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This game is unplayable because of no White Acute Module


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I want to experience all of the content this game has to offer without ending up grossly overleveled. How can this be something Bioware has not thought of?


I made an alt and decided to do all of the quests and one FP and ended up being about 10 levels above what I should be. I was level 21 by the time I left Hutta.


I'm pretty sure Bioware spent half their budget creating the side missions due to the amount of voice acting and writing that needed to be done. Why just cut it off like this? I want to experience the game for what it is. I want to be immersed in every planet I am on, gain an understanding of what is going on. Instead, I breeze through every planet in less than 1 hour by only doing the class story and if I want to do side missions I end up being overleveled.


Of course, the solution is for us to use "White acute module" but this is only avaliable during 2x XP events. Why should I wait potentially weeks for this item to show itself?


If CS doesn't solve this I'm out. I want to play the game. I don't want to rush into a non-existent end game.

Edited by Mulzz
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I want to play the game. I don't want to rush into a non-existent end game.


I'm with you on that.


Too many game companies think "end game" is where it is at.

It isn't, the journey to end game is.


I have 4 games installed, I rotate between them as new content comes out.

Haven't logged into SWTOR in 3 weeks.

Did just treat myself to Elsewye for ESO so am playing though that on my 3 main toons, hopefully by the time I have done that SWTOR will have some new content.


Hopefully better than the last new content that was all over in a couple of hours and back to "end game grind".


End Game Grind = Unsub for me.


All The Best

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Content was made easier because of all the people crying in the forums saying it was too hard, xp was increased because of all the people crying in the forums. And people still cry in the forums because the xp gains from bug hunt were nerfed.

Badically they won't go back on that, because of all the crying people do.

The white acute module would be a good compromise for those who want to level slower, and enjoy planet level, and content as it was meant to be.

Until they implement that, you could always run in unmoded gear, without a companion. Would make it harder.

Another option is to group with a 70, make them stand passive and watch as you fight. Your xp amount is reduced. Ofcourse, you'd have to have a 70 that would stand around doing nothing....lol

Edited by DarkTergon
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Funnily enough SWTOR at launch played a lot more like a like a SP RPG in terms of slower progression more tied to planet arcs content. You were supposed to run pretty much all the story on any given planet to get to the level of the next one. Which was one of the major sticks used to beat the devs with. WoW didn't expect you to complete all the sidequests on your way to endgame so people didn't feel TOR was MMO enough because it did.


But it's in the nature of MMOs to speed older content up as a catch up mechanic. It's unavoidable. The barrier to entry to newcomers or people returning after years would be too great if new shiny expansions got gated behind hundreds of hours of vanilla game. Destiny2 got crucified for months on end for gating new content behind old one... One man's great narrative flow is cumbersome xp grind for 10 others...


I get the difference between playing a SP RPG on normal and enjoying blowing NPCs up with next to no effort and feeling like you're using cheat codes which leads to interest lost... which would be comparable to all NPCs being greyed out for you I guess... but I don't think there is really a realistic alternative to just grinding your teeth through the humps in story you reach when you outlevel them and stop getting XP till you get to a bit in the story where you're "synced up" again.

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Funnily enough SWTOR at launch played a lot more like a like a SP RPG in terms of slower progression more tied to planet arcs content. You were supposed to run pretty much all the story on any given planet to get to the level of the next one. Which was one of the major sticks used to beat the devs with. WoW didn't expect you to complete all the sidequests on your way to endgame so people didn't feel TOR was MMO enough because it did.


But it's in the nature of MMOs to speed older content up as a catch up mechanic. It's unavoidable. The barrier to entry to newcomers or people returning after years would be too great if new shiny expansions got gated behind hundreds of hours of vanilla game. Destiny2 got crucified for months on end for gating new content behind old one... One man's great narrative flow is cumbersome xp grind for 10 others...


I get the difference between playing a SP RPG on normal and enjoying blowing NPCs up with next to no effort and feeling like you're using cheat codes which leads to interest lost... which would be comparable to all NPCs being greyed out for you I guess... but I don't think there is really a realistic alternative to just grinding your teeth through the humps in story you reach when you outlevel them and stop getting XP till you get to a bit in the story where you're "synced up" again.


Where do I say I want everyones experience rate to be decreased?


I'm asking for the White Acute Module item to be avaliable at all times so that those that want can experience the game slower and do all the quests.

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You were supposed to run pretty much all the story on any given planet to get to the level of the next one.


But it wasn't, i clearly remember always being underleveled even after doing everything back then i used to farm space on-rails missions to catch up with the next planets level....which was boring, to say the least.



As far as the topic goes, other MMO's allow you to "lock" your progression bar and/or your level which stops you from "leveling" any further, why they never implemented anything like that is beyond me but then again, many of BW's decisions are.

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Where do I say I want everyones experience rate to be decreased?


