


Here's to hope for a better tomorrow !



Take care !

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The broken version will be released on Oct. 22.


The fixed version will be released about 5 minutes before 7.0 launches.


Actually that made me laugh hard and then really sad when I remembered how they did the same thing after 3.6, then, 4.4(?) and then 5.11. I forget what happened before that.


So, they always seem to fix and relax unpopular changes a few months before a new expansion and then go back to scratch and have to spend most of the expansions life fixing things that shouldn’t have been changed to start with.


But I have to agree with some others. I think you are being overly optimistic to think there will ever be a 7.0.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Let's see....*Place bet on the table*...I say 11 RED! Spin it! lol


Honestly..I'm guessing it would be 20min of content.........5min of cutscene...the rest in trash killing . And 2 hours of download....as in...you get to download twice . Once for the expansion, and a second time cose of the patch..cose they screw up . Again lol

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I always love it when all the armchair clairvoyants crawl out from under there rocks every time there is an expansion or update coming out, just to proclaim there "Great and Unmatched Wisdom" into everything they deem wrong with SWToR.


I have the patience to wait and see for myself what is real and what is not instead of listening to the ever present complainers and whiners about the end of SWToR. And before you start with "well I played on the PTS" remember what that acronym stands for. PTS Player TEST Server. What you have been playing, need I say it, is NOT what will be released. It is, as the name implies and Musco has said, its a TEST, and changes will be made by the time it is released to it's final form and only partially represents the complete and actual version that you will play on the live server.


But what ever, complainers will complain and whiners will whine about perceived their problems or simply to hear the sound of their own voice's.


I look forward to the release of Onslaught and plan on many hours of exploration of the new worlds, new storys and fun play ahead.

Edited by denavin
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I have the patents to wait and see for myself what is real and what is not instead of listening to the ever present complainers and whiners about the end of SWToR.


You have the patents, eh?


I love it when people try for a smug sounding post and then say something that completely undoes their superiority complex.

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10/22 - 6.0

10/23 - whupsie!

10/24 - 6.0a



10/22- "You want to play? Forget it."

10/23- "You finally managed to download all 100000000 data? Now comes 6.0a. You cant Play." : rak_01: Muahhahah.

10/24- Millions os bugs

Rest of the year: Repair the bugs. Most are ignored.

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You have the patents, eh?


I love it when people try for a smug sounding post and then say something that completely undoes their superiority complex.


Oh Nos I was caught by the spelling / typing police.... What ever will I do....


You understood what was said, Yea I can't type for S---. So?


There Fixed it .... Happy Now?

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I have the patients to wait and see for myself what is real and what is not instead of listening to the ever present complainers and whiners about the end of SWToR.


You fixed it, did you?


When you misspell a word so wrong that you end up making two different words [and still not the right one], I don't think you're in much position to be lording it over others.

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You fixed it, did you?


When you misspell a word so wrong that you end up making two different words [and still not the right one], I don't think you're in much position to be lording it over others.


What I don't have PATIENCE for is nit pickers....


Read the whole post and not just ONE word.... thank you

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