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Victorious Pioneer replacement pieces?


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I recently came back from a few years off and was trying to dust off the Victorious Pioneer set to level an alt a little faster. Unfortunately I accidentally put an armoring in one of the pieces and messed it up. Is there any way I can get replacement pieces for this set?
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I recently came back from a few years off and was trying to dust off the Victorious Pioneer set to level an alt a little faster. Unfortunately I accidentally put an armoring in one of the pieces and messed it up. Is there any way I can get replacement pieces for this set?

Go in-game and enter a customer service ticket. I guarantee nothing, but offer some advice:

* Do not enter a bug report (the two options are kinda close together) because that won't get you a response.

* Be extremely clear - provide the server, name, class, and approximate level of the character, approximately when it happened, etc to help the CS representative find the events.

* Be relentlessly and unfailingly polite.(1)


(1) I mean it. Do not emulate the people who've come on the forums in the past complaining that they didn't get good service, and it turns out that they started by insulting the game, the company, and the ancestry of the CS rep, and things kinda went downhill from there.

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There is no reason i can think of why these arent in collections at this point.


I think the reasoning behind it was because it's also legacy bound armour as well as being a CM item. Not sure why that has bearing, but wasn't that the reason we couldn't have it added to collections?

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I think the reasoning behind it was because it's also legacy bound armour as well as being a CM item. Not sure why that has bearing, but wasn't that the reason we couldn't have it added to collections?


It's not a cm item, it was never available from the CM, it was part of the DvL event. It should have been made available to all of your legacy, like the other armour given out, it's a pain in the backside trying to remember where it is, and change it back and forth, etc.



It removes the set bonus.


What set bonus? It was an empty set, didn't come with a set bonus.

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There seems to be some confusion (for me at least) between the Victorious Pioneer set and the Victorious Trailblazer set. (I think that's the name of the set.)


I think there was a Victorious Pioneer set first that was BoE or BoP, but then they changed it to a BoL Victorious Trailblazer set.


My alt that has the Victorious Pioneer set has no armorings on the set, so I don't know if the set originally had armorings with a bonus or not. The set is bound with no bonus, anyway.


My BoL Victorious Trailblazer set has 160 rating armorings that give an experience bonus. However, two things - first, replacing one armoring with a non-bonus one still gives a lesser bonus - the bonus isn't completely ruined. Secondly, the armorings can be removed and placed in another set to get the bonus. (I just did that with a new alt).


So, to the OP - if you are indeed talking about the Victorious Pioneer set, check your alts - particularly the one that may have first gotten the VP set - to see if you've gotten the VT set. (I can't recall if the VT set just showed up in an alts inventory or was in the mail, etc.)

Edited by JediQuaker
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I think the reasoning behind it was because it's also legacy bound armour as well as being a CM item. Not sure why that has bearing, but wasn't that the reason we couldn't have it added to collections?


I recall it being something like that, however, other items i believe that violate that have been added over time so... idk i just know it should be there for those uof us that do play alts to avoid having to ship it around. and of course that doesnt even address trying to build on another server where there is no access to it.

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There seems to be some confusion (for me at least) between the Victorious Pioneer set and the Victorious Trailblazer set. (I think that's the name of the set.)


I think there was a Victorious Pioneer set first that was BoE or BoP, but then they changed it to a BoL Victorious Trailblazer set.


My alt that has the Victorious Pioneer set has no armorings on the set, so I don't know if the set originally had armorings with a bonus or not. The set is bound with no bonus, anyway.


My BoL Victorious Trailblazer set has 160 rating armorings that give an experience bonus. However, two things - first, replacing one armoring with a non-bonus one still gives a lesser bonus - the bonus isn't completely ruined. Secondly, the armorings can be removed and placed in another set to get the bonus. (I just did that with a new alt).


So, to the OP - if you are indeed talking about the Victorious Pioneer set, check your alts - particularly the one that may have first gotten the VP set - to see if you've gotten the VT set. (I can't recall if the VT set just showed up in an alts inventory or was in the mail, etc.)

Not exactly. Alternatively, yes, there is some confusion, and you have been affected by it.


The VP set is the intensely hideous +XP bonus set, and has a slightly odd history. See below.


The VT set is a mildly unattractive set of character-bound orange-shell armour with really lame dye behaviour that arrives, even now, in the mail on every character for legacies who reached the Champion level of the DvL event.


Reaching the toppest tier of the event would grant you the *other* VT set, "Victorious Titan"


The VP set...


As you progressed up the tiers of the DvL event, you got progressively more pieces of this set. It was originally legacy bound 128-blue rated partially moddable (enhancements and mods only) with a +XP percentage set bonus on the shells. The more pieces a character wears, the bigger the bonus. Each piece was granted by a particular tier of the event:

* Legacy (2nd) tier: chest, helm, legs

* Valiant (3rd) tier: belt and vambraces(1)

* Champion (4th) tier: gloves and boots


The character who completed the tier received the armour pieces in the same way as you'd receive any other achievement reward (because that's what it was).