I'm asking for the White Acute Module item to be avaliable at all times so that those that want can experience the game slower and do all the quests.


good idea. did you explain what that was in op? I didn't read the whole thing. but I know what you're talking about. it's a good idea.

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But it wasn't, i clearly remember always being underleveled even after doing everything back then i used to farm space on-rails missions to catch up with the next planets level....which was boring, to say the least.


Been a long time, but I think then if you did, all the planet missions, and heroics, and the FP's close to the planet level, you pretty much stayed close to the planet level. And of course, pvp was a lot more active, and fun, which helped :)


As far as the topic goes, other MMO's allow you to "lock" your progression bar and/or your level which stops you from "leveling" any further, why they never implemented anything like that is beyond me but then again, many of BW's decisions are.


This sounds like a good idea too

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The White Acute Module is only available during double xp events because it ONLY works on double xp.


People who tell you it will slow down regular xp gains are wrong.


What you want is not the white acute module, but an xp toggle within the game that you can set to your preferred level. (which is unlikely to ever be implemented; Bioware wants players to rush to level 70 and start the endgame grind as fast as possible)

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The White Acute Module is only available during double xp events because it ONLY works on double xp.


People who tell you it will slow down regular xp gains are wrong.


What you want is not the white acute module, but an xp toggle within the game that you can set to your preferred level. (which is unlikely to ever be implemented; Bioware wants players to rush to level 70 and start the endgame grind as fast as possible)


To be honest, I assumned that the op was talking about having a version of it that will work like, the double xp one, but instead slows down normal xp rate. Most know in it's present form it only stops the double xp. But it is good to remind people who don't know.

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You do get deleved to fit the zones, so you can never overlevel them to such a degree.


I profoundly disagree with people who care about leveling. It is just a means to an end. An arbitrary number that unlocks your abilities. All the quests are there and at level cap you start a new journey in the gearing level.


The leveling is pretty good atm, i feel. I don't feel completely demotivated at the prospect of leveling a character. Just doing the class story and the world arcs is all the experience i need and the storytelling i need. I don't know why anyone would care so much about the filler secondary quests.

Edited by Nemmar
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The White Acute Module is only available during double xp events because it ONLY works on double xp.


People who tell you it will slow down regular xp gains are wrong.


What you want is not the white acute module, but an xp toggle within the game that you can set to your preferred level. (which is unlikely to ever be implemented; Bioware wants players to rush to level 70 and start the endgame grind as fast as possible)


No, this is false. It works as about a ~40% debuff to XP, including FPs, warzones, etc. regardless of whether there is a double XP event or not. I use this all the time on all tunes....

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The White Acute Module is only available during double xp events because it ONLY works on double xp.


People who tell you it will slow down regular xp gains are wrong.


What you want is not the white acute module, but an xp toggle within the game that you can set to your preferred level. (which is unlikely to ever be implemented; Bioware wants players to rush to level 70 and start the endgame grind as fast as possible)


It works outside of any XP event because I have used in on my alts. Sadly, I accidentally deleted it.


I remember doing all quests and being the right level.

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I want to experience all of the content this game has to offer without ending up grossly overleveled. How can this be something Bioware has not thought of


Because they implemented downgrade level sync and increased xp gain as the vast majority of players in this game want to experience all the content this game has to offer without being restricted by level grinding. An optional xp nerf item or toggle would be nice, but will most certainly not be high on BioWare's to do list since it will only cater to a minority.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Bioware wants players to rush to level 70 and start the endgame grind as fast as possible)

No they don't. BW would prefer it if you spent months of subscribed time on slogging through the game.

However, it's the players - in particular, the "veteran" players - who want to take their alts through the "story" quickly to get to the endgame.

Also, originally the game only went to Corellia (or thereabouts - it was a long time ago :) ). Now, there is a lot more to the game and getting to endgame under the old XP system would take too long even for new players.

So, basically, in response to players wishes, they streamlined the levelling process.

(I know it's trendy to crap on BW, and others, but you have to keep it real. :) )


In regards to the OP - yes, you "out level" the game very quickly, but with "level sync" your level doesn't really matter. You wouldn't find the game any different if your "level" went up any slower.** It would still be too easy. :)


**Edit - except for the fact that you do gain better skills more quickly. So, without the increased XP the game would be slightly less too easy. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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You do get deleved to fit the zones, so you can never overlevel them to such a degree.


I profoundly disagree with people who care about leveling. It is just a means to an end. An arbitrary number that unlocks your abilities. All the quests are there and at level cap you start a new journey in the gearing level.


The leveling is pretty good atm, i feel. I don't feel completely demotivated at the prospect of leveling a character. Just doing the class story and the world arcs is all the experience i need and the storytelling i need. I don't know why anyone would care so much about the filler secondary quests.


You get scaled down to the maximum level the instance allows which is over several levels above the mobs. High enough that one can one shot everything.


