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All the systems for 6.0 seem unappealing. Bioware you need to pay attention.


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See, here we go disagreeing again!!!!


I do not believe the Earth is round. I believe it is an oblate spheroid, or an irregularly shaped ellipsoid.


<<sips Mimosa>>


Seriously, I gave the poster in question two strikes and he is now the only person on my ignore list because he speaks in banal, generic platitudes.


He knows now not to respond to my posts because I won't take the bait. I suggest others follow suit. One can see how he has already derailed this thread (though, frankly, I think this thread has run its course given the impending release of a new PTS version).




You're correct !! AGAIN !! I think I'll take that advice.


I'm looking forward to the update. I hope it's soon !!

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So did anyone read my post a page back? It was on topic and I want to discuss it.


umm.. yes.. I did.

I'm just trying to think of an appropriate response. I'm not sure if agree or disagree and or to what degree. I doubt that makes much sense... BUT IMO .. no need in just throwing up a bunch of unnecessary junk ! I will think it over .

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umm.. yes.. I did.

I'm just trying to think of an appropriate response. I'm not sure if agree or disagree and or to what degree. I doubt that makes much sense... BUT IMO .. no need in just throwing up a bunch of unnecessary junk ! I will think it over .


Well, basically, the point I was making is that RNG/loot boxes are an ingrained, hardcoded EA philosophy. So I doubt we can complain enough about RNG for BW to get rid of it. See Star Wars Battlefront, Anthem, Apex Legends, FIFA, etc.




But don't call them loot boxes, EA's VP says they are "Surprise Mechanics" -- which is possibly even more meme-able than Ben Irving's "Thrill of the Hunt" comment.


Oh, no wait..... It IS a meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loot-boxes-are-surprise-mechanics


So unless we can change EA, we may as well provide feedback to make SWTOR's RNG as least frustrating as possible.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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What didnt you understand about how it increasing control over loot acquisition? I can help explain it to you. Mathematically, my statement is correct.


Alright, I want to hear the explanation of how RNG gives control to the player. rofl :D Seeing you offering to explain it, don't go back and tell me you explained it earlier and i need to go find it. lol I really need to hear your explanation.


I got to agree with Darthspuds, I believe if BW were to make the gearing system 100% tokens and zero RNG, if people complained about it you'd defend that, too.


Let me ask you this, are you the type of person that enjoys playing devils advocate, so-to-speak, for the sake of ensuring both sides of the coin are covered when discussing a topic? I just want to understand the reason behind your continuous defense of every choice BW makes with their game design changes.


I am alright with this, but if this is the case you got to sometimes acknowledge both sides respectfully. Otherwise your constant blind support and defense of 6.0 (and every other change in the past 2 years) which is and have been universally panned can't be taken seriously, it just comes off as you are playing devils advocate just for the sake of being able to.


Exactly how does heavy RNG improve the game, make it more enjoyable for you, or for others if this is your stance? I also want to hear how any form of RNG gives the player more control while gearing.


I personally feel the way I do about RNG because it makes the game less enjoyable for me. That's why I take my stance on it.


I'd like to understand better why you are taking the stance you are for RNG especially in it's current iteration which has far more naysayers than supporters. If it's just a matter of feeling sorry for BW and thinking they need someone to stand up for them, I guess that's noble and all but not very logical considering we all ought to want what's best for the game, and it's been made clear heavy RNG isn't going to bring in more subs. Actually, quite the contrary. I assume you play the game, and want it to thrive, not just survive, right?

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Well, basically, the point I was making is that RNG/loot boxes are an ingrained, hardcoded EA philosophy.


So I doubt we can complain enough about RNG for BW to get rid of it. See Star Wars Battlefront, Anthem, Apex Legends.


So unless we can change EA, we may as well provide feedback to make SWTOR's RNG as least frustrating as possible.


Of all EA games, I'd have to see how many have RNG loot boxes versus how many do not. Also, you got to consider how it's utilized. RNG can work if it's used sparingly and for actual rare rewards. Where it doesn't work is when it's the main source of gearing and being used for progression pieces needed for advancement.


My point is, you can't point out 3 games that use lootboxes under EA and use that as proof that they influence every game under their umbrella to use heavy RNG and lootboxes. That's a tiny sample size and proves nothing to me.


I refuse to blame EA for BW's mismanagement, and from what I can tell, EA has given BW free reign to develop the game as they want to. EA also let them develop Anthem.