When 5.0 finally launched, they (retroactively) changed the set to be fully-moddable by adding armoring slots, and populated those slots with 160-rated yellow armorings that carry the +XP set bonus. Putting an "ordinary" armoring in that slot without removing the +XP armoring will, as you would expect, destroy the +XP armoring.


(1) The description in http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/rewards says "bracers" but everyone except the writer of that text knows that a bracer is the thing an archer wears on the inside of his forearm to protect it from his own bowstring, meaning that (a) you'd only ever wear one and (b) it's not suitable for use as combat armour. Combat armour pieces for your forearms are vambraces.

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Long story short, I'd rather they just mailed the armor to us on every new character. Especially if they're not going to do the event again. I have the armor on a few characters but I don't bother pulling the pieces out for new ones, it's a hassle.
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It's not a cm item, it was never available from the CM, it was part of the DvL event. It should have been made available to all of your legacy, like the other armour given out, it's a pain in the backside trying to remember where it is, and change it back and forth, etc.


What set bonus? It was an empty set, didn't come with a set bonus.


If we're talking about the Victorious Pioneer set (of which I have 4 complete sets of...), it's clearly marked a gold CM icon bottom left corner as well as a legacy icon top right corner. It was never available to buy on the CM, doesn't mean it isn't a CM item. In a similar fashion to the black / purple striated crystals which were a subscriber item, the armour set should be available in collections. It also has a 50% xp boost set bonus if you equip all 7 pieces, the set bonus is tied directly to the armour piece which can be replaced.


Just so you know what is being referred to here;



I recall it being something like that, however, other items i believe that violate that have been added over time so... idk i just know it should be there for those uof us that do play alts to avoid having to ship it around. and of course that doesnt even address trying to build on another server where there is no access to it.


You're right, the black / purple striated crystals were added to the cm collections, which are also legacy items. You also get mailed them each time you create a new character. Would be nice to do both with the armour set, mailed and CM collections.


Yes, I still want it all.... and the cake :p

Edited by Transcendent
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(1) The description in http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/rewards says "bracers" but everyone except the writer of that text knows that a bracer is the thing an archer wears on the inside of his forearm to protect it from his own bowstring, meaning that (a) you'd only ever wear one and (b) it's not suitable for use as combat armour. Combat armour pieces for your forearms are vambraces.


Slight bit of pedantry. As you note, what is worn in game on our character's wrists are not what we would call a bracer, but neither would it be a vambrace as vambraces were forearm guards worn with a suit of plate armour that could connect to the wearers gauntlets. The closest real world term for them would be cuffs or bracelets.

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If we're talking about the Victorious Pioneer set (of which I have 4 complete sets of...), it's clearly marked a gold CM icon bottom left corner as well as a legacy icon top right corner. It was never available to buy on the CM, doesn't mean it isn't a CM item. In a similar fashion to the black / purple striated crystals which were a subscriber item, the armour set should be available in collections. It also has a 50% xp boost set bonus if you equip all 7 pieces, the set bonus is tied directly to the armour piece which can be replaced.


Just so you know what is being referred to here;





You're right, the black / purple striated crystals were added to the cm collections, which are also legacy items. You also get mailed them each time you create a new character. Would be nice to do both with the armour set, mailed and CM collections.


Yes, I still want it all.... and the cake :p





https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/victorious-pioneer/ this is the set, How do you have 4, everyone only got one? It has a CM icon (never noticed that) but it's not on the CM market, or available in downloads. And as far as I can remember it was always orange, I've tried finding info on it being blue unmodifiable but can't



https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/victorious-trailblazer/ this is the trailblazer, a different set, you got the full set when you reached champion level

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How do you have 4, everyone only got one?


It was an achievement-based reward, those are legacy-based. You could get it on every server and, because of server merges since then and the possibility of transfers, you can even have several on one server.

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It was an achievement-based reward, those are legacy-based. You could get it on every server and, because of server merges since then and the possibility of transfers, you can even have several on one server.


ah, very interesting, so the achievement was server based, not account wide? you'd have to do it on each server to get the armour for each server? Don't think i'd have the patience for that, once was bad enough...lol

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ah, very interesting, so the achievement was server based, not account wide? you'd have to do it on each server to get the armour for each server? Don't think i'd have the patience for that, once was bad enough...lol


Ran the event on four different servers, transferred a character with the armour set onto one server. Achievement was legacy based, so different servers = different legacies.


Also I know it hasn't been sold on the CM, that isn't what I'm saying, however that doesn't detract from the armour possibly having been designed for sale on the CM at some point in the past or future hence the CM icon. BioWare may have had the intent to do so, but thought better of it and used it for an event reward.