It is not an arbitrary number. The higher level the easier it becomes to kill enemies, that simple. I want to be scaled correspondingly because of challenge. The game is significantly more challenging if one is underleveled as opposed to overleveled. It's not just an arbitrary number.

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No they don't. BW would prefer it if you spent months of subscribed time on slogging through the game.

However, it's the players - in particular, the "veteran" players - who want to take their alts through the "story" quickly to get to the endgame.

Also, originally the game only went to Corellia (or thereabouts - it was a long time ago :) ). Now, there is a lot more to the game and getting to endgame under the old XP system would take too long even for new players.

So, basically, in response to players wishes, they streamlined the levelling process.

(I know it's trendy to crap on BW, and others, but you have to keep it real. :) )


In regards to the OP - yes, you "out level" the game very quickly, but with "level sync" your level doesn't really matter. You wouldn't find the game any different if your "level" went up any slower.** It would still be too easy. :)


**Edit - except for the fact that you do gain better skills more quickly. So, without the increased XP the game would be slightly less too easy. :)


I don't agree with your last point. You get scaled in the given instance to a level much higher than the mobs thus it is extremely easy. If you are underleveled or about the same level as the mobs, the game is considerably more difficult since one takes more damage.

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If you are underleveled or about the same level as the mobs, the game is considerably more difficult since one takes more damage.

The difference is really minor. If you really want more of a challenge, don't bring a companion and/or take off (or underspec) your armor, and/or don't equip a weapon. And, certainly, don't update your skills until you get to the "appropriate" level.

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The difference is really minor. If you really want more of a challenge, don't bring a companion and/or take off (or underspec) your armor, and/or don't equip a weapon. And, certainly, don't update your skills until you get to the "appropriate" level.


The difference is in such a way that I have to heal after every encounter as opposed to wiping out 100 groups without breaking a sweat.


Playing without companion is not viable as it spawns everytime the instance "resets". Happens every 5 minutes and desummoning is annoying. They are also part of the content, their story. I don't want to dismiss.


I don't want to handicap myself by not wearing armors and or using skills. Makes no sense.

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In some sense I agree, but I really don't see this changing. They made the game super cheesy easy mode to entice "casual" players, because they were actually calling this game grindy lol. A poster above had it right, it was yet another case of the extremely vocal minority here on forums. That is why I wish more of the player base would at least keep up with what is going on here.
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In some sense I agree, but I really don't see this changing. They made the game super cheesy easy mode to entice "casual" players, because they were actually calling this game grindy lol. A poster above had it right, it was yet another case of the extremely vocal minority here on forums. That is why I wish more of the player base would at least keep up with what is going on here.


People call the leveling process grindy? All of the quests are unique with different voice actors, in different environments and with different objectives. What is grindy is the endgame where there is little to do asides for repeating old content.


I guess I'm done. I'm quitting. Might return when there is an XP event, might be months. Grossly incompetent developers that overlook those that actually want to enjoy all story content yet have a small challenge.

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People call the leveling process grindy? All of the quests are unique with different voice actors, in different environments and with different objectives. What is grindy is the endgame where there is little to do asides for repeating old content.


I guess I'm done. I'm quitting. Might return when there is an XP event, might be months. Grossly incompetent developers that overlook those that actually want to enjoy all story content yet have a small challenge.


Wait.......you are complaining about being over leveled but you are are done until there is an XP event? That makes sense.


If you want a challenge, don’t level up your gear after you get off the starting planet. You will start seeing a challenge roughly 1/2 through the planet after your home world. Even over leveled, you will have a bit of a struggle killing things with your level weapon and stats. Even as they are bolstered, your tertiary stats are going to be so low you aren’t mowing down the mobs....

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The difference is in such a way that I have to heal after every encounter as opposed to wiping out 100 groups without breaking a sweat.


Playing without companion is not viable as it spawns everytime the instance "resets". Happens every 5 minutes and desummoning is annoying. They are also part of the content, their story. I don't want to dismiss.


I don't want to handicap myself by not wearing armors and or using skills. Makes no sense.


Your damage comes from your stats which comes from your gear. You may get a few more health from leveling but if you wear the gear that you get from the quests, you will be doing damage and have health on par with what you would have at the appropriate level. As for your companion, don't give them any gifts and only have them gain influence from the conversations and they will not overpower your experience either (Use only the companions you gain from your story as some like Shae are overpowered.).

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I want to experience all of the content this game has to offer without ending up grossly overleveled.

This statement is in direct conflict with "This game is unplayable". What the thread title really means is, "I cannot play the game the very specific and slightly self-contradictory way I want." If that's what you mean, say so.

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It baffles me why people get so defensive when other people want something as simple as having the white acute module vendor available at all times. How on Earth does that hurt you? He's not insulting you. He's not asking for you to play his way. He's just asking for a stupid vendor to be available at all times! Not everyone enjoys the game the same way you do. Get over it!
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