I see lootboxes more of BW's decision and they also chose how to use lootboxes which is the biggest problem because they don't use RNG as a supplement for gearing and instead make it the primary form for loot.


If EA forced lootboxes and RNG on BW, how come they always end up walking back the RNG? They walk it back because they can develop the game design anyway they want. They are not checking in with EA asking, "Hey EA, is it ok if we remove some of the RNG? look at how the players are reacting!" No way.


Time to stop making excuses for BW, and face reality here.

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Well, basically, the point I was making is that RNG/loot boxes are an ingrained, hardcoded EA philosophy. So I doubt we can complain enough about RNG for BW to get rid of it. See Star Wars Battlefront, Anthem, Apex Legends, FIFA, etc.




But don't call them loot boxes, EA's VP says they are "Surprise Mechanics" -- which is possibly even more meme-able than Ben Irving's "Thrill of the Hunt" comment.


Oh, no wait..... It IS a meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loot-boxes-are-surprise-mechanics


So unless we can change EA, we may as well provide feedback to make SWTOR's RNG as least frustrating as possible.


And if ya recall, it was around the same time we got Odessen crates with animations and the pack opening experience with Cartel items. So yea, EA loves that shi7

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One thing I don't like from the latest PTS, and a suggestion:


When you win a random piece from an ops boss, it could be anything. Let's say you are wearing a piece with accuracy, but the upgraded piece you win has critical. If it is a moddable armor/weapon piece, you can simply leave your old enhancement. But if it is an ear or an implant, you have to completely rework your gear unless you happen to have an enhancement on another piece that you can swap out, and isn't too low. This is why I prefer tokens that can be traded at the vendor. If I win an ear token, I can choose which stat I want when trading with the merchant.



PS - why can't ear and implants have mods & enhancements?

Yes, back on topic!


This is something lots of people already hate on live like in artifact lootbox from ossus. Getting Acc over and over again when your build requires alac or critical. But there is something even worst right now on PTS. We used to have 1 for each tertiary stat of ear and implants. Now we have a lot, as with green vendor enhacements (that is, like 3 or 4 each). And on top of that, main stats are not very consistent in same "Named" (like the countless variations we have now with mods and enhs): https://imgur.com/a/UhOcXrB


As for why can't we have mods and enhacements in ear and implants. I always saw those as "extra" enhacements.

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I ask that we, as a community please stay on topic, and refrain from personal attacks and namecalling. Please respect others opinions and beliefs, and if you disagree, please formulate a post that identifies why. Thanks.


You can't claim the high ground now. You want your opinion respected but you don't respect others'. Criticism is not a personal attack. You should learn from it instead of falsely claiming it as name calling to discredit others. If the debate turns into a discussion about your motives and tactics you bring it on yourself because of said tactics. Personally, I don't care what your motivations are, if only to understand if where you're coming from is authentic, which I seriously doubt. Arm chair psychologists can debate that if they want. It's the tactics you employ that I find disgraceful and disrespectful. You do yourself a disservice. So please heed your own advice.

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So unless we can change EA, we may as well provide feedback to make SWTOR's RNG as least frustrating as possible.


Well, then it (the topic) becomes a wider condemnation of EA philosophy. Short on content is a staple here which I've tried to point out earlier. It's filler. We've been trying to give that feedback for 40 pages. At least most of them anyway.

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Of all EA games, I'd have to see how many have RNG loot boxes versus how many do not. My point is, you can't point out 3 games that use lootboxes under EA and use that as proof that they influence every game under their umbrella to use heavy RNG and lootboxes. That's a tiny sample size and proves nothing to me.


I listed several recent games in my previous post. I have noticed that all new EA games have loot boxes. It started around the time SWTOR was in 5.0 era. It even goes as far back as ME:A. Besides the list I provided, you can also google each EA game you can think of that has been published in the past 5 years to see when EA's loot box craze started. You will find every one of them has loot boxes. I am actually very worried about the upcoming Dragon Age title -- who knows how loot boxes will be implemented in that game.


Did you read the articles I posted? RNG loot boxes is an epidemic with EA. There's a GD meme for "Surprise Mechanics" aka Loot Boxes: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loot-boxes-are-surprise-mechanics.


I refuse to blame EA for BW's mismanagement, and from what I can tell, EA has given BW free reign to develop the game as they want to. EA also let them develop Anthem.


I see lootboxes more of BW's decision and they also chose how to use lootboxes which is the biggest problem because they don't use RNG as a supplement for gearing and instead make it the primary form for loot.


