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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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Never found any jumps to be too hard. it's all about patience. Observe the distance. Depending on the distance you have to press space and then w, on other cases you might have to press w and then space.... also in some cases you might have to disable sprint or even be walking. But They are really not that hard. Edited by Aelther
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Never found any jumps to be too hard. it's all about patience. Observe the distance. Depending on the distance you have to press space and then w, on other cases you might have to press w and then space.... also in some cases you might have to disable sprint or even be walking. But They are really not that hard.


Have any of you actually tried doing this with the smallest female avatar? I have been playing video games since the 1980s, and I'm telling you they are hard.

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Have any of you actually tried doing this with the smallest female avatar? I have been playing video games since the 1980s, and I'm telling you they are hard.


I have tried yes, but did not get all the datacrons with my female 1 smuggler yet, so I guess I can't argue completely, but from my experience the smaller you are the better, the bigger you the worse. For me body type 2 was perfect, but I tried doing same things with body 3 and then I was either too tall (my head hitting the ceiling thus unable to jump) or being too fat to squeeze through certain broken wall...

So I find it hard to believe that it may be hard with a small body, because for me body type 3 was more difficult than any smaller type.... still not impossible though.

Edited by Aelther
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Only thing i´d like to add to datacron hunts are hints where to find them. Not the exact route to get the datacron but i´d like all worlds to have a datacron poster with a few hints where to find them. Imo it´s bad design when people have to go seach the web to find datacrons.


Dont say it would be too easy to find datacrons then. Atm people find them through webpages and get a full walkthrough on each datacron. Nothing is easier than that. The casuals who just play the game and dont use webpages(much) or just enjoy finding stuff on their own without having to "cheat" by using online guides should have a fair chance of finding all datacrons.

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So far the only datacron I haven't been able to get is the Strength one on Nar Shaddaa. Either my avatar is too small or I suddenly lost all sense of keyboard skills, because I kept falling no matter how I timed it, where I jumped from and with sprint on and off. After 20-30 tries, I just don't think it's worth it anymore.

No datacron is worth this.


There are definitely some that tried my patience like that, but I kept at it and eventually got them. I've tried to get them all with my first couple characters, but I may start skipping the tough ones that aren't really beneficial for my next characters. Avoid the aggravation.


Have any of you actually tried doing this with the smallest female avatar? I have been playing video games since the 1980s, and I'm telling you they are hard.

My 1st character is a female guardian miraluka body type 1. She has nearly all of them. Still needs to kill Ancient Probe and doesn't have the +10 yet. Though like I mentioned above, there were some moments of datacron hunting that really tested my patience.

Edited by DarthLeeloo
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Only thing i´d like to add to datacron hunts are hints where to find them. Not the exact route to get the datacron but i´d like all worlds to have a datacron poster with a few hints where to find them. Imo it´s bad design when people have to go seach the web to find datacrons.


Dont say it would be too easy to find datacrons then. Atm people find them through webpages and get a full walkthrough on each datacron. Nothing is easier than that. The casuals who just play the game and dont use webpages(much) or just enjoy finding stuff on their own without having to "cheat" by using online guides should have a fair chance of finding all datacrons.


I haven't tried all datacrons yet, but so far all of them(*) were visible in the game from some point or another. From that point it became the trick to find out how to actually reach them.

Datacrons reward -exploration-. The looking around to try and find all the little nooks and crannies of the game to see if there is something interesting or funny going on. They also reward puzzle solving, in as much as it is possible to incorporate puzzles in an online game. As with all puzzles you will feel much more rewarded by solving it yourself than by the tiny reward you actually receive.


(* I admit I have yet to find the location where you can see a certain datacron in Nar Shaddaa without embarking on the long and twisted road to reach it. But I may have missed it by only very cursory exploring some of the contested areas)

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How does


I'm a good jumper + I need them because EVERYONE else has them = they are too hard to get?


Because the game engine and its mechanics aren't designed for jumpy spinny crap. Derp.

Edited by lollie
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If all you have to say boils down to "L2p", don't bother saying it. First of all it makes you sound like a self-satisfied douchebag, and secondly it's useless to those who have actual issues they want to solve. Edited by Rafaelis
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I got all datacrons including the +10 one from the fleet on 3 characters.


the trick is learn to cheat, troll the game back.



on tatooine there are 2 datacrons on a sand crawler.

option 1 - wait an hour for a balloon, fly on it for another hour and try to jump down.


option 2 - get some character with push power... duel... jump and get pushed up the crawler... pull or get charged up by the other player.


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Everyone else doesn't. I bet those who do get them all are a very small portion of the players.