Who knows what goes on in the inner machinations of the BioWare hive mind?


What is clear though, is that there doesn't seem be any technical reason to not add the armour set into the collections tab, or send a set to each new character upon creation.

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(1) The description in http://www.swtor.com/dark-vs-light/rewards says "bracers" but everyone except the writer of that text knows that a bracer is the thing an archer wears on the inside of his forearm to protect it from his own bowstring, meaning that (a) you'd only ever wear one and (b) it's not suitable for use as combat armour. Combat armour pieces for your forearms are vambraces.


Basically every video game I have ever played that involves acquiring gear to improve your character uses the term bracers. Maybe its everyone but you that knows something?

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The set bonus is +50% bonus XP for having all 7 pieces.


Yes, but I meant it doesn't have a set bonus attached to the armour (or Mods) so that removing them wouldn't affect the bonus of the item. Should have said it more clearly, but i assumned people would know, because the OP was talking about messing with the set bonus.




Also I know it hasn't been sold on the CM, that isn't what I'm saying, however that doesn't detract from the armour possibly having been designed for sale on the CM at some point in the past or future hence the CM icon. BioWare may have had the intent to do so, but thought better of it and used it for an event reward.


Who knows what goes on in the inner machinations of the BioWare hive mind?


What is clear though, is that there doesn't seem be any technical reason to not add the armour set into the collections tab, or send a set to each new character upon creation.



As I said, I never even noticed the CM icon, probably so used to them on other stuff, it just sorted blended in to the background...lol. It would be good if they put it in to collections, as I said earlier, I get tired of taking it on and off, and switching, although with the legacy cargo bay it's not thaat much of a hassle anymore.

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Yes, but I meant it doesn't have a set bonus attached to the armour (or Mods) so that removing them wouldn't affect the bonus of the item. Should have said it more clearly, but i assumned people would know, because the OP was talking about messing with the set bonus..


The set bonus is attached directly to the armour, not the gear set itself (it got changed in a patch at a later date). So if the OP placed an armour into the gear set without removing the original piece of armour (which is the part the set bonus is attached to) then that armour would have been destroyed upon applying.


Effectively losing the full 7 piece set bonus. I'm assuming that's what you meant to say :p

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Basically every video game I have ever played that involves acquiring gear to improve your character uses the term bracers. Maybe its everyone but you that knows something?

No. The main blame can be placed on the late Gary Gygax and his friends, who despite their background in wargaming were clearly not 100% au fait with what armour actually is. People *know* something, but that doesn't mean they are right. (Think of all those people who "know" that vaccinating your child will give you autism...) (Yes, I'm mocking their ignorance.)


EDIT: And I think you deserve a "Whoosh!" prize for completely missing the joke.

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The set bonus is attached directly to the armour, not the gear set itself (it got changed in a patch at a later date). So if the OP placed an armour into the gear set without removing the original piece of armour (which is the part the set bonus is attached to) then that armour would have been destroyed upon applying.


Effectively losing the full 7 piece set bonus. I'm assuming that's what you meant to say :p


* Mod object for armour value and so on: armoring (Also applicable to Focus / Generator / Shield off-hands)

* Piece of complete gear, moddable or not, and modded or not, designed to protect your character: armour ("armor" in the US)


So the other poster meant to say "armoring", I would say.

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I recall it being something like that, however, other items i believe that violate that have been added over time so... idk i just know it should be there for those uof us that do play alts to avoid having to ship it around. and of course that doesnt even address trying to build on another server where there is no access to it.

Yeah, it being one copy and legacy bound makes it a royal pain to level with as well. You either waste credits to put mods in it as you level and then waste creds to rip them out at the end, or if you're being frugal with your creds, just level so fast that the lack of mods doesn't matter that much. I did the latter once during the recent double XP event. Did lots of heroics too. I just played it safe, having my companion do a lot of the aggro pulling first.


It's also a pain in that if you do want to keep up with the mods, you're going to have to update them abnormally often since it's helping you level faster.


And in that if you do put in mods, you now pretty much can't use it on another toon who is of a different level, unless you rip out the mods, transfer it over, and then put in different ones.


Logistically, the one saving grace is that you can level fast enough that having functional armor barely matters, so you can largely ignore the mods, so long as you stick to relatively easy solo content. If that changes (like if 6.0 level sync somehow makes the mods in armor significantly more important) it's going to become even more of a pain to use.


They will probably never do this for an old set unless they reintroduce it somehow (though I'd be fine if they did reintroduce it somehow) but I think they should make it accessible in collections and create tech where it has mods that adapt to your character's level. Green level mods, nothing fancy, just so it's easier to use. Either that or create another item slot and turn it into an item that goes in a special boost slot, boosting your XP through that. Or make it an ability toggle like Sprint that boosts your XP. And then the armor could just be turned into regular armor and added to collections for appearance sake.

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