If EA forced lootboxes and RNG on BW, how come they always end up walking back the RNG? They walk it back because they can develop the game design anyway they want. They are not checking in with EA asking, "Hey EA, is it ok if we remove some of the RNG? look at how the players are reacting!" No way.


Time to stop making excuses for BW, and face reality here.


BW walks back the RNG only if the subscription numbers dwindle.

Who hires BW executives? EA. Who fires BW executives? EA.


There's a reason BW is called EAWare. :mad:

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Well, basically, the point I was making is that RNG/loot boxes are an ingrained, hardcoded EA philosophy. So I doubt we can complain enough about RNG for BW to get rid of it. See Star Wars Battlefront, Anthem, Apex Legends, FIFA, etc.




But don't call them loot boxes, EA's VP says they are "Surprise Mechanics" -- which is possibly even more meme-able than Ben Irving's "Thrill of the Hunt" comment.


Oh, no wait..... It IS a meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loot-boxes-are-surprise-mechanics


So unless we can change EA, we may as well provide feedback to make SWTOR's RNG as least frustrating as possible.


I agree that we won’t ever see RNG loot boxes totally removed from swtor (unless legislated to). But they can tone down the extreme RNG they keep trying to push. There needs to be balance and at the moment it’s not even close to being 50/50 (which is still too much for me). Its more like 90/10 RNG vs non RNG.

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Well, then it (the topic) becomes a wider condemnation of EA philosophy. Short on content is a staple here which I've tried to point out earlier. It's filler. We've been trying to give that feedback for 40 pages. At least most of them anyway.


Well... I meant specific feedback, not "GRR RNG BAD." But I guess bringing up EA's loot philosophy is pointless/off topic too.


Not saying that some people haven't given good feedback in this thread.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I listed several recent games in my previous post. I have noticed that all new EA games have loot boxes. It started around the time SWTOR was in 5.0 era. It even goes as far back as ME:A. Besides the list I provided, you can also google each EA game you can think of that has been published in the past 5 years to see when EA's loot box craze started. You will find every one of them has loot boxes. I am actually very worried about the upcoming Dragon Age title -- who knows how loot boxes will be implemented in that game.


Did you read the articles I posted? RNG loot boxes is an epidemic with EA. There's a GD meme for "Surprise Mechanics" aka Loot Boxes: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loot-boxes-are-surprise-mechanics.


BW walks back the RNG only if the subscription numbers dwindle.

Who hires BW executives? EA. Who fires BW executives? EA.


There's a reason BW is called EAWare. :rolleyes:


The cynic in me thinks EA are playing a long game to desensitise PC players and a whole new generation to RNG loot boxes. The same as people playing mobile games are desensitised to micro transactions and paid RNG loot boxes,

Remember there was push back to Subscription games instead of just buying games outright. Now every game is nearly Subscription based because it’s the norm. We might not like it, but we do it because there is no choice and no one seems to care anymore.

Unless legislators in different countries can agree on the rules for paid RNG loot boxes, EA will continue to flood their games with RNG loot box mechanics to desensitise a whole generation who will accept paid loots boxes in 5-10 years like they are just the price for playing games,

I truely believe if governments legislated paid RNG loot boxes as gambling and applied real world gambling rules and taxes, then EA would move away from in-game RNG mechanics as it provides no value to the games if they can not monetise RNG in the future or in other games.

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The cynic in me thinks EA are playing a long game to desensitise PC players and a whole new generation to RNG loot boxes. The same as people playing mobile games are desensitised to micro transactions and paid RNG loot boxes,

Remember there was push back to Subscription games instead of just buying games outright. Now every game is nearly Subscription based because it’s the norm. We might not like it, but we do it because there is no choice and no one seems to care anymore.

Unless legislators in different countries can agree on the rules for paid RNG loot boxes, EA will continue to flood their games with RNG loot box mechanics to desensitise a whole generation who will accept paid loots boxes in 5-10 years like they are just the price for playing games,

I truely believe if governments legislated paid RNG loot boxes as gambling and applied real world gambling rules and taxes, then EA would move away from in-game RNG mechanics as it provides no value to the games if they can not monetise RNG in the future or in other games.

Yep, focus on the fights worth fighting. Its actually ironic, in a sense. There is a lot of chatter how bioware wasted so mant opportunities and so much time making the game better, but the same can be said about the time and opportunities wasted by the player feedback that spends so much time and energy focusing on specific aspects of the game that have been uncompromised over the last few years......but the playerbase keeps using resources in an attempt to eliminate something that likely wont ever be eliminated.