I have met lots of players who gave up trying for a datacron. One guy fell after riding the Jawa Balloon (and after having waited for it for 35 minutes), and he never came back. I can't blame him for that, although I myself quite enjoyed doing the sandcrawler datacron quest. I can't say I would have tried it a second time had I failed, though. I met another guy who was on his second day trying to complete a jump between some boxes and a pipe going along a wall. A jump I did in my first try.


My issue with the way some of the datacron puzzles are designed, is not so much that they are hard (many of them are painlessly easy). I don't mind difficulty, if that difficulty is based on skill or strategy. But the way some of these datacrons are placed, you are not so much challenged by the environment as by the game mechanics. Obviously the game mechanics were not designed for precision. It's not like you can grab on to things, pull yourself up or save yourself in mid flight when jumping. The jumping mechanic itself is very primitive, and tons of things can go wrong when you try to make precision jumps, because surfaces, like walls, and level variations define how your jump turns out. It's not something you can master through practice, but something you have to deal with in each new environment; depending on how a pipe is placed in relation to the next surface you have to land on, and if there's enough space for you avatar to make a leap etc etc. It all comes down to how you position your avatar, how you aim your mouse, how fast you click W after pressing space or not and sometimes to pure chance. In short, you are fighting the game mechanics and your keyboard instead of figuring out the puzzle.


That's the kind of stuff you see game critics mention in reviews. It's the kind of stuff that usually drags down on how well a game is recieved. Playing Assassins Creed II with keyboard and mouse comes to mind (some of the worst porting ever done in a major title). So it's not so unreasonable to complain about it, eventhough we have to suffer the usual "L2p" responses. I know that many give up on datacrons because they are annoyed with how game controls act like a hindrance to solving a puzzle.


I don't think anyone wants the datacrons to be nerfed. Or the puzzles to be easier. We just want the difficulty to match the tools we are stuck with. My Jedi Sentinel can Force Leap 200 meters through the air and hit an enemy square in the face with her lightsaber, which she can throw like a boomerang and catch again. She can fight with two lightsabers at once, and do all sorts of acrobatics and tricks. But for some reason she finds it extraordinarily difficult jumping 5 feet between two plane surfaces. Yoda would be most disappointed. He didn't say "Do, or Do not - or try 50 times!".

Edited by Rafaelis
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I don't like it any more then I liked jumping for Vistas in Guild wars 2.


fortunately, I enjoy other aspects of SWTOR enough to just say - to hell with those things, I can live without those stat boosts. I only got datacrons that were actual puzzles, not the "precision jumping required" ones.


with guild wars, as exploration was big motivator for me to play it, it killed the game for me, being unable to access large chunk of content that I specifically wanted. so I can understand why it might be a gamebreaker for you, OP :( but... I hope you find something else to enjoy in SWTOR and leave those blasted things to sparkle in loneliness.

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I'm disappointed that I couldn't find the rest of the simile started by the thread title. I'll just finish it myself:


Jumping for datacrons is to hard as mayonnaise is to a gelatinous viscosity.


for some of us - jumping for datacrons IS hard. ok? not everyone is a super mario champion with reflexes of a teenager, and yes, sometimes, when you finally manage to get a few lucky jumps and get almost to that last platform and fall down on that last jump? yeah...

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I find it one of the most enjoyable part of the game simply because it ain't easy. Hopefully, Makeb datacrons will be as difficult to reach or they will lose their charm for me.


Having done all of them, i couldn't agree more.


Thank you for raising the score :)

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Too hard, huh? Only time i had a problem (Spent 30 minutes) was because of stupid bug that kept automatically using /stuck when I jumped onto moving cargo containers on board the Star of Coruscant.


Only one genuinely hard datacron to jump to is the one with maintenance droids on Imperial bit of Correlia.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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The one I have an Issue with is the one on Tatooine Imperial side the one that's on the roof near the space port. I can get to the white walkway where you have to jump diagonally to the left to a small curved pipe. The issue is that the wall on the corner you have to jump past to land on the pipe pushes you way to the left and it causes me to miss every time.


The only other one I had issues with was on HOTH when you have to ride the boxes on over head cranes inside the building on the top floor. The last jump is a killer.

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What kind of video games did you guys grow up on? If its the call of duty generation, you're too young to even care about jump. Go get some "retro" games, that's "swag" these days right? Bite the over the top juicy fruit commercial 80's and Koodo ads and play things that "old" people used to play.


The jumping isn't hard, your timing sucks, your depth perception and reaction speeds are way off. That's no fault of the games, especially if others can do it no problem.


The actual datacron issue spots were on corellia, where you had to use the grappling device but the spot you're supposed to go, just resets you to the spot you start at. So you can't actually get the datacron. Mind you, it's been ages since I was there and spamming the button trying to get across in frustration. But that was due to it being bugged, nothing else.


So in short, suck it up princess and get better or you're never going to beat the second boss of EV.

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