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The cynic in me thinks EA are playing a long game to desensitise PC players and a whole new generation to RNG loot boxes. The same as people playing mobile games are desensitised to micro transactions and paid RNG loot boxes,

Remember there was push back to Subscription games instead of just buying games outright. Now every game is nearly Subscription based because it’s the norm. We might not like it, but we do it because there is no choice and no one seems to care anymore.

Unless legislators in different countries can agree on the rules for paid RNG loot boxes, EA will continue to flood their games with RNG loot box mechanics to desensitise a whole generation who will accept paid loots boxes in 5-10 years like they are just the price for playing games,

I truely believe if governments legislated paid RNG loot boxes as gambling and applied real world gambling rules and taxes, then EA would move away from in-game RNG mechanics as it provides no value to the games if they can not monetise RNG in the future or in other games.


Oh, god. Please stop depressing me. :eek:

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Well, basically, the point I was making is that RNG/loot boxes are an ingrained, hardcoded EA philosophy. So I doubt we can complain enough about RNG for BW to get rid of it. See Star Wars Battlefront, Anthem, Apex Legends, FIFA, etc.




But don't call them loot boxes, EA's VP says they are "Surprise Mechanics" -- which is possibly even more meme-able than Ben Irving's "Thrill of the Hunt" comment.


Oh, no wait..... It IS a meme: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/loot-boxes-are-surprise-mechanics


So unless we can change EA, we may as well provide feedback to make SWTOR's RNG as least frustrating as possible.


Please correct me if my take on this is wrong. What you are suggesting is that:


1. EA / BW is not going to change. This would also likely include the level of RNG and or gathering loot ( in this case we're specifically concerned about the method of obtaining gear).


2. Since the afore mentioned company has it means / methods of obtaining gear ( as we just mentioned) … then we are better off simply trying to work within the system.


Correct ?


If this is correct... I might disagree up to a point. I have stated throughout most of my posts that a certain amount of RNG is in most MMO games. That's unlikely to change. That is also why I started a separate thread which asks the question: IF not RNG … then what ? Something will take place to accumulate gear and other goods needed for the game. This applies for crafting as well as gear and other items.


I (like most who have posted here thus far) really don't like total RNG.

EDIT: To me .. RNG is like scoring a touch down in foot ball … then calling the team captains together on the field to shoot dice and see IF and HOW MANY points MIGHT be scored.


It should also be noted that for several months before 6.0 release date was announced if I recall correctly we as a community was lead to believe that the entire gear system (and how it was obtained) would be totally redone.


Ummm… somewhere in there by the time we got to PTS... well... you've read the forums.


Kind of a mess... in a way.


One AM There was a post made by Eric in the PTS forum that some changes regarding this matter would be forthcoming this week (that post was several days ago now). Dasty beat me to the punch getting it posted. I agree with that post. I would prefer to deal in more specific facts.


I'm going out on a bit of a limb here: BUT... IMO .. I really would like to see those changes. It should also be noted that I personally don't expect for BW to simply throw every piece at me as BIS within a few days / weeks. IMO .. that would be simply unrealistic expectations. (and a bit ridiculous actually).


There is at least that chance that BW has heard what we are discussing.


As far as RNG in and of itself: I'm not a big fan. A few pieces of the really good stuff as a bonus .. OK … that's cool. But I really hate the idea of EVERYTHING being hinged on it.


RNG … and grinding both ?? UGH !! I'm afraid that to a point you maybe correct ?? Maybe ?? But that sort of a "business model " for most everything of importance ?? I mean no disrespect to you or your position … but no thank you !! Not that much.


As it stands now: IMO .. the gearing system could use some simplification.... with considerably less RNG driven aspects.


If it were a prefect world I'd say that DarthSpuds is correct. Keep it simple. Do stuff … earn credits … buy stuff that you want / need. It's simple and easy to understand.


That said: there is reality. And now I've come full circle... I really hope that the new update on PTS works this time ! You have no idea just HOW bad several of us do !!


Last note from me to you … I do respect your input. Thank You for your patience in reading mine. Regardless of how we agree (or not) .. Thanks !!

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EDIT: To me .. RNG is like scoring a touch down in foot ball … then calling the team captains together on the field to shoot dice and see IF and HOW MANY points MIGHT be scored.

Its funny that you say this. For a few days, i had been thinking of the perfect perspective for 4.0 type gearing (since people keep referring to it as what they want). I guess I would describe 4.0s loot system as the player being a little kid. The parent (BW) allows the kid an allowance of $5.00 per week, if they do their chores. The kid can spend the $5.00 on whatever he wants, but he will never make more than $5.00 a week because the parent decides that amount. If the kid wants that new computer for $300, he will need to wait at least 60 weeks before he can get it. And the parent tell him there is no way he can get it sooner, even if he does extra chores.

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Its funny that you say this. For a few days, i had been thinking of the perfect perspective for 4.0 type gearing (since people keep referring to it as what they want). I guess I would describe 4.0s loot system as the player being a little kid. The parent (BW) allows the kid an allowance of $5.00 per week, if they do their chores. The kid can spend the $5.00 on whatever he wants, but he will never make more than $5.00 a week because the parent decides that amount. If the kid wants that new computer for $300, he will need to wait at least 60 weeks before he can get it. And the parent tell him there is no way he can get it sooner, even if he does extra chores.


Did you even play swtor before galactic command was implemented? Like seriously prior to GC it was go do raid, get the guaranteed drop and spend tokens to buy the exact item you want. You clearly never play swtor prior to the implementation of GC.


Doing content back then had a purpose and you time wasn't wasted because you didn't need to rely on rng to get the piece you wanted. With 6.0 you're running it with the hopes of getting what you want via RNG which is a big waste of time.

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Did you even play swtor before galactic command was implemented? Like seriously prior to GC it was go do raid, get the guaranteed drop and spend tokens to buy the exact item you want. You clearly never play swtor prior to the implementation of GC.


Doing content back then had a purpose and you time wasn't wasted because you didn't need to rely on rng to get the piece you wanted. With 6.0 you're running it with the hopes of getting what you want via RNG which is a big waste of time.

Honestly im not sure what you mean. 6.0 gives purpose to ALL content, and you are always progressing towards BIS.

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Honestly im not sure what you mean. 6.0 gives purpose to ALL content, and you are always progressing towards BIS.


6.0, do op, get random piece of gear that I don't need and is likely green trash (i.e. a waste of time).....Prior to the implementation of GC. Run op, get token for exact piece I need as said final boss always drops that token piece........


The fact that you think 6.0 RNG is somehow productive and a good system boggles my mind. I'm pretty much convinced that at this point that you have to be trolling.

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The funny thing is that we're all getting hung up on "evil RNG," which is one facet of the gearing system. Assuming we will not win duplicate pieces as promised in the dev's live stream, it is probably one of the lesser evils.



So what can we say or do to make the proposed system on the PTS less frustrating?


I think bringing back specific tokens for specific bosses would help a lot.


Cutting waaaay back on the material and time costs of crafting while boosting the RE chances back up again would make crafting a viable path for at least the early stages of gearing. Right now it's insanely bad.


Static, non-set piece gear should only be BoL after being equipped so it can be sold on the GTN.


Vendors shouldn't be RNG. Just no! It's fine having Kai Zykken have a random selection, like the old Diablo vendors, as long as you know exactly what you are getting and it isn't exorbitantly priced. And he should be available all week long. Just give him a weekly reset.

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6.0, do op, get random piece of gear that I don't need and is likely green trash (i.e. a waste of time).....Prior to the implementation of GC. Run op, get token for exact piece I need as said final boss always drops that token piece........


The fact that you think 6.0 RNG is somehow productive and a good system boggles my mind. I'm pretty much convinced that at this point that you have to be trolling.

Of course when someone disagrees it must be trolling, right?


Please stop with the personal attacks and respect others' opinions.

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Of course when someone disagrees it must be trolling, right?


Please stop with the personal attacks and respect others' opinions.


You offered to explain to me earlier how RNG grants the players more control, yet ignored my request or forgot you asked. Can you explain clearly how RNG actually grants the player MORE control over gearing versus say a system that rewards tokens for every activity completed?





If you get 10 tokens every time you do a WZ, and a piece of gear costs 100 tokens that's a lot more control than doing a WZ but having a dice rolled for how many tokens you get, 1-10, which is RNG. The randomly generated 1-10 tokens is far less consistent and lacks control by the player to evenly work towards the goal of 100 total tokens for one piece of gear.



Maybe you are confused by what RNG actually is and so that's what is causing your misunderstanding of how RNG actually removes control from the player to work towards gearing compared to a set amount of currency/loot or whatever it is needed to progress gearing.


Remember, RNG is an acronym, it stands for "randomly generated number" in most circles. Hopefully this helps clear up your misunderstanding of what RNG is